Moving Fields From One Table To Another

Mar 28, 2015

I am currently working on updating a database that I created four years ago for a commission record

there are the tables

table 1:

product ID
Carrier Code
State Available

table 2:

Product ID
Product name
Street Comp
GA Comp

After refreshing my creation, I realized that Product name and sub-name from table 2 should be going to table 1.. How can I move those two fields from table 2 to table 1 without mess up the data?

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Moving Fields To New Table

Feb 21, 2007

Hey guys,

I'm trying to move a group of fields to a new table. I want the data to follow it. Is there an easy way to do this?

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Forms :: Moving Fields One At A Time

Jun 26, 2013

I'm creating a form, and all the fields moved together. How do you unlock the field so you can move each one individually. I don't need them in columns as they are, nor the same size.

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Moving Entries From One Table To Another

Jun 12, 2006

So I have 2 tables, the first is for "open" orders (where entries get edited changed and deleted), and the Second is for "finished" orders (where once an order is completed it should move from the open orders table to the finshed one where it will no change and will remain for futre reference)

I need help with the transfering part of this problem. I would ideally like to make a form that allows you to pull up the info for the open order then edit it to finally add the finished order to the other table. Im not sure where to start on this one.

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Moving Data From One Table To Another

Aug 21, 2006

Hi there,

I have a simple database with a form that displays the contents of a table called Products. I want to be able to delete items from Products but these should be move into ProductsArchive table and I will then create a seperate form to view Products that have now been removed but were once currently live if that makes sense?

I would like to write some code that on the form when the user clicks on the delete button it will just move the data relating to that record into the ProductsArchive table.

Can anyone help?

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Moving A Record From One Table To Another

Oct 24, 2005

I have a database of assets.

For example a computer will have an asset .

This database will show the asset, where it is, what it is and who its with .
It will display this on a form.

When this asset gets given to someone else i want a button on the form which displays the assets current data to be clicked and for that info to be moved from the asset current table into the asset history table.

any idea what vb code would do this?

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Moving A Record From One Table To Another

Oct 24, 2005

Database is an asset register.

I have a table called assetcurrent

It displays the asset and where it is, who its with and what it is.

I want a button on the form which when clicked will move the record from the table assetcurrent into another table called asset history.

Any ideas?

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Moving Records In The Same Table?

May 22, 2006

Hello there,

Is it possible somehow to move a record in the same table, to different row (in the form)? Or in other words, is it possible manualy adjust the position of records (rows) in a report?

I have a continuous form, where rows are filled with data (e.g. 10 rows ).Then i have report , which looks the same as form (rows, and their order). But sometimes user wants to move certain position (row) up or down, to be it on top or bottom or two places above, or below etc, of row there any easy way to do it? Like some button press, where you could swap position with next record (next row) .....

Or just delete (everything) and fill again from beginning the way he wants...


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Moving Records To Another Table Then Delete

Mar 15, 2007

OK guys, ive done some searching and saw some stuff on this, but everytime I try something I get a INVALID SQL error message. So Im hoping you guys can help out cause Im lost right now.

I have a 2 tables, Training and Schedule. Training contains all the employees training records. Schedule is meant to be a temp table where the supervisors can enter the training and then once completed, can check the COMPLETED checkbox and hit the LOAD TO TRAINING RECORD command button and it moves ONLY the files for that trainee (a combo box) with a completed checkmark to the training table.

Ive tried this code sooooooooo many ways and its giving me a headache. My original way didnt work at all (had a lot of Do..Loop and With Statements, and then someone posted something about Archiving which is the code Ive gone off of now). Any help you guys can off would be awesome!

Heres what I got:

Private Sub cmdLoad_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_Load_Record_Click


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Load_Record_Click

End Sub

Sub UploadHistory()

Dim DB As Database
Dim WS As Workspace 'Current workspace (for transaction).
Dim strSql As String 'Sql Code.
Dim strMsg As String 'MsgBox message.
Dim bInTrans As Boolean 'Flag that transaction is active.

Set DB = CurrentDb()
Set WS = DBEngine(0)
bInTrans = True
Set DB = WS(0)

On Error GoTo Err_UploadHistory

'Execute the add.
strSql = "INSERT INTO [Training] " _
& "(TaskNumber, Date, Hours, TrainerLast, TraineeLast, Qualified) " _
& "SELECT " & "Schedule.Task, Schedule.Date, Schedule.Hours, Schedule.Trainer, " _
& "Schedule.Trainee, Schedule.Qualified FROM [Schedule] " _
& "WHERE (((Schedule.Trainee) = " & Me.TraineeCombo & " AND (Schedule.Completed)= 1));"

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strSql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

'Execute the delete.
strSql = "DELETE FROM [Schedule] WHERE Trainee = " & Me.TraineeCombo & " AND Completed = 1;"

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strSql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

'Get user confirmation to commit the change.
strMsg = "Upload " & DB.RecordsAffected & " record(s) from " & Me.TraineeCombo & "?"
If MsgBox(strMsg, vbOKCancel + vbQuestion, "Confirm") = vbOK Then
bInTrans = False
End If

'Clean up
On Error Resume Next
Set DB = Nothing
If bInTrans Then 'Rollback if the transaction is active.
End If
Set WS = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Upload failed: Error " & Err.Number
Resume Exit_UploadHistory

End Sub

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Newbie Help!!! Moving Record To Another Table....

Jan 10, 2005

Quick Scenrio:

I have a current employee's table and Retired/Resigned table, when an employee either retires, resigns or gets fired, i want to be able by the click of a switch or check box of some sort to move that record to the retired table. Your input is greatly apprectiated....


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Tables :: Moving Records From One Table To Another

Jan 16, 2014

I have to move records from one table to another.

When we lose a client I need to take them out of my current table and put them in my dropped table.

I don't want to lose my summary info and I want the dropped client to keep it's ID Number which is an identifier.

Seems I can't just copy it from one table to another and then go back and delete it from the Current.

Seems I can't cut from Current and paste into Dropped.

In a perfect world it would be great if my boss could just check a box in Current Table and the record moved to Dropped all by itself!

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Moving New Table To Back-end And Relink It

Jul 25, 2013

I created my database a few months ago and split the database into a front and back end. I recently added a new table on the front end. How can I move this table to the back end and re-link it?

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Inserting Or Moving A Record To A Different Position In The Table

Oct 14, 2005

With a table in open view can a record be moved to a different position, i'm using access 2003. Also is there any way to sort besides ascending or descending?
I've got a lot of tables to make and if I forget a single column/field and have to add it later (like I have done all ready numerious times) I'm almost having to recreate the table again in order to have the field fit in the correct spot in the table. These tables are bound to combo boxes so its important every thing is grouped for easy choosing.

Thanks--All help will be very appreciated

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Tables :: Moving Data From One Table To The Other Via Yes / No Boxes?

Jul 5, 2013

I have two tables;

Sold Parts

Now what I am trying to get to happen is using a YES/NO box, Say i have a "part" in the parts table when i click the YES/NO box, to have the tick to say it has been sold, I want that line to move to the Sold Parts table. is this even possible?

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General :: Moving Record From One Table To Another Using Inputbox

Jun 20, 2014

I am trying to get a record from tbl_new_accounts to tbl_closed_accounts, based on the number entered in a input box.

Dim StoreNumber As String
StoreNumber = InputBox("Please Enter The Store Number", "")
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO Tbl_Closed_Accounts SELECT Tbl_New_Accounts.* From Tbl_New_Accounts WHERE (((Tbl_New_Accounts.Fld_Store_Number)=" & StoreNumber & "));")

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Moving Records From One Table To A New Table?

Apr 10, 2012

1st - Table one, holds around 10,000 recordes, names and phone numbers and basic address information

2nd - Table two which holds all out customer details eg full name and case details and is used by an admin team

What I was hoping to do was have one form designed from table one and when the agent changes a status it moves the record from table one to table two.

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Modules & VBA :: Moving Record From One Table To Another - Incomplete Query Error

Sep 25, 2014

The below SQL is basically trying move a record from one table to another, the table a copies of one another and the AlphaName variable is a string.

I keep getting the incomplete query error, somethings missing but what.


strSQL = "INSERT INTO [Holding Table].* SELECT ([Import Table].* FROM [Import Table]
WHERE ([Import Table].[Alpha Name] = '" & AlphaName & "'));"

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Modules & VBA :: Split Database - Moving Table To Existing Backend

Apr 8, 2015

I have a client that is using a split database. I am working on an update to the program and need to transfer a table to the backend that has the correct structure and information included in it. My thoughts are to make a one time use program that transfers the table to the backend. I have seen DoCmd.TransferDatabase and DoCmd.CopyObject as possible ways to go.

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Queries :: Calculate Moving Average - Make Table Query Type Incorrect

Aug 16, 2015

I found the attached example a while back (can't find the site again though ) and it calculates a moving average. I've hacked out the parts I need for my own work and I can create my moving average query without an issue.

However, I need to extract the MA data into a table so planned on using append. I kept getting type errors so I tried make table to see what type it was creating and it appears to be Short Text rather than a number.

I've added an extra button and Make Table query to the example.

As far as I can tell from the code, the moving average value when calculated is a Single. However, when I write it to the table, its a Short Text.

How do I make the created Table use Number Type for my calculated moving average?

Using Access 2013

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Table Problems Moving From Access 2003 -> Access 2007

Jun 19, 2007

Attached is a screenshot of the relationships in a database I built a couple of years ago. It's worked absolutely fine in Access 2003 and currently has over 18,000 customers with associated information in it.

However, when I open the database in Access 2007 the performance is awful. All the forms are very slow to respond when tabbing between form elements. I've experimented by reducing the number of form elements calling on related data on a given page and whilst this improves performance it reduces usability - something I don't want to compromise on especially since Access 2007 should be able to cope with this.

My next question is therefore whether I've got the most efficient underlying table design and I can't see any other way of doing it than my current method so I'd be grateful for any feedback or advice anyone has.

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Updating Specific Fields In Table 1 With Fields From Table 2

Jul 6, 2012

I have 2 tables.

Table 1: Master table
Table 2: Temporary table

This is my current process:

Every quarter I run a report that pulls loans that meet specific criteria.I export this report into excel (the loans fall into column A)I add a file number and box number in columns B and C.I import the excel spreadsheet to table 2 (they're linked so I don't need to import, it's automatic)

Now that I have the updated information back into the database (table 2), how can I get this information back into table 1? The excel spreadsheet only contains a few loans that need to be updated in table 1. I have tried creating an update query with both tables linked and use the "update to" field. However, when I tried to run the query, it says I have 0 records updated.

My update query is as follows:

Field: Access Bar Code
Table: Table 1
Update To: [Table 2].[Access Bar Code]

Field: Access Box Number
Table: Table 1
Update To: [Table 2].[Access Box Number]

Basically I'm trying to have the query update specific fields in table 1 based on the information from table 2.

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Beginners Question - Auto Update Fields Based On Fields In Another Table

Nov 26, 2007

I don't have any database experience whatsoever so please go easy.
I'm guessing this kind of this is extremely simple for all of you.

I'm constructing a database of network resources and devices and I'd like to automatically update the values in one field based on the values of a field in another table.

The first table is called "IP" and the fields are called "Address", "IP Type" and "Device".
The second table is called "Devices" and contains the fields "Name", "Description", "Asset Number" and "IP".

Here's an example of the tables: (ignore the "code" tag. i've only used it to align my columns properly)

XserveFile Server107203.30.144.75

AddressIP TypeDevice

What I want is for the Device field in the IP table to automatically update it's values based on the values found in the Devices table. In this case, the values that should appear in the Device field in the IP table are "Xserve" and "ProliantX".

I've searched through but haven't found a complete solution, just little pieces which I'm too inexperienced to put together myself.

thank you

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Creating New Table From Form Data Fields/clreaing Datat Fields.

Apr 13, 2008

I created a form in Access that retrieves data from a table. Inside the form, I am able to access/populate data fields with data from the table. I also have data fields, inside the form, that requires key-in data. I have some how lost the ability send all data field information to a second table and clear existing data fields for new entry.

Questions: What settings, code or buttons can I use to send/store data field information to a new table? What settings, code or buttons can I use to automatically clear all data fields from my form once data has been sent to the new table?

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Forms :: Adding Fields In A Table And Having Output Fill Fields On A Form

Jan 29, 2014

I have a totalquery that runs fine and give me the sum for both fields I'm looking for but I can't get the outputs to fill the fields on the form. I have tried the Dcount query in the control source but that just returns an error and locks up access.

SELECT [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, Sum([Tble-wcDelays].HoursDelay) AS SumOfHoursDelay
FROM [Tble-wcDelays]
GROUP BY [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, [Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID
HAVING ((([Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID)=[Forms]![Frm-ePlusCent]![cleanID]));

That is the query.

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Modules & VBA :: Pass Data From Fields Into Table And Reset Fields

Aug 27, 2013

I have a database that will register the emails coming in and what time, also the time, date out and person.

I have a form with the fields to be filled in and a submit button. There are some fields that are automatically filled in and others need manually fill in.

below that part is a sheet (subform in the form of sheet) that should be filled in with the above data. Once it is there, it should empty the fields so they are ready to be filled in again. If I fill new data and press the submit button, it should go to the next available row.

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Search Key Error 3709 On 2 Fields In The Table - All Other Fields Allow Update

Aug 21, 2013

I have a copy of the back-end that gets a search key error 3709 on two records. In other words, I can duplicate the problem.

The interesting part is that I can update any other field on both these records and save the record, but when I try to change two specific fields, I get a Search Key Error and have to ESC out to continue (basically UNDO the change). Both fields are text fields with lengths of 7 characters and 255 characters, and both are COMBO Boxes on the form.

I tried to focus on the form think there was an issue in the code. I can definitely TRAP the 3709 error on the ON ERROR event on the form using "if dataerr = 3709", but then I tried something even simplier.

I went directly to the table and to each of the records. Again I can update any other field in the record but these two specific fields. When I try to change either of them and move to another record, you get a Search Key Error 3709.

By going to the table record directly I'm as low level as I can get. There are no validation rules on either field at the database level. If it was truly CORRUPT would it let me update any of the other fields on either of these records? One is an empid (not a primary key but is indexed with duplicates okay and not required), and one is status code (not a primary key but is indexed with duplicates okay and not required) so they're no critical fields, but something is keeping them from CHANGING.

Just tried something else; deleted the INDEXES on both the fields. Now it works! I am completely confused now because it really wasn't a corrupt record, but the indexes are causing the problem. Do I need to update the indexes somehow when the users selects a new empid or status code?

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