Move Label In Access Report With Code

May 4, 2006

I am creating a report that has the variable address as usual.
City, State zipcode

If there is no value for address2, is it possible to shift the locatoin of city state zip up into the Address 2 location? I would like to shift the lable up with code, but can't find a way to do it.

I am using an unbound data source so i have full control over the variable data.

thank you

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Forms :: How To Move Combo Box Label Into Header Area

Dec 6, 2013

How do I move combo box label into the form header area while leaving the actual field title in the detail area in a subform so they looked stacked like the other items??

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Reports :: Center Check Box Under Label On Report In Access 2007

Mar 21, 2013

I have created a report with the report wizard in Access 2007 that includes a check box. The check box is located under the label but to the far left side. How can I center the check box under the label?

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Modules & VBA :: Why Code Will Not Move To Last Record Of Table

Aug 14, 2014

I have the following code:

techid = Forms!Main!txtCurrentUserID
Task = 2
note = "Work Instructions"
strSQL = "SELECT *"
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM [tblTracking] "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE ([EmpID]=" & techid & ");"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)


For whatever reason, this code will move to the last record that was entered in YESTERDAY, but I want it to move to the last record that was entered in TODAY. If I change the code to only records that are dated today, it claims there are no records (EOF), when there clearly are. why the code will not move to the last record of the table, it is only moving to the last record that was entered yesterday.

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Reports :: VBA Code That Will Hide A Column That Has Zeros And Move Over Remaining Columns

Aug 11, 2014

I have a report that displays maybe about 4 columns that read data and if a columns reads zero then I have a code where it will hide, but my problem is that I cannot get the columns to move over once the column that is zero is invisible.VBA code that will hide a column that has zeros and move over the remaining columns so that when the report is ran it will not show just an empty white space.

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Forms :: Label On Form Will Not Update As The Code Runs In The Background

Mar 17, 2014

I have a userform that pops up when I am implementing a VBA subroutine. The nature of the form is simply to update the user what progress through the operation the code is using a label called lblProgressText.

So, I have a form called frmProgress and in my loop I use:

Form_frmProgress.lblProgressText.Caption = Format(rsLongItems.PercentPosition / 100, "0.00%") & " - Long items"
Form_frmProgress.pbProgressBar = rsLongItems.PercentPosition

I know I don't need the .requery, .repaint and .refresh lines but I put in there just to check it wasn't that causing the issue.

When my code runs, the form is opened using:

Form_frmProgress.Modal = False
DoCmd.OpenForm Form_frmProgress.Name, acNormal, , , , acWindowNormal

The form Popup property is set to Yes.

The lblProgressText control just wont update (but earlier today it was so maybe I have broken something).Btw, all this code is run from a Module, not in the form object.

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Reports :: Hide Report Label If Sub Report Count Is 0

Dec 18, 2013

Is there a way to hide a label on a report if the sub report count is 0?

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Access 2010 - VBA Code - Add Report To Body Of Email?

Feb 25, 2013

Access 2010 - add report to body of an email

i have VBA code to create an email and attach an excel file, what i would like is code to add a report called REPORTMISSINGDATES to the body of the email.

this is the code i have so far, which works and adds everythng i wqant except the main body of the email.

Private Sub Command31_Click()
On Error GoTo Command31_Click_Err
Dim Email As String
Dim name As Variant
Dim EMPloy As Variant
Dim month As Variant
month = MonthName([Forms]![STAFFATTENDANCEMenu]![StaffMonth])
EMPloy = Forms!staffattendancezone!Staff
name = DLookup("[STAFFNAME]", "[QRYSTAFFNAME]", "[ASA] = Forms!staffattendancezone!Staff")
Email = (Forms!STAFFATTENDANCEAdjust!Email)
DoCmd.SendObject acQuery, "STAFFATTENDANCEZONECheckEmployee", "ExcelWorkbook(*.xlsx)", [email], "", "", "" & "Attendance Errors", "THIS IS WHERE I WANT THE REPORT TO GO" _
End Sub

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Reports :: PNG Image On A Label Report

Apr 7, 2014

I have a report reading directly from a table. Table has a text field "txtOldState" where the field data a 10 digit number.

Also have a directory with .png files named with same 10 digit number. The txt field is on the report - I need to print the associated .png file on the report along with the 10 digit "txtOldState" field. I'm failing at pulling a png from the folder to print on report.

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Reports :: Force Uppercase In Report Label

May 23, 2013

I have the following code of my holiday calendar however I would like to convert the month into uppercase. I know about the 'Ucase' function but I am fairly new to this and have tried to place this within the code but with no success:-

With theReport
.Controls("labelMONTH").Caption = Format(StartDate, "mmmm")

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Reports :: Can Display Weekday In A Label On A Report

Jun 27, 2015

Can I display the weekday in a label on a report? If so, how? The record source for the report has a variable "StartDate" and I want to show the day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc) of this date in a label.

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Code Triggered From Label On Click Behaves Differently From Command Button On Click

Nov 7, 2006

Often I use Labels as buttons due to the fact I can colour them the way I want, and use the on click event to trigger code.
The code below however works for a command button, but not a label button.

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmdatetime"
Do While Forms!frmdatetime!OKFlag.Caption = "False"

When this code is run by clicking on a command button, it works fine.
If run by clicking on a label, frmdatetime opens, but the mouse will not work on either of the 2 open forms unless you go down to the windows task bar, jump onto another window, and back onto frmdatetime.
If I remove the loop with the DoEvents in it, then the problem does not occur.

Can anyone enlighten me as to why this behaviour occurs.



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Modules & VBA :: Creating Label Report With (TimesToRepeatRecord) Criteria

Dec 7, 2014

In my database (db) I have first create simple report which can print label for certain article in number of times user wants to. That part of db is marked as OldLabels in db that I have attached bellow.

Now, I plan to update this code via form NewLabels so user could choose more than one article and for each article he can define 'TimesToRepeatRecord' number. Unfortunately, I am little confused how to achieve this.. This is the old code (from Report) which have done most of the work

Option Explicit
Dim intPrintCounter As Integer
Dim intNumberRepeats As Integer
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
intPrintCounter = 1
intNumberRepeats = Forms!VPDEKLARACIJE!TimesToRepeatRecord

[Code] .....

I have also attached db named "Demo" so you could see the issue. [URL] .....

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Reports :: Making Labels With Report - Repeating Label

Jul 18, 2013

I am making labels to stick on containers that we're shipping out. Some shipments will have only 1 container and some will have more than 1.Can I have it repeat a label if there are more than 1 container for an order?

For example:
Shipment 1 has 3 containers. The label says "3 x DM" and it will make one label.

Can I set it somehow to print that label three times? What about adding incremental text, e.g. 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3?

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Reports :: Text Label Conditionally Visible On Report?

Dec 31, 2013

I'm running Access 2003 and my question relates to delivery notes that are produced for drivers as reports. These delivery notes have a blank payment box for the driver to complete if the customer pays upon delivery.

As more and more customers are prepaying by credit cards, I'd like this payment box to be automatically filled with a "PAID" text which will let the driver know the order has already been paid for.

The delivery note is produced from an "Orders" table which has a "Paid" field whose value is automatically set to "Yes" when the order has been paid for.

I was hoping to be able to place a "PAID" label on the report which is only visible when the Paid field of the underlying query is Yes.

As things are at the moment I cannot see any way to put any conditional statement onto this Text/Label. The only options for the "Is Visible" property of the text are Yes or No.

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Hide Report Label When Text Box Is Null / Blank

Oct 29, 2013

I am attempting to use VBA code to make the label in my report hidden if the text box is blank. I am very new to coding, and am not sure how I would express this in code. I have been looking at a few examples of how to get this done, but it doesn't seem to work. Where to insert the code. Attached is the image of the properties for my label and text box that I want hidden if text field is blank. I al just lost trying to figure this out.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Make Label Visible On A Report If A Textbox Is Empty

May 10, 2014

I'm working on a report. I have a text box that contains directory path for a picture which is showed in a image box on my report which works great. I have now created a label called "nopiclb" that has "no Pic "entered in it but I want to set the label to not visible if path1 has a file path in it but visible if path1 is empty

I put the code below in onformat event in the detail section, but is not working

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.path1) = True Or Me.path1 = "" Then
Me.Nopiclb.Visible = True
Me.Nopiclb.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Text Box In Form To Update Report Label Caption?

Oct 2, 2013

I have a text box in a form, in which users enter updates. I would like that text to become the caption on a label in a printable report. How would I write the VBA to do this?

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Change Label Caption In A Report Depending On Value Of Numeric Field?

Nov 25, 2011

I'm trying to change a label caption in a report depending the value of a numeric field.

=IIf([55]=8,[Label176].[Caption]="Spring Term",[Label176].[Caption]="Summer Term")

[55] is the numeric field.

I get a type mismatch error.

Access 2010

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How To Change The Label Caption Of A Variable Label Name?

Aug 4, 2006

I have n horizontal labels named Label_1 to Label_n. I'd like to assign values to the label captions by using a loop.
Something like:

For i = 1 To n
Set Label_i.Caption = i

However, this doesn't work. Message "Object required".

Any suggestions?

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Try To Move Data From Excel To Access

Nov 4, 2007


I was wondering if i can get some help here. The aim here is moving data from excel to Access '03.

At the moment, i'm having troubled in finding out a way to open a database and execute SQL - insert the data into the table.

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
With cn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source= C:MydocumentsmyDB.mdb;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"
End With

then, i got stuck in here whereby i need to execute the SQL insert command to insert record to the table.

Appreciates your help greatly

Thank you in advance

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Access Can't Move Focus To Control

Jun 24, 2005

I have a tab control on my form. In the change event of the tab control I am trying to tell it to move to the first field on each page of the tab control whenever the page no. changes:

Private Sub TabScreenAssess_Change()
'when a new page gets the focus, set the focus to the first control on that page
Dim PageNo As Integer

PageNo = Me!TabScreenAssess.Value
Select Case PageNo
Case "0": gynFemale.SetFocus
Case "1": tbPriorHx.SetFocus
Case "2": suSubUseAssess.SetFocus
Case "3": mhaCognitiveFunct.SetFocus
End Select

End Sub

This works when I am tabbing normally through the controls. But when I click back to the first tab, it says "Access can't move the focus to the control gynFemale" (gynFemale is the first control on the first tab.) It works for the other tabs. That is when I click on another tab, the focus goes to the first field on that tab. When I enter a value in the gynFemale field (it is a combobox, with options Yes or No), sometimes it appears to save the value, then I discover that it has been saved as record #0.

Any help with these problems is appreciated.

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Move MS Access Table Data

Aug 26, 2004

I am working on a calibration database which keeps track of measurement equipment and their scheduled calibration date. There are several gages that become "In-Active" because they are old, lost, or whatever. I have two tables that have Active and In-Active gage listings containing all of the pertinent information regarding that gage. I would like to put a button in the Active gage form which in the event the gage becomes "In-Active", pressing the button moves all of the information in the "Active" page to a new page in the "In-Active" table. So essentially one can look at Active gages and In-Active gages depending on the switchboard button that is clicked.

I know that is probably a crazy question but any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Move Form Out Of Access?

May 30, 2014

Is it possible to set a property to allow the user to click and drag an open form out of the Microsoft Access 2010 parent window? Specifically to a second monitor.

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Using Access To Move Outlook Emails?

Sep 28, 2011

I've created a table that is linked to a folder named New within MS Outlook. I've created a form that will read the emails within the table, and manipulate the data into another table. After the manipulated data is inserted into the other table, I'd like to move the email from the New folder in Outlook to another folder named Pending within Outlook.

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How To Move Excel File Into Access Table

Oct 31, 2003

I need to move some data from excel into access table, can I do that
thank you

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