Modules & VBA :: Text Box To Show Time Taken?

Feb 26, 2015

I have some vba that ends with a text box being displayed that says "file created"

I would like to add to that text box how long it took.

My initial thoughts are to add to the start of the code a variable that stores the current time (stTime)

and at the line before the text box is shown get the time again (endTime) and subtract one from the other to get the time taken in mins and sec

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VBA To Show Estimated Time In Text Box

May 15, 2015

I just got a request to add a new text box to a form called "EstimatedDuration" and trying to a command button that when clicked, it will insert 30 minutes or #00:30:00" into the box. I'll wind having 5 or six buttons with 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1.5 hours, etc. Basically, this will be used for new projects in my database and for management to click one of the buttons to add an estimated time duration of how long the "think" the project will take to complete.

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General :: Set Text Field To Show Particular Time For Current Day

Aug 7, 2013

How can i put a fixed time for the current date in a text field.

So the field will be 06:00:00 for the current day when the form is open?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Show Query Result In Text Boxes

Jun 25, 2013

I have query that creates table with 2 records each with 2 columns (2x2) and they do not have indexed ID,and query is related to combo box in other form so results are not always same but it is always (2x2) and value types are always same,

So how to show those results in text box in form,lets say 4 text boxes ,every value in one text box, i assume that i need to use DLookup() but i was able only to show first record,did not know what criteria put to go to second record.

When i select that query and create report i get what i want but i cant copy those text boxes to form that i want.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Show A Msgbox With Text Update In Progress

Mar 20, 2014

How can I show a msgbox with the text "Update in progress! Please wait a while", when I execute the following make table querye on form load?

Private Sub Form_Load()
'Turns the Access warning messages off
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "q_tblUdtrk2"
'Turns the Access warning messages back on
DoCmd.SetWarnings True


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Modules & VBA :: How To Make A Text Box To Show Results Of A Query To Display On Screen

Dec 4, 2014

We have a button running a SQL query via VBA, how can I make it so the results doesn't show up in a table/preview?Also, I know it's for the SQL forum but how can I make a text box to show the results of a query to display it on screen?

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Reports :: Attendance Database - Show Time In And Time Out For Specific Date

Apr 3, 2014

I have an attendance database and I connect the time attendance machine db to my access db, what i am trying to do is to generate a report that shows the time in and time out for specific date. the type of attendance db is date/time.

Please see the attached screenshot db from attendance machine.

an also some time there is duplicate entry, I need to get the first and the last entry only for specific date.

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Show Text Box In A Form Based On Character Within A String In Another Text Box

Dec 21, 2012

I have a form where I want a textbox [txtMaxOrdLimit] to be visible only if another text box on the same form [PaNumber] contains the letter D in the string. This is the code I have on the forms On Current property but I'm missing something because textbox [txtMaxOrdLimit] doesn't show on the form at all.

If Me.PaNumber = "*D" Then
Me.txtMaxOrdLimit.Visible = True
Me.txtMaxOrdLimit.Visible = False
End If

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Message Box Show Only First Time

Oct 26, 2006

Hi guys.

I have a few problems with my message box.

1. How do I enable a message to pop up only the first time I click a save button on a new record in a form?

2. How do I run the following

Me.Home_Tel.Locked = True
Me.Student_Name.Locked = True
Me.Class_Enrolled.Locked = True

ONLY AFTER you click Yes on the message box?

After you click yes, it can be locked forever, but not before you click the save button or if you clicked No on the msg box.

3. For another command button, how do I disable it after you have clicked it, and not enable it again until after you enter some value into a text box?

My message box now:

Dim msg As String
'Ask user if they want to save the record.
msg = msg & "You cannot change Student Name and Course Enrolled after you save. Proceed? "
If MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo, "Warning") = vbYes Then
'Run the command
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
'Lock the following keys
Me.Home_Tel.Locked = True
Me.Student_Name.Locked = True
Me.Class_Enrolled.Locked = True

Me.Home_Tel.Locked = False
Me.Student_Name.Locked = False
Me.Class_Enrolled.Locked = False
Exit Sub
End If

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Show Results After Date/Time

Mar 18, 2008

I've got to make a query that displays all records whose Date/Time field appear after another tables Date/Time field.
I suppose I could say this is for use in an "Item scanned into inventory, Item Scanned out of Inventory" fashion.

To purpose is to use the total items returned after the date/time to be subtracted from the total of items that were scanned in at an earlier date.

I always tend to get redundant because I'm never sure how well I explain something, it would work something like such:

Table 1(Items Out):
ItemID | DateTime | Quantity
1 1/1/08 1:00 1
1 1/1/08 3:00 1

Table 2(Items In):
ItemID | DateTime | Quantity
1 1/1/03 2:00 1

So effectively the query would run, with the date/time criteria being ItemID 1's Date/Time. It would ignore the 1:00 entry as it occured before the first Item that was scanned in, and return that we have 0 ItemID 1s in inventory.

Inventory is just being implemented it was seat of your pants in the past that is why I have this dilemma we dont know how many are in stock until we check it manually but we know how much has left. This is why data before our manual check is not important to our current totals. We could have sent out 5 ItemID 1s but only have 1 in stock now, and if we use that data we would have -4 in inventory. I'm attempting to use the oldest date/time of the manual scan (table 2) as a criteria per item scanned against table 1. Hopefully, to return the present total of items on hand.

As a note, I understand how to use >=#1/1/08 1:00:00# as a criteria but for some reason I cannot swing using a field in a table as criteria. That's pretty much what I can't find on the board or in my books.

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Modules & VBA :: Calculating Elapsed Time Within Time Period

Dec 1, 2013

I have a working dB which can calculate a shift duration and sum total all shifts worked within a period for the purpose of producing a labor report for payroll. I have successfully used the DateDiff function and converted the minutes to HH:MM on my form and reports. Now I want to calculate elapsed time for a specific period within a shift, I'll call it OtherHours and I am aiming to calculate a portion of time that meet the following conditions below. I am using field names of [PunchIn] and [PunchOut] and both are of type General Date.

IF [PunchOut] ISNOT Saturday,Sunday
IF [PunchOut] ISNOT Between Midnight and 0559 hours
DATEDIFF ("n", <MIDNIGHT>, [PunchOut])

My thoughts are to solve the DateDiff portion and then figure out how to apply the conditions within the IF statements.

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After Finding Records Show Themone At The Time

Mar 5, 2008

Hi All,

I have the following code to run search:
Code:Private Sub Command20_Click() Me.household_id.SetFocus 'Me.Text21.SetFocus 'subj_num = Text21 DoCmd.FindRecord Me.household_id, acEntier, True, acSearchAll, True, acCurrent, TrueEnd Sub
Let's say it found 5 records matching the search criteria.
I like the Access form show me each record every on second. Meaning show me next record every one second.

I have the follwoing code to loop throgh each record but I nned to run after the find code runs and loops throgh the record that have been found:

I have the following code to do the loop through each record but, I need to run it after running the find code and then loops through the records that have been found:

Code:Private Sub Command10_Click()Dim inti As Integer'Loop through record 1 to 20 in form For inti = 1 To 20 DoCmd.OpenForm "DEM_RECH_CHECK_LIST", , , "[household_id]= " & inti Next inti End Sub

I need some help to combine the above codes.

Thanks in advances,


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General :: Way To Get A Msgbox To Show Only When Db Is Open For First Time

Nov 14, 2012

Is there a way to get a msgbox to show only when the db is open for the first time. So basically what I want is when I push an update it will auto check to see if the db is current if not then it closes an opens the new db. When it opens the new db i want it to display a msg box or form that shows the new updates. Then if they exit an reopen it wont show the option.

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Queries :: Time Query - Show Transactions For Particular Session

Jul 20, 2015

I have a pop up reports tied to my form so the usere can press the see list report of all the equipment they just scanned in or out of the building. I am useing the Date/Time data type (General Date) What I would like to get out of the query is when the user clicks the button it will show all entries from the time right before the button is pressed AND through 5 minutes earlier. (That would be the time that the user would of started scanning the equipment.

This is my current criteria : Between Now() And Date()

This is returning all transactions for the day. I really only want all transactions for that session.

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Queries :: Show User ID When There Are No Errors During Defined Time Frame

Apr 16, 2014

I have an error database that I'm attempting to build. I need the results of the query to show User ID when there are no errors during a defined time frame.

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How To Save Data As General Date With Only Short Time Show On Form?

Aug 22, 2005

I have some project run on MS-Access as front-end with database linked to MS-SQL Server. I have some column of table contain Date-Time data that store data as General Date format (ie 01/01/2005 08:00:00). I create some form for my staff to key in a data of lab test that they will be key in only time with out date value. On form, I show this value as time only too. But I want to use this data with Date value for some calculate as backgroud process.


In case of new data, Database will be store my data as CurrentDate with Time that my staff key in.

In case of data update, Database will be store my data as ExistDate with Time that my staff may update.

What should I do for solve my problem?

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How To Save Data As General Date With Only Short Time Show On Form?

Aug 22, 2005

I have some project run on MS-Access as front-end with database linked to MS-SQL Server. I have some column of table contain Date-Time data that store data as General Date format (ie 01/01/2005 08:00:00). I create some form for my staff to key in a data of lab test that they will be key in only time with out date value. On form, I show this value as time only too. But I want to use this data with Date value for some calculate as backgroud process.


In case of new data, Database will be store my data as CurrentDate with Time that my staff key in.

In case of data update, Database will be store my data as ExistDate with Time that my staff may update.

What should I do for solve my problem?

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Tables :: Phone Statistics - Formatting Field To Show Duration Not Time

Apr 13, 2014

I am building a database to enter staff phone statistics. As an example my fields would be - Name, Date, Staffed time, Available time, Aux time and then calculated fields to show the percentage of time i.e %Aux, %Available etc.

My problem is the formatting of the times entered as they are duration not time. Say staffed time is entered as 08:00:00 for 8 hours and Aux time 03:57:21. The only format I can see to suit is date time but then Access takes these entries as 8am and 3:57am is there a way to change this to work as duration hh:mm:ss?

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Forms :: Pivot Chart To Show Progress In Multiple Projects Over Time

Aug 30, 2013

I'm aiming to create a stacked area chart to display the progress of multiple projects over time, so we can review and forecast project load over time.

The data comes from this table:

* ProjectID
* DateProspect
* DateConfirmed
* DateStarted
* DateComplete

A project passes through the statuses Prospect, Confirmed, Started, Complete. The current status of each is calculated in qryStatus from the dates in tblProject. The past and forecast statuses for each project will probably be calculated each time the chart is created (or maybe not necessarily so?)

To create the stacked area chart, the x-axis will be months (e.g. Sept 2013 - July 2015). On the y-axis will be the count of ProjectID, and the series will be the different project statuses.

The sticking point is getting from the Date* fields to the past and forecast statuses in each month. After that I imagine it'll be reasonably straightforward to put into a pivot/chart.

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General :: Report That Show Daily Activities - Adding Time Lengths

Feb 25, 2014

I have a report that shows the daily activities. it shows how long it takes to do each task. however some tasks are 8 hours andsome are 10 hours. when all these times are added together it will give the time on a clock. not a total of hours spent.

treatment1 : 8 hours
treatment2: 10 hours

this will give 06:00 in short time. in medium time it will give 18:00.

however if I add another 12 hours to that it will give 06:00.

I want it to show either 1 day and 4 hours /or 30 hours.

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Queries :: Calculate Time Difference And Show Result Under Certain Criteria In Query

Jul 9, 2013

ID Up Time Down Time
John 18:00 15:00
Kelvin 08:00 08:05
Melisa 23:00 02:00

This is the Table , i need the Query result show IF [Up Time]-[Down Time] is >=3 hrs

Like Below :

ID Up Time Down Time
John 18:00 15:00
Melisa 23:00 02:00

IDUp TimeDown TimeJohn18:0015:00Melisa23:0002:00

I tried DateDiff("h",[Up Time],[Down Time]) in Field but POP out with error "Syntax error (comma) in query expression 'Table1.[DateDiff("h",[Up Time],[Down Time])]' " ...

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Queries :: Show Data - Query Based On User Selected Time And Date Range

May 17, 2013

I have a form that request information from the user (StartDate, StartTime, EndDate and EndTime) the problem is that it's not working. The only way I can get any data to show is when I remove the StartTime and EndTime. Only then will it pull the items from the StartDate and EndDate.

Here is what I have as my criteria: Between [Forms]![OpPROD_ALL]![StartTime] And [Forms]![ OpPROD_ALL]![EndTime] And Between [Forms]![ OpPROD_ALL]![StartDate] And [Forms]![ OpPROD_ALL]![EndDate]

The users will be able to request a report based on a start and end date along with a start time and end time.

Side note: this is to pull date for 3rd shift (Example) 4/14/2013 10:00PM - 4/15/2013 10PM

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Show Text At Focus

Jan 2, 2007

I need some help with my DB

This is my database cotroller

the next and back button work fine. the trouble i have is with the bleu balls when you focus on one of the balls a text must come to the text field. i used a label and an caption code but i dont get it to work i still need to click for it appears. And thats what i dont whant because when you click another form i beiing opened.

Please assist i thik this is a real challange

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How Can I Set A Calculated Text Box So It Won't Show 0?

Aug 23, 2005

Ok, so I'm pretty new at this stuff, and while I'm sort of familiar with VB, I feel like there should be a fairly simple expression that could solve my problem. I have a calculated text box that is based on what is entered in another text box, like so:

the source number is in a field called Word Count.
my calculated box's Control Source is =([Word Count]/250).

My goal is to automatically calculate the number of pages based on the number of words per page (250). I used Format so the bank rounding problem doesn't effect the outcome, but if the Word Count field is less than 125 the number of pages is 0. which is obviously not the case.
I've tried fiddling around with the rounding, but then it starts rounding higher word counts up too soon.

thoughts, please?

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Show Text In Drop Down Box Instead Of Numbers

May 31, 2007

Hi *,OK, still new to Access so I apologize in advance if that is a dumb question ;)I have a table "survey" where I wanna store number values (0,25,50,75,100 respectively). The user is supposed to use a form to input the data into the table. For this purpose, he/she is supposed to use a drop down box.So, is it possible that the drop down box does not show the values but instead a verbal description of these values (very important, important, average, etc.)? What I have tried was to create a table with the number values and use this table as data source for the drop down box... it shows the values but for the end user, verbal descriptions would be better...Thanks!Steve

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HTML Text Doesn't Show Right

Nov 29, 2004

In my website I've created a admin login with some ASP pages to edit and update stories.
I use an acces database and installed HTMLarea for WYSIWYG editing.

When I update text, all the HTML tags show als plain text in my website.
For example: I make a headline bold in my wysiwig editor and I update my text, it just shows: <B> here's a new story </B>
If I look in my database I have a field 'text' wich is a memofield and I can see the html tags have been stored into my database. <B>here's a new story</B>

It looks like it doesnt recognize the html tags as HTML, but just as plain text...

Can I use HTML-tags in an acces database and how do I get them to show up right in my website?

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