Modules & VBA :: When Press Space Key On Keyboard It Will Exit From Form

Jan 13, 2015

i want that when i press the space key on my keyboard oi will exit from the form. i searched on the interne t but i couldn't find the proper one. I don't know exactly what i have to write in vba.

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Keyboard Form

Aug 12, 2006


I have form which looks the same as a keyboard, I am trying to figure out if the user clicks on the buttons, lets say A then S and so on, it will update the text box above it with AS and so on



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Modules & VBA :: Command Button Press Multiple Times Based On Value In Text Box

Jul 23, 2015

Is there any way to press a command button a certain amount of times based on a value in a text box.


text box value = 5

button gets pressed 5 times with one click...

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Modules & VBA :: Select Item And Press EDIT Button To Make Changes In Listbox1 Values

Jun 4, 2014

In the form1 , I have a listbox1 with 2 columns. The values get added in the listbox using vba. Now I want to Edit the listbox values in case user enters something wrong. So when the user selects a listbox item and then EDIT button then form2 gets opened. And the textbox1 of it stores column1 of listbox1 value and textbox2 stores column 2 of listbox1 value. So the user canb make changes in the textbox values and then press SAVE button . Now I want the code that will make those changes in listbox1 of form1 and unload form2 then.

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Modules & VBA :: Exit A Subroutine From Within Control Loop

Jan 30, 2015

Sometimes I find the 'need' to exit a subroutine from within a control 'loop' e.g. if.. then..else with... while... et al.

I suspect this is 'bad form' but is there any 'cost' in doing this?

There presumably will be if objects have been set and are not reset to Nothing. In this case it presumably is not a problem resetting to Nothing outside a With.. - what about inside a with..??

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Button Press Enters A (calculated) Figure On Form?

Jul 5, 2005

I'm sure this is really simple... apologies, but a search hasn't thrown up any clues.

I have a table with Invoice Value, and Commission Value in it. On the associated form I enter the Invoice Value, and also the Commisison value [which 99% of the time is set at 20%.

I am trying to make a button which, when pressed, enters the calculated commission in the form field (and underlying table) - I realise this could be in the 'On Click' property on the form, but in VBA I am after something like.

Private Sub btnCommCalc_Click()
tblSales.Commission = tblSales.Invoice * 0.2
End Sub

Could someone help me with the syntax? (I can then move on to using a variable, rather than hard-wiring the 20% ;-)

Many thanks

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Modules & VBA :: Create Backup Of Database On Exit In Different Directory

Dec 20, 2013

I am looking to create a backup of a database on exit in a different directory then where I am storing the database now.

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Forms :: Cannot View Added Records When Press Navigate Buttons In Form

Apr 12, 2013

I can add record successfully... but can't view it accordingly when I press navigate buttons in the form...

Database is attached ....

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Code For When Press A Button It Refreshes And Clears Out Certain Text Boxes In Form

Dec 16, 2011

Is there a code for when I press a button it refreshes and clears out certain text boxes in my form?

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Modules & VBA :: Getting Error 2450 When Click Access Close Button To Exit

Dec 17, 2014

Getting error '2450' when click Access close button to exit.

Run-time error '2450': ECN cannot find the referenced form 'frmLogin'.

Note: After login my login form is visible to, cause to get login user id into "frmECN" Form. But When I'm in "frmECN" Form and enter data then close to exit Access main close button I'm getting 2450 error.

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Exit Form

Dec 1, 2006

I have a form with 4 tab pages. on the 2 tab page I have a subform that adds records to a table via 2 combo boxes.

I have been able to stop user from leaving a combo control blank or skipping to the next combo control, but if user clicks the Exit command button on the main form, from the 2nd combo control, it prompts that value has to be selected but the gives error:

"You cannot add or change record because a related record is required"

How can I stop this so form will close and undo the 1st combo selection and not give error?

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Exit A Sub Form Without The Mouse

Jan 4, 2006

My main form has 2 “Continuous Forms” sub forms.
The cycle of the sub forms is set to “All Records”

Is there a way to exit the first sub form and move the focus to the second sub form utilizing only the keyboard? (Like shift + tab, or any custom buttons)
I’m trying to avoid using the mouse

Thank you

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Form Exit Query

Jul 14, 2005

Obviously doing something stupid here :-)

I use a form for data entry. When I hit the next arrow in the navigation button section (the default navigation buttons supplied by access), by data is saved into the relevant table.

When the I press the X on the form my data is also saved. However I'm not given the opportunity to say if I want to quit the form or save the data.

What do I need to set to get this functionality?


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Cancel And Exit Form

Jul 7, 2006

Hi all, I have a textbox with an input mask for an id number, so if I begin adding numbers I get an error message if they're not in correct format- this is fine- but I want the user to be able to cancel the entry and exit the form, but when I click the cancel button I get an error message about the id format- anyone know how I can allow cancel to override this?

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Exit Form Without Data Entry

Jan 26, 2005

How can exit from an "DataEntry=True" and "AllowAdditions=True" Form without add a new record to the table ??

Any help please!!!!!
Ps: i only can do that if i press 'esc' in the 'textbox', but that doesn't suits me. the form only have a 'textbox' and a 'commandbutton'

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Form Data Clears On Exit

Jul 19, 2007

I am developing an Access 2003 database for our shipping dept.
I have linked tables from a Sql Server 2000 Database that MakeTable queries were used to make tables then changed to Update Queries for the data.

The shipper opens a form (Call it Dock 1, Dock 2 , etc.) to scan a barcode or manually key the Batch Code in a ComboBox that is a lookup. "Enter" moves the cursor to create the next Record with the balance of the data pulled into the next 6 or 7 fields through VB Code. This data is written to a table for verification of each shipment.

My problem is that if the form is closed or the user exits Access, this form is empty when reopened but the table is intact. I need to be able to assure the form is not cleared on exit unless by request.

I have tried

"Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)"
"docmd.gotorecord ,, aclast "
"End Sub"

in the Form, (Without the Quotes) nothing happened not data was returned but, the data was in the Table

I need all entries to be retained not just the last record

I am not a programmer but i have experience with VB6 and Access 2.0, 3.0, 97, 2002, & 2003. Any help will be appreciated and I offer my thanks in advance to all responders

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Modules & VBA :: Editing To Force At Least One Space In The Field

Jul 10, 2013

Not = " " And InStr(1,"seat_person"," ") <> 0

I have a field into which I wish to place a person's name and I want to ensure that the field has a space in it but is not a blank field,

all blank - illegal
"Bob" - Illegal
"Bob Smith" - legal

the edit at the top is my attempt to code it but it isn't working.

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Modules & VBA :: SQL Select Statement - Space In Column Name

Jul 22, 2013


strSQL = ("INSERT INTO " & strTable & " Select c.OrderNumber, c.Item, c.RepId, p.ProductNbr, p.Name, [tbl_LBP_Sales Location Num].[Rep Region Code] FROM CalculateTotal c, dbo_PartNew p, [tbl_LBP_Sales Location Num] WHERE ([Structure] like '*" & u & "*') AND ([ProductNbr] = '" & txtPartNumber & "')")

CurrentDb.Execute strSQL

It keeps giving me this error and I don't know why?...

I tried replacing the brackets around Rep Region Code with quotation marks as well as these things `` but kept getting the same error...

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Modules & VBA :: Replacing Value Of Zero To Blank Space In Text Box

Oct 4, 2013

How can I replace a '0' to a blank space and '1' to 'X' in 'Text Box' in a report ? The 'Data Type' is 'Yes/No' in the table.

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Modules & VBA :: Eliminate Leading Space In Front Of String

Sep 9, 2013

I am having an issue with some imports. As you will be able to see from the attached Db file, some fields import into MS Access with a leading space in front.

The problem is, Access doesn't seem to see it. For example, (in Query_1) I try to find the leading space with a Left and a Mid function using: " ", "", and Null... but none of these criteria match.

However if you use Left(string, 1)... the empty space will post. So my question is: How can I programmatically eliminate these leading spaces when I can't state if there is a leading space or not?

Take a look...

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Modules & VBA :: Adjust Required Field - Space Bar Character

Aug 30, 2013

How can I adjust my required field so that you cannot simply enter a space bar character to circumvent the requirement?

Here is part of the code:

If IsNull([txtRequiredReason]) Then
MsgBox "The Reason field is required"
DoCmd.GoToControl "txtRequiredReason"


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Modules & VBA :: Code To Replace Special Character With Space

Jun 12, 2015

We have a spreadsheet that i upload onto a table, i use on of the fields to build a file path but if there is a special character it causes problems,i need to replace the below with spaces if they are in my field called path

< (less than)
> (greater than)
: (colon)
" (double quote)
/ (forward slash)
| (vertical bar or pipe)
? (question mark)
* (asterisk)
. (full stop)
, (commer)

how i can do this in some sort of update query.

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Exit A Half Populated Form Without Saving Record

Feb 27, 2006

Hi could someone point me in the right direction for this one,

I have a series of linked tabbed Forms. One of the Forms is mostly populated by Combo boxes which all work fine. My problem occurs when you go to add a new record and populate the form with the combo boxes but decide for some reason not to save the record but exit the form using the Close form command button or by using the close button at the top of the Form. Access seems to Save the record anyway. I have placed an Undo Cmd on the form to clear all text boxes which works fine but it does not stop a user from closing or exiting a Form by another means and stop them saving that incomplete record.

I would be grateful for any thoughts on how to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance

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Modules & VBA :: Trimming White-space After Pulling Data From Excel Cell?

Apr 15, 2014

I've got a piece of VBA scripting which runs as an event linked to a button on my MS Access form.

I maintain a database of members of staff at my organisation. It's pretty outdated...

I'm basically wanting to pull in their updated data (extracted from on our payroll system) from a spreadsheet, into a form, when clicking a button on a particular person's record.

This is what I have so far.

start = Forms!frm_main2!txt_start_row.Value - 1
conv = DDEInitiate("EXCEL", "Staff List.xlsx")
cell_employee_number = "R" & start & "C1"
cell_surname = "R" & start & "C2"

[Code] ....

The function "CStr(DDERequest())" converts the cell number into the readable data, however I seem to have whitespace below the value.

What would I need to do to strip out this whitespace? Would I use strtrim? If so, I am unsure of the syntax... how would I incorporate strtrim into the above?

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Modules & VBA :: Invalid Argument With Search Box - Missing Space Or Quotation Marks

Mar 25, 2014

I found this code on a website that uses a form to search all tables in my database. Problem is that when I click "search" I get an invalid argument error. I am guessing that there is a problem with my SQL string. Missing space? Missing quotation marks? etc etc.... Anyway, here is the code:

Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSearch As String
Dim strTableName As String

[Code] ....

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Empty Space Around The Form

Feb 15, 2006

I started creating the form, thought I'd have a larger size form. Then I found
that all of the users have a screen resolution of 800x600 and I was using
1024x768. So I reworked the form so that it would fit onto their screensbetter.
I moved things around, put this over there temporarily,
put that down there, pulled this out of the way, etc., so for a brief time
my form was twice as big as it normally is.

Now the sliders are way out there on my form and they won't go back. So I
have a huge amount of blank space around my form and it appears to the
user as though there's something out there. How can I shrink it back down?

Here's a picture, notice how most of it is empty space?:

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