Mulitple List Box Selection Pushed To Datasheet To Add Other Info

Feb 18, 2005

I am trying to make a user friendly form where the user can select mulitple items from a list box and then from that selection this info is listed in another table (Form) where they can add additional info.

For example,

List box lists Products to be made (1,2,3,4)
If I choose item 3 and 4 i want them to be listed in a seperate form where I can add more info (quantity).
Any help or other suggestions is appreciated.

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Resetting A Mulitple Select List Box When New Record Is Created

Aug 20, 2004

I have created a form in access that contains a multiple select list box and a command button "New Record," that creates a new record. I select values in the list box for the current record. When I click on the "New Record" button, the values that I selected in the previous record are still selected. How can I reset the list box so that no values are selected when I create a new record?

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Forms :: Nomination Form - Combobox Selection List Not Updating After Each Selection

Oct 27, 2014

I am designing a nomination form (web database so no vba macros can be used).

The form has 3 combo boxes: cboStaffName, cboLevel, cboNominee.

The form is bound to the tblSubmit table where the submissions are populated.

I used a select statement:SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List; to populate the combo box for the Staff Name selection.

This is the select statement to populate the job level combobox:

SELECT Staff_List.Level, Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Staff_Name)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboStaffName]));

The select statement to populate the combobox for the nominee combobox:

SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Level)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboLevel]));

The problem is that the staff_name in the first combobox is still found in the nominee combobox which should not be because a staff cannot nominate self. There is a field in the Staff_List called YesNo that should be activated for each staff that is selected so that the select statement on the nominee combobox can be updated accordingly to remove items with the field "Active"

How to get the checkbox selected for each corresponding staff.

Sample of the database has been attached.

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More Info Button Based On Combo Box Selection

May 21, 2012

More Info" button based on Combo Box selection. I need to create a command button that can be used to see all of the data in the table for whatever name is selected in a combo box. For example, if John Smith is selected from the combo box, the user could click a "More Info" button, which will open a separate form showing all the data in the table for John Smith.

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Forms :: Display Last Time A Button Was Pushed

Aug 6, 2014

I have a form thats already created. I would like to put a box or something next to a button so I can monitor when the last time the button was pushed. Ive seen it somewhere before and never took a moment or a need to see how it was put together.

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Forms :: List Box - Selection - Populates Next List Box

May 20, 2013

I am wanting to preempt data in list boxes


listbox2 (If Fruit Is Selected)

listbox2 (If Vegetable Is Selected)

If Fruit is selected in Listbox1 - Then Listbox2 should have the options

If Vegetable is selected in Listbox1 - Then Listbox2 should have the options

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Forms :: Fill Datasheet Subform Based On Selection In Parent Form?

Dec 6, 2013

What I have is a form that takes in information regarding test data. Each test run can record data for multiple requirements. I am able to pull all data fine, however in order to make it easier on the user i was hoping to populate the requirements subform based on a selection of "test group" in the main form.

Commonly run together requirements can fall in to groups. I have a selection box for these groups in the main form and a table that stores these group id's and group setup. Is there a way to autofill the tables records that the subform is linked to based on the selected test group?

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Combo Box - Adding Further Info - Not In List

Dec 6, 2006

Does anyone know of a way to allow a user to add further info to another field on the same record that's created by a combo box that is using the Not In List method?

Dim strsql As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim Msg As String

'Exit this sub if the combo box is cleared
If NewData = "" Then Exit Sub

Msg = "'" & NewData & "' is not in the list of Callers names." & vbCr & vbCr
Msg = Msg & "Do you want to add it?"

i = MsgBox(Msg, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Unknown Caller...")
If i = vbYes Then
strsql = "Insert Into tblCallersName([CallersName]) values ('" & NewData & "')"
CurrentDb.Execute strsql, dbFailOnError
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

I need to log a persons name & phone number without having to re enter it again the next time.

To log the name I use a combo box that lists all the previously added names & it also allows you to add further details if the name does not already exist

I now need to work out how to also add the phone number without having to manually go into the names table to add it in.

If anyone understands what I'm talking about then you're halfway there :D

See attached db


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Modules & VBA :: List Fields Via Table Info Function

Nov 5, 2013

I a trying to list all fields from ALL tables in a certain DB.I am using the tableinfo function. However, because the output of the immediate window is limited to 200 lines, I can only see the last 200 fields. Is there a way to export this in another way than the debug.print procedure, so I can bypass this limitation?


Public Sub showtablefields()
Dim db As Database
Dim tdl As TableDef


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General :: Remove Customer From List But Keep All Related Info

Sep 26, 2012

Let's say I have a list of customers. For each customer I have much more info on other lists (order list, personal info list, bank info list, and so on) - all are of course connected properly.

Now let's say a certain customer is no longer my customer, so I want to remove him from the customer-list. But, I want to move him to a different list - past-customers - so all the information that was related to that customer will remain so. In short, I want to remove from the customer-list without affecting the related data.

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Modules & VBA :: Datasheet View - Check Box In A List Box

Jul 9, 2014

I dont know if this is possible but I want to change a yes/no field from a list box.

I can load data in fine I can even loop through it to see what value each item is but, is it possible to allow a user to change a value from a list box?

If not do I have to use the Datasheet view?

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Forms :: Property List In Datasheet View?

Jul 4, 2014

I want to avoid the properties list to pop out when a form is viewed in dsview. I remember there was a property to set that but I cannot find it.

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Need Help With List Box Selection

Feb 22, 2005

I am new to Access(and self taught) so bear this in mind when you view my DB. (Any suggestions are appreciated)I am using Access 2003.

I have included a sample DB. What I need this to do is when you use the Fill Selection Form You can choose mulitple selection in the list box. When you click Done those you selected will show up in the right hand side subform where you can add quantities. I want this info to be stored as one "Fill". It would also be nice if while you are selecting in the list box a calculated field shows you the total weight you have chosen.

Can anyone help???? :confused:

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List Box Selection

Dec 15, 2005

Hi There

i have a list box on a form, which from a query provides four columns

the first column is the bound column and is the reference ID,
the second column is the reference
the third column is the reference type ID
the fourth column is the reference type

depending on the reference type, the reference is edited on a different form

how do i / can i code it that when i double click the list box, the correct form opens to edit the reference details with the reference ID as the linkcriteria,

i am okay with the linkcriteria, but not with the code for the correct form to open

thanks in advance

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Msg Box Based On List Box Selection

Jun 20, 2005

I have a form that contains a list box with 11 separate options. Within this list is the option named "None". My desire is to have a message box displayed when any option is selected other than "None". I have searched various threads, however I have been unsucessful nailing down my issue. Thanks in advance for the assistance.

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List Box Text Selection

Feb 7, 2006

A few weeks ago I had a post in which I asked how a user could type in the text value of a list of selections in a list box, and arrive to that selection.

Such as if they type in "A" then "B", it goes to "Abby" rather than "Aaron" then "Ben". It was answered that this was not possible in MS Access with a list box, so after that I basically told the users I would look into it more.

I have finally cleared off my desk and arrived back to this small issue.

I thought of the idea to add a Drop-Down Combo Box to the form. I could use the functionality built into the Drop-Down Box to allow them to type in the person they are looking for in the List. Then click a button labeled "Find" and it would take them to the correct person in the list box. They could then function as before.

I just could not figure out the code to put behind my "Find" button. I am not sure if you can do a "Goto record" against a List Box, or a "Find record" against a list box.

Has anyone run into this issue, and if so, was there a way to work around it?

Thank you,


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Default Selection In List Box

Jul 17, 2006

So I have a list box on a form from which users can select which fields to display in a query... There is a default set of fields to display, which at the moment is hardcoded in the associated VBA (far from ideal). I was wandering if there is a specific way to open a list box with a number of values selected by default?

Many thanks in advance,

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Remove Selection From List Box

Nov 18, 2004

I have an unbound list box that gets its data from a query. I have a button that grabs the selected item(s) from the list box and puts them in a text box. The code for the button is:
Dim nsrow
Dim mystring
If Me.List40.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
For Each nsrow In Me.List40.ItemsSelected
mystring = mystring & Me.List40.Column(2, nsrow) & ", "
Next nsrow
End If
If Right(mystring, 2) = ", " Then
mystring = Left(mystring, Len(mystring) - 2)
End If
DESC = mystring

How do I make it so that when the item is selected and is in the text box, it prevents the user from clicking that same item again from the list box? The best way I think is to remove the item from the List box once it's in the text box but I don't know the code to do it.

Please Help!

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Choosing A Selection From List Box

Dec 14, 2004

I have a list box that pulls data from a form. It pulls ProjectID and ProjectName. I want to be able to select one of the ProjectName(s) from the list and have it take me to a form for that ProjectName. I have one form for all the ProjectName(s), and want to be able to simple select one of the ProjectName(s) from the list and have access bring me to the right page of the form. Please Help! Thanks!

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Retrieve The Selection Value From A List Box

Jan 14, 2005

how can I retreive the value (and not the index order with listIndex) from a list box? I have a list-box based on a parameter query and I want to retreive only the selected record (in the list box) data from that query.

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Modules & VBA :: Last Selection List Box?

Apr 6, 2014

I have a form where I add a new event, and it gets added to a list box in another form, I was intending to select the most up-to-date record within the list box but it seems to keep selecting the old latest record and not the new record that ive added. I had tried to select the first record but then move to the last record hoping it would refresh but that still doesn't work.

This is the code I used below:-


'Select last event record added to event list box
Me.lstPatientEvents = Me.lstPatientEvents.ItemData(Me.lstPatientEvents.L istCount - 1)
lstPatientEvents.Selected(lstPatientEvents.ListCou nt - 1) = True

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Updating A Mulitple Queries

Nov 10, 2005

Hello I am new to Access and slowly finding my way round.

I have built 30 queries which eventually build two Union Queries of which each query as a slight different criteria.

In all 30 queries there is an indentical Field name called Arrived. What i want the user to be able to do is change the criteria in the Arrived figure throught a message box. So far the criteria is in the field is:


This will show me everything 3 days ago. What i want to do is to let the user check what happened 5 days ago 10 days ago. I know i can create the following to solve the message box:

>=date()-3-[Enter in the days less than today]

Is there away to update all 30 queries at once with the same code?

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Creating Mulitple Columns - Please Help!!

May 3, 2007

Hi There, first time on here, so hopefully i can get an answer to my problem.

i am trying to split data in a sigle column accross multiple columns. basically i have a table like the one below:

Member DATA
A 34
A 65
B 234
B 456
B 22
C 88
X 6
X 34
Y 23
Y 353
Y 25
Y 9
Z 45

so what i want the query to do is to show a list of Unique Members, and then split the data column so it show an entry for each Member accross mulitple columns.

is this possible? i have very limited access knowledge, so a comprehensive answer will be very much appreciated.

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Mulitple Page Forms?

Jan 11, 2005


I'm trying to write a database for basic manual tests.

Each test has multiple steps.

My problem is: How do I replace the step details when my user has clicked "next step" without losing any of the other information present on the form?



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Remove Names From List Box Upon Selection

May 6, 2005

I have a list box that is filled from a table with names of individuals. What I would like to do is when one of the names is selected it will take it off the list and do this for all the names in the list until all are removed then will reset and have the names avaialble once again. Is this possible and if so how can it be done? Thanks.

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Query By Multiple Selection List Box

Jul 24, 2007

so i have two listboxes that have the values i want for the query parameters. I slightly modified one code i found so that i can query using one of them, however i cannot figure out how to get the second listbox to put criteria into another field. The working code i'm using is:

Private Sub Command_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command_Click

On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String

For Each varItem In Me.PartyBox.ItemsSelected
strCriteria = strCriteria & "counterparties.counterparty =" & Chr(34) & Me.PartyBox.ItemData(varItem) & Chr(34) & " Or "
Next varItem

strCriteria = Left(strCriteria, Len(strCriteria) - 4)

strSQL = "SELECT counterparties.[Counterparty Entity], Fund.[Fund Name], products.Product, combine.[Available?] " & _
"FROM products INNER JOIN (Fund INNER JOIN (counterparties INNER JOIN combine ON counterparties.[Counterparty ID] = combine.[company id]) ON Fund.[Fund ID] = combine.[fund id]) ON products.[Product ID] = combine.[product id] " & _
"WHERE " & strCriteria

CurrentDb.QueryDefs("1").SQL = strSQL

DoCmd.OpenQuery "1"

Exit Sub

If Err.Number = 5 Then
MsgBox "Must Make A Selection First", , "Make A Selection First"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Handler
End If

Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "combqry"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command_Click

End Sub

I am trying to be able to search by Product and counterparty.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

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