Modules & VBA :: Creating A Combo Box With A Button
Jun 21, 2013
I am creating a combo box with a button. In the below vba code, I am getting the string from the combo box. Then, I am trying to use SQL to the corresponding distro lists in the table (same row). This VBA code below is getting a Run-time error '438' Object doesn't support this property or method and it points to the SQL statment in the debugging screen.
Private Sub Command11_Click()
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim SQL As String
Dim vFld As Variant
So I have a form that allows me to view the information associated with a specific record. Within this form is also a subform that shows additional information about the record from a junction table. I want to create a button that allows me to edit the information on both forms.
I am trying to create a button that opens up a webpage. I get how to create a hyperlink on a button. The problem is, I need to open a specific page depending on the information in a text box.
The text box displays the tracking number for the current record. That number is populated automatically via a control source. The problem is that I need to open different web pages depending on the tracking number displayed. For example, UPS has a specific start to their number (1ZX....). Other trucking companies have a specific format, also.
So how do I tell it to look at the tracking number and then open the corresponding web page?
I have access table that stores details as attached. Just to give an example how data is stored , I copied data from Access table to excelsheet. Now I would like to create a report that will run when a button is clicked on the form and the vba code should display the last 7 dates from todays dates in the report along with all the data and colour the record Green,Amber and Red depending upon the Update Date and Target Date. If the Target date exceeds then that records should be coloured "Red" and if todays date equals to Date then the record should be amber and if greater than Date but less than Target Date then it should be Green.
So the report should display the last 7 dates records from todays date and the appropriate color of each record to let everyone know if its under target, meets target etc.
I am looking for a way to enable a user to fill in a number of fields on a form press a button(CreateButton) and duplicate the records how ever many times is stated in a text box(TxtQty). I also need this to increase the serial number by the amount of times stated in the text box.
There will need to be another text box (TxtNextSerialNumber) stating the next first available serial number
For Example: TxtNextSerialNumber = AD-Oracle-00010 TxtQty = 5 Press CreateButton to create 5 records TxtNextSerialNumber = AD-Oracle-00014
5 new records created with the below fields duplicated and the above happening.
I will then need a message box informing the user of the serial numbers created:
'You have created serial numbers AD-Oracle-00010 to AD-Oracle-00014'
Table Name: ADOracle Form Name: ADOracleTestData
Fields Names: CustomerName: Duplicate PartNumber: Duplicate OrderNumber: Duplicate OrderDate: Duplicate HoseKit: Duplicate Returns: Duplicate Comments: Duplicate SerialNumber: + the amount shown in TxtQty starting on next serial number available.
I have three cascading combo boxes. How can I program a button to record the PK's from these combos into a table, but only if those values don't already exist.The 3 combos are circled in red and I want to record those values into tblJewelryInventory (circled in dark blue).
On a form, I want to disable the save button, 'cmdSave' whilst the form's mandatory fields have been left blank.
I've put in a smart tag, called, 'Req' against each required field and have used the following code on the forms current event.
Code: Private Sub Form_Current() Dim ctl As Control For Each ctl In Me.Controls If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Or ctl.ControlType = acComboBox Or ctl.ControlType = acListBox Then
[Code] ....
The save button is disabled, but it won't enable again after each field has data entered against it.
I also have this code in the AfterUpdate event in each required field:
Code: Private Sub cboErrorID_AfterUpdate() Call Form_Current End Sub
how to add recoreds in table thru form. There are 10 fields. first two are txt boxes and rest of are combo boxes. combo box are with drop down list. But they are unbound. two txtbox are auto filled by the username and empid. Now need to write the code to update these value to table. Just i wanna do ti thru vba coding only.
I have a combo box with different department names in it I have a button in a form called cmdShowDept the caption "Show only one Department"
When I open the form I have the combo box set to not be visible When the Show only one Department command button is pressed I want the following to happen; The Department combo box should appear The button's text should change to "Show all Departments" in red If the button is clicked when the text is red then: the original button text should return in Black the department combo should disappear
After clicking on the button and you click one of the specific departments ie accounting I want it to show only the accounting records in the form.
I'm still learning about access, so thanks for any help anyone can give me pleeeese!!
I'm at the end of a long project that has one last step. I was hoping that someone here would be generous enough to help. I'm pretty much a novice at Access and am sure that my question can be easily answered. So here is the problem.
I have data that is loaded from a PDA to a form in Access. The data can then be viewed in a list box which is great. I also need to be able to save the data from the list box, using a button, as an excel spreadsheet. Is there anyone here that is willing to guide me to a solution?? Thanks in advance -Tom
I would like to create a database that would enable me to select various options (from dropdown lists) which I could then have tidily arranged in an email that would automatically be sent to the recipient. Before I attempt to design the facing page I'd like to know if this is an option in Access?
I'm trying to create a button who is able to send a email with an attachment.The attachment will be all the time the same file.The email address to sent to is one of the field of the database.I need a copy sent in my email address as well.
I havent used access before and need a easy way to seach through 1300 records i have created in a form. Each record has 6 criteria, some with drop down options. I would like to create a button that when you type into a box and click this button it will search all my records and bring up a list of all the records containing the key words searched for.
I have set up a database that houses file locations. The form that I have made shows a job # and the files that correlate with it. I would like to set up a command button that will read the file name and open it in Excell. If any one know how to do this I would greatly appreciate the help.
I have a form based on a query. Is there a way to create a command button to delete all data? In addition, when this button is pressed, a pop-up message should appear to say "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS?".
Id love to use this code, but I need it to allow for parameters. IE: I need a form that deletes job numbers x through y. How would I arrange a form to do this?
On the navigation buttons at the base of the form there is a search facility where I can type a record id but I would like to get rid of that and search records either by turning the ID field into a searchable box or by adding a button where I can press it and get a search box up.
Using Access 2013.I have a Search Form with a Run Query button. I would like to add a button that clears the criteria entered into the search text boxes. Right now to change the criteria I have to manually delete everything entered, closed the current query it had open then go from there. I have tried using the command button wizard, form operations, then refresh form data. When I click that button a window pops up "The command or action 'refresh' isnt available right now".Is this not the correct way to set up what I need? What other options should I look into for setting this up?
What i'm trying to do is add a new record to a subform. The problem is, I couldn't use a subform based on a table in order to achieve this. I needed extended information for it to be useful, so I made the visible part of the subform based on a query instead.I'd like to add a button that adds a new object to the main job. I'd like the adding of that button to call a new form allows you to fill in the information for that object (this called form actually contains 5 subforms to populate all the data of the object). That form works.
What I need is for the button to call the 2nd detailed form AND create the necessary entries in the project/object junction table.The idea as it is now is a button on the main form, but if it was possible to do so via continuous form in a subform, that's doable.
I've created a simple database, with tables, forms etc but I've got stuck when I've tried to insert a 'Button' onto the HOME page which when pressed will display an invoice and give you the option of emailing to client or printing.
I think I've gotten messed up in my relationships or the macros which I've copied from another access template.
on the home screen, I click 'new quote' then 'view quote' when the window pops up and then when it tries to generate the invoice I get the error
I've been able to navigate a lot on my own, but there is one issue I cannot seem to resolve. I have 1 form and 1 table. I have the form set up so that you can enter data, and then press a button, and it will "save" and refresh the form for a new entry. However, I want to be able to pull that entry back up in the form, and fill out additional fields later on.The form is set to data entry = yes because I do want the form to open up as brand new each time.
To sum up my question. I want a text box and search button at the top of my form. When you type an ID number in the text box, and then press search, I want access to populate my form with the information in my data table associated with that ID number.
If I type in the number 1234 and hit search. I want my form to autopopulate with the data in the row for ID number 1234 (all the fields I have already populated). So by searching 1234, the name, phone, background info, etc that is populated in the row will appear.
I have a form that the Training Admin will use to select students to a new class.they select the Class Name from a ComboBox tied to TblClass.they select an Instructor from a ComboBox tied to TblInstructor and then, I am trying to to use some method to select students by identifying information (EmplID, LName, FNAme, MName, EMP# from TblEmployee) one at a time (from a combo box, or some other easy select method) that will pass the students information to a list, viewable and editable (remove a name) before it is committed to a TblCompletedTraining
I looked at a cascading combo-boxes, and that looks like a good method to selecting from the large number of employees in TblEmployee, but I am unsure how to store each selection on the form, and then allow the Training Admin the ability to delete members from the pool prior to committing. I am reluctant to use the multivalue field as a solution for a couple of reasons;
- It explicitly states to be used for relatively short lists only (no value limit given; so I assume 100 or less items) - will probably need to convert this database sometime in the future.
I thought I had figured this out, by using a combo-box selection to generate a filter, but it leaves me with only one selection in the end..