Modules & VBA :: How To Remove Default Signature From Message Body

Jan 13, 2014

I have created a form that allows the user to create an Outlook email message using a saved HTML template in VBA but the users default Outlook signature is added every time the message is sent.

how to remove the default signature from the message body?

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Modules & VBA :: Email From Access Form - Random 0 Appear In Message Body

Jun 15, 2014

The code works perfectly except that a random "0" appears in the body of the email. How to correct the code to remove this annoying little "0"?

Private Sub Command62_Click()
Dim strSubject As String
strSubject = Me.LoadNo
DoCmd.SendObject _

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Email - Carriage Return Not Working In Message Body

Jul 9, 2013

I am sending an email from a button, and it runs a word merge and then attaches that word document and two others two an email. All that works fine, but in the body of the email the carriage return is not working.

I've tried "vbCrLf", "Chr(13)" and "Chr(10)". but none of them are working in this email. I use vbCrLf all of the time in many other emails and it works fine.


Public Function SendEmailFinancial()
Dim MessageBody, vAttach1, vAttach2, vAttach3, vTo
Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem

[Code] ...

This is what the email is looking like when it comes out:

Project ID: 2013YG00229 Project Title: Toolbox Talks Construction Safety Guides and Mobile App Program Manager: Shana Peschek I am attaching three (3) forms that are needed in order for the State of Washington to process grant payments for your organization for the purposes of carrying out the activities outlined in your final approved application.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Set A Message On Screen And Remove From Code

Jun 5, 2014

I would like to put a message on the screen for informing the user - mostly during some procedures that might take time or when, after a warning, I want to go on with the program but without action from the user.

Msgbox is obviously not the one I'm looking for as it needs customer acknowledge. Is there a solution for this task?

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General :: Moving Cursor Position In Email Message Body

Nov 14, 2012

Is there an automatic way of moving the cursor when an outlook email is opened using a VBA event??

Right had a look and haven't managed to google this yet but the background is as follows

I have some code that puts a recordset of people's email into outlook and leaves users with the outlook message open ready for them to append anything they want to the message body.

At the moment the cursor flashes at the very start of the message and users need to scroll down with keys or the mouse to the end before they can add additional text.

I want to automatically move the cursor to the end of the outlook email message opened using a VBA event?

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VBA To Send Email From Access - Table Pasted In Message Body

Aug 11, 2011

I want to be able to send email and in the body i want the my table be pasted in email body...

Is that possible?

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How To Remove The Default Menubar In STARTUP

Oct 4, 2004

hei hei
I have removes all options in StartUP that it is not showing any menu bars or databse window.
but only one default menu bar is comming.
please help me, if any one knows it.
thank you.
Kiran .

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Queries :: Remove Message While Running Query

Sep 15, 2013

I have a count and store data INTO a table named USTATE

When I run the query it works within 30 seconds. but when i add INTO USTATE then it takes 4-8 minutes to complete it and asks for if i want to delete the existing.

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End Of Recordset Navigation Default Message Box

May 5, 2006

:confused: I am having troubles in a form, whilst navigating through records shown in a form view, upon coming to the end of the recordset the default macro message box appears telling me its the end of the record set and then a second box appears after asking me to 'halt' the macros actions.

What I would like is to put in a customised message box telling me the end of recordset is nigh but I cannot get into the cod for the macro, I have been told you can and Im sure I have done it before.

Any ideas?


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How To Change The Default Duplicate Message? And More...

Jan 14, 2005

Hello to you all, it's my 1st post here…

How can I change the default message (as you can see in the picture) that appear every time that I try to update my record?

I want to write something like "You Have to select a different Number"

And one more question, the message only appear when I'm pressing the record selectorbutton only after the user has already filled all the form) is there a possibility that I can write a code that will check for duplicate data immediately after the user typed it?

Thanks for your help


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Chamge Default Diplicate Record Message

Oct 30, 2007

In MS Access 2003 my tables are linked via a SQL Server.
I'd like to change the default long-winded 'ODBC etc etc 'error message when a duplicate PK is added to a table to a more user friendly 'plain english' message.
Can this be done is Access, VBA or even on the SQL server? (which I have acces to).


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Forms :: How To Change Default Message Of Existing Table

Jan 7, 2014

How to change the default message of Exist table. the message shows like as. I wanna change this. How can i will do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Include Query In Body Of Email

Jan 30, 2014

I have a query table in Access 2007 with requests pending an individuals review and approval. I would like to create an automatic email each day to that individual which includes the actual query table impeded as part of the body of the email (not as an attachment).

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Modules & VBA :: Using Query To Put Data In Email Body?

Apr 22, 2015

I'm trying to put multiple records of data from a subform in a single e-mail, and my Outlook calendar. I have a contracting business, and on my Orders form (which details a single client), I have a sub-form that lists all the items to be done at that client's home (a different record for each work item). When I send an e-mail, or post the appointment to the Outlook calendar, I am trying to list all those records in the body of the e-mail, and/or in the Notes section of the appointment. I created the query to call the records, but have not figured out a way to use it in the code.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Two Reports In Email Body?

Jan 15, 2015

With the code below , I send the report: “ESERT4H”, in email body. How I could add yet another report on the same body of the email ?

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "ESERT4H", "HTML(*.html)", "D:Access empESERT4H.html", False, "", 0, acExportQualityScreen
Dim Out As Outlook.Application
Dim NS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim Folder As MAPIFolder
Dim Mens As MailItem

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Adding NameStr In Email Body

Jul 16, 2014

NameStr As String

I have made a name string

Now I would like to add the nameStr near "Dear " how can i do this?

strbody = "<H3><B>Dear [I want the placed nameStr here] </B></H3>" & _
bodyStr & _
"<br><br><B>Thank you</B>"

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Modules & VBA :: How To Display All Records From Report On Email Body

Nov 16, 2014

With this very simple command, I have the ability to send emails to several clients, reporting many things, quotations etc.

Private Sub Command84_Click()
DoCmd.SendObject , , , , , , "SOMETHING", [SalesGroupingField] & "" & [1], True, ""
End Sub

Now, i want, on the body of the emai, to display many records, it is from Nothwind, how can i display on the body of the email all records from this report?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Report In Outlook Text Body

Aug 5, 2014

I have copied a VBA from the net and it is working fine and producing my report on outlook body text but one problem me facing is that it is pasting only first page if the second page is there it is not coming in outlook text body this what i want rest every thing is correct the code is:

Private Sub Command88_Click()
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3
Dim fs, f
Dim RTFBody, strTo
Dim MyApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim MyItem As Outlook.MailItem

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: How To Import Email Body Into Access Table

Sep 11, 2013

I want to import email data into my access table. The email format is always same and the fields in the email match with the fileds in my table.

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Modules & VBA :: Count Of Serial Number In Email Body

Jul 15, 2013

I am attempting to modify some code that is used for reading content in an Outlook mail and need to catch and move the email if certain content is duplicated in the email.

The code reads the email that is in the attached image format:

As seen, this email contains 2 devices, but the Serial No in both is duplicated.

In the code, I need to capture this and rather than reading the contents, I need to just move this email to a separate "Manual" folder to be dealt with separately, so not to write the information to the database.

The current code is as follows:

Option Explicit
Private ns As Outlook.Namespace
Private sEmailAddress As String
Private sPerson As String
Private dReceived As Date

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Add Field Values In Subject And Body Of Mail

Feb 4, 2014

I have a script that sends a mail using outlook to a different person depending on a value in a field. I want to add values from fields to the subject and body of the mail it creates. This is what I have so far:

Function Mail()
On Error GoTo Mail_Err
If (Forms![Manage Packages]![Customer] = "MSC") Then
DoCmd.SendObject , "", "", "email", "email", "", "[ID] - [Package Name] - Delivered", "Dear," & vbNewLine

[Code] .....

In the subject and body the field ID's I want to add are marked as [ID], [Package name] etc.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Insert Carriage Returns In Body Text Of Email

Sep 9, 2013

I have developed a private sub which automatically creates an email when a button is pushed.

The code is working well, but I need to insert Carriage Returns in the Body Text of the email just before the word "Please" where it appears in two places. Is this possible?

The code for the private sub is below.

Private Sub PublishROI_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PublishROI_Click
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "PSR_Rcd_of_Investigation_Rpt_Publish", acFormatPDF, Me.txtEmail & ";" & Me.txtRMEmail, Me.StorageEmail, , _
Me.txtPSRNum, _

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Fetch Combobox Text In Email Body Of Outlook?

Apr 25, 2015

I am trying to fetch combobox dropdown text (in the networks label ) into the email body but in vain.

Whichever networks are selected in the six dropdowns should go to email body as you can find in the attachment ...

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Modules & VBA :: Body Of Outlook Email - Left Justify String

Mar 5, 2015

I have the following string of text that I currently push out to the body of an Outlook email (using the DoCmd.SendObject function with an Access report):

sMsgBody = "Please find attached the specified Final Costing Report for WO# " & WO & vbCr & vbCr
sMsgBody = sMsgBody & "Dealer: " & rs.Fields(0).Value & vbCr
sMsgBody = sMsgBody & "Model: " & rs.Fields(1).Value & " : " & rs.Fields(2).Value & " : " & rs.Fields(3).Value & " : " & rs.Fields(4).Value & vbCr
sMsgBody = sMsgBody & "Margin $: " & rs.Fields(5).Value & vbCr
sMsgBody = sMsgBody & "Margin %: " & rs.Fields(6).Value & vbCr

Which is great and works fine! It appears in the email like so:


Now, it has been requested that the data to be left justified to the widest line... so, in this scenario, it would look like this:


I've searched for ways this might be accomplished so it's always left justified to the widest line, but haven't come across any definitive solutions yet.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Query Results In Table In Body Of Email

May 24, 2014

I have created some code to get the records of a query and it puts them in the body of the email but it doesn't format it well for example the email looks like

James | halliwell | 31
Leanne | smith |27
Alexis | smith |8

I would like it to be in a table is this possible,

Public Function SendEmail()
Dim MyDB As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set MyDB = CurrentDb

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Insert HTML File Into Body (inside Loop Email)

Apr 30, 2015

What I want to do is inset a html file into the body of the email . I have created a publisher file and saved as html ..say

C: estpub1.html

How do I get this in to the body ?

Code to date below (not the tidiest - but it works)

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim MyDb As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim strAttach1 As String

[Code] ......

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