Multiple Destination Form

Jul 18, 2006

Currently I have three separate forms that correspond to three separate tables. The three tables cannot be combined. Is there a way to have a form write information to multiple tables depending on the field? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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Destination DB As Variable?

Apr 10, 2006

We have a blank database that other units are copying to use at their bases. Most of the other users aren't Access savvy and I've been trying to develop ways to overcome this learning curve by automating as many "customizing" functions as possible. For instance, each unit that uses the database has different organizations, aircraft tail numbers, personnel listings, etc. I've got pretty much everything covered except one item.

The database is set up in a way in which it copies itself when it closes providing the UserID level is not 'Read Only.' This database doesn't use front/back end to control its users. It uses a log-on level based on a security example from this board.

It also has an archive function in which several tables are appended to an 'archive' database. This is a basic copy (minus of few functions) of the main database. The intent is to reduce the number of records in the working db w/o losing historical value.

I think the copy function shouldn't be too much of a problem for new users. I've developed a help file that should walk people through the steps to change the location of the copied file. This is done w/ a *.bat file and the change should be as simple as changing text. However, the archive function works off of severl append queries.

Is there a way to change the destination db other than in the query design view? Maybe a code or a box that treats the file location as a variable? The destination db is U:QA2k6 DatabaseArchiveQA Archive.mdb That works fine for us, but a new unit will have a different file location.

I'll try to make a smaller/scaled-down copy of the db later to post if anyone wants to check it out.

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Queries :: What Is The Destination Field

Mar 31, 2013

In Access 2010 what is the destination field? I keep getting 'query must have at least 1 destination field' when I try to fun it.

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F30 Does Not Exist In Destination Table

Jan 28, 2015

I am trying to import data from excel into one of Access table but it showing error F30 does not exist in destination table. I have checked headings which are matched. Same sheet tried to import in access successfully, but unable to import specific table...

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Edit Destination Table In Visual Basic

Aug 22, 2006

I want an append query to add records to one of several tables, depending upon the value of a variable entered into a form. This variable is also used to select the appropriate records. The query is invoked from the visual basic code behind the form.

Can anyone tell me how to edit the destination table from within the visual basic?

In hope...

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Field 'F1' Doesn't Exist In Destination Table 'tablename.'...

Nov 20, 2006

"Field 'F1' doesn't exist in destination table 'tablename.'"

I hate this error message.

I am using the following command to load data from an excel spreadsheet into a backend SQL Server database via an .adp:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel7, sTempTable, strFileName, False, "A2:B4000"

I have purposely used "False" to ensure that the first line in my spreadsheet is ignored. This is because the first line in my spreadsheet contains headings that do not match the column names in my table.

I do not wish to change my headings as end users will be making use of my application and they will not like headings such as "int_FactoryID". Likewise I do not want to change the column names in my table to words such as "Factory ID" as this would be a bad naming convention.

Is there a way to use TransferSpreadsheet without necessarily matching the headings in the spreadsheet to the column headings?

Is there a way for TransferSpreadsheet to ignore the headings and assume that the first column in the spreadsheet needs to go to the first column in my SQL Server table?

Any help would be appreciated.


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While Using Append Q Formatting Information In Destination Table Lost

Jan 27, 2015

While using append Q I lose formatting information in destination table.

How do I transfer the formatted information with out losing it when using append Q?

I am new to access so VBA code is not an option for me.

See image below.

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Modules & VBA :: Inserting From Excel Number Of Query Values And Destination Fields Not Same

Jan 3, 2014

I am just beginning to manipulate Access from Excel.

I am trying to insert a row into a table. I am adding values for every field (8) except an Autonumber.

I have 2 Insert strings which are identical except for the fact that the one that doesn't work, doesn't specify which fields I am entering data into, which I presume shouldn't be necessary in this case.

When I try to use the second version I receive the error message...

Number of Query Values and Destination Fields are not the same.

The string that works perfectly is:-


strSQL = "INSERT INTO Clubs (ClubNumber,ClubName,ClubGrade,ClubRegion,ClubPosition,ClubHasHistory,clubinleague,cluboriginalposition) VALUES (" & clubCount + 1 & ",'" & lstrNewClubName & "'," & lintNewClubGrade & "," & lintRegion & "," & 0 & "," & vbFalse & ",'" & lstrNo & "'," & 10 & " )"

The one that generates the error message, which is identical except that I have removed the list of fields is:-


strSQL = "INSERT INTO Clubs VALUES (" & clubCount + 1 & ",'" & lstrNewClubName & "'," & lintNewClubGrade & "," & lintRegion & "," & 0 & "," & vbFalse & ",'" & lstrNo & "'," & 10 & " )"

The execute command is:-


gcnConnection.Execute strSQL, , adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords

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Number Of Query Values And Destination Fields Are Not Same - Runtime Error 3346

Dec 30, 2013

I am receiving the error above when I try to execute the code below. I have checked the fields in the code as well as the table and I can't see what I am missing. The tblMeasure table which is the subform have the following fields:

MUserLoginID - NumberMainMeasureID - AutoNumber - Primary KeyMeasureName - TextMPositonName - TextMeasureScore - NumberMeasureWeight - NumberMeasureTotal - NumberMeasureDesc - MemoMStaffApraisedID - Number

The UserDeatils table which is the main form have the following fields:

StaffID - NumberStaffName - TextDepartmentName - TextStaffPosition - TextStaffGrade - TextStaffBDate - DateStaffEDate - DateStaffApraisedID - AutoNumber - Primary Key

The link between the two forms are StaffApraisedID to MStaffApraisedID then StaffID to MUserLoginID then StaffPosition to MPositonName. When I select a member and click the Duplicate button I received the error above. The area highlighted in red is where it errors out.

Private Sub cmdDuplicateData_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDuplicateData_Click
Dim OldStaffID As Integer, NewStaffID As Integer
OldStaffID = Me.StaffApraisedID
'Add new record to end of Recodset Object

[Code] .....

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Error - Field Date Update Doesn't Exist In Destination Table

Aug 7, 2013

Was trying to append an Excel 97-2003 spreadsheet to an existing Access 2010 database.

The last field in the spreadsheet is Date Update.

When I click 'Finish' I get the error "Field Date Update doesn't exist in destination table <name of table>.

This database was created in Access 2003, and was not updated since and I don't have Access 2003 on my destop.

I saved the Excel Spread as a Excel Workbook *.xlsx and tried to append it. Same Error was the result.

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Modules & VBA :: Error 2391 Field F1 Doesn't Exist In Destination Table - Access 2013

May 3, 2014

I'm getting error 2391 field 'f1' doesn't exist in destination table

Dim FileBrowse As Office.FileDialog
Dim varFile As Variant
Dim sFile As String
Set FileBrowse = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

[Code] ....

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Cascading Combo Boxes - Interact And Record Selections Made In New Records Within Destination Table

Sep 12, 2012

I am trying to get a series of combo boxes to interact and record the selections made in new records within a destination table. Here is situation with respect to the tables involved:

1 table lists the names/acronyms of various research facilities and the branch to which they belong (acronym is PK)
1 table lists Financial Points of Contact for each facility (acronym is FK to relate to earlier table)
1 table lists Technical Points of Contact for each facility (acronym is FK to relate to Facility table)
1 table lists program participants and the branch they belong to (Branch in FK to relate to Facility table)

I am trying to create a form that allows me to set the participant and, from this selection, restricts the facility choices in the Facility combo box to those that fall within the branch to which the participant is assigned. I think the next step is pretty obvious too. Once the facility is selected I have combo boxes that would only display those Financial and Technical PoCs assigned to that facility.

I have watched the 4 Data Pig tutorials and I can easily make functional cascading combo boxes as long as they only refer to the look up tables. I generated perfectly functioning cascading combo boxes on a test form. How do I generate combo boxes that will then store the info selected in my destination table? Whenever I try to set a Control Source it disrupts the functioning of the queries.

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Update Query Using 3 Tables: Source, Joining, Destination Tables

Apr 19, 2007

I have some experience doing 'Update Query' using two different tables but I'm having a hard time doing an 'Update Query' using 3 tables.

I have my source table TP05XY with the fields 'Mark' 'Date' 'UTM_Edig' and 'UTM_Ndig'. Mark and Date are my primary keys (they together uniquely ID each record). I have my Observations table with the fields 'Mark' 'Date' and 'Obs_ID'. The last table is Locations with 'Obs_ID' 'UTM_E' and 'UTM_N'.

I want to update my fields UTM_E and UTM_N from UTM_Edig and UTM_Ndig. However, to do so, I have to go from my TP05XY table, through Observations table to update Locations table. Table TP05XY is joined to Observations through 'Mark' and 'Date' and Observations table is linked to Locations through 'Obs_ID' field.

I have tried a few options without success ... anyone knows how to do it?



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Queries :: Append A Field In Destination Table That Is Not In Source Table

Oct 9, 2014

I have a fairly simple append query that appends two columns of data to another table - all good. Except, the destination table has a field 'ServiceDate' that I would also like to be completed at the same time with today's date. I presume that this is =Date(), but where do I put it to make this happen?

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Forms :: Form Already In Use Or No Permissions When Multiple Users Are Accessing A Form

Aug 11, 2015

I have my application split, BE and FE. This is a form with a subform.For both I have the properties set to

Data Entry NO
Allow additions NO
Allow Deletions NO
Allow Edits NO

anyone person can open the form, but when a second person tries to open the same form we get the standard, locked by user or user does not have permission.If user 1 logs out then user 2 can get in. So it seems not a permission issue but some setting I have wrong. maybe at the query or table level?

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Multiple Conditions For Form

Apr 11, 2006


I have a form that I created that allows the user to input an "ExhibitNo" and then a "PlacingNo" to allow each entry to receive a set monetary amount (based on values in a table).

The "ExhibitNo" has two references linked to it. They are "ClassNo" and "ExhibitorID".

My supervisors want me to make it so that when the "ExhibitNo" is entered on the form that it will not allow a monetary amount.

This is where I started, but it does not work. Does anyone have a better idea?

Private Sub Combo14_AfterUpdate()
If [ClassNo] >= 0 >= 5000 Then
If [ExhibitorNo] <= 0 >= 499 Then
If [Placinggrade] = "Blue" Then
[Premium] = [Blue]
End If
If [Placinggrade] = "Red" Then
[Premium] = [Red]
End If
If [Placinggrade] = "White" Then
[Premium] = [White]
End If
End If
End If

If [ClassNo] >= 5000 Then
If [ExhibitorNo] <= 500 Then
If [Placinggrade] = "Blue" Then
[Premium] = [Blue]
End If
If [Placinggrade] = "Red" Then
[Premium] = [Red]
End If
If [Placinggrade] = "White" Then
[Premium] = [White]
End If
End If
End If

If [ClassNo] >= 5000 Then
If [ExhibitorNo] >= 500 Then
[Premium] = 0
End If
End If

End Sub


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Multiple Images In A Form.

Sep 20, 2005

Could anyone help please.

I am a total novice with MS Access (2002) and coding so I am trying to learn by adapting the Northwind sample.

So far, one thing has completely stumped me and that is controlling images. I understand the benefits/pitfalls of storing images in the database and have concluded that it will suit me better to link my images via a text field.

What I am trying to do is add multiple images to the Northwind Employee Form. I have followed the help file and I can get additional images to display on the form, but I can not get the additional images to change for each record. The MS Access help only covers having a single image per record. I've concluded (right or wrong) that the Event Procedure is where I need to be experimenting, but I've had no luck so far.

Can anyone tell me if I can modify the Event Procedure in the Northwinds Employee sample to cope with multiple images, or is there another way?

Excuse me if any of my terminology is wrong... I really am new to this.

Thanks for any advice.

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Multiple Values In 1 Form

Feb 21, 2008


how could i get multiple values shown in 1 form only? i currently have a code to look through 6 fields and if the fields iar blank, you get a a message box. you press ok and the next message is shown for the next field if it is blank but it would be so much better to have 1 message box showing all blank fields required to be filled in.

all it does is check the fields as these are required before continuing. if anyof the fields are blank, then it tells you and you cannot continue untl they are all filled. it seems easy in my head!!

im sure this can be done but im not quite sure how.

any ideas would be greatly received.


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Multiple Criteria From Form

Feb 10, 2008

I have a form that has seven unbound fields named txtCityCriteria1 through txtCityCriteria7

The idea is to have the use type in up to seven cities and have this applied to the criteria of the city field in a query. This query is the datasource for a report. I know how to do a single text ....


in the criteria row would do the job. But how can I do seven?

Oh and if all are left blank i need it to open another form that informs them of their mistake.

I have looked through these forums and have found several possible solutions but I can not get any to work. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Take it easy on me I am relatively new to this code thing. Used to do everything in macros.

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One Form For Multiple Queries?

Feb 2, 2005

Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to use one form to display the results of different queries.

I have a form to make a booking, an identical form to display booking search results and another identical form to display today's bookings.

When I update the database, I make identical changes to all 3 forms. Is there a way of displaying results in one single form?



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Getting Rid Of Multiple Form Windows

Mar 10, 2006


I have a database that contains a navigation menu. It links to several other forms throughout the database, providing users with easy access to the databases features. At the moment, when each link is clicked, it opens another seperate window with that form as the contents. As you can imagine, after a session, the user has around 20 different forms all along the taskbar, just from navigating through the database. Is there a macro or command that I can put in place to 'replace the existing window' when a link is clicked, so only one window is open at the end of a session? (The simpler the better in terms of explinations, macros aren't my best area). :)

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Multiple Tables On 1 Form

May 20, 2006

I have 6 tables that have 1 to many relationships.
I would like to have all 6 tables on 1 form for data entry.
When I use the “Form wizard” and select the tables it wants to group the last 3 tables in 1 subform and it won’t let me add records to the last 2 tables. Same thing happens when I create a query and run the form wizard selecting the query.

I know I’m doing something wrong but I can’t see it……….


Here's an add on question:

When the form wizard adds a subform to a subform the link child and master are filled out and the form updates. But when I add another subform and set the links it will not update.
form Book has text fiels and 2 sub forms "Chapter" and "Section" subform section child link is ChapterID, master link is [Chapter Subform].Form![ChapterID] --- This updates as expected.

I create a new subform "para" based on a table and set the Child link as SectID, master link [SectionID].Form![Section Subform].Form![SectionID] --- Will not update the subform "para" when the next record in subform "section" is selected.

Any ideas would be great......

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Multiple Users In Same Form

Jul 6, 2006

There will multiple users accessing the same database/forms at the same time. How do I ensure that all entries are saved and not overridden by each other entries?

Access 2003

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Multiple Copies Of The Form

Jul 17, 2006


I finished a db for a client to help her keep track of the classes she teaches, her students and other related info. The db has several tables and one main form with subforms. I read that it was a good rule of thumb to design the fewest posible forms to make the navigation centrilized and so I did. (I also spent some time on making it look less Access like, more of a stand alone app and wish to preserve it)
Up to this point the client was using Outlook to store all the contact info plus anything else she could jam into various "notes" fields. Now she wishes to have some simillar futures in the db to the ones outlook offered, one of them:
being able to open multiple contacts (records) in new windows. So basically she wants to open many instances of the main form so she can jump between the records without closing the previous one. My question is: what is the nicest (cleanest from the point of db design) way of giving her such functionality? I thought about giving her an option to open the new record (student) in a tab, but I'm not sure how to acomplish that. Another way would be to copy the main form several times and open those as she clicks on "open in new window", but I don't think it's a good solution, becsue: e.g. How many copies do I create? I'd have to go over all the vba in each copy and adjust it so it works properly with the copy, plus all the vba in each subform... :eek:
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated on how to tackle this. Also what are the consequences of having several instances of the same form open (editing same record by mistake, etc..)

Thank you very much,

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One Form Multiple Rows

Dec 31, 2004

I want to use a form that will put info from different drop down fields into the same column of a table.

(The information of the drop down boxes comes from table TopicNames)

Form: Caller
topic 1 topic 2 topic 3
wheelchair dancing Alzheimers behavior

to table "Topics"
wheelchair dancing

When I select the first topic the others change to the same

topic 1 topic 2 topic 3
wheelchair dancing wheelchair dancing wheelchair dancing

What do I need to do to make the form accept different input?

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Multiple Selections On A Form

Mar 23, 2005

I have a continuous form which selects records to view based on the stock number and the dates, beginning and end, entered by the user. This is based on query that gets data from several related tables. This is what is in the Row Source property of the combo box has in it: SELECT [qrywhobotit].[PROD_CODE] FROM qrywhobotit; don't know if that makes any difference to my problems.

The stock number is selected from an unbound combo box. The dates are selected from 2 unbound text box controls, one for start date & one for end date. I used the after-update event of the combo box and it filters the stock number. I also used the after-update event in the end date text control to filter the dates (from and to).

Question: How do I write the events so it selects the stock number for just the date range entered. I can get the stock number to get the correct records, but the dates are not selected, it shows all records for that stock number not just those matching the date range entered. If I comment out the stock number code, then records selected match the date range entered, I only see the dates I entered but it shows all the stock numbers, not just the one stock number entered. I can get the stock number to work OR the dates but not both at the same time. I think I need some sort of "and" condition, but not sure where/how to put it.

Here is the code I used.

Private Sub cbofindrecwhobotit_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record(s) that matches the control.
' DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "Prod_Code = '" & DblApp(Me.cbofindrecwhobotit.Value) & "'"
' Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub

The above commands are commented out, I tried moving it all to the after update event of the end date text box control - didn't work (see following code). It works fine if I uncomment it, but then the dates don't get filtered at all.

Private Sub txtwhobotenddat_AfterUpdate()
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "Prod_Code = '" & DblApp(Me.cbofindrecwhobotit.Value) & "'"
If txtwhobotstartdat.Value = "" Then
Me.Filter = "FULFILL_DT <= date()"
Me.Filter = "FULFILL_DT between " & _
"(#" & Me.txtwhobotstartdat.Value & "#) " & _
"AND (#" & Me.txtwhobotenddat.Value & "#)"
End If
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub

2nd Question: There are lots of records for any one stock number. When I use the combo box to select the stock number, I see the same stock number repeated again and again in the list displayed in the combo box , instead of just one of each. I tried turning both the Unique Values and Unique Records properties to YES on in the properties of the query, but that didn't fix it. How do I fix the combo box to display just a list of unique stock numbers?

Thanks to anyone who can help.

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