Modules & VBA :: How To Add Icon / Image To List Box

Aug 15, 2013

is there any way to adding icon/image to the list box of ms access. what is the way?

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Forms :: Continuous Subform - Control To Display Image / Icon Based On Another Field

Jan 9, 2014

I have a continuous subform which queries a table of attachments. I'm using Access 2007 but not using the Attachment datatype; this DB will grow considerably and I don't want to waste precious space by filling it with bulky files. So instead, I have code which makes a copy of the attachment and adds the hyperlink (to the copy) to the table instead.

Now - I want to add a control to the subform to display an icon / image reflecting the file type of the attachment (Word doc, Excel s/s, PDF etc.)

But not sure how to go about it.

I was thinking I could use FileSystemObject.GetFileExtension at the point in the code where the attachment is added, and add a new field to my attachments table (i.e. translate "*.xls*" to "Excel", etc.) Then store / embed a handful of images for the core types I would expect and use an image control on the subform to display the image based on the value of that field.

But is that even possible / feasible?

Or, is there a handy API which can retrieve the icon associated with a file type based on what has been installed on the local machine (even if there is, there's still the problem of setting up the image control to display the appropriate icon specific to each record...)

Or, is there another control available which would be better suited to something like this than an Image control?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Image - How To Use Continuous Subform Instead Of List Box

Aug 15, 2013

I would like to add image to list box but i read somewhere i have to use continuous sub form instead.

Now i like to know in sub form also we can select multi items and it shows highlighted entire of each row and easily getting value if selected items.

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Modules & VBA :: Changing Image Path - Set Picture Property Of Image

Dec 4, 2014

I have a form that I would like to update a picture on using VBA. The source of the picture path is in part a query that is not bound to the form. So far I have the following code that is pretty much working, but with a couple flaws.

Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub
Sub LoadDefaultPicture()
Dim db As DAO.Database

[Code] ....

This is working. However, when I change the record the picture flashes the current picture once and then loads the new picture. It is like it reloads the current picture then loads the new one. I'm hoping there is a way to get rid of the flash.

Also, the code fails here:
strDefaultPictureName = rs.Fields("AttachmentName")

When the query does not return a record. I can definitely fix this by adding an if statement to check for a record, but I'm kind of perplexed at why it is failing at that line. I would expect it to assign an empty string to that variable name and then fail on the next command where I try and set the ".Picture" property of the image.

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Modules & VBA :: Access Calendar Icon Appears All Over The Place?

Sep 14, 2013

I have migrated an A2003 application to A2013 and in one of the A2013 forms I get a calendar icon appear all ove the place.

I uploaded a short video at


When the form opens (shows dentist appointments by chair) the icon appears that the very top in Chair 1. I can add a patient, no problem.

When I click on an appointment in Chair 2, the icon appears in the last clicked appointment on Chair 1. When I then click on Chair 1 the icon appears on the last clicked appointment on Chair 2.There is no problem with the A2003 version. I DO NOT use the Calendar icon in my application or any third party software.

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Modules & VBA :: OnLoad Event To Change Icon Of The Form

Sep 26, 2014

I currently use code in a module and code on each form in the on_load event to change the icon of the form.. the code i use is as follows..

in a module:

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Const WM_SETICON = &H80
Private Const IMAGE_ICON = 1
Private Const LR_LOADFROMFILE = &H10
Private Const SM_CXSMICON As Long = 49
Private Const SM_CYSMICON As Long = 50

[Code] ....

And on each form on load:

SetFormIcon Me.hWnd, "k: est directoryhsicon.ico"

What I am wondering is would it be possible to store the .ico file within the DB file itself (i know access can store bitmaps) and reference the .ico in the form load event code?

Overtime the db file will probably move to its own dedicated storage so using a direct reference to the file wont work..

I have tried the following but get an error (it tries to reference the .ico file as to being in the root directory of the db file)

SetFormIcon Me.hWnd, Left(CurrentDb.Name, Len(CurrentDb.Name) - Len(Dir(CurrentDb.Name))) & "hsicon.ico"

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Forms :: List Box Retrieve Image As Per Selection

Aug 31, 2013

i want to see the product image in my database as per my selection from listbox in "frm_MainForm" but it shows error no 2220. database file is attached.

It does show the image when i add it to the form "frm_PruductMaster" and search in "frm_MainForm" but only until i restart application. after restarting application it again shows error 2220. But it shows image name in the error. (i have tried with .bmp and .jpg as well).

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Modules & VBA :: Animate A Box Image?

Apr 11, 2014

im after trying to make an image on a splash screen rotate around on its centre as a loading icon?

Im guessing i will need a loop on the form opening?

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Modules & VBA :: Passing Image To Another App?

Dec 27, 2013

I want to use an On Click event on an image field on a subform to fire up either Windows Photo Viewer or Corel PaintShop Pro with that image active - but don't really know where to start. DoCmd, Shell ?

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Modules & VBA :: Identify Image Control Name?

Nov 8, 2013

I have a global function which I have hooked onto the onClick event of controls. Currently I am using commandButtons as my control of choice. In my function I can then reference Forms.ActiveControl which is no problem.

However, for lots of reasons I really need to use Image controls. Now, my problem. Image Controls have an Onclick Event, but they do not get focus so the Forms.ActiveControl will not work.

How can I identify the image control that has generated the click event if the control itself does not get focus and so cannot be referenced by ActiveControl? Working on a possibly work around, but could do with the best brains in Access on the case!

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Modules & VBA :: Multiple Image In A Form

Jun 18, 2013

How do i actually store and display my image in a form which works when i click on a item in the listbox and it will display the image i want.Currently i'm using a unbound form with listbox and rowsource from Queries.When i click on the listbox it gave me

"you referred to a property by a numeric argument that's isn't one of the property numbers in this collection."

This is the code i tested


Private Sub List6_Click()
If Me.List6.ItemsSelected.Item(3) = "DF" Then
Me.Image32.Visible = True
End If
End Sub

the (3) is referred to the 3rd column of the listbox right? is it because the rowsource is from a query that's why i have that error or because the query contains multiple different tables?

is there any simple way to insert image into access and it will appear in just 1 image box ? and depending on which item i click on the listbox the image will change?

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Modules & VBA :: Display Background Image Via Message Box

Mar 17, 2015

I have a report which is an invoice I have a button on the report to reprint It . Now if this is a duplicate Invoice I need to add a background Image ,something like a duplicate stamp . I have added a message box which says" is this a Duplicate Invoice" .If the answer is yes then I want to display the backgrond image and print the report .If the answer is no, then print report without background image

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Modules & VBA :: Image In Output To Word Document

Jul 18, 2015

We need to replicate an Access report we have in Microsoft Word. The report has a fixed, small image in the header and so we embedded it in the report (it is not in an external file). To put this image in the Word document the only way we have come up with is shown in the code below.

Dim apWord As Word.Application
Dim doc As Word.Document
Set apWord = CreateObject("Word.application")
doc.Shapes.AddPicture "G:ImagesSinful Banner.bmp", False, True, 0, 0, 540, 42

Which requires an external image file. We really would like to avoid this. We could make a template Word document, but that too would be an external file. We know how to put this image in a table as an OLE object, but can't find any way to get it from the table into the Word document.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Limit Display Of Any Image In HTML

Sep 27, 2013

I have a module like this:


Public Function DisplayImage(ctlBrowserControl As Control, _
strImagePath As Variant)
On Error GoTo Err_DisplayImage
Dim strDatabasePath As String
Dim intSlashLocation As Integer


This works perfectly to display the image I'd like through WebBrowser control I put onto the form....HOWEVER --and here's my question--the image size is not bound to the size bounds of the control size itself.So if my control is 2 inches by 2 inches and the image is 16 inches by 16 inches, then the image doesn't fully show within the control.

I'd like to get the control to show the whole image (sized down as appropiate, or sized up as appropriate) such that the whole image is contained within the control.I know how to limit the display of any image in HTML.

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Modules & VBA :: OnClick To Open The Image In A Window

Jun 7, 2013

I am new to VBA for access. I am working on a form as a user interface. I have added an picture to the form and it will change, according to the selection in the combobox. It looks small, and not clear because of the size, and each image has different size. I would like to know if there is a VBA code that will allow me to click on it, and then it will open in another window so it is bigger with the right sizes.

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Modules & VBA :: Place Image File Into ClipBoard

May 18, 2014

I would like to place an image file located at e.g. "C:MyImagesimage.png" into the clipboard. I have not been able to figure out how to do this. I have been able to place Text into the Clipboard using the DataObject late binding sub below.

Public Sub PutInClipBoard(strString As String)
Const DATAOBJECT_BINDING As String = "new:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}"
.SetText strString
End With
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Background Image In Word Document

Mar 18, 2015

If I use the word template named "" as attached and write the following piece of code to print off the letters with different appropriate background , it works perfectly fine:

Sub PrintLetters()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim r As Long
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

[Code] ....

But if I combine two templates together in one template as attached "" then it doesn't display background picture at all in any of the cases. I am using the same piece of code but the background image is not displaying. The background image shows logos for each letter like For capita letters , the logo will be capita . For Friends Life letters the logo background will be different.

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Modules & VBA :: Save Pivot Chart As Image

Jul 11, 2014

I have a query that has a pivot chart, i need to be able to save this as an image so i can insert it into a html email but i cannot find anything, I am using access 2010 ...

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Modules & VBA :: Access Mailmerge To Word Including Image

Nov 25, 2014

I have a database of film events, for which i have to do posters.

With the click of a button on a form, access opens word and puts all the fields in, including a field called [photo], which is the name of the image stored outside of the database.

Is there a way of getting that image into the word Document with all the other fields? Or have I just wasted an afternoon....

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Modules & VBA :: Can't Print Form Image To This Type Of Printer

Jul 25, 2013

I have an application (2007 accde) that has been working for some time, this line specifically:

Application.FollowHyperlink Me.txtAttachment

On one users PC (XP Pro SP3), this has worked from day one. His PC got infected to the point that I had to wipe/rebuild it, and suddenly this code throws a warning and then an error. The warning I could live with (it's the MS Office "some files can contain viruses..." warning). However, after clicking on OK for the warning, I get an error that says "Can't print form image to this type of printer". Doesn't make sense, as this user has the same default printer he had before, plus I tried with a different default printer.

if I navigate to the file location on his PC I can open any of the files, so I don't think it's a permissions issue. The code works fine on my PC and a VM with a different OS, and it still works fine for other users.

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Modules & VBA :: Access Email With Embedded Image Using Outlook

Sep 29, 2013

I have code that automatically send emails out from an Access Customer Contacts Database. I am using Access and Outlook 2007 but the code needs to work with later versions of Access and Outlook.

I have very poor knowledge of coding and usually manage to cobble something together from looking at other code on the net but don't understand most of it.

I have the following code which works perfectly except I want to be able to embed an image in the email body (not have the image as an attachment but actually show it in the body of the email).

Most of the code I have found around this topic is too complex for me to understand and utilise within the context of the code I have.

Ideally I want to take the image from an attachment field in a table returned by the "tblMailingList_Query".

Private Sub Command10_Click()
Dim MyDB As Database
Dim MyRS As Recordset
Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim objOutlookMsg As Outlook.MailItem

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Display Random Image From Folder (Not Embedded)

Jun 26, 2013

I'm working on a database for my holiday pictures. The pictures are organized in folders per trip/date/location.

When viewing the data of a particular trip, I want the form to display a random image from the respective folder (path stored in database).

I already found a function to count the files in the folder:

Function GetFileCount(folderspec As String) As Integer
' Returns a count of files in folderspec, or -1 if folder does not exist
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FolderExists(folderspec) Then
GetFileCount = fso.GetFolder(folderspec).Files.Count
GetFileCount = -1
End If
End Function

to plug into a "randomizer":

lngFileCount = GetFileCount(strFOLDER)
intRND = 1 + Int(lngFileCount * Rnd())
MsgBox intRND

The thing I can't find is how to reference this nth file (or even if there is a way to directly reference this file).

Is there, or do I have to use some kind of looping?

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How To Embedd Image In Image Control Using Imagelist.

Feb 6, 2005

Hi all ,
Can anyone tell me about how to embedd image in image control using imagelist.
I added the 5 images in imagelist at design time and added the following code.
but iam getting error.error no :2110,cannot open the file .
thank u,

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Modules & VBA :: Display Continuous Form / Report Showing Image

Mar 12, 2014

I have some images stored in a SQL Table which is linked into Access. These images have to be stored in the database as I also reference them on other platforms (Android, Web etc).

In my Access programme I need to display a continuous form / report showing each image. Now, good old Access cannot display multiple images stored in the database on a continuous form. It can only do this if it is referencing the path to the image.

When the user views the form they will only see about 12 images at a time. I thought of a workaround which is to write the database images back to file to a local temp directory when the user loads the form. The user would be happy to wait for say 10 to 15 seconds whilst the form loads.

However, I cannot find an efficient algorithm to write the images back to a file. The one I am using is a BinarytoString algorithm by motobit which is fine for very small images, but anything over 100kb (which is still pretty small) it goes sooooo slow.

How to quickly write an image stored as a long binary in an Access DB back to a file? Or do I need to crack open my Visual Studio and write some C# DLL to use instead...?

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Modules & VBA :: Migrating Contents Of A Table - Export BMP Image To A File

Apr 24, 2014

I need to migrate the contents of a table from Access Jet or Ace to SQL Server.

The table has 2 fields, an integer and a BMP image ex

Field1 Field2
1 BMPimage
2 BMPimage
3 BMPimage
4 BMPimage

If I manage to export the images to files like 1.bmp, 2.bmp, 3.bmp, 4.bmp etc I can then import them into SQL Server.

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Modules & VBA :: Encrypt / Decrypt JPEG Image / Binary File

Oct 7, 2014

I am looking for a function that will allow me to encrypt/decrypt single image files as and when required. I have built my own simple one to encrypt a string that will be stored in a filename as all the ones I found created unusable filenames.

However I don't know where to start with the image file encryption.

(Any better way to encrypt a string that can be used in a file name that would be great too. My method is a bit basic).

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