I have a form with a combo box and a button, which when clicked, opens a report based on the option selected in the combo box. For this, in the event procedure of the button click, how do I code it so that if no option is selected in the combo box and the button is clicked, it should display a 'message' as a pop up. I know I should use the MsgBox option but I seem to be going wrong with the If loops. I doubt I am positioning the MsgBox command in the wrong place in the code below, as it does not pop up the msg box as I desire. Heres the code:
Private Sub btnMarket_Click()
If Me.Combo0 <> "" And Not IsNull(Me.Combo0) Then
Dim s As String
s = "1=1"
Just something I hate and been frustrated about and would like to know whether it can be solved. I don't know about your PC but my mouse's wheel does not work in the Visual Basic Editor. This applies to all Office apps.
When I scroll the wheel, nothing moves. It works great in other apps, though, such as Explorers, ....
Is it something that was meant at designed or am I missing something here?
I'm not sure what you call it but I call it auto-complete; the functionality that gives you a list of methods/commands when you are typing something like Me.Forms. When you type the Me. after the . it will bring up a list for you to see what you can do from there. That works fine for me but when I do the following: "CoCmd." the list will popup for a brief moment (much less than half of a second) which does not let me view the possible methods. Is this normal? If not does anybody have any idea how I might be able to fix it short of reinstalling MS Office (that is NOT an option). Thanks, Aaron
I wasn't sure if it should go in this section or the VB section. I apologize if it is in the wrong section.
I would like to update a lot of fields in my tables; about 120 different fields in 12 different tables. I would however like to keep it simple by using the SQL editor in MS Access by writing all the UPDATE queries and leave them to run while I do smething else. It seems to me however that you can only run one query at a time using the SQL editor. I thought I could separate one SQL editor from the other by using semicolon as in Oracle SQL editor etc., but that does not seem to work. Does anybody know how to do this in Access without writing a VBA code etc.?
I am setting up a database with an image linked to each record. I have installed Photo Editor as required to display jpeg files. However, when I try to insert object in the table field, Photo Editor does not appear as an option under 'Object Type'. How can I use Photo Editor as my OLE server to display jpegs? Or, can someone suggest a better way to display images on forms? I'm a newbie, so although I'll try more advanced programming if required, I will need quite detailed step-by-step instructions :)
I know this is pretty basic, but it is annoying me. Whenever I bring up a certain form in my database, it seems to call up the database form. How can I get rid of this.
We have a backend of 97 version and frontend of 2003. When the users try to cnt-break out of a query that is taking a long time the de-bug window pops up and then they hit yes and the database shuts them out. How can I keep this from coming up?
I have a query with a simple parameter, [Enter the start date]. This is called by another query to add more data, and then by a report. My problem is this. I go into the report in design view, and my parameter keeps popping up! It will not go away no matter how many times I try to cancel it - it just comes back. So I cannot make changes to the report. How can I stop this from happening? Robert
This error message keeps popping up no matter what I do. "Database can't find the field 'QuotationNumber' referred to in your expression." I tried to define a text box by using a DLookUp function, however that did not work. I deleted the function, and now this error message keeps popping up. I have searched everywhere for an expression with 'QuotationNumber' in it, and I cannot find it. What do I do?
Periodoically, the "Save Changes?" warning that pops when closing a query whose design has changed stops popping up, and the changes are automatically saved. I've tried going into the immediate window to change SetWarnings to True, but that doesn't fix the issue. (Further, I've scoured my code for instances of "DoCmd.SetWarnings False" to make sure that they are always followed by a "Docmd.SetWarnings True" in the Exit lines.
I've tried searching a number of different sights, and all I can find are instances of people talking about wanting to disable the Query Action warnings, which I don't want to do. I just want to be able to fiddle with queries, but then close them without saving in case I butcher something. I could create a copy of the query and fiddle with that, but I shouldn't have to...
I created a command button from using the wizard so when I click to delete the record the button is for, a window pops up asking if I am sure I want to delete the record. Is there a way to not have the button pop up?
Here is the code:
Private Sub cmdCompleted_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmdCompleted_Click DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
I created a crosstab query with the dates as row headings which has a Start Date and End Date Parameter. When I created a report from it, everytime I switch to the Design View of the Report, the Parameter Pops-Up like 3 times so I had to either click Cancel Start Date and End Date Pop-Ups 3 times or Fill up the Parameter 3 times which is annoying. It pops up when I click something on the Report(in Design View), or even when I encode a Formula on a textbox(it pops up everytime I press a letter on my keyboard).
I can't remove the parameters from the query because I need it in producing the data for report (say from August 1 to 31 data only) .....
My database has comboboxes to autopopulate fields. These comboboxes have parametered queries for row sources so that the user doesn't have to go through a long list of IDs and to make the database more efficient in case it has to hold hundreds of records. They work the first time round but not after, when the comboboxes are clicked for a second time the query parameter is not popping up.
I was wondering if you would please be able to suggest anything!
I am trying to insert an OLE object (a Word document) into an OLE field. I have been doing this with no problems for over 200 entries. However, now it is not letting me do anything once I have inserted it. If I click on anything a box with "Invalid argument" comes up! Also, if I remove anything from that particular field the same thing happens. I have tried the help option, but it doesn't seem to recognise a solution.
Could anyone please tell me what is wrong with this event procedure? I get an compile error always. What I want is, if the condition is not met, the message box would pop up otherwise close the form. Please help.
Private Sub (Field Name)_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) If (Me.MyFieldName = condition) Then MsgBox "My Message" End If Else DoCmd.Close End Sub
i have an event procedure with a msgbox using vbOKCancel. if the user clicks cancel, basically i want to cancel the event. If the user clicks OK, I want to resume the event and complete the bunch of commands. What statements do I need to do this. I assumed that cancel meant cancel.... but...
I am trying to popup a messge box that has multiple lines.
I have three textboxes on my form
When I click the button I want a messagebox to pop up and say ON FOUR LINES:
"Are you sure you want to update:" Textbox value 1 [The actual value] Textbox value 2 [The actual value] Textbox value 3 [The actual value]
I am starting with this but am a bit confused...Any help woudl be appreciated...
Code:If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to update this?" + "THIS:", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _ "Save Record") = vbNo Then MsgBox "DOING NOTHING" Else MsgBox "DOING SOMETHING" End If
I've included the following code for when my report has no data.
Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer) MsgBox "No data for report" Cancel = True End Sub
but when you click OK on the MsgBox, the code falls over within the form, which originally opened the report on the calling line with an error message "The OpenReport action was cancelled".
This is the line of code in the form.... DoCmd.OpenReport "My report", acViewPreview, acEdit
Hi, I have a formcalled Register and this table contains Name-of-Employee, Username and some other fields. The form searches the Register table when someone wants the register, and if the username is already taken up by another user, it gives a message box saying that the username is already used, and also it will give some suggestions as well. I want the MsgBox to take the first letter of "Name of Employee" and then put it beside the username, and show it as a suggestion. Here is the code I already have: Dim d As Database Set d = CurrentDb Dim r As Recordset Set r = d.OpenRecordset("Staff Login")
Dim h As String h = Me.Username
r.MoveFirst Dim flag As Boolean flag = False Do While Not r.EOF If h = r![Username] Then flag = True End If r.MoveNext Loop
If flag = True Then MsgBox ("This Username already exists" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Here are some suggestions:" & vbNewLine & (Me.Name_of_Employee) & (Me.Username) & vbNewLine & (Me.Username) & (Me.Name_of_Employee)) End If
The code works perfectly up to here, but the thing is that I want it to show the first letter of "Name of Employee" beside the "User Name" and maybe the other way around.
Please help me as soon as possible, I am really in a great hurry