Modules & VBA :: Only Refresh Specific List Control Box That Is Active In Form

Jan 28, 2014

Essentially I have a form_A with several tab's and then one list control box in each of those tabs. At present if you double click on any item within the control boxes your taken to another form_B with info about that item and when you close that from down again if refreshes form_A.

Is it possible to only refresh the specific list control box that is active instead of refreshing the whole form ?

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Forms :: Requery Control On Subform From Main Form - Refresh List?

Sep 8, 2014

I have a form called Add New Delegation, i have combo box of Institution names on the main form and a subform for Agreements discussed. with a combo box called agreements. I successfully cascaded the combo boxes so that the agreements discussed on the subform are filtered by their respective institutions on the main form. However i am unable to refresh the list each time a new institution is selected as the Macro will not allow me to requery a control on the mainform from the subform..

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Modules & VBA :: Open Form And Setfocus To Specific Control

Feb 24, 2015

I have a from that has information icons that opens a separate form to support users make the right choice on a form. With each information form users are able to choose "Yes" or "No" and then it returns them back to the form they started. I am having trouble setting the focus to the control the user original left the form from.

Form A
Control 1
Control 2
Control 3

Form B
Information for Control 1

Form C
Information for Control 2

Form D
Information for Control 3

For Forms B - C I would like the form to close, open Form A and then set focus to the control that the form was providing information for.For example, if you are on Form C and you make a decision, I want Form C to close, Form A to open and focus to be set to Control 2.

Private Sub image5_Click()
Dim sWHERE As String
Criminal_Background.Value = "Yes"


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Modules & VBA :: How To Get List Of All Users In Active Directory - Show CN Name

Oct 10, 2013

I would like to get a list of all the users in the active directory and put them in a combo box. How to do this? I would like it to show there CN name

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Modules & VBA :: Combo Box Will Display Specific List Of Items - Form Asking For Parameter

May 5, 2015

I have the below code behind a form so that a combo box will display a specific list of items based on the data in another combo box on my form.

I have two copies of this same form for two different departments. One of the forms works like a dream. However, when I copy that form, change the name, and update the code as pictured below, the form is asking for a parameter FROM MY ORIGINAL FORM and will not requery the combo box. I can't figure out why...there is no reference to the original form in my VBA as you can see below. I tried deleting the form and re-creating it, I tried deleting the code and re-typing it to no avail.

Private Sub cmboType_AfterUpdate()
Me.cmboAction.RowSource = "SELECT tblStatusList.Status FROM tblStatusList WHERE (((tblStatusList.Department)=[forms]![frmInquiryFraud]![cmboType]));"
End Sub

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Refresh Form When Click Out Of A Specific Box?

Jun 29, 2006

I have a refresh button next to a box in my form. I would like to make it so that when someone clicks another field or out of the key box it will refresh the form automatically because that box makes other fields autopopulate and the way I have it set up thus far is that you half to refresh the form somehow to get that date to come over.

How do you like that run on!?!?! :p

Thanks for any help!

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Forms :: Finding Previous Active Control On A Form

Mar 2, 2015

I have a form where the user clicks a button (button 1) to open a modal form, the user then enters data into this form and clicks close.

Then back in the first form I need to find which control had focus before (button 1) was clicked.

Screen.PreviousControl returns a control on the modal form.

I hope its easy like Forms!FirstForm.PreviousControl but I can't seem to find it!

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General :: Cannot Find Specific Field On Control Source List

Sep 17, 2014

I am relatively new to Access and i am wondering why i cannot find a specific field from a table on the control source when i am and attached it to a check box.

I have created the field on the table, and now i want to attached it to the check box on a form however when i go down the list of control sources i cannot see it.

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Refresh A List Box From Another Form.

Nov 1, 2004

Currently I have a Tabular view List (of text boxes) populated from a query.

What I am looking for is a way to refresh the list. I presumed me.refresh, me.requery or me.repaint would work, but it doesn't.

If I open, then close the list it refreshes. So presumably I could close then open form for an update, but that is crude and there must be a way to do it properly?

The user navigates between two windows (client list *name and age*) and (Client info *in depth info and history*) they click on a record in the list and are taken to (client info) whereupon they can edit or add a new record. The records that are updated do so without a hitch, however the new records do not update in the list.


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Onexit A List Box, Refresh A Combo Box On Same Form - How?

Aug 15, 2005

Hi All,

I have a form with a list box where you can add new names, and a bombi box that lits current names already in use. I want the form to update the combi with the name just typed in the list box. I guess I use OnExit event, but I don't know the code I should use for updating the combi list..

any pointers appreciated.


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Modules & VBA :: Msgbox To Confirm Changes To Specific Control

Oct 3, 2013

I have a database in which users have the ability to search by last name...nothing fancy there. However, the users continue to forget to click the Find Client button and instead just type what name they are looking for in the LASTNAME control thus changing the record that they are currently in!!!

I am looking for a way to have a msgbox pop up any time the LASTNAME control is changed. I found the code below but this works for the entire record and I don't want them to have to click Yes every time they make change.


Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If MsgBox("Changes have been made to this record." _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Do you want to save these changes?" _
, vbYesNo, "Changes Made...") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
End If
End Sub

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Queries :: Records Active ON Or AFTER A Specific Date

Nov 26, 2014

I have a query from a table (to reduce the number of fields).The list is all the positions people have performed, as person could have one record another could have 10 the number is unlimited.

Fields are:-
-employee ID
-start date

I need to find any records that were active ON or AFTER 01/09/2014. This will be 1 record for most but some could have multiple.I think it makes it more difficult that there is no END DATE.

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MSCOMM Active-X Control

Jul 22, 2007

I have built an automated procedure in VBA Access 2000 that is now great (thanks to a lot of downloaded help from this forum). I use the MSCOMM active-x control to talk to an instrument via the serial port.

Question: Is that control only working because I also have VB6 installed on this same computer? It seems to me that I tried something like this a year ago and could not get MSCOMM to work in Access, but at the same time, I didn't have great MSCOMM examples to go by. I do now as I could rob them from other programs my company has written in VB6.

I have both VB6 and Access 2000, but chose to develope this procedure in Accesss because of the heavy amount of data to store (and I know VBA much better than I do VB6). I thought Access is a natural. But now I am wondering if I will have problems distriubuting this database to other service offices that may not have a machine with VB6 on it?

Do they need just plot MSCOMM32.OCX in to their system32 directory?? :confused:

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Active X Calendar Control

Mar 2, 2005

Please can someone advise me how I can link the date which I select in the calendar control to a date field in the form. I want to use the calendar instead of a combo box.
It's probably simple....but then so am I!
Help appreciated

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Active Control / Button

Mar 5, 2008


when i select a button from the active control menu and want to use that button for either next record, previuos record. attach macro, print, i am sure that was part of the menu when selecting the button. i am not seeing that menu when i select the button from the active control could you please tell me why


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Active X Control Comes Grayed Out?

May 29, 2014

Set default controls comes as grayed out. I am in design view of form.

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Specific Control In Form Detail Row

Feb 1, 2005

Hi All,

It's my first post to the forum, but I've browsed it a lot the past week! Lots of info here. Unfortunately I couldn't find an answer to my question, so here it is: A simple Form attached to a Table. In the detail section of the Form the Table rows are displayed (all simple textboxes) and there is a hidden button on the row. When I put the focus on a textbox in a row, I want to set visible=TRUE for the little button in that specific row. Obviously I want the button remain hidden for all other rows!

Is there a way to accomplish this, changing the properties of a control in a specific row? When I set visible=TRUE, all rows suddenly display the button.

Thanks for any input!

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You Don't Have The License Required To Use This Active X Control

Jan 11, 2008


I have an Access database built by someone else and I need to make a change.

The database works fine on the client machines but does not work on my Development PC.

What happens is when it starts up I get the initial program screen but when I try to launch any data form I get the title error messge.

However, It does however work on an older PC I have here (which has the same configuration).

I am running Windows XP with Office 2003 - this is the same thing that both the client and other PC have.

In general Access works fine on the new PC and there are no specific

Any thoughts on whats going on? I want to use the Development PC as the old one is very slow and has basically been retired.


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Change Color Of Active Control

Apr 12, 2005

Please can someone tell me how to change the back colour of a control when it has the focus and then revert to the original colour when it loses it. I have 35 controls on my form, so I need a function, rather than changing the colour with a subroutine evey time.

I have searched the site and haven't found whatI want-though I'm sure this question has been asked before.

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Modules & VBA :: Connect Datasheet Form To Active Directory Search Results

Jul 31, 2013

I'm trying to tie a from into the results from and AD Query. I'm not that experienced with doing this kind of thing so I may be going about this the wrong way. Anyway here's what I've got so far:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
With cn
.ConnectionString = "Provider=ADSDSOObject;Trusted_Connection=yes;"

[Code] .....

When stepping through the code, it all goes well until it hits the line that actually connects it to the form "Set Me.Recordset = rs".

When this line is executed, Access crashes and attempts to restart.

PS: Access 2010, Win7 64bit

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Crystal Reports Viewer Active X Control

Feb 26, 2006

Could anyone point me in the right direction re the Crystal Reports Active X viewer control and access forms. I loaded it onto a form in access 2000, but can't seem to find any meaningfull properties I can manipulate (especially the report source). I am thinking it works like any other active x control and I can manipulate properties through code, however, the main property I would think I need (source report) does not seem to exist. I have Crystal 10.0 loaded on my system.

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Modules & VBA :: Count Number Of Times Mouse Left-clicks On Active Form

Jun 14, 2013

I would like to update a txtbox with a simple int count of the number of times a mouse is left-clicked while on an active form. How do I do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Refresh Subform From A Different Form

Apr 15, 2014

I have an close button on a form that is supposed to Refresh the subform of a different form and then close the form with the close button.

frmOperations - no refresh / requery
subfrmPlants - Needs to be refreshed / requeried

frmPlants - Needs to be closed

Currently the button effectively closes frmPlants, but it's failing to refresh the data on my subform to display any changes that have been made on frmPlants. I've tried with refresh and requery, neither seem to work.


Private Sub lblClose_Click()
If CurrentProject.AllForms("frmOperations").IsLoaded Then
End If

DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmPlants", acSavePrompt
End Sub

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Forms :: Form Control With Iif Statement To Show Specific Records?

Jul 13, 2015

I have a form based on a query in datasheet view. What i would like is to show only those records that fulfill the truepart of iif statment, and do not show the ones that fulfill the false part.

I have the following fileds in the query

currency 1 checkbox
currency 2 checkbox

In the form, the control named month contains the following code:

control source: =IIf([checkbox1]=no;[month];0)

So this gives the appropriate months, but also shows the all other records with a 0 in the month field. I would like to get only the records shown that are correct with the truepart of the statement.

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Modules & VBA :: Add Code To Refresh Form After Change?

Feb 26, 2015

I'm working with a form someone else created and am adding a delete button. I've managed to add the button and get some code working which will delete a record from a table. The problem I'm having is that after the delete operation occurs all fields in the form, and the corresponding items below the form, show #Deleted in all fields. How can I force a refresh using code?

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Modules & VBA :: Refresh / Requery Form From CmdButton

Jan 23, 2014

I have a main form that the user will enter data. Once they hit a submit button, it saves the record and I was hoping it would also refresh the form in which is populated by a query. The form that is linked to a query will be displayed on a monitor 24/7. It will display pending orders. So I was hoping as new orders are placed, the query would display them without needing to be closed and then reopened.

Here is the method I'm using but it's not working.

DoCmd.Requery "frmPDMonitor"

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