Moving Text Automatically?

Jan 31, 2006

I have five text boxes with a separate box for the date that automatically inserts when I enter something in the text box. Is it possible to have it set up to only allow me to enter information in the first box and at a later date when I enter more info in, automatically move everything down to the next box, and so fourth.
Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I am not sure if this is something simple in the box properties, or if I need code.


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Modules & VBA :: Moving Rich Text From Access Memo Field To A Word Text Box

Jul 24, 2015

We need to move rich text from an Access memo field to a Word text box. So far the best Ive been able to come up with is in the code below. In this code pprs!What is a record set field of a table memo field that is bound to a text box enabled for rich text. The rich text seems to be stored as html as so I can get word to convert it by enclosing it in html tags.

Dim What As Word.Shape
Set What = doc.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal , doc.PageSetup.LeftMargin, 225, 534, 0)
Dim sPath As String
sPath = "G:Temp.html"
Open sPath For Output As 1
Print #1, "<HTML>" & pprs!What & " </HTML>"
Close #1
What.TextFrame.TextRange.InsertFile (sPath)

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Moving Text From One Field To Another

Jun 28, 2006

Hi, I have a form set up, among other fields in the form is a Weekly update
free form field. I have another field called Historical Weekly updates. What
I want to happen is that when a user clicks in the Weekly update field, the
text that is in there should pop down to the Historical field and have the
date post for the move next to the text in the historical field. I don't know if this is a click action, if its' a macro or if it's even possible. Any
help would be greatly appreciated!!


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Moving Instructions In Unbound Text Box On The Form

Oct 9, 2005

I need to display some of the insruction lines in unbound / bound text box that will gradually moves up.

Example :

"This multiuser client server db is licenced to "ABC & Co.". This sofrware is to reduce cost of production and it increases speed of your production process more...."

These instruction lines may be arojnd 10-15 lines. I need to display it as non-stop moving up text massages on the main form once the data base is opened.

Is this possible? How?

With kind regards,

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Forms :: Add A Name To Text 1 Automatically Set Number To Text 2

Feb 14, 2014

I want 2 text , when I add a name to text 1 automatically set number to text 2 (Random),

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Forms :: Caret Overlapping Text When Typing And Moving

Aug 20, 2014

I have an Access form that is tied to a recordset. When I Set Focus on 1 text box in particular, I move the caret with the keyboard arrows left-right, and the caret moves and flashes on top of the text characters, basically overlaps the character. When I then try to delete or edit the text, it moves the caret by itself to a different location in the text box and starts adding the text to that location. When I finally get the text how I want it, I set focus on another control, and it occasionally deletes random characters in the text box.

The only way I have been able to work around this is to copy and paste the current text into Notepad, edit it there, and then paste it back into the text box.

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Forms :: Stop User From Moving To Next Text Box In Access Form

Jun 20, 2014

I have a form in which user will enter few values but I need users to enter the comment in relevant text box too only if they have any non zero value.

I have attached an example for reference....where red encircled portion is for values and blue is for relevant comments. If value is non zero then user should be enforced to enter the comment too......system should not allow user to move forward or backward until there is some comment.

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Automatically Filling Text Boxes

May 8, 2006

I have a combo box for rooms: single, twin, double, suite, grand suite

This is found from a lookup table

In the next field on the lookup table is the cost per night for the room, how can i get the cost per night to automatically appear in a text box below the room type combo box.

I asked this the other evening and somebody said it was to do with making the table the bound source or something but i didn't understand.

An explanation would be great


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Move Text From One Field To Another Automatically

Jun 28, 2006

Hi, I have a form set up, among other fields in the form is a Weekly update
free form field. I have another field called Historical Weekly updates. What
I want to happen is that when a user clicks in the Weekly updae field, the
text that is in there should pop down to the Historical field and have the
date of the move post next to the text in the historical field. I have no idea if this is a click action, a macro, or if it's even possible.Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


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Tables :: Text Automatically Inserted?

Apr 24, 2013

I have a table of nursery school children, names, addresses etc etc. One field is Under 2? Is there a validation rule (or something like) that will automatically put Yes (or No) depending on today's date and the child's date of birth?

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Automatically Change Combo Box Value Trigger By Text Box

May 9, 2006

This is the first time I am join this web & forum. My name is Angie.
I have face some problem for Ms Access. I would like combo box to be auto change when date due. Eg: combo box name: Status. Inside have info such as Expired, Active, Ignore. This info will base on the text box name txtenddate. When the date is due, (eg:today:09 May 06), combo box will auto change the status from Active to Expired.

Any VB code can be used. Thanks.

Hope to heard from you soon.


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Combo Box Value To Automatically Put Value From Different Variable Into Text Field

Mar 19, 2005

I have requested this before but the example given did not fit my situation and I had a heck of a time trying to adapt the example given to me so I will step by step describe what I need. thanks...

Can someone show me how to do the following:

1) Take a combo box that looks up a table that has 2 variables (Var1 and Var2).

2) Depending on the value chosen in the combobox (Var1) then a text field will automatically have the value (Var2) appear.

3) This information from combo box and text field will then be stored in a separate table that is linked to the form.

__________________________________________________ _____________


Is there a way to extend this example further by adding another combo box that takes the result from the first combo box to filter in values for the second combo box which will then automatically populate a text box which would then be stored in a separate table.

__________________________________________________ _____________

Someone kind of showed me before but they used unbound variables and this confused me as the combobox was unbound but how is that information stored into my table?

Pardon me for my redundancy but this is frustrating me to no end and I unfortunately have a deadline of today!!!! :(

I think it is the row source thing that confuses me. I take row source to mean where the data is stored. But where do you identify where to obtain the data to then store in your "inputed" table?

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Modules & VBA :: Text Box Automatically Scroll Down To Last Line

May 24, 2015

I have a textbox on continues form which contains multiple lines and I d like to set it up so it ll be scrolled down completely when it displays the form. I ve already found a few so called solutions but nothing worked for me.

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Automatically Exporting Each Record To Separate Text Files

Aug 23, 2007

Hi all,

I've seen a lot of repeated questions from newbies about exporting to text, but so far I haven't come across a scenario like mine. Apologies if I've overlooked something.

I'm using Access 2003 and I have a database that contains a record for each article that appeared in a certain newspaper over the last 30 years (~70,000 records). Each record has a field for year, month, issue, page, title, and text. The text field contains multiple lines of HTML as well as the text of the article itself -- the program designed for viewing these articles calls on this field to create an html document that resembles the original newspaper page in the GUI.

What I would like to generate is a separate .TXT file for each article containing just the text of that article and a filename system that identifies each file by year, month, page, and possibly title (i.e., about 70,000 separate text files). I'm not sure if I want the title within the document or just in the filename, but I'm assuming that wouldn't be difficult to change.

In other words, I'm trying to work backwards, reconstructing the text files that the person who made the database probably has sitting on a disk somewhere (but I don't have access to).

I've read about using the TransferText method, setting up an export spec and looping it in VBA, etc., but the closest solution appears to be Microsoft's page on exporting records to separate HTML files (, which mentions: "You can create a Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) program that enumerates through the record set and uses the PRINT statement to output each record as a separate HTML file." After doing this I guess I would batch convert from HTML to TXT. Unfortunately I am new to Access and don't know VBA.

Can anyone provide any suggestions?


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General :: Automatically Show A New Blank Text Box For New Record

May 5, 2013

I would like to input data into textbox and it will automatically open up a new blank textbox for another data.

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General :: Update List Box Automatically When Searching Text Box

Jul 8, 2012

I want to have a list box, which is populated with information from a table/query, to 'filter' what it displays based on what i type in a text box, but i need it to search multiple fields. E.g. say I have a field called name and another called address, and say there are 3 johns in the name field of the table, i want the list box to filter all the other names out and just show me the johns and update automatically. but using the same text box i would like to also be able to search addresses and filter them.

code for the 'On Change' event of the text box to reload the query in the list box. I need to put in the 'criteria' section of the query, i have sound this so far but unsure if its right for every field in the query:

LIKE "*" & [Forms]![Form1]![txtSearch] & "*"

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Forms :: Copy Time Automatically To Textbox (Rich Text)

Nov 12, 2013

How to copy the time automatically to text box to become time as data (rich text) when entering data to a form.

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Moving A DB To The Web

Mar 21, 2008

I understand with Access 07 we no longer have DAP,s........ Well, I have never moved on of my apps to the web, currently they are on our LAN. Our offices out of town or in different locations access via "remote" hookup. Well, one of the bosses wants to have me develop a new app....but he wants it web based so our other locations and customers can have access to it....... suggestions on which way to go with something like this?

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Moving Within A Program

Jan 4, 2006

I have a delimma and am not sure how to proceed. It falls under the "You want what? When?" category. Basically, I have created an Access program with several (13) related tables and numerous forms. This program mimics an interview we are using for research and has a lot of VBA coding behind it with quite a few skip patterns, value checking, etc. During the testing phase, I was asked to allow the user to be able to go back and check a response to any previous answer at any given point in time. I hear numerous clicks of people running away from this question. This one has me frustrated and not too happy. I am wondering if there is some way I can show a copy of any form and the data contained within it for the present ID? IF it is a copy then the data, I presume would be locked and the user would not be able to change it. Also, I would want to bring the user back to the point where they were prior to going backwards. Feel my pain yet? Of course as I ponder this I can envision that they are going to want to change a value, because maybe a respondent "changed their mind" about a previous question. But, I am sure they would not want to work their way back to where they were, but want to jump back (forward), all the while I need to insure that any skip patterns that may have changed due to a change in data are followed and if a question that was answered before is now skipped then that data needs to be cleaned. I am concerned that as I begin to meander through this issue that I will have "duplicate ID" issues because as I move backward, possibly through several forms and tables and then move forward again the DB will think I am adding two items rather than changing the one. I.e., it will think I have two identical IDs because it already has one from the original pass and as it moves forward and runs through the automated saves that the second pass would represent a duplicate ID, thus crashing the program.
I know this is a multi-pronged question, but I would like to hear some suggestions as to how others with more experience would handle this. I am grateful for your time in reading this and would be even more so for any responses.


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Moving Range

Mar 16, 2008

Hi all,

I'm new in this forum and can be considered as beginner in Ms Access. I tried to make a SPC database and currently stuck at calculating the data range for moving range graph.
The question is, how to calculate range between 2 consecutive data and then sum it.
For example:
A, 195
B, 198
C, 196
D, 194

Thus the range between A and B is 3 (198-195), B and C is 2 (198-196), C and D is 2 (396-194). The total range is 7 (3+2+2)

Anyone has the idea?


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Moving Records

Mar 6, 2005

I would like a button on my form that will move a record from one table to another. Can anyone tell me how to do this

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Moving To Last Record

Jul 21, 2005

Hi guys,

I has a subform in datasheet view. Now when this is loaded I always want to be at the last record in the subform.

I've searched through the forum and am completely unsure of how to do this...

Any hints or tips appreciated :-)


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Moving Old Records.

Oct 25, 2005


i have a database that holds details of calls that have been answered on the phone concerning problems with computers.
details that are recorded are caller name, and date of call etc...

however, i want to know if there is a way that i can move all calls recorded BEFORE the present date to another table ( say a "past calls")..?

is there a button that i can put on my database that will run a function and move all calls recorded before the present date to another seperate table..?

thanks everyone!

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Moving Around A Subform

Dec 3, 2005


I have a subform where I can edit data and I have the following code;

Public Sub GotoNewRecord()

If Me.sumtransvolume = me.TotalLitres Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If

what occurs is that focus moves to a new record not the next record.

I am puzzles by this? Any clues how to fix this and get the control moving to the next record (some subform has 10-15 records)


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Moving To Next Field

Feb 26, 2006

How do you get the cursor to jump to the next field in a Form?

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Record Moving

Jul 5, 2005

I need SQL Statements to use in VBS code for microsoft access that will move the current record being displyed on the form (lets say the table name is called 'old') to another table called 'new'. Also the record that is being moved to the new table needs to be deleted from the 'old table'. All of this needs to be done with the click of the mouse on the 'old' form.


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