Modules & VBA :: Why Code Will Not Move To Last Record Of Table
Aug 14, 2014
I have the following code:
techid = Forms!Main!txtCurrentUserID
Task = 2
note = "Work Instructions"
strSQL = "SELECT *"
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM [tblTracking] "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE ([EmpID]=" & techid & ");"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
For whatever reason, this code will move to the last record that was entered in YESTERDAY, but I want it to move to the last record that was entered in TODAY. If I change the code to only records that are dated today, it claims there are no records (EOF), when there clearly are. why the code will not move to the last record of the table, it is only moving to the last record that was entered yesterday.
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Oct 16, 2013
I have a database where on the bottom I have kept the record navigation buttons. When I move to the next record is fine, but when it reaches the end and I press once more, it will create a new one. How can I avoid this?
I made a button special for that purpose to creat new record). I guess the best option will be not to show the record navigation and create buttons to go back and forward and avoid that the next press of the button will create new record.
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Sep 8, 2006
ok ive read some responses to people having trouble or need to know how to move a record from one table to another...
i have two tables. One with member and another with thier siblings.
i have two forms. one with the member details which contain a command box to open the other form for their siblings. the siblings form is a tabular form so when i double clikc the siblings form i can all the children but when i open it from a specific member only their children are shown.
each member has a memberID (primary key). but the siblings have the same ID as their father(member)
i have put a commmand box in the siblings form next to every sibling. what i want is that when i click this button the record moves to the members column.
i only know the very basics of a step by step explination would be helpful...
this is very specific and if more information is required please ask here or ask for my msn address.
Thank you in advance
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Nov 24, 2006
Ok my problem is this......
I have a form with a field "Property Status" on it. It has 4 possible values -
"C - SHELTERED (with warden charge)";"H - SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"J - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (With warden charge)";"M - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"X - DISCONNECTED"
When the value "X - DISCONNECTED" is selected in the form I want the record to be removed from its existing table and sent to a new table which keeps all the "X - DISCONNECTED" records together.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. How would this be coded?
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Mar 26, 2008
Say i have two tables
1 = computers (it holds info about the computers)
2 = Repair (this table holds only the PCs that are under repair)
I want to be able to move one computer record to Repairs table as soon as i select that "this pc is under repair" on a form. So it does not show up on my report of computers in hand and shows up on computers in repair.
and when i get the pc back from repair, i want to be able to select "back in stock" and it'll move the record back to Computers tables & removes tht record from repairs table
is there a way i can do this automatically (without manually move a record)?
Any suggestions - web links or examples will be much appreciated.
Thank you
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Jul 8, 2014
I have 2 tables, a and b.
Then I have records in each table with fields ,Name and Status(Done and Done_s)
I want records having "Done_s" to be moved to b whenever the change has occurred. Is this possible?(I have tried somethings with Macros but didn't work)...
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Oct 11, 2004
I'm trying to make a form with a single text box that will search for the contents of the text box in a table. Once it finds a match, it moves the record into another table. Anyone know how to do this?
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Sep 18, 2012
Using access 2003, i would like to add a button to a form so that when clicked all the data in that record is moved (cut and paste) to another identical table, like archive.
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Mar 30, 2015
My boss has assigned a task for me to move the details under a field name (eg:[Name]) in table 1 to table2 under another field name (eg [Insured Name]).
Previously, the software I planned to use is Excel, but my boss says Excel cannot handle large data as the computer will be hanging.So,he wants me to use Access to do the programming.I have some programming backgrounds (like C++) but it seems like I hardly understand how Access works! So can any Access expert here teach me how to do so that i won't get fired.
Firstly, We will have the data like this.
Name | PolicyNo | Age | Benefit
Chris | 123 | 21 | Death
Jane | 456 | 34 | TPD
Adam | 789 | 55 | DD
Secondly, we let the other staffs to key in which column to be mapped with the other. Manually Key in (both columns).Mapping Table:
Table1 | Table2
Name | InsuredName
Policy No | Pol_No
Benefit | InsuredBenefit
Age | InsuredAge
Thirdly, the staff will run the VBA and result would be like this.
InsureName | Pol_No | InsuredBenefit | InsuredAge
Chris | 123 | Death | 21
Jane | 456 | TPD | 34
Adam | 789 | DD | 55
As you can see the new table(table2) , field number 3 is the same with the field number 4 in table1. There is something like copy and paste job, but user can decide how the arrangement for the new table is.
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Sep 27, 2005
1) HOw can I move a record from one talbe to another when a specific drop-down option is selected. Example: a combo box with "Active"; "Pending"; "Closed" I want all closed recoreds in a table just for closed records to reduce clutter. They're not going to be referenced often if ever, we just want them so we have them if we do need them.
2) How can I prevent changes to the design of a form/query/report/etc.
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Apr 23, 2014
I'm trying to build a command button to parse each line into a new record of my table [TBLRECORDS].I am able to parse a single line using this code but don't know how to insert the data into the table and loop through for all lines in my [memFile] control
On a form I have a text control [memFile].I populate it by pasting text from the body of an email into it and it is stored in a tables memo field [TBLFILES].[TEXTFILE].Each email can have countless rows of data in this format
H E74 Warranty end not prior to Serv start for XRC Status: M RecordId=897*7756*33*1D1PMB*20140418
H E74 Warranty end not prior to Serv start for XRC Status: M RecordId=897*7916*68*A1C558*20140418
Each line of data will always begin with "H " and each line of text will always have the same character count..For each line in me.memFile I want to create a new table record and populate this way
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May 4, 2006
I am creating a report that has the variable address as usual.
City, State zipcode
If there is no value for address2, is it possible to shift the locatoin of city state zip up into the Address 2 location? I would like to shift the lable up with code, but can't find a way to do it.
I am using an unbound data source so i have full control over the variable data.
thank you
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Aug 13, 2013
I have a form based on a query and have written code to display a msgbox if a duplicate entry is inputted in the NHS_Number field in the form. I have also added code "me.undo" to clear the form so that it is not saved. I am looking for a piece of code that will display the duplicate record. Here is my code thus far:
Private Sub NHs_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim x As Integer
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Sep 5, 2014
So I have a form which is showing the current record and you can scroll through these and make modifications to them from the form as opposed to using a table.
The form has the following fields populated from the main table
Customer name (Can appear more than once)
In addition it has several buttons for next record, previous record, first & last record, new record, delete record and update record.On this form i have a text box that i want to be able to use to search for a record using the customer name when you press the search button associated with it. I've got some code and it is mostly working but it seems to be moving the text entry cursor to the date box of the record for some reason.
What I want it to do is take the text from the search box and find it and move the form to that record.
Private Sub btn_cstmr_srch_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo HandleError
Dim strFindWhat As String
strFindWhat = Me.txt_cust_search.Value
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Aug 11, 2014
I have a report that displays maybe about 4 columns that read data and if a columns reads zero then I have a code where it will hide, but my problem is that I cannot get the columns to move over once the column that is zero is invisible.VBA code that will hide a column that has zeros and move over the remaining columns so that when the report is ran it will not show just an empty white space.
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Sep 4, 2014
I am using a datasheet view with dbl click code to open a form to a selected record. I was able to use pbaldy's code and it worked perfectly.
DoCmd.OpenForm "Asset Status", , , "[Project Number] = '" & Me.Project_Number & " ' "
Then I realized I really want to be able to go to other records after I have gone to this form and tried this:
Dim rs As Object
Dim lngBookmark As Long
'set variable to the current record
lngBookmark = Me.Project_Number
'open new form
But to no avail. Project_Number is a text field.
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Apr 28, 2015
I'm changing a record source on a form when the user clicks a "save" button.
I'm doing this to store a value from the current form in a table that is not part of the default form query.
This works fine.
I have a separate button on my form called "Home", when the user clicks this button it requerys the current form which triggers the before update event to run, this in turn brings up a message box which asks the user if they want to save or not. If they click yes then it runs the SaveButton click() code.
For some reason when the user presses the save button and then exits, everything works but if a user presses the “home” button which triggers the save button then it brings up the “2107 The Value you entered doesn’t meet the validation rule defined for the field or control.” Runtime error and stops on the change recordsource command.
Why triggering the same code directly from a button or indirectly from a before update event has two different outcomes.
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Nov 20, 2013
i have a database which has new customers added daily (currently we post all documentation)
when a new record is filled in the customer receives:
cover letter/invoice(report), book page(report) and a book (pdf, always the same) the reports are created from the record
rather than post all these documents i would like to email them to each customer in 1 email with the reports in pdf format.
CC (email feild from the record)
Subject (pre filled with "Stop Bullying Now! Books 4 Schools order")
Body (pre filled with "Dear ([Contact]if possible) Please find enclosed your documentation for your recent telephone order bla bla bla and our logo.jpg if possible)
then i would like to attach to the email the cover letter/invoice(report), book page(report) and the book (pdf) from the hard drive (r.eports changed to pdf)
if i can press a button on the form to send it that would be good.
if i could link it to a query to send a batch of them that would excellent.
The Database is Named: b4s.mdb
The table is called: Main Table
The input form is called: Client
The letter/invoice report is called: b4sletinv
The Book page report: b4sbook
The pdf book is located at c:Documents and SettingsAdministrator4sfinal.pdf
The query for the batch is called: coverlet&proforma
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Nov 8, 2007
I have a simple table of Customer names. It's as simple as two fields involved:
How can I use VBA code or macro to add a new record to this table? I'm a newbie, so if possible, please provide a few lines of example codes. Thanks.
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Jun 27, 2013
How move to next record (without enter) after fill mask in first record in access form?
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Jan 15, 2014
After I enter data into one field in a record I would like the form to save the record when I move to another field in the same record. It seems that the record is only saved when I exit it entirely. Is there a way to save a record when moving between fields in that record? Can this be done without using an Event Procedure for each field?
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Dec 24, 2014
The school director is going to input a date (by default today) and a subform will display all of the students who started before that date and haven't been closed as of that date. Next to each name, there will be 4 radio buttons (present, absent, holiday, hospitalized), which by default will be set to present. The director will go down the line, only needing to click when a student isn't present. At the end, she'll push a save button and the new records will be added.
My proposed method:
1. When the textbox with date input is changed, the subform (or just form and I put the textbox in the header?) will populate itself with a query based on student names whose corresponding startdate and enddate work with the inputted date.
2. The subform will be in continuous view so that it kinda looks like a data sheet but it has radio buttons rather than just spreadsheet cells.
3. When the save button is pushed, some visual basic code in the background will look at record 1, grab the student name and selected radio button value, and add a new record to the AttendanceRecords table with the name, attendance type, and date. Then the code will move to the 2nd record, rinse and repeat until it goes through all of them.
1. At its core, is this the Access way of doing something like this? Is there a simpler, more efficient, or generally smarter way of doing attendance?
2. How is step 3 going to work? I can look up how to add new records to a table, but I'm not sure how to move around from record to record collecting corresponding data.
3. Since the AttendanceRecord table uses studentID and typeID rather than actual names and actual attendance types, what's the easiest way of adding the new records with that data efficiently? I'm thinking of making the RecordSource of the subform some sort of linked up set of tables such that if I'm looking at record 1 and the name in the textbox on the subform is "Bob" I can just reference studentID in the background without needing anything on the form at all with studentID?
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Nov 11, 2014
I have a form that is calling data from a table. Then the user can determine if they approve the question or not. So what I am trying to do is take one combo box that has yes or no and write it to the database. I thought I had it correct, but appears I do not as it is not writing yes or no to the table. The field initially has no value and that is my query for calling the data for the user to select from. Here is the code that I have so far
'add approval to yes
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO travelerQA(approval)" & _
" VALUES('" & Me.cmbapproveda & "')"
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Jun 24, 2015
I have a table (tblPrinterSelection) with three fields: Autonumber, DocType, PrinterSel
There are three types of values for "DocType"; "Document", "LargeLabel", "SmallLabel"
I want to assign a "PrinterSel" to each type of "Doctype", which basically means that the user selects the type of document and then the printer in a form that has the code below and then I need the code to automatically update the table.
Dim PrintSel As String
Dim DocType As String
'Assign a value to the printer selected variable
PrintSel = Me.lblPrinterSelected.Caption
If IsNull(Me.frmDocType) Then
MsgBox "No document type selected."
What i am looking for is code that would pick the value for "DocType" and "PrintSel" assigned here and add them to the table so that I can use that info later.
I am only looking to have three rows in that table so if the "DocType" does not exist then a new row is created but if it does, only the value of "PrintSel" is updated.
I should end up with something like this:
1 Document Epson
2 LargeLabel HP
3 SmallLabel Canon
How can I do this?
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Aug 12, 2013
I'm trying to get a DB to move records simultaneously using a command button. The records are setup with check boxes for example: one column has a check box for 1 Year Ratio the next column has a check box for 2 Year Ratio and the third column has a check box for 3 Year Ratio.
How can i move the information out from 3 Year Ratio into another table and then move 2 Year Ratio check into 3 Year Ratio check box and 1 Year Ratio check into 2 Year Ratio check box by using a command button.
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Sep 25, 2014
trying to identify if 2 fields within a table have been populated i.e.
Check date field and restaurant field, if these fields have been populated do
errStr = errStr & tmpDate & ", "
validStr = validStr & tmpDate & ", "
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