hello all,
i have a form which I have set so that it opens a blank record once opened. After it has been opened I want a msgbox to appear. my code so far is:
Private Sub Form_Load()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Select Case MsgBox("Please select the Registration Number from the drop down menu or type it in", vbOKOnly, "Select Registration Number")
End Select
End Sub
but the problem is that the msgbox appears before the form is opened.
any ideas how to fix this would be grately appreciated. thank you
How do i set a form to start on a new record when it loads? I have tried the data tab in properties but there isn’t anything there what do I do? Can I use some VBA code?
I've got a parent/sub-form set up, both of which derive their data from linked tables connecting to a central database. As a result I've had to add coding to the NewRecord events to fetch the next primary keys from the database.
Unfortunately I'm finding that one loading the new record, the child form seems to be loading before the parent, ie the child form_Current event occurs before the parent form_Current event. Is this how it should be? It seems intuitive that the parent should load first.
I'm sure I can develop some cunning logic to get around this problem but I'm sure there must be a better way. Has anyone any experience of this parent/child set-up with linked, central database tables?
I have a form that displays data based on a simple query. The query asks for a PO number (from the query) and then displays the data. I wish to open a web page after the PO number is put in. What is the vb code to do so and is it on the onLoad or onOpen portion of the form?
Also, the web address needs that PO number. So, the web address would be: http://www.mydomain.com?PO=PONumber where PONumber is what was entered into the text box that was prompted by the query. Any ideas on where to start on this one? Thanks!
I have been trying to make forms open scrolled to the top and have had very little success.
I found a function on the following site http://www.lebans.com/SelectRow.htm that works great as demonstrated and when I attach the following code to a text box the form scrolls to the top.
Private Sub Text98_Click() Dim lngret As Long lngret = fSetScrollBarPos(Me, 1) DoEvents End Sub
What I am trying to do is have the form scroll when it opens but by attaching the above code to the form's on_open event there is no effect.
I have parent form and child subform. one field in the parentform is calculated on sum of records on the childsubform when the parent form loads initially the value in the calculatedfield is 0 then it shows the correct value when the childsubform value is populated i have another-field i want to change the property of the onotherfield.backcolor= RGB(0,0,255) when calculatedfield.value<0 but its taking the initial value(0) not the calculated onewhich event shall i invoke on the form so that it waits the subform to complete then fires ... i tried current, load, activate events .. with no success.
I did a search in the form forum and couldn't find anything close that had a response.
I have a parent form and a sub form.
I have the parent set up to make the enable property false for the command buttons that aren't appropriate when you first open the form: Like Save and Undo.
I want to do the same for the child form, which has different data linked to the parent form.
The parent form always grays out the inappropriate boxes.
The subform will gray them out only if I open it as a stand-alone form. When I put the code in the Open, or Load or Gotfocus events I get an error message that it cannot locate the subform.
I have VBA code that switches a form to a report that works with buttons but refuses to work when first loading up the database.
Ideally I want the database to open , with a control form set as the default load form, and then this immediately loads a report, which it does, but it doesn't ever switch to it?
I use as standard: DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_here", acViewPreview, , , acWindowNormal
I have a couple of command buttons on a form. They have embedded bitmaps as pictures with a caption below. For some reason when the forms loads (and also in design view), there is a narrow white outline / border around them. As if the button is drawn on a slightly larger white square?This border disappears as soon as I hover over the button (in form view) or click on the button (in design view).
I have on very large form in my db that takes several seconds to load. I want to optimize things, so I am trying to have it load hidden in the background when the db first starts up, this way it can be immediately called on when it is needed later. Please read further :
I want to have a splash screen that loads as well. I have set the splash screen to the default form when the database opens. However, I am not quite sure how to get the other form to load in the background as hidden, AFTER the splash screen opens and appears. I tried calling it with the oncurrent event of the splash screen, but then splash screen wont appear until after the other (hidden) form has finished loading. I have tried different orders of events, but am having no luck getting the desired results.
Summary: I want the splash screen to show first, then the big form to open (hidden) in the background. The user can click on a continue button on the splash screen and then the main switchboard will open.
I have a database with a Main Menu Form, containing a Button that loads my main data entry form. When the Button is Clicked portions of the data entry form that is loading shows through the Main Form Background (e.g. portions of the navigation bars, and portions of the boarder on the form that is loading.)
I've added a message box to what is basically a standard simple to use access control, "closeForm", I'm a newbie working on learning access vb. I'm guessing my code if fudged. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Private Sub Close_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Close_Click Dim Answer As Integer Answer = MsgBox("Press Ok to Close, Cancel to Continue.", vbOKCancel + vbQuestion, "Exit Data Entry?") If vbOK Then DoCmd.Close
I have a Form that is modal and popup, and which opens without the MS Access in the background. It is like a separate window (piece of program) that runs under Windows XP.
If I move the Form on my screens (I have dual monitors) I would like that the messages that are triggered by various actions to appear on top of the form not - for example - on the other screen .
My database has two main tables: Table1 and History
Users can add data to this table and decide if store part of data into the History table using an append query behind a cmdbutton. I do this to create an Historical Log of my records.
I then have a main form (form1) with the following code on the OnCurrent event:
If Not IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "history", "[SSN] = '" & [SSN] & "'")) Then msgbox "Record present in the Historical Log!", vbOKOnly, "Warning" end if
I would now like to change this code so that users are prompt with a message that allows them to either open the form1 or the Historical log (frmHistory)
I would need something like this but cannot get it to work:
If Not IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "history", "[SSN] = '" & [SSN] & "'")) Then msgbox "Record present in the Historical Log!", vbYesNo, "Warning" If vbYes Then DoCmd.OpenForm "frmHistory", acNormal, "qryhistoryfrommsgbox", "", , acNormal
If vbNo Then ' 'open the regular form1.
Another thing I cannot figure is why this pop up msg comes up even if I close the form. Is there a way to revome it from the close form event?
I have a form with one field on it. I want to be able to look up a value on this form and based on whether it is in the table or not give a message box saying yes it is there, or no it is not and then reset the form to look up another value.
I currently have an unbound form I am using as a switchboard. When a button is pressed it loads a form asking for the user to enter their password (the swtichboard is then closed). If the correct password is entered the form opens to their details, when that form is closed, the swtichboard re-opens. I want an action that if the correct password is not used, then a msgbox lets them know and then the Switchboard they were at re-opens. So far I have the following code:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) If Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "Incorrect Password!" Cancel = True End If End Sub
This works well, but I am unsure how to write that after the msgbox I want the Switchboard to open. I tried to add "DoCmd.OpenForm frmSwitchMain" in various places, but I am unsure on the proper procedure to do this.
'Filter frmRhinitis based on search criteria Form_frmRhinitis.RecordSource = "select * from tblBaseline where " & GCriteria Form_frmRhinitis.Caption = "Customers (" & cboSearchField.Value & " contains '*" & txtSearchString & "*')"
MsgBox "Results have been filtered."
End If
End Sub
However, even if no records match the criteria the window will return a "Results have been filtered" but return a blank form. How do I include code that will return a "Match cannot be found" MsgBox if the search string isnt found?
I have a form with various text, date and combo controls. There is a button at the button that runs a macro (Close NB) at the bottom. What I'm trying to do is bring up a msgbox if certain fields are blank and not run the macro. I only want the macro to run if all the fields specified have data in them.
The fields are : cmb_cliname cmb_disease cmb_projectType cmb_ProposalStatus
The on click code is: If (Me.cmb_cliname Is Null) Then MsgBox "Please fill in the relevant details", ElseIf (Me.cmb_Disease Is Null) Then MsgBox "Please fill in the relevant details"
I use filter Combo boxes in a lot of places so that users can filter records easily. (Not combo boxes for input).I have them labeled as filters but nonetheless users keep trying to input into them for some reason.How would I add a message box to it so that it states that 'this box is not for data entry etc'.
I am wondering if it is possible to embed all of the photos that I have into my photo table automatically. I have the table set up with all of the data that needs to be there but I have over 1500 photos that need to be embedded and wanted to save myself some time and automate the process somehow. I already know that embedding these photos is going to make my database huge but that isn't an issue for this particular project.
As far as I can tell from this forum, the help and the Northwind database this isn't possible without manually going through every photo but I am pretty new to Access so thought I would throw the question out there.
I have a search form which suddenly stopped remembering filters between loads. I managed to accidentally replicate the behaviour on a second database where I knew the filters worked - in this case the code was
Code: Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Me.Filter = "(False)" Me.FilterOn = True End Sub
Turns out that simply commenting out then uncommenting this section (while the form was open) was enough to break it. Filtering still works, but the form's filter property is forgotten when it unloads, and the only way to change it permanently is in Design View.
So I made a very simple test db with a filtered form, started faffing around with the code while it was open, and lo and behold the filters have stopped working. But I've compared the functional and non-functional versions and I can't for the life of me see what's been changed. I suspect I've run into some kind of bug (not that I should be fiddling with code while in form view anyway) but what can I do to revert it?
It turns out that I can force the filter to be saved by hitting Ctrl+S before I exit the form. Still no clue as to why v1 mysteriously works and v2 mysteriously doesn't. In the meantime, can I replicate Ctrl+S in VBA? I tried DoCmd.Save acForm "FormName", but no luck there.