Modules & VBA :: How To Refer To Controls In Selected Report

Jun 3, 2014

i have created a module under module section of my DB My Report Name : "PURCH VB Query"

the code is as follows : (what is want tell you later..)


Sub Erlick()
DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, "PURCH VB Query", True
'"PURCH VB Query", acViewPreview, "PURCH VB Query"
For i = 1 To 3
DoCmd.PrintOut acPrintAll, , , , i
Next i

'This is for creating Seperate Text Per Copy in RptHeader Preview End Sub

i've placed a TextBox in my report named Text25 to the value :
properties-->data-->running sum--> Set to OVer all

i've also set a textbox in my report named CpyWord to the value : =IIf([Text25]=1,"Original Buyer Copy", IIf([Text25]=2,"Duplicate File copy",))

Now what is want is Three Copies of Report with Two copies marked seperately as per above IIF statement

As i want Three Copies with each Rpt-header as Different Text

Possible solutions (ba donna no a script) How do i refer to Report's control after Docmd.SelectObj.... if any facility then i can do easily thru the dazzling for next loop How do i increase Report's control Text25's value, if three copies r there I know there are many events in Report

I've stucked over this point. My all App in db is ready

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Refer To Controls Using Variables

Feb 10, 2005

I have a form with 25 related sets of text-box controls:

Product1, ProdDescr1, ProdQty1
Product2, ProdDescr2, ProdQty2
... Product25, ProdDescr25, ProdQty25

I need to loop through all 25 to check that the ProdQty for each is correct, and if any of them are incorrect, I'd like to set the BackColor to Red and the ForeColor to White for that particular set of controls. Rather than coding all 25 checks, I'd like to use variables to loop through the 25 sets

I understand how to create an incrementing Integer variable, but what is the correct syntax for combining that Integer variable with the String variables in order to perform the Back/Fore color commands?

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Modules & VBA :: Module To Modify Report Controls Based On Form?

Feb 12, 2015

I am trying to create a customizable report that would allow the users to choose fields. I have a pretty common code that I found online and adapted it, but it fails on the first SetReportControl function.

The error reads: Run-time error 2465: Application-defined or object-defined error

Could it be something as simple as an incorrect reference? I have checked multiple times, but I am stumped.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub MakeReport()


This is a trial run, in the end I need to be able to open a report, then adjust the Report controls within 1 or more subreports inside the main report. That is a battle for another day.

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How Do You Refer To Fields On A Sub Report

Sep 25, 2005

I have a main report which has a subreport. On the main report I have txt fields that I want to change their background colors based off values in fields on the sub report.



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Preventing Copy & Past For Selected Controls

Dec 5, 2006

Is They A Way I can prevent copy & past too some of the controls on a form these contols would be in the main ComboBoxes.

Many Thanks


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General :: Refer Field In SubReport Which Is In Report Footer

Nov 21, 2013

I want to refer field "plyty_sa" which is in "RaportZleceniaRobocze" Report, in "RaportRobocze_Offset" SubReport. The problem is that, SubReport is in Report Footer. I tried many possibilities but I can't find solution.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Refer Object By Its Name When Name Is A Number

Sep 12, 2014

Actually in a powerpoint slide, I am having a set of 31 shapes having their names as numbers from 1 to 31.

How to refer by its name?

By hardcoding I refer it like this:

activepresentation.slides(1).shapes("1").someprope rty = somevalue

How to do it in a loop?


for i = 1 to 31
activepresentation.slides(1).shapes(i).someproperty = somevalue
next i

The above code will refer the shapes only by the index. But the shapes are not having index and name as same.

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Modules & VBA :: Refer To Form Object Module By Variable

Jan 1, 2014

An instance of a form can be opened with:

Dim frm As Form
Set frm = New Form_formname

How can this be done using a variable as the formname?

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Formatting Report Controls

Feb 8, 2005

I have 2 questions with regards to report controls

1) is there anyway to stop calculated controls from rounding numbers off. We want 7.6 to show as 7 not 8

2) can you make negative numbers appear as zero instead of the number.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Copying Controls From FORM To A REPORT?

Jan 9, 2006

Hey all, I am wondering if there is a way to copy and past a control from a FORM to a REPORT? I have an activex control for my digital signatures and for some reason the value is not showing up on my report, I have tryed several different ways and I was wondering if there was a way to copy the activex control and on the open of the report the value what was copyed would appear on the report. can this be done?
I believe that somehow the value is not staying in the field provided and just going directly to the table therefore I cant see it on the report. Is this possible? Thanks in advance

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Print Records Selected In REPORT

Jun 2, 2005

I need print records selected in a REPORT, of continuos forms. this is example

please help me!!! :confused: :confused:

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Filter By Selection/Form - Then Report Selected Only

Apr 19, 2005

Hello all.

I would like to place a "Print Report" button on my primary form that allows a Filter By Selection (OR Filter By Form) first, then when selecting the button will view or print my already-created primary report but only for the records that were selected by the filter.

I looked and looked, but am not sure even what to search for in the forum. I know this has to be simple.

Form is called PrimaryForm.
Report is called PrimaryReport.

Thank you.


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Reports :: How To Add Selected Values From All Comboboxes To A Report

Jul 19, 2015

I have a frmOpenReport which has 7 combo boxes linked to 7 Query's.

I have found code to add selected values from one combo box from a button 'Open Report' to a report but struggling to find how to select selected values from all comboboxs and add to a report.

My code so far.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenReport_Click
Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
'make sure a selection has been made
If Me.HLO.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then

[Code] ....

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Reports :: Getting Report To Print Only Selected Record Instead Of All

Aug 10, 2015

I am trying to get a report to print out one one record that I want.. I want it to be able to be sorted by date and the user just picks a date and one record is printed out on page. Right now every record that is stored is being printed on a different page and over time that is going to be a lot of paper... I want to be able to pick which record I want printed...

The Form is called "Bread Mold"
The report is called "Bread Mold Report"
The table is called "Bread Mold"
What it is sorted by is called "Swab Date"

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General :: How To Generate Report By Selected Check Box

Feb 4, 2013

I want to modify one report as "I have 3check boxes, when I select one then others should disable and the report I selected should be generate"

So I have to create additional check box. What is the code to create & generate the report by seleted check box.

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Macro To Open Form When Report Is Selected

Sep 16, 2014

I have a report that is based on a query. The query has filters in it based on user info entered from a form. So the form asks the user to select which division of the company, and the date range for when the info applied to. My issue is that I am trying to set a macro that opens this form whenever some tries to open the report.

But the macro appears to run the query before it opens the form and it gives me a generic message box asking for the division. After I type that in (instead of selecting from a drop down list like I have on my form) another window pops up asking for start date, etc...instead of opening the form I created. What am i doing wrong and how do I get the macro to open my form? If I open the form directly and enter the criteria, it runs the report correctly.

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General :: Making A Report With User Selected Fields

Aug 23, 2013

To start, I am going to generalize to a database of Cows. the fields are:

Name (enforced unique/"Primary Key" in access language?),


The goal is to have a form with check boxes for the fields that the user selects. Scenario is one cow buyer cares about size, while another may care about color and be curious on age. So rather than guessing at what reports the users will want, have a form that allows them to select the fields they want then print a report. An intermediate step would be a query to filter the data.

See the picture below ....

Also, from my perspective, this is the basis of the best code i would write; if someone wanted to add a column for cow gender you wouldnt have to change all your forms/queries/reports:

Global import table.Cows

Form 2 in picture (form with check boxes):
for ( i=0, i<width(Cows), i++)
form.create.checkbox cb.append(i)

Then create the report based on cb0, cb1, cb2, etc. queries

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Forms :: Emailing Report To A Client Selected From Combo Box?

Mar 6, 2013

How do I go about emailing a report to a Client selected from a combo box on a form?

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Forms :: Combo Box To Show Report Of Selected Name When Clicked

Jun 7, 2013

Any way, I have created a table "accountstbl" to which i have AccountsID, Accountnumber, Accountname, Accountaddress, Accountcontact fields.

My question is i created a form with a combo box linking it to the accountstbl and Accountname field. When i click on the combo box it lists all my Accountnames from the accountstbl which i want but i want to click on an account name and once selected it will show a report of the selected name.

Reading through lengthy pages there is reference to event procedures but this is code which i do not know.

Simples is me select name from combo box and voila you have a report of your selected account name.

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Modules & VBA :: Cycle All Controls On All Objects?

Jan 22, 2014

I'm in the middle of writing a multi-language procedure, and in order to populate the label database I would like to cycle all forms (regardless of whether they're open or closed) and cycle all controls within the forms.

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Reports :: Adding Data To Report That Was Selected Using Combo Boxes?

Jan 21, 2015

I am using Access 2010 (self taught and continuing to learn each time I get asked for a new report). I have created a query based on the data being selected from two combo boxes on a form, ie start date and end date. The report works as it should but I want to be able to automatically use the dates in the report heading. For instance, Summary Report from xxxxx to xxxxx, where xxxxx is the start and end dates that the user entered into the two combo boxes.

The date field on my query reads
Between [forms]![F - CboReportDates]![Start Date] And [forms]![F - CboReportDates]![EndDate]

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Modules & VBA :: Unhooking Fields / Controls / From Each Other In Forms

Jul 14, 2013

I have a form. I want to move a field and it's label. I need to unhook it from the other fields or I can't.

I found this post on another forum: [URL]

It says, in part, When you create your form, before you do anything else, open it in design view. Right click on the top-most of the stacked controls and choose Layout | Remove on the shortcut menu. All the controls are free to move individually now.

alas, I don't know where the "stacked controls" are or Layout/Remove or any "shortcut menus of any kind". (oh how I long for the simpler days of "ordinary" menus (easily accessible from the keyboard.)

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Modules & VBA :: Set Event Handlers On Multiple Controls

Aug 7, 2013

I am trying to set event handlers on multiple controls in code. This works:

Me.Controls("txtPosition" & Right(CStr(iLoop + 100), 2)).OnClick = "=UpdateTaskList(" & CStr(iLoop) & ")"

This doesn't:

Me.Controls("txtPostIt" & Right(CStr(iLoop + 100), 2)).OnGotFocus = "=PostItGotFocusHandler2()"

The second gives an error: "The expression you entered has a function that <databasename> can't find.

I suspect it may be a parameter mismatch, but the normal GotFocus event handler does not take any parameters.

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Modules & VBA :: Check That Certain Controls On A Form Have Values

Sep 15, 2014

I have a bit of code that uses controls on a form to batch add records to the tables. Before the code executes, it needs to do a check to make sure that all of the needed data has been supplied.


If IsNull(txtDateAdded) Then
MsgBox "Please supply the date that the Label record was created"
Exit Sub
If IsNull(cboRecordCreator) Then

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Video Capture Using ActiveX Controls

Jan 10, 2014

Using Activex controls for capturing video from a webcam or similar. Just looking for a snapshot that I could then forward via email from access.

Ive seen commercial licenses for an activex control. The form Im imagining would have a window showing the live video with a snapshot button where we could store the image as a jpg for example and then generate an email forwarding on the image. It seems possible!

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Modules & VBA :: MouseMove Event On Disabled Controls

Nov 29, 2013

I'm using a mousemove event to display help text for controls in my form.This works well, but I'd like to display help text when the control is disabled as well (to explain to the user why it's disabled).is there any way to fire a mousemove event when hovering over a disabled control?

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