Moving Data Between Subforms & "master Container Form"

Jan 24, 2008

Hi there. I need a way to pass data between forms, and subforms. I have "form1" which simply contains a text box requiring the user to input an ID which I will call "PID". it also has a button which has the following code:

Private Sub Command5_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command5_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stLinkCriteria = "[PID]=" & Me.PID
stDocName = "TestExam"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command5_Click

End Sub

On the form testExam, I have a page control with 3 separate tabs. For each tab, I've embedded three separate subforms. All forms involved, including the container form (testExam) are bound to separate tables. All tables have one common field - PID
I'd like the user to only have to input the PID on one form, and have it trickle down to all subforms.

In the FOrm_Current sub of the testExam form, I have the following code:

Private Sub Form_Current()
[PID] = Forms!frmForm1.PID
End Sub

Using this code, I am able to pass the data from Form1 to testExam, have the PID on testExam filled in and on tab 2. But tab 1 will not populate automatically. I have no idea why. I don't know where to start troubleshooting this.
Please help.

Is this even a good way to pass data between subforms?

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Forms :: Cursor Moving On Multi Subforms In A Form?

Mar 6, 2015

Issue with Cursor moving on multi Subforms in a form.

I have 2 sub-forms in a main form as per screenshot. So Cursor moving from main form to 1st subform working well. After can't move the cursor from 1st subform to 2nd subform with tabbing or entering. Still there in 1st Subform in the last entered filed after tabbing or entering. I've checked on tab orders also they shown correct but it is can't move to 2nd subform.

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Moving The Design Master (replication)

Jan 3, 2006

Hey, Happy New Year to all.

I have a replicated access database, and I want to move the design master to another computer. I have tried using the Windows 'Copy and paste' command, and the 'Save as' command, both result in creating a replicated database.

I have also tried chnging the design master status to a replicated database, but then I am unable to view any VB code behind the controls when I go to design view.

Can you help?!!!

Cheers, Adam.

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Forms :: Subforms Master / Child Link

Apr 9, 2015

I am building a user creation form. I have built it with 3 subforms

Subform 1 is voor general information about the user.
Subform 2 is some more specific information about the user
Subform 3 is more info about the same user.

Now when I create a user (record) in subform 1 it gets the primary key lets say 14. Then when i add information in subform 2. I want it to grab the Primary key 14 from subform 1. So that the information which is inputted in subform 2 will be related to information from subform 1. I get it working if I make a Main form and then put subform 2 and 3 in a subform and then let them grab the primary key from the main form. But how does this work with 3 subforms and no mainform.

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Forms :: Moving Subforms Based On Input

Jul 9, 2013

I'm creating a database for work, and one of my forms currently has 8 subforms on it. For each individual account there can be one, none, or many of any combination of these subforms that will have information on them. I need the form to be able to show all of them, as someone else will be inputting all the information when the database is complete, but to make it easier I have set it up with checkboxes so that when a checkbox is checked, a subform shows, if not checked it doesn't show. I have very limited skills with VBA, so that in itself was an accomplishment for me.

My questions is: is there anyway in access to do it so that if a subform doesn't show, all the ones beneath it that do show will get bumped up so that it is easier to read/input data?

I have attached my DB and the appropriate form is "ICinfoT."

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Moving Data From One Form To Another

Dec 12, 2005


I have read a couple of threads about what I am trying to do on other forums and I wanted your views please.

Basically I have to Forms, on form one I have a basic quote generator which will output a specific value in a textbox in form one. If that quote is accepted I would like that value to be feed through to a field in form2 which is linked to a table. I have a button "Accept quote", on form one which opens a new record in the table feeind form 2.

Is this possible??


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Forms :: Take Data From A Form With Many Subforms

Dec 6, 2013

I need to take data from a form with many sub-forms. The letter has to be in word to allow for edits. Its an appointment letter, however is has a table with 1-100 lines.I need to be able to add the name, address, date of appointment and table with however many lines are needed for that client.I can get the table to work by itself or the name, address and date of appointment but not both.

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Forms :: Lock / Unlock Form AND Subforms From Editing Data

Mar 24, 2014

I have a form with several subforms within (tabbed subforms). I've used the code:

In the Current event of the parent form -

Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowDeletions = False
Me.AllowAdditions = False

In the Current event of each of the subforms -

Me.AllowEdits = Me.Parent.AllowEdits
Me.AllowDeletions = Me.Parent.AllowDeletions
Me.AllowAdditions = Me.Parent.AllowAdditions

In the Click event of the button -

Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.AllowDeletions = True
Me.AllowAdditions = True

So the main form is locked upon opening and unlocked with the click of an unlock button. How to apply this to the subforms as well. They just stayed unlocked the whole time.

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Container Field Or Equiliant

Feb 22, 2006

I am currently constructing a database for the customer complaints section of a company. Its primary goal is to track the complaint from the time it is made until it is resolved. Complaints can come in from many sources: Email, letter, phone call, Fax or in person.

When a complaint is made in writing (Email, fax or letter), the client would like to save the written complaint as part of the record. That is the text of an Email would be saved as a field in that record. It could be saved as a word document or as a pdf. Due to size and speed restrictions, I really don't want to scan it and save it as a graphic (although this may be the only way).

I'm not really sure how to go about this. One of the people at the firm is a FileMaker person and has suggested a "container field".

First of all, is there such a thing in Access?
Next, how would you format such a field
Finally, what would be the procedure for storing it. Would you just type it in and store it as a pdf (for example) or would you have to do somthing else to it first.

Many thanks for any thoughts and assistance.

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How To Link Subforms To Other Subforms On An Unbound Form

Feb 4, 2006

I forum could someone tell me:

I have an unbound form on that form I want to put three sub forms one on a products table the other on a course start dates table and the link table that joins the other two together. all three are related to each other with Pk/FK links.

When I try to link them it says you cannot link items on an unbound form.

regards in advance

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Database Design For Container Tracking System?

Apr 17, 2014

I am designing a shipping container tracking system for my work and would like to know what the best design is for this.

There are many excel sheets that provide data on the status of containers along the supply chain i.e. shipping schedule, data from the logistics supplier showing status at the wharf, data for movements on our site etc.

Each container has a unique identifier according to what stock it carries and also a container no. designated by the shipping line. I was planning on use the first one as a primary key.

My first instinct was to have a main table that contained all of the information, with queries that updated the fields from the other data sheets.

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Possible To Link All Data In Ten Tables To Appear In One Master Table?

Aug 19, 2013

I was wondering if it was possible to have a master table where say 10 of my regulatory tables and their data once inputted from the forms will appear there? Is this possible? Because right now, each of my regulatory tables has a form where the data is inputted and appears within said table.

All these tables are separate, obviously. I want to consolidate all the information into one spot, is this a possibility within access?

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Tab Style Master Form - Navigation Buttons For Each Subform Within Form

Jan 26, 2015

I have created a master form, which is a tab style. I have five additional forms that I want to use as sub-forms within each tab. I also want to include master navigation buttons that will work for each sub-form in unison. In other words if I navigate to record 10 on tab 1 and switch to tab 2, I want the new tab to show the information related to record 10. It would appear that I need to link them together in some fashion.

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How To Set Up This Kind Of Master And Sub Form?

Jun 14, 2005

There are total three tables tblInternal, tblExternal, tblCourses. Table
tblInternal and tblCourses is one to many relationship by reference foreign
key InternalID from tblCourses to tblInternal. If I just use these two table
to set up Master form and subform in ACCESS, you can in subform Field Linker
window of subform property Data tab select primary and foreign key to
generate link between Master and subform. So if you select user name from
tblInternal in Master form ComboBox, you can see the detailed information the
user relates to.

Same relation between tblExternal and tblCourses.

Now I want to merger tblInternal, tblExternal to list user name in ComboBox
by Union statement. But in SubForm Field Linked window I just see one primary
key from one of these two tables instead of two primary keys from each table.

How to solve this issue?

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Moving Data

Mar 5, 2008

You people are great - lots of help. What I need to know now is --- I input information regarding jobs that we do at my company. I have a customer table, employee table vendor table and invoice table - these are connected thru relationships but the job is eventurally closed. What expression or command do I use to move it to a closed table. I have to keep this information somewhere. Thanks!

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Close Master Form From Subform??

May 13, 2005


I have a form with a subform. In the subform (based on a different form) I need a button to close the master form. In the subform I need to find out what the master form is so I can close it. Since I use the same subform in multiple forms I can't really hard code the name of the master form.

Can someone help me?

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Sub Form Displays Master Record

Sep 26, 2006

Hello I have a small problem that seems weird. I have a form which displays a subform with all correspondending jobs for one individual. The problem is the sub form displays the main form information with the other jobs. Im trying to stop the subform from displaying the current mainform's job information. So it won't look like there are more then 1 of the same jobs to other individuals. Can someone help me with the correct method to stopping this. Thanking you in advance,

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Moving/ Archiving Data

Jul 24, 2006

Hi all,

currently on my db it stores data on various projects, and these projects are sorted by a status of on hold, on going, or finished. What im trying do is move only the projects that are finished but still keeping a record of them so we can view them in the future.

i was thinking maybe i could move the finished projects into another db? but not sure how to do, or is there a better way to achieve this?

thank you

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Moving Data In Access

Jan 28, 2007

:) I am creating a program in VB.NET with an access 2003 database. This program will be in 2 physical locations. This is a program that sells tickets. At the end of the day I need to be able to get that days sales data off the remote location and update the main location with that information. This will be sales totals only. The user will plug in a thumb drive to move the data from one machine to the other. Due to the physical layout and other considerations this is the best option. The only action I want the user to have to do is to place the thumb drive in the USB port and hit the “down load” button. Then on the main location the user should be able to just plug in the thumb drive and hit up load. The database needs to be updated with the data from the remote location. What is the best way to do this?
Thanks in advance.

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Data Moving On Export

Oct 11, 2005

I am exporting a table to a text file using a specification. Comma Delimited, no text qualifier. Now, I don't know if this makes a difference but the file is decent size (over 1000 records). The data within each record is exporting fine (about 78 fields) however, I have what is a major problem.

About a third of the way in the exported file are 70 records that have exported 60-70 records too early. Those 70 records are in order themselves but they just somehow jumped the gun(if that makes sense). This is a big problem because this file is going to be uploaded to the mainframe.

Just as an FYI the only VBA I have in my whole database is one pop-up message box. Everything else is run with macros. This one table does not have any primary keys since this is the table the information is oringally imported into and is moved from here. What I want is the information to look like it is in the table.

If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate it. I'm going nuts and so is my mainframe programmer trying to figure out how we're going to get around this.

Thank you!

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Moving Data From One Table To Another

Aug 21, 2006

Hi there,

I have a simple database with a form that displays the contents of a table called Products. I want to be able to delete items from Products but these should be move into ProductsArchive table and I will then create a seperate form to view Products that have now been removed but were once currently live if that makes sense?

I would like to write some code that on the form when the user clicks on the delete button it will just move the data relating to that record into the ProductsArchive table.

Can anyone help?

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Make The Subform Required In The Master Form

Mar 6, 2006


I have 2 forms, a master and a subform.
In the subform form there are some required fields. In the table behind the subform I choose the property of these fields to be required.
but in the master form, when I start enter the information I can go to the next record without even touching the subform.

How Can I make the subform required in the master form?


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Forms :: Tick In Check Box On Master Form?

Dec 8, 2014

I have a form with a sub form... I want to know if the following is possible...

If I have a check box on Master Form and make it there is a tick in it, can I make a check box on the sub form do the same i.e.

Master form ticked = sub form record ticked and visa versa

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Control Subform Textbox From Master Form Checkbox?

Nov 16, 2014

My bound master form has bound subform in it and both of them has linked fields. In the master form i've placed a checkbox which if unchacked will lock and disable a textbox in the SUBFORM, and if checked will enable and unlock the textbox and fill it with a calculation result, which will then be passed on to the underlying table.

Now, suppose in the master form (named X), i have A (checkbox) and B (textbox with numeric value) and in the subform (named Y), i have C & D (both textboxes with numeric values). Hence if A is checked, I'd like D to return the result of - "B*C". Or else D will remain locked and disabled.

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Filter Master Form Based On Subform Criteria

Jun 12, 2012

I have a Master form which includes tabs within the tab I have subforms. I am looking for a way to filter my master form based on data found within my sub form.

I have a check box within one of the sub-forms called "softwareInstall" if yes the box would be checked. I want to filter all customers within my main form with a check box in my main form to turn on and show all customer who has this box check within the subform SoftwareInstall=True.

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Moving The Data Base Window

Feb 5, 2006

When pressing F11 to access the data base window, somehow I have docked it in an awkward position on the screen where as the top of the box containing the minimise, maximise and close button are not visible, how can I drag the data base window to the position I want i.e in the centre of the screen? :confused:

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