MsAccess2002 Ade Works In Some Computers And Doesn't In Others

May 9, 2005

Hello All,
I have MSAccess ade working in some computers which has WindowsXP-pro(SP1 and SP-2) without any problem. But It doesnot work(When i said it doesn't work means it doesn't work in certain parts which i will give an example) in some computers that has exact same configaration. The problem is when I try to instance a class using a TypeName function, it doesnot recognize the class name and just returns an object rather than recognizing the class's name. Its a strange thing because I have some .ade from past works fine in all machines. The only difference is In the new .Ade is I have included the Microsoft outlook 11.0 object library. But the part of the code thats not working doesn't even use the Outlook library at all. So did anyone has this kind of problem, PLease suggest or ask me if you have more details of this problem. I really appreciate your help.
Thanks again

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Modules & VBA :: DCount Works But DSum Doesn't

Jun 19, 2013

Mycode works great when I use the DCount function, but fails when I change it to DSum which errors with: Error 94 - invalid use of null.

dblCntr = DSum("[intEventCount]", "tblResourceEvents", "[ResourceEventTypeID] = " & myKey & " AND [TimeFrameID] = " & Me.cbo1)

The entire table has valid data - no nulls. myKey and Me.cbo1 both have correct values.

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One Db Works, A Copied Version Doesn't. Driving Me Nuts.

Nov 13, 2006


i made an attendance db for work and got it to work. i then copied it and made two more for years 2 and 3. Years 1 and 3 work perefectly but for some reason the year 2 db won't allow me to write the data.

this is driving me nuts as i have already spent a few hours putting the students in and their course selections. i've tried making the forms again and as soon as i use a joint sub form to get the students first name the problem occurs. i've looked at the properties of the forms and they allow edits etc..

if anyone is feeling kind and has a spare moment, could you let me know why it doesn't work.


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DLookup - Check If ID Matches Textbox It Works / However If Form Is Null It Doesn't Work

Mar 26, 2015

basically am creating a booking system, i have a add a room form. my form should check whether i already have a room number in my table, which works when the form is filled in. however when my form is null, then i press add new room button, i get this error rather than " please fill your form in"

Error: runtime error '3075' syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Room Number ='.

room number is a number field, integer but has primary key. i cant keep autonumber, as my requirement is to add new room number, but the roomnumber has to be unique.

here is the dlookup;

If DLookup("RoomNumber", "tblRooms", "RoomNumber = " & Forms!RoomPackages!txtRoomNumber) > 0 Then
MsgBox "This number already exists."

p.s it unbound form

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The Macro Can Not Run In Some Computers

Jul 30, 2007

I have a program thats work perfectly in some computers useing the network but when i try to open it in other computers i get an error and when i try to debug the error it highlit the line that i am calling the micro that open the mainform in it, i hope some one have an idea for what is going on with the program

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No More Than X Computers Per Time

Apr 24, 2007

Hey, My access database will be used to make computer reservations for an internet cafè. The user makes their reservation date by using a calendar control, they choose their start and end time, and they also choose the amount of computers they can book (no more than X). Would it be possible to create a query that will limit the user from overbooking the computers?

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Cannot Distribute Database To Other Computers

May 26, 2006

I created the database on my computer. I added security and split the database to put the tables on the the server. Everything works just fine on my computer. However, when I try to copy the 3 files for the front end of the database to other computers on the network, it won't work.

Perhaps I'm confused as to what files need to be migrated to each additional computer or I don't have the security setup properly.

Right now, I move 3 files. The main database file with the front end. The shortcut file that is created when you add security and the security file that is created when you add security to the database.

I'm stumped.

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Reports Don't Work On New Computers

Dec 26, 2006's the deal. Four computers were replaced in our office and now three of them are having problems with the database. The database is written in Access2003 and all computers (the old ones and the four new ones) are running on WindowsXP Professional w/ Office 2003.

The problems that comes up only involves reports (viewing, email, exporting). When they try to view a report, a message comes up

Cannot find object ".

When they try to email or export a report the function is cancelled due to the error.

I'm going to have the computer admin re-install Access to see if that helps.

I've been searching around trying to find some info on various settings that would cause this, but I'm pretty ignorant in this arena. I checked the references in Access and they are both the same. That's about the extent of my knowledge in thise area.

Any insight would be great.

Thanks for the help.

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Values In Combo Box Not Populating On Some Computers

Feb 4, 2008


Hopefully this is a really simple requiring a simple answer.... hopefully

On one of my forms I have a combo box thats values are generated by a parameter query. On my computer and a couple of others i tested it (on the same network) this combo box populates fine, but i put it on a couple of other computers today and it doesn't show any values. I checked and the query itself runs fine, plus a combo box that runs off a table populates fine.

not too sure if its relative but the database is split with the tables sitting on the network share and the database sitting on the main computer. or perhaps this could have something to do with blocking unsafe expressions.. i am not sure

any help on this would be greatly greatly appreciated

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Query To Return Computers Without Allocation

Apr 26, 2007

I have 2 tables tblComputers & tblComputerAllocations
tblcomputers has 85 records & tblComputerAllocations has 71.

I would like a query that returns the 14 computers that have no allocations.

I tried a union query on field ComputerID but i must misunderstand its use!!
Thanks in advance,

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Different Background Color On Diff. Computers??

Jan 4, 2005

Does anyone know/how my forms' background colors are different from one computer to another? The computers that are showing the correct color are both XP and Access 2002 (one is a laptop and one is a desktop)... but then someone else.. on a laptop (with XP and access 2002).. the forms' background colors are not good (purple)... vs. blue on my laptop and the desktop. Thanks!

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Reports :: Text Alignment Between Computers

Jan 17, 2015

I have a report that was created on my computer. When this report is opened on other computers (2 that I've tried) the text alignment is way off. Originally I thought it had to do with printer margins dictating something but that is not the case as the margins remain identical on all computers. It's not a font issue because it's Arial which all computers have. The text is written inside a "label".

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Reports :: Margins Change Between Computers

Apr 1, 2014

I design/maintain an Access database for a friend's business using my home computer. The printer he uses allows for much smaller margins than mine does, so anytime I edit a specific report that uses very small margins, my computer automatically increases them to the minimum margins my printer allows and when the business owner runs the report on his computer it spills on to extra pages.

Right now every time I make a change, I need to go directly to his computer and adjust the margins within the report after the new front end is uploaded.Is there any way around this, such as telling Access to ignore the printer's minimum margins?

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General :: Other User Computers Won't Run Default Value Formula

Jan 8, 2013

I recently completed a database project and was set to launch it today for use throughout the company. The database is split, and both ends are saved in the same folder on the company server. I have copied a shortcut to the front-end file onto the desktop of each of the four user computers. Two of the four users are able to open and operate the front-end with no issues. The other two won't run the 'Default Value' formula for the "Order#" field in the front-end form. This being the case, I'm certain this is not a code issue.

- Field
- Control Source
- Default Value

= [YEAR] & ["P"] & [Order#]


When I opened the form on the two noncompliant computers the PO# field displayed #Type!.I deleted the Order# default value to confirm that that was indeed the source of the problem, and it is. When deleted, the PO# field displays "13P" instead of "#Type!".

I've tinkered around with Trust Center to no avail. And I'm almost certain this is not an upgrade/patch issue as one of the nonconcompliant computers had Access 2010 downloaded yesterday. The server and all users have Access 2010.As well, the option settings on the front-end are set to only open the form, with no editing capabilities. However, when using Shift+Enter to open the edit capable version, there is no issue; the PO# populates.

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Managing / Syncing Database On Multiple Computers?

Jun 25, 2015

I have an estimating database, the "main" database is on my desktop, then it is also on a Notebook and Laptop and goes out with the bidders. At the end of the day, I want to sync all 3. I may enter info throughout the day on my desktop (which needs to sync up to the other 2) and vise versa. Using SharePoint is not an option as the Notebook and Laptop will not always have internet access.

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Why Is Access Slow On Client Computers Across Wireless Network?

Feb 8, 2006

I have completed a database for a company with 60 000 clients and over 100 000 job records.

The database works at very resonable speeds on the Server computer, or the computer on which I installed the back end of the database.

Each of the other 3 computers on the wireless network, have a local copy of the Front End on their machine, and reference the Back End (BE) on the server computer.

Each of the Client computers have varing speeds when accessing the BE, some as slow as 10 minutes for a simple search, filter or just loading a form.

What can I do to improve performance across the network?

Do I need to install additional components on the other computers to improve the db performance?

Your help will be much appreciated.


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Reports :: Exporting Report To PDF Blank Fields On Some Computers Only

Apr 24, 2013

I have a report (Access 2007) with subreports that is being exported to pdf. It all works fine on PC except for on a virtualbox and a laptop. When the user exports the report to pdf, it leaves some subreports blank! If the report is opened in the DB it pulls data as it should and all looks fine.

In the report, the missing data is from 4 subreports in the same top section of the report where a 5th subreport also resides. Subreport 5 is displayed OK. There is no dynamic formatting nor filtering in the reports.

These two machines had to have the 2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF installed for the PDF export to work at all. Both machines are up-to-date on the latest windows updates. The virtual box runs XP while the laptop runs Windows 7.

This is the strangest error I have ever encountered as it only partially fails and it cannot be replicated on a regular PC.

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How To Apply User-level Security To Multiple Computers

Mar 16, 2012

I've designed an Access Database (using Access 2003) and assigned user-level security to it such that some users are read only and some are full access. Everyone requires a login and password to access the database. The problem is, once I copy/paste the database from my computer to the shared drive (where it will be accessed by all the users) the prompt for a username and password disappears.

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Combining Records With Attachments From Separate Computers Into A Master Database

Jun 21, 2013

We're a small shop building a modest database to keep track of our product listings on eBay. Two people on non networked computers are doing the data entry into cloned copies of our database. This includes attached photos for each record. At the end of each week, we want to combine the records created separately into the master database on my system.

It seems like it would be simple enough to just cut and the paste the records from the two databases into the identical master. The problem I'm anticipating concerns the attached photos.

Some strategies are to transfer the records from the data entry computers to the master database while keeping the attached photos intact.

Is there an effective, efficient way to set this up or would it be best to use the OLE format for the pictures instead of attaching them (which I prefer)?

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Merging Data For One Table From Date Entered On Separate Computers

Jan 9, 2015

We are creating a database to log data on a project. There will be thousands of files. Can we input data, using the same table, at separate locations and then merge the data into a master table? We will need to do that many times.

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How Does This Works? Please Read

Aug 23, 2005

There is an Access application somewhere in shared drive.

100 users open this application using a batch file which copies this database on their c: . They start using this database and the master database gets replicated real time. I am not sure if all the database are replicated as it is copied everyday ( so that each one of them has latest version of the application )

Is it possible ( I know it is :) ) but i am not able to figure out how it is happening.

Please help :confused:

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Works - Now It Doesnt

Dec 9, 2005

What would trigger an error to occur if there has been no changes to a DB.

My error # is 2427 (You entered an expression that has no value).

This error occurs when I click on a command button to open a report. When I debug, it sends me to an IF statement that I have loaded in the On Format of the report.

This worked perfectly fine before - the If statement is simple, if a value is true, then it changes a box to bold and if the value is false, the box in the report remains the same weight.

I am not understanding why it is saying that I have entered an expression with no value when the IF statement reads both the true and the false of a chkbox and adjusts the box accordingly.

Can someone explain why this is occuring? Im litteraly stuck.

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Which Event Works Best?

Dec 27, 2005

I have a form which has two separate subforms in it. When the user selects a record in the first subform, I want the values of that record to write to the second subform's fields. OnCurrent works when there is more than record in the subform. My problem is two fold, one I don't want my copy code to run when the form loads and I need it to copy a record when there is also only one record in the subform.

Which event do you recommend?

Also, does anyone have a suggestion on how to allow the user to tab through a form, but really only record by record (with the keyboard) and not having to go through all the fields before getting to the next record.

Thank you,

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Msgbox Works On One DAP, But Not Another.

Jun 30, 2006

Hi, I'm a little confused here. I'm using the following on one DAP and it works just fine. When I add it to another page, it does not work. Any ideas?

<SCRIPT language=vbscript event=onclick for=Save>
msgbox "Record Saved - you may continue to edit or exit your browser.",64,"Saved"


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Text Box That Works Like Word?

Apr 18, 2006

Hi All,

I have a text box (memo field) that the user enters a description. This is sometimes more then one paragraph. In a text box you cant hit enter and goto the next line (or paragraph). I would like to to this? can it be done?


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Text Box That Works Like Word?

Apr 18, 2006

Hi All,

I have a text box (memo field) that the user enters a description. This is sometimes more then one paragraph. In a text box you cant hit enter and goto the next line (or paragraph). I would like to to this? can it be done?


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