Modules & VBA :: Form With Textbox With LinkedIn Profile Address - Hyperlink Opens Twice
Jul 1, 2015
I have a form with a textbox with the "LinkedIn" profile address that I want the user to be able to pull up when they click a command button. It works, except that the link opens twice in two tabs in the browser. I've checked over the code for the whole form, and this code is only being run from the click event of the button, so why would it open the same tab twice? Here's the code:
Private Sub cmd_Click()
Dim ctl As CommandButton
Dim txthyper As String
Set ctl = Me!cmd
txthyper = Me!LinkedIn
I am having a hard time with this project that I'm working on at the moment.
I have created a modal dialogue form that has a macro set to open another form and close the current form at the same time. The form that is being opened has textbox controls that have the default value set to hold the data that is in the textbox controls in the modal dialogue form that is closing. The problem is, is that when the modal closes, the controls in the next form display #Name? and the data is not copied to the next form.
I'm trying to use ghudson's browse button in a form on MS Access. It works well, but I'm running into a tiny bug after implementing it into my database.
[URL] ....
I am able to browse, I am able to select a file, and am also able to have it display into the hyperlink textbox. However, when I try to click on the hyperlink in the textbox, it does not take me to the file.
To fix the bug, and to get the hyperlink working again, I have to modify the hyperlink within the textbox, then bring it back as it was. (generally, I hit backspace, and replace the letter I removed.)
I've inherited an Access Application which is basically a Front End for calling Integration Service Packages - for all intents and purposes it could be stored procedures or anything other executable. A number of forms have hard coded links that point to a particular executable on a network drive.
With regards to this the UAT packages will live in a different directory than the DEV code so is it possible to parameterise the link e.g. could W:CAT DevelopmentAutomation PackagesOTCOptionsImport.dtsx become W:PARAMETERAutomation PackagesOTCOptionsImport.dtsx - if so then how do I create a parameter, capture it and use it in the link above.
The whole project is lacking the use of parameters at an ACCESS level and Integration Services level but due to time constraints there is no scope to major overhaul the system design.
I am a developer with many years of experience but my Access knowledge is limited so any pointers would be helpful.
I want to put a command button next to the customer's email address so that the user simply presses the button and Outlook will be started with the customer's email address automatically inserted from the table.
I am playing around with the Hyperlink Address function and whilst this seems to do what I want, I can't figure out how to get the customer's email address from the tabel and insert it......
I have a command button on a Web Mutli-Record form that is using a "= [Report_URL]" value within the Hyperlink Address property. This all seems to work other than the fact that when the link popups up it has a "#" on either side that basically makes it an invalid address. How do I get rid of the # signs to get the web address popup in the URL when a user clicks on the Command Button that is associated to the row the record is on.
I'm trying to add data about a form to a table when the On_Current event fires. The data I want to add is: windows login username
date and time the On_Current event occurred name of the form that was opened that the form was opened the number of the record (ID) in the table the form is based on
I have the following code
Private Sub Form_Current() If Me.NewRecord Then Call FlimOpen("OR IR No", "OPENED") Else Call FlimOpen("OR IR No", "OPENED")
[Code] ....
Excuse the use of 'FlimOpen' but I needed a unique word that I would remember (inspired by FlimFlam the cat on the children's channel CBeebies here in the UK)
I try to compile and I get an error about the wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment. However, the event does fire correctly when I open the form or move from one record to another so something's working!
In the Access Table, how does one Find and Replace part of the hyperlink if the Text to display is different?
Example of Hyperlink Editor:
Example of Find and Replace
In other words, I'd like to find FAKESERVER and replace it with C:Users in all 1000 records. Is there any possible way to do this if there is Text to display?
I need to hide my subform on load or open of the main form but am experiencing some weird results. I have tried putting Me.SubForm.Form.Visible = False in both the on open and the on load of the main form and it works only if the tables on which the subform have records in them. If the tables for the subforms are empty I get an error 2467 telling me that "The expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or doesn't exist." I find this strange because from all I can find the subform loads first.
How can I hide the subform when the main form opens no matter what records exist or don't?
i have thousands of data records with hyperlinks that are correct. Each data record shows the actual link (,,, etc.). However, i want to change all of the records to just say "link" instead of saying, etc. How can i do this automatically without having to manually right click, edit, and changing the text to display?
I have a text box that is Hyperlink to a directory that opens fine and gives me access to files that I need. What I want is to place a photo of a particular button I've found (in the form) and on the click event have the hyperlink in the text box activate and open the directory.
1. I can't change the shape of the text box or place a picture within it... 2. I can set the pictures control source as the hyperlink text box but that serves no purpose... 3. Making the text box transparent and all the text white then overlay-ed the picture ...
It worked but I would like the appropriate way to do this.....being at such a critical stage of my access development......
Im developing a database for work, I would like to provide a link on a form to run an external program. The form is call frmProfile. The table is called tblProfile and the hyperlink field is called link.
I would like a diaglog box to appear where the user can browse for the file and select it. Ive found various scripts but with my vb skills being very basic its no wonder im getting no joy.
I should add... each record has its own associated file. Its cctv footage which runs from the cctv systems own proprietary software. So its an individual filefor each record not just a program.
I may be going about this all wrong but I have a text box that is Hyperlink to a directory that opens fine and gives me access to files that I need. What I want is to place a photo of a particular button I've found (in the form) and on the click event have the hyperlink in the text box activate and open the directory.
1. I can't change the shape of the text box or place a picture within it...
2. I can set the pictures control source as the hyperlink text box but that serves no purpose...
3. I lazy manned it buy making the text box transparent and all the text white then overlay-ed the picture worked but I would like the appropriate way to do this.....being at such a critical stage of my access development......
Im trying create a new form to add our current database that will password protect excel, word and if possible pdf documents when they are dragged onto it.
For now I only have 2 boxes 1 containing the password to be applied and the other to drag the file onto.
I have it all working so once its dragged on it works out if its a word doc, opens a hidden instance of word which then resaves it with a coded password.
The problem comes when change it so the user enters the password to protect it, when they enter a password or click on the drag box it doesn't allow the drag. it seems once they have entered the record the drag option is not available anymore.
I have a modified version of the Contacts Web Database that I am using at my organization. This database is hosted on our SharePoint site.What I want to do is to allow our team members to be able to share a link to their Linkedin Page. I would like to be able to have it be very simple. For example, only an image of the Linkedin Logo appears on their profile page, and when that logo is clicked it takes them to their Linkedin page. How to incorporate this onto my page?how to use an image (eg. LinkedIn logo) as a URL link.
I've been given an existing database to modify, and I'm struggling somewhat to see how the author has implemented certain functions.
On a main menu form (autoexecs on starting the database), there are various "Search By" option buttons to generate a report, ordered in various ways. The "On Click" field for each of them refers to a macro, called Buttons, and a line in that macro dependant on the type of search (e.g. OnClick = Buttons.byPerson).
The Buttons macro runs an OpenReport command, the report corresponding to the search type (e.g. Buttons.byPerson has an OpenReport command for the "Report by Person" report).
However, when I click the search buttons (or indeed run the corresponding reports) I instead get another form which allows the search criteria to be specified - this then generates the report (I would assume based on the relevant query - e.g. Person Query), but I cannot understand how this works.
Google searches have not helped much as I can't seem to find an adequate search phrase to use, and I've been staring at the thing for some hours now. Any help getting me off in the right direction would be much appreciated!
I have a form, which is bound to a table, with an unbound textbox.
I am trying to get the number of months an employee has/had worked.
In the table are two dates, Company Start Date, and Resignation Date.
There are three scenarios in which I need to calculate the months:No Resignation Date
A Resignation Date in the future A Resignation Date in the Past
See attached PDF
The Employees are under a one-year contract which ends the day before the one-year anniversary.
I originally tried using DateDiff in the Control Source, but the IIF seamed too limited for my needs.
If [Resignation Date] = "" Then If Month([Nichii Gakkan Start]) = Month(Date) Then If Day([Nichii Gakkan Start]) < Day(Date) Then MIS = DateDiff("m", [Nichii Gakkan Start], Date) - 1
I have a subform in datasheet view for tracking calls from clients. The Client Name is a combination of the first and last name. I want to create a text box that allows me to start typing in the client name and it will filter for only those Clients that match. Currently, I have the following code (below) for the textbox, however when I start typing in a client name all the clients disappear from the table. The client name is in a combo box so I don't know if that is making a difference.
Private Sub Text3_Change() Dim strFilter As String Me.Refresh
I have a form with a date field, when the user creates a new record, I would like the date field to automatically fill with the most up-to-date date from the Orderdate table.
Basically I need the code to do the following when a new record is created;
Search the Orderdate table for the most recent date and then auto fill the date field on the form with that date!!!!
My thinking so far...
Private Sub Command34 - where would you set this event on the properties i.e. Before update or On Got Focus ?
Docmd.OpenQuery "QryFindMaxDate"
I'm not really sure how to pass the date to the text box on the form,
to open a folder from within Access 2007 & Windows7. It works, but it always opens the folder minimised, whether I use VbMaximizedFocus or VbNormalFocus. It used to work properly in Access 2003 & WinXP.