Modules & VBA :: Prevent The Blinking Cursor From Appearing?

May 13, 2014

I have a single text box with a vertical scroll bar being used as a user guide. The Locked property is set to Yes so no user input can be made.

How do I prevent the blinking cursor from appearing?

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Prevent Cursor From Moving On Image / Form Change

Feb 8, 2007

I've created a form. Within that form I have an image control. I am using this code to pull the corresponding plant image from a folder filled with JPGs.

It works just fine except one thing. When I change from record to record my cursor jumps to the center of the pulled JPG. I don't want my cursor to move at all when loading these images. Is this possible? Thanks.

Private Sub Form_Current()

Dim FileExistsbol As Boolean
Dim stFileName As String

stFileName = CurrentProject.Path & "- Landscaping Material Images" & _
[LandscapeCommonName] & ".jpg"
stFileName = Trim(stFileName)
FileExistsbol = Dir(stFileName) <> vbNullString

If FileExistsbol Then
[LandscapeMaterialImage].Visible = True
Me![LandscapeMaterialImage].Picture = stFileName
[LabelNoPictureAvailable].Visible = False
[LandscapeMaterialImage].Visible = False
[LabelNoPictureAvailable].Visible = True
End If

End Sub

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General :: Modules Not Appearing As Object Types In Navigation Pane

Apr 19, 2013

I am now working on this new database. I would like to make a calculation so that I could derive a value called eGFR from a patient's serum creatinine. This is a test of kidney function.I am having the following problems.

a. Modules are not appearing in the Navigation Pane of the Access 2007. When I press 'Object Types' in the Navigation Pane I get all object types such as tables, queries, forms, reports, macros but not modules. I know there are modules as I have written lots of vba code.

b. I have written the following code within this Function. The following is the code.

Public Function eGFR(creatinine, Gender, Age) As Single
If IsNull(Age) Or IsNull(creatinine) Then
eGFR = 0


This code is working fine in another database, however when I try to upload a query in the current database that has this function in one of the fields, I get an error saying the the function eGFR does not exit.

I have inserted the function into one of the modules that I have managed to enter.

Do I need to deposit the code elsewhere? How do I access Modules from the Navigation Pane?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Keep Cursor Position In A Text Box

Feb 8, 2014

I have below code for maximum 3 criteria dynamic search:

Private Sub SearchFor_Change()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim Criteria As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim A
Dim strAdd As String


There is a problem, since I put the code in a textbox's on change event. then in case i want to revise the first two criteria, the cursor will automatically fleets to the end of the text, I want to know how to keep the position of the cursor?

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Modules & VBA :: Position Cursor To Left Bottom Of Control

Jul 22, 2015

I recently found a neat little module which allows you to duplicate a right click & bring up pop up menu ( say by left clicking on a field). I find this very good for creating a nice little menu system in which I can reproduce the nice features of Access menus (I'm using Access 2002) but with a lot more flexibility.

So, I have a line of labels across the top of the form which are my top level menu items - when I click or mouse over these I want to have the pop up menu appear directly under the label. I can position the pop up menu manually by SetCursorPos(x,Y) but as my forms are Pop Up and can move this has proved to be a pain.

What I am after is something that will allow me to work out the coordinates of the left bottom of the label and then position the cursor there then drop the menu. The difficulty I'm having is converting or understanding the position of the label (me.label1.left etc) and relating that to what SetCursorPos needs.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Automatically Set Cursor To First Record (in Subform Of A Tabcontrol)

Oct 31, 2014

All I have a form called frmMain. This form contains a TabControl named tabMain tabMain has some pages. One of the pages is called pagRecords pagRecords contains a subform called frmRecords. frmRecords contains records from an in-memory table.

My problem: If I select tab pagRecords the cursor is set to the last record.

What I want: as soon I select tab pagRecords, the record cursor must always be set to the first record.

I think this can be done with next code.


DoCmd.GoToRecord acActiveDataObject, , acFirst

However, I placed this line in a lot of event properties but it is never triggered (I put a break on the line).

So on which object and event should I put this line? (and is acActiveDataObject the right parameter?)

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Blinking Text Box

Jun 22, 2005

I have a Text Box on a Form set to change color after an update changes the text to read “OK”. The Font changes from black to white and the background from white to red.

I want to make this blink/flash and need to have a button/action to stop/pause this for a set time (about 1hr.) so the update will not be able to start it blinking again.

I had made a splash screen to blink so you could see the Text Box that had the trouble and would stop when the Text Box changed from “OK”. Then I made a splash screen that came up and stayed on with the label that blinked until the Text Box changed.

The Form that I want to uses has the timer set to run an update and do not know if this will run on the same Form. Let me know if anyone has tried this and post a sample.
Thank you, JWT

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My Subform Is Blinking??

Aug 4, 2005

Hi all, this is very uncommon...
I have a form. Inside this form i added a subform whic works perfectly. However, if i add a third subform, both subforms start to blink and i cant use them.

In the form i have information about a task (primary key: change_id from newchange table). In the first subform i have information about subtasks (primary key: change_id2 + subtask from change_desc table) and in the new subform i have a trail log of the ticket (primary key: historyID from history table).

any help?

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Tabbed Form Label Blinking

Aug 12, 2006

I am trying to use a tabbed form, but the labels that are not associated with a text box or other control (like titles, etc) seem to aquire hyperlink properties which blink horribly when the cursor enter and leaves the label area. The two hyperlink properties are blank and I sure don't need them for anything. I tried associating the labels with a text box (which already had a label normally associated with it) and the hyperlinks and blinking goes away, but Access will only let me associate one label per control. When I have the same situation but not on a tabbed feature the hyperlink property is there, but no blinking occurs. I really - really would like to be able to use the tab style for these very busy forms. Can't imagine why a non-associated label must have hyperlink properties, or why this happens on tabbed pages and none others. GRRRR! HELP!!!

Thanks a billion!

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Highlight Field Instead Of Showing Blinking Caret

Mar 26, 2008

Here's one for you guys:

My vision-impaired staff are having trouble seeing the blinking caret when they tab over to the next field in a form. Is there a way to highlight the newly-selected field instead of just having a thin blinking caret to guide the way?

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent Shortcuts From Being Made

Oct 31, 2013

Is there a way to prevent users from making a shortcut to a database? I have my database split and I want users to copy the front end and paste it on their desktop. However, there is a high turnover rate among the people who will be using this database. As a result, I'm concerned that the instructions to copy and paste the database may not be passed along. I would like to avoid the possibility of someone making a shortcut to this database.

I would also like to prevent users from relocating the database by inadvertently dragging and dropping it in a new folder.The only person who should be able to move the database or work directly in the master copy of the front end is the person designated at the "admin" in my Users table (that would be myself and one other person). Is any of this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent Duplicate Data Over 2 Fields

Dec 25, 2014

I currently assign multiple 'skills' to departments using a listbox and a combo using the following code

Private Sub cmdSaveReq_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset


However as time goes on we may want to add new skills to the depts - ive used dcount to check if the data exists in one field before however how would it be possible to check to see if the data combination exists over deptid and skill

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent A Duplicate Record Using DCount

Jun 15, 2014

If expression to determine if a duplicate records has been entered.

DateAte is a date
MealType is a list box (text)

All I want to do is prevent two lunches, etc. from being entered on the same date. Code that results in the message box every time, regardless if a duplicate record or not.

Private Sub MealType_AfterUpdate()
Dim strDA As String
Dim DA As Date
DA = Me.DateAte.Value
strDA = "[DateAte]=" & "#" & DA & "#"
If DCount("[MealType]", "tblmeals", strDA) > 1 Then


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Modules & VBA :: Prevent Deletion Or Changes To Records That Meet Certain Conditions

Jun 14, 2013

Been experimenting on some code to prevent deletion or changes to records that meet certain conditions.

The problem I am having is the code is contradicting each other preventing some of the records to be locked down.

Private Sub Form_Current()
'Code 1 - Prevent edits if 21 day period has lapsed
If TestDate2(Me.txtStartedHidden) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Editing NOT allowed - 21 day time period has been reached"
Me.txtBasic.Locked = True

[Code] ....

Rules are:

Edits allowed if invoice date not reached
Edits allowed if within 21 day but NOT if invoice date is reached

Edits prevented if invoiced date reached and if records still within 21 days
Edits prevented if invoiced date reached & records past 21 days

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent For Duplicate Data (Time / Date)

Jul 26, 2014

I've a Sub form as datasheet view/grid.

See Capture1 & Capture2.

I'd like to prevent for duplicate time/date for same GuideCode. How can i prevent for those during the entry time or save time ? Is it possible ?



1. AUNKZ(GuideCode) is already assigned in other file number(12345) for 03-Aug-14 (as 02-Aug-14 to 04-Aug-14).

2. TOD(GuideCode) is already assigned in same file number(23456) for 10-Aug-14, 12:00 PM (as 10-Aug-14 to 10-Aug-14, 8:00AM to 1:00PM). I'd like to prevent if the file number are same or not same.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Prevent Access Change String To Date

Dec 23, 2014

I wrote a VBA code to get the field value of a csv file, then use it to update the database table. I paste some of my code below

Dim objConn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim objRs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim objUpdate As ADODB.Connection

objConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & theFolderName & ";Extended Properties='text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited'"

[Code] ....

1. The target of this code is to set the [Section] value in the table
2. The [Section] value is at the 3rd column inside the csv file
3. By using the UPDATE query, it map the [Section] value to the corresponding [Program] and [Course] in the table

This code did the job. But the problem is the string of the [Section] value is like "2-22-01". But after update to the table, the value become "2/22/2001".

The value is a string text, not date. How can I prevent this happen ?

I just attached 2 files, 1 mdb and 1 txt (change the extension to csv before test).

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent Record Creation If Form Is Null?

May 11, 2015

Nutshell: My user DB has one menu with 4 tabs (2 for adding records, and 2 for searching/editing records). Since the form opens up in the acFormAdd mode, Access already creates a new record (blank) before they type anything. It is resulting in blank false new records that are getting added to the table and they are getting annoying. My audit table is full of "user X created new record at this time" when it's just a blank record.

There must be a way to prevent this using VBA, but I cannot find it.

I've seen ways to disable "add new record" buttons and such, but nothing that disables Access from being smarter than me and creating a new record before I decide to.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Prevent ListBox From Unselecting Items After Right Click

Aug 12, 2013

i have a form that there is a list box inside that. after selection of items (usually 20 items) and right click the mouse on items it should open another pop up form,the problem is after right click selected items will be unselected except one item that there is mouse on that. how can i prevent list box from deselecting items after right click .

the code for mouse right click is like below:

Private Sub ItemList_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim udtPos As POINTAPI
Dim frm As Access.Form
If Button = RIGHTBUTTON Then
Set mp = New [*clsMousePosition]
GetCursorPos udtPos
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmshortcut"
DoCmd.MoveSize udtPos.x * mp.TwipsPerPixelX, udtPos.y * mp.TwipsPerPixelY
Forms!frmshortcut!txtparameter = Me.ItemList.Value
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent Duplicate Records To External CSV File From Form

Nov 24, 2014

I have some code which creates a record in an external csv file to provide information to upload a vehicle to the website. It works fine with the exception of creating duplicates when, for example an option to amend a record is given to the user before continuing to a new record. The option has to be in place in case there is an error in the specifics of what is important to be recorded in the database and under such circumstances the form code allows the user to tab through the form and correct any errors, but this creates duplicate entries in the csv file as the user has to pass through the 'SavePrintVehPurch_Exit' button a second time after corrections are made.

I am wondering if there is a way of altering the following code to effectively look look to see if the csv record exists and if so correct any changed field information rather than create a whole new record or create a new record where the record does not exist - The record in the csv file is determined by the 'Me.VP_VehRegMark.Value '.

Private Sub SavePrintVehPurch_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim fileText As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim fileNumber As String
fileNumber = FreeFile

[Code] ....

I am wondering about introducing the something like the following ( but can't work out how to clarify comparison of the fields)

If Len(filename(fileText)) = ? Then
Do not change entry
Overwrite the new detail

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent Form Closing Unless Switching To Design View?

Oct 18, 2013

I've got this form called mainmenu and inside this form I've got this code to prevent it from being closed.

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Cancel = True
End Sub

Now then, when I try to switch to design view in this form it doesn't let me because of this code. Is there anyway to tweak this code so that I can get into design view without having to keep disabling it?

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Control Is Appearing On More Then 1 Tab

Oct 2, 2005

Hi there

I have a form that has 4 tabs on it.

When I add a control onto one of the tabs, The control is appearing on all 4 tabs.

What causes this?

Thank you for your help!!

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Values Not Appearing In Table

Mar 10, 2005

Hey PPL...hows life???

i need some help here.... One of my forms has an age text box which is linked to a module ... so however, it calculates the age......

But the age is not shown in the table.... I need it to do that....

But i dont know which code to use... I heard of the INSERT INTO function
but dont know how to use it and under which event to put it....

my textbox in the form is named Age and the table is TblPatientDetails???

Please i need to do this urgently...


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Data Not Appearing In Table

Mar 16, 2005

I have previously posted a query similair to this which didn't get resolved.

I have two fields - Assessment and Score - the assesment field is linked to a look-up table that contains the assesment description and the score (ie if you are dead you score a 5)

Score then is =assessment.column(1) (in the control source).

On the form this works fine but in the datasheet view of the table - the assesment description shows up but the score doesn't. I think this has something to do with the control source setting but what other way can I do It?

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#ERROR And #DELETED Appearing In Tables

Aug 30, 2005


I have a muli-user database that's been creating the odd strange record for me

two records that have been created have all the fields data as


no matter what I do with these records I can't get rid of them or find out where they came from.

Can any help me just delete these out of the table?

Would be extreemly helpful as they are now getting on my nerves :-)

Cheers Homer

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A New Table Appearing In Objects Window

Sep 19, 2007

I found that a new table by name 'Name Autocorrect Failures' is appearinbg in my Objects window. I did not create this table. On opening the table, it gives infor as under
Object name - Form2
Object type - Form
Failure reason - could not open
What is this? Is it anything todo with failure to open my form?

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Records Appearing In Previous Queries

Jun 29, 2007

Hello everyone.

I use Duplicates Wizard to run about 14 queries which will show all possible combinations of duplicated records in an access table. Can anyone tell me how to add an extra column in reports 2 onwards displaying either a "yes" or a blank cell, being the answer to the question "does this record appear in any previous reports?"

Hope you can help.


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