MsgBox If CkBox Is True When Name Is Selected

Aug 4, 2006

This is another feature I would like to add to my Haunted Labyrinth worker database that I am developing. I have attached the db so that anyone can take a look at the structure.

I have a Roster table that includes a Checkbox called B4L (Banned for Life) that is checked if this worker is not allowed at the Labyrinth anymore. I have a form to sign in workers for that specific night. The Rowsource for the worker field is:

SELECT [RosterID], [LastName] & ", " & [FirstName] & " " & [Phone] FROM Roster ORDER BY [LastName] & ", " & [FirstName];

What I am trying to accomplish: If a worker's B4L checkbox is set to True, I want a MsgBox to come up warning the staff person that this Worker is Banned for Life. The name should then not be written to the table.

Thanks ahead of time.

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Autopopulate Field When Checkbox Is Selected True

Jan 27, 2012

I would like to have a field autopopulate (date field) when a checkbox is selected 'true'

Fields are:

FolderBCCheck-In (checkbox field)
Check-InDate (date field)

I need the check-inDate field to populate Date() when the FolderBCCheck-In field is checked.

I assume it is VBA code to the AfterUpdate (Event procedure). Just having trouble getting the right code.

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Forms :: Combo Box With Msgbox If Selected Item Is Not In Record

Oct 30, 2014

I want a Messagebox to be appear if the selected item or if the input item in the combobox was not in the record.

I used this condition in combobox

="[asstnumbr] = " & "'" & [Screen].[ActiveControl] & "'"

but when I try this run code function in macro via IFF will become error

IIf([asstnumbr]<>"'" & [Screen].[ActiveControl] & "'",MsgBox("NO RECORD FOUND IN YOUR SEARCH"))

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Msgbox Turns Check Box True On "Yes"

Feb 11, 2005

I have a text box "txtCode" which i want the user to fill in but when the user moves to the next box i want a msgbox to appear and ask the user if they have checked that the code is already in existance, i need the msgbox to have a yes or no.

if the user selects yes i need my checkbox "ckChecked" which is hidden on my form, to be set to true.

if the answer is no, i want the current record to be reset to null and the following form opened:


can this be done via the Msgbox? if so can someone please help me with the code.



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Remember The Selected Record - Requery - Then Go Back To Selected Record...

Jun 28, 2005

Hi guys,

Bit of a problem I'm hoping someone can help with. I have a telephone call logging system. The system is a tabbed form with each tab representing a person's Telephone Call Inbox. As new calls are entered into the database, they appear in each person's inbox until they are marked as dealt with.

This all works fine and there are no problems with the basics of it, but the problem I do have is that after I have split the database into a Back end and a Front end and distributed the Front ends to each user, when a new call is entered it doesn't appear in the persons inbox until they do a requery.

At first I sent the form to requery using the ontimer event, but the problem I have is that after every reqery the form goes back to the first record. A user on the office forum suggested I use the following code:

vCurrent = Me.Bookmark
Me.Bookmark = vCurrent

But this gives me invalid bookmark errors, so I was then told to add

On Error Resume Next

But this stops the bookmark function working and instead the first record is loaded every 1 minute (as set by my timer).

Can anyone recommend a better way that actually works without invalid bookmark errors?

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If A Is True, Then Do B

Apr 9, 2007


The above formula works as is in the field I have it in, but need it performed only if [Label5] is marked yes. I guess what I need is what goes in front of the above formula. I've looked through the forum, but it is so huge I had no luck finding what I needed.

If [Label5] is no, I need it to go to [Label6] and if [Label6] is yes, perform another calc like the one above. If [Lable6] is no, I need an error message.

Hope this is clear. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Allowaddition = True

Sep 15, 2005

Hi all very simple question i'm sure but had a look through the forums and couldn't find anything.

On a form i have 2 buttons, one for new data and one for editing data. When either of these buttons are clicked a few text boxes pop up and immediately display data (The first record of the recordset). For the edit button this fine, however how do i get the text boxes to display a new record and not allow the user to head backwards through the recordset only onto a new record??

Thanks in advance

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Posting A Pic When A Value = True

Jan 31, 2008

Hi everyone,

I have made a form for our database and I would like to have a .gif image display when a certain checkbox is checked. Any idea how to do this?


PS - sorry if this is a noob question...I don't use access much

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Help Please On MsgBox

Apr 1, 2007

Could anyone please tell me what is wrong with this event procedure? I get an compile error always. What I want is, if the condition is not met, the message box would pop up otherwise close the form. Please help.

Private Sub (Field Name)_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If (Me.MyFieldName = condition) Then
MsgBox "My Message"
End If
End Sub

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MsgBox - Help

Feb 21, 2005

Im want to create a msgbox that pops up when a parameter is entered wrong.

Ive created a query to search for customers - When run a box pops up saying 'Please enter surname' - If correct then a record appears.

If the surname is incorrect i get a blank table. I want a msgbox to pop up saying something like 'No Records Found. Please Try Again'.

Ive also created a button on a form which runs the query, this works fine:

Private Sub Command0_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command0_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "Customer Search"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command0_Click

End Sub

How can i change this so a msgbox appears if nothing is found?

Any suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance... :)

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Nov 14, 2005

In MS Access,

MsgBox "Are you sure", vbOKCancel

and there is OK , and Cancel buttons.

I want to do that if click "OK", then run the action, if click "Cancel", then cancel the action.

MsgBox "Are you sure", vbYesNo
If (vbYesNo = 1) Then
// run the action
End If

So, how do I edit it?


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Dec 22, 2004

hi all

i have an event procedure with a msgbox using vbOKCancel.
if the user clicks cancel, basically i want to cancel the event. If the user clicks OK, I want to resume the event and complete the bunch of commands. What statements do I need to do this. I assumed that cancel meant cancel.... but...

I appreciate any help


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May 2, 2008

I am trying to popup a messge box that has multiple lines.

I have three textboxes on my form

When I click the button I want a messagebox to pop up and say

"Are you sure you want to update:"
Textbox value 1 [The actual value]
Textbox value 2 [The actual value]
Textbox value 3 [The actual value]

I am starting with this but am a bit confused...Any help woudl be appreciated...

Code:If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to update this?" + "THIS:", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _ "Save Record") = vbNo Then MsgBox "DOING NOTHING" Else MsgBox "DOING SOMETHING" End If

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MsgBox Help

Nov 7, 2006

I've included the following code for when my report has no data.

Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer)
MsgBox "No data for report"
Cancel = True
End Sub

but when you click OK on the MsgBox, the code falls over within the form, which originally opened the report on the calling line with an error message "The OpenReport action was cancelled".

This is the line of code in the form....
DoCmd.OpenReport "My report", acViewPreview, acEdit

Any ideas how I stop this happening. Thanks.

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Locked=True Fuzzy

Jun 1, 2005

I have a form that has code tied to the 'on open' event that is going to be accessed by users where we want them to only have access to certain fields which we want them to fill out. The fileds that will be locked will change based on the field called 'Item Number'. The code will be long because there are 30 different Item Numbers and about 10 to 20 fields that we will disable based on the Item Number. The code is like:

Dim Item_Number As String
If Me.Item_Number = "32000" Then
Me.Batch_Lot_Number.Enabled = False
End If

This is all great except that the disable makes the field kind of obscure by the color it gives it. I don't want to use the lock property because that doesn't give you a visual clue that its locked.

Is there a way to change the color of the field background using VBA?

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Iif With True Part Containing 2 Values

Nov 28, 2005

First Post - please be gentle :)

I may be missing something here, but can any one help?

I am using a Iif statment in a query to filter records as follows:

If([value from a form]= "all holidays",("weeks hols" or "days hols"),"not a holiday")

This is returning a to complex to calculate error - I think it is a Syntax error but could be wrong
but if I enter The string "week hols" or "days Hol" as the criteria without the Iif statment that works fine.

Thanks Dean

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Counting True Items

May 4, 2006

Can anyone help?
I have a table with the following:
Booked with a y/n field
Person Name with a text field
Yes(True) Jim
Yes(True) Jim
No(False) Jim

What I need is to be able to show a query that shows if the checkbox is ticked (True) and the Name is Jim total up how many true items there are. So from the above I can see that Jim has 2 true items. I would then like this shown in a text box is this possible?
Also, it is not always going to be a person called Jim so... (From above)
Yes(True) Jim
Yes(True) Jim
No(False) Jim
Yes(True) Jack

So how would this go on a query in a sub form? So Name Jim would show 2 and Jack would show 1? At the moment is is grouping the name and I dont want that.
Any ideas

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Is It Possible To Return No Value When An If Statement Is True?

Sep 22, 2006

This should be really simple, but I am stumbling on the criteria. I have a combo box which returns "Y" or "N". I'm using this value as criteria for a field called [Planned=Y/N]. This field stores either a "Y" or a "N" to indicate that a network outage was planned or not. If the combo box is "Y" I want to return all values(Y and N). If the combo box is "N" I only want to return values of "N". I've tried the following in the criteria without the desired affect:

IIf([Forms]![frmOutagemenu]![cboflag]="Y","","N") - only returns records when "N" is selected.

IIf([Forms]![frmOutagemenu]![cboflag]="Y",null,"N") - only returns records when "N" is selected.

IIf([Forms]![frmOutagemenu]![cboflag]="Y",In("Y","N"),"N") - too complicated for Access to decode.

Is there another way to return nothing for the criteria when "Y" is selected?

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True Date Ranges

Nov 6, 2006

I run various queries on a daily basis for multiple date ranges (previous day, week to date, month to date, and year to date). The below criteria allows me to get WTD numbers but it has a flaw. When I run the reports on Monday, this criteria gives me Sunday and Monday's data when I actually want the previous week's data. Does anyone know of an iif statement that basically, says, "If today is Monday, give me last week's data, else give me wtd of the current week?" Right now, I manually change the criteria on Monday morning to hard code the dates and then revert to the formula on Tuesdays but I need to have this completly automated because there are a large number of queries and I don't have time to change them all. Thanks for the help!

Between Date()-Weekday(Date()-1) And Date()-1

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Count Of TRUE Statements?

Oct 18, 2006

Hi! When it rains, it pours, right? I'm wondering if any of you know of a way to count true statements...

What I mean is, I have a query where I have a series of 5 different OR statements, meaning I want to see records with either a min. ed. number, or a years of experience number, etc...

The query returns every record with at least one of the criteria being met. What I need is to count the statements that are true for one record. Let's say I have someone who meets all of the OR criteria, I need a way to count the number of criteria that they met. Is there a way to do this? Maybe with a crosstab query??? Thanks!!


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MsgBox Not Working!

Jun 29, 2005

Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this code, its not working for me!!

If ((txtpassword = "") Or (combusername = "")) Then

MsgBox "Please Enter A Valid Access", vbOKOnly, "Error"

End If

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Msgbox Question

Jun 16, 2006

Is it possible to use a msgbox to fill in a control on a form?

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Msgbox In Index

Jan 21, 2007

I have 2 fealds ( Id and date ) they are primery keys in the table , I want to prevent duplacte id to the same date . ( MSGBOX after update the date )

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Msgbox, Pleeeeeeease HELP ME AS SOON AS YOU SEE THIS!!!

Mar 11, 2007

Hi, I have a formcalled Register and this table contains Name-of-Employee, Username and some other fields. The form searches the Register table when someone wants the register, and if the username is already taken up by another user, it gives a message box saying that the username is already used, and also it will give some suggestions as well. I want the MsgBox to take the first letter of "Name of Employee" and then put it beside the username, and show it as a suggestion. Here is the code I already have:
Dim d As Database
Set d = CurrentDb
Dim r As Recordset
Set r = d.OpenRecordset("Staff Login")

Dim h As String
h = Me.Username

Dim flag As Boolean
flag = False
Do While Not r.EOF
If h = r![Username] Then
flag = True
End If

If flag = True Then
MsgBox ("This Username already exists" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Here are some suggestions:" & vbNewLine & (Me.Name_of_Employee) & (Me.Username) & vbNewLine & (Me.Username) & (Me.Name_of_Employee))
End If

The code works perfectly up to here, but the thing is that I want it to show the first letter of "Name of Employee" beside the "User Name" and maybe the other way around.

Please help me as soon as possible, I am really in a great hurry

Thanx in advance

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MsgBox Style

Mar 11, 2007

I just wanted to ask how to change the msgbox style, for example, put a Critical or Information picture on the side of the message box

Thanx in advance

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Msgbox Option

Feb 25, 2008

Hi Everyone,

I have a message box that says "Backup complete" but it has an Ok button. Is there a way for the user to see the message and then close without hitting the ok button?

here's my code

MsgBox "Backup was successful and saved", vbInformation, "Backup Completed"

Thank you

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