Multi-column Combo Box

Sep 15, 2005

I have a combo box with 5 columns. When I click it I want to display columns 1 to 4, together with the headings. But after making my selection, I want column 5 stored in the field.

How can I do that? Currently it is storing column 1.



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Formatting Date In Multi-Column Combo Box

Apr 14, 2015

I have combo boxes that contain attorney names and phone numbers. The attorney name is what is filled into the field when a selection is made from the combo box into the form. The phone number is just there for the occasions that the person managing the data in the database needs to call that attorney. Just a quicker way instead of having to go to another form to find the phone number. I created a query to combine the first and last name to one field (FullName) and this is where the combo box gets it's info.

When I run the query, the phone number is shown formatted as I want it to ((###)###-####), but in the combo box in the form, the phone number has no format to it. What I need to do to get the phone number to show up formatted in the combo box list?

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Multi-Column Combo-box Won't Bresk Down In Text Boxes

Aug 16, 2005

My form's 10 column combo-box (based on a query) won't break into text cells. Some of the columns contain numbers, some test, some phone #s. All columns show when I click the Combo-box in Form View. Access Help File said to put:
=Forms!Customers!CompanyName.Column(1) in the ControlSource for the text cell. Tried that and was returned #Name? for any of the fields in which I tried it.
My expression was:
=frmSpartanStudentBehaviorLog!Last_FirstUC.Column (3)
The other properties in combo-box are set correctly: ColumnCount=10, Column Widths are correct.

I also tried the expression:
=Last_FirstUC.Column(2) but got the same result #Name?

I'm baffled. As a very new user, I'll appreciate any assistance. Thanks.

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Forms :: List Boxes - Single Column Versus Multi Column

Apr 3, 2013

How do I select the first column of a multi-column list box (called "List1") for a query.

A single column list box works fine.


SELECT Tble_Employee.Emp_No, [forms]![attendee_form]![list1] AS SelectedCourse
FROM Tble_Employee;

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Multi-column List Box

Apr 19, 2006

Hi there,

I'm sure I'm not being dim, but I really can't figure how to do this.

I have a list box with two columns. One column (bound) is a name, the other is a unique ID. I need to transfer both the Name and the ID to a second list box (again, two columns).

I can get it to do this with single selections, but not multiple ones, and this is what I need.

Any ideas?


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Multi Column Form

Oct 29, 2005

How can I get a form to have multiple colums.

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Multi-column List Box

Oct 1, 2004

I have a list box derived from a two column SQL select. When I try to use the user selected element I only get the first column data value.

In debugging I have tried ...

Ret = MsgBox(Me.List6.Value, vbOKCancel)


Ret = MsgBox([Forms]![MeetingStatus]![List6], vbOKCancel)

Both of which return the selected row, first column value only.

I can find no help on how to return the content of the second column or the selection as a whole.

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Multi Column Report

Feb 15, 2005

I have a reporting need that I believe (hope) is not unique

My customer needs to print out information about a customer that is compused of information specific to the customer (keyed on customer ID) and sets of information about their purchases in different categories (food, cars, clothes and pets). Each of these categories has different identifying characteristics. (These are represented by subReports on the report).

No problem printing out the report looking like this

Customer Name - Mike Lester
Custoner Address - 101 Main St.,
AnyTown,CO 11111

Beets 10 lbs $1.25 Green
Lettuce 1 lbs $ .78 Green
Bananas 20 lbs $ .33 Yellow

Mustang 1966 $23,888
VW 1955 $222
VW 2002 $23,000
Cadillac 2004 $44,999

Belts 5
Shirts 9
Socks 11
Pants 5
Hats 1

Goldfish 2 Fish
Beagle 1 Dog
Great Dane 3 Dog
Cocateil 2 Bird
Macaw 1 Bird

The problem is the customer wants the report to use the entire page. I tried positioning the subReports in two columns (left and right) but the problem is based on the number of items in each subReport the report ends up looking dumb and wasting paper (also it doesn't look very professional)

What I want to happen is the report to print as many subReports as it can on the left column (without leaving any hanging orphans) then start printing then next subreport at the beginning of the right column. See example below: (Sorry about the ~ Symbol being used to represent a space, for some reason the text box wouldn't save my formatting)

Customer Name - Mike Lester ~~~~~~~~Clothes
Custoner Address - 101 Main St., ~~~~~~~Belts 5
AnyTown,CO 11111 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Shirts 9
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Socks 11
Food ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pants 5
Beets 10 lbs $1.25 Green~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hats 1
Lettuce 1 lbs $ .78 Green
Bananas 20 lbs $ .33 Yellow ~~~~~~~~Pets
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Goldfish 2 Fish
Cars ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beagle 1 Dog
Mustang 1966 $23,888 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Great Dane 3 Dog
VW 1955 $222 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cocateil 2 Bird
VW 2002 $23,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Macaw 1 Bird
Cadillac 2004 $44,999

This is probably the longest question of the day. Does anyone have any
ideas or examples. I am hoping that this doesn't involve any massive VBA
or using Word. There are 200 other reports, and the customer doesn't currently use Word.
The entire application is 100% Access.

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Queries :: Get SQL From Data On Multi Column Listbox

Oct 22, 2013

I wish to generate a new query consisting rows that I have selected in a multi colum list box. May I know if it is possible to work? I am totally lost now

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Filter Using Multiple / Multi-Column List Box

Sep 17, 2012

I'm not familiar with listbox yet and i want to filter my form using it.

I have two separate listboxes which display "category" & "type" data from the same table.

Here is the situation i wanted for my listbox.

1. Select one data from "category" listbox.
2. Then it will automatically filter data from "type" listbox or it will list all related "type" data corresponding to "category" data.
3. Then select one data from "type" listbox and it will filter all related data on the form/sub-form.

Is it possible to do that way? Can i do it on multicolumn listbox instead of using 2 listbox?

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Modules & VBA :: Get Other Than Bound Column From Multi-select Listbox

Feb 6, 2015

I have two listboxes. One for Activities and the other for Organizations.

I set the Org listbox to be multi-select so I could run a loop on that listbox to join multiple Orgs to a single Activity. That part works well.

To do so, I am using the bound column (which is the pkey value) from the multi select listbox, and on the single select listbox I'm using the ListboxName.value to gather the pkey for the "1" side of this 1:Many series of inserts.

Now... I want to use one of the other-than-bound-column value from the multi-select listbox, but I don't know how. When setting a value I only know of the use of :


and I don't know how to do the equivalent of

ListBoxOrganizations.ItemData(varItem's column(2).value)

yes, I just made that up, but I hope you get the point. Meaning, as the loop cruises the ItemsSelected on the multiselect I'd like to use other than the bound column when setting variables.

I've tried using the column property to then cruise to the proper record in the listbox, e.g. :

txtCollaborationDesc = "Collaborate " & ListBoxOrganizations.Column(2, varItem) & " with " & listboxActivities.Column(2)

But this seems to return the column(2) value of the first record loaded into the list box, as if the varItem piece is being ignored. I believe the loop is working properly, as when the inserts are happening correctly with the bound column of the multi-select list is correctly present as an Fkey in the resulting child records.

I just can't get any other column's value for some reason.

MS Access 2010 and this is an accdb.

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Referring To Bound Column In Multi Select Listbox

Dec 12, 2012

So I have a list box that lists organizations. I recently changed the list box type to extended multi select. On the same form, I have a button that opens a new form where the user can input contacts for each organization. When the list box was not multi select, the expression [forms]![media]!

[List30] made the default value of one of the fields in my contact form the bound column from the selection in the list box. However, now that the list box is multi select, the contact input form does not seem to be able to get the value from the bound column in the list box. When multi select is turned on, is the bound column stored differently.

To even get the contact input button to work, I had to change the code from:

Private Sub Command40_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command40_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "Contactsqry"
stLinkCriteria = "[Organization ID]=" & Me.List30

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Create A Query That Asks For Multi Entries In One Column

Apr 11, 2014

Is it possible to create a query that asks for multi entries in one column .....

For example : If I have parts that I purchase and some of them get rejected I want to inform someone of those parts, these parts could be on order numbers, 1,2,8,10 ....

I cannot just search on rejected because some parts could have been reject say 2 weeks ago but new ones have not arrived yet so the flag "rejected" is still showing ....

Is it possible to set the criteria that when asked for the order number/s you could type in ,1,2,8,10 ....

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General :: Reading Multi-line Column Values Into Array?

Aug 19, 2013

I am working on setting up a Document Control System and have a table, called List_of_SOP where I have, amongst others, the following fields:

- Document Title
- Document Number (unique identifier)
- Responsible
- DL (where this is a multiline lookup column where one ticks the names of the people to whom this document needs to be distributed)

I want to be able to fill an array with the checked values of the DL field, given a particular Document Number. So far, the code is somewhat on these lines:

Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs3 As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim strSQL2 As String


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General :: Access 2003 Create Multi Column Filtered Table

Jan 4, 2013

create a datasheet from 2 odbc linked tables which I will be exporting to Excel. The resulting datasheet will have four columns, 'Purchase Order Number' 'Stock Code' 'Delivery Date' 'Unit Price'. The information I require in the datasheet is a unique stock code (one occurrence of each stock code) with the most recent unit price based on the last delivery date for each product. The linked tables contain many Purchase Orders for the same stock codes over a time period of a number of years where the unit price has varied.

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Multi Combo Box Query

Aug 23, 2005

Working on a sales guest registration database and need a some assistance with a query for my report. I have the following fields in the table:


I have created a query which works without a problem. I have also created a dialog form to use with a report that I've created. Everything works ok if I fill in all the boxes on my form with data but in some instances they want reports that are not filtered all the way down. On my form I have an unbound combo box for each of the fields above. I've tried several of the suggestions found here but cannot get it to work completely. The last thing I tried was the following criteria for each field I want to filter on:

like [forms]![repdialog]![communities]& "*" or is null
like [forms]![repdialog]![repname]& "*" or is null
>= [forms]![repdialog]![datebeg] and <= [forms]![repdialog]![dateend]
like [forms]![repdialog]![movetime]& "*" or is null

This sort of works but I must be missing something because it gives me too much data. For instance if a just wanted to fill in the REPNAME box on the form it should give me every record that has that name in it but I get more that that - I think because of the is null comments. Any one help me correct this?

Chester Campbell

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Combo Box Multi Selections?

Jan 27, 2005

I would like to select multiple records from my combo box not at the same time but each selection to be added to another text field in my form.

PROBLEM: When I select a record that 1st selection is populated in the other text field however when I want to select another choice to be added with the 1st choice the selection overwrites the 1st choice instead of adding to it.

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Multi-line Combo Box

Sep 14, 2005

I want to have a pick list where I can click a combo box down arrow and it shows some options but these options would be in this format:



The reason is that they are 3 line adverts.

What is the best way to do this? Is it possible with combo box or should I do it in another way?



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Multi-Select Combo Box

Dec 12, 2005

Is there any way to have a Multi-Select Combo Box fill a single field in a table? I've been messing with this for some time now and just can't seem to figure it out.

Thanx in advance

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Multi Combo Boxes, Which One Runs

Oct 20, 2005

I have 6 combo boxes on a form, which call a report based on a query. The idea is that the user can query data 6 different way. How do I/ or the user know which one is actually running first. Would the order left to right make a difference? (None have sort ascending or descending)

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Forms :: Cannot Get Multi Combo Box Search To Work

Jun 14, 2015

I used the Contacts demo on Access 2010, made all the elements Client from web based and then exported to a new database. It worked for the most part but now I am trying to put in a 4 box search and am getting stuck on which form to link it to and also where to put these boxes.

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Queries :: Using Multi List Box And A Combo Box In Query

Jan 23, 2014

I currently have a database of customer information and form set up with a MultiList box based on the regions those companies are based. You select the region(s) you require from the list box, click a button and it runs a query.

However I now want to be able to filter the results further using a combo box with business sectors in also.

The code used for the multilist box is as follows (I don't totally understand all the code if I'm honest, but it works )

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Const cstrQuery As String = "CAMPQRY"
Dim strNames As String
Dim strSelect As String
Dim StrWhere As String
Dim varItm As Variant

[Code] ....

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Forms :: How To Create Multi Value Field Using Combo Box

Oct 7, 2013

How do you create a Multi-Value Field using a Combo Box on a form?

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Forms :: Multi Filtering With Combo-boxes?

Jan 1, 2014

I have three comboboxes and I want to have the first one filter the second one and the filtered second one filter the third one.

Filtering the first one on the second one works, but when I whant to add a third one to it, it just shows blank spaces on the third one.

What I did to the first and the second combobox :

1: I pressed the second combobox.
2: Went to rowsource.
3: filled criteria in on the value i whant to connect the first combox to the second combobox ( [Forms]![Thetableimin].[1stcombobox].
4. requery the second combobox in programcode on the first combobox.

What I did to the second and the third combobox:

1: I pressed the third combobox.
2: Went to rowsource.
3: filled criteria in on the value i whant to connect the second combobox to the third combobox ( [Forms]![Thetableimin].[2ndcombobox]
4. requery the third combobox in programcode on the second combobox.

How do I make a third combobox that uses the filtered values of the second combobox to filter the third combobox.

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How To Make A Multi-valued Combo Box In A Form

Apr 14, 2015

I have a field in a table that I want it to be multivalued. The values are stored in a different table. I tried to do that and it worked fine. But when I wanted to display a pie chart in a report based on a query, the values didn't show up.


EmployeeName: X
TermenationReasons: 1,2,3 (multivalued field - values stored in a different table)

I though of just changing the field type to a text, and create a combo box in the form that allows me to add multiple values, and appear on the table and the query, and the pie chart to make a multi-valued combo box in a form.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Combo Box To Dynamic Multi Search

Jul 27, 2015

I stumbled on to a Dynamic Multi Search form on this site and have been tailoring it to my organization's directory of contacts. Everything was going good until I was asked to include a search by groups to which each individual may belong. The data in the table is contained in Yes/No check boxes for around 30 different groups. I am hoping to add a combo box to the Dynamic Search as a means to pull up individuals in any 1 category. Below are two attempts at what I thought might work, however, neither performs any filtering.

Private Sub Groupbox_Change()
Dim db As Database
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim strSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qryGroup")


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