Multiple Details Sections?

Jan 29, 2007


I have not used access that much, but what I am looking to do is basically have 2 details sections within a report that will have different records in them.

I first used a subreport but that really did not work as intended. It left large gaps in between the records and just plain didnt work.

Here is a image of what I am trying to achieve:

As you can see theres two different sections. One is for regular campaigns and one is for extended campains. There is a field in the table that has the extended date. For the compaigns that field should be blank or null and for the extended campaigns it is not blank or null.

Is there anyway to achieve this in Access 2003, if so can you tell me or describe me the steps?

Thank you!

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How To Use Sections Of One Table In Multiple Tables

Dec 1, 2013

I have quite a limited knowledge of MS Access (2007).

My question is; How do you use sections of one table in other tables?

For example: In tbl_One I input a users Name and Age and then say Weight, Height, BMI, etc.

Then in tbl_Two it uses the same Name and Age in tbl_1 but has other information such as Job, Skills etc.

This is not my actual database, however this analogy works, and they must be in separate tables, even though above they could all just be in a single table.

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Help Creating Report With Multiple Detail Sections

Mar 27, 2008


I need to create a report for each employee in my company of all compensation information. The report is going to need to have multiple detail sections on the report for example to list all benefits specific to the employee and all beneficiaries.

I tried using a subreport to produce those detail sections that I needed but once I placed this subreport inside a box on the main report each detail I created increased the size of the box. I also thought about making the detail section a list box and writing all of the information there. Would there be a better or easy way to accomplish this?

I am also thinking I am going to have to save all of this information in a table and based the report on that table?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Modules & VBA :: Create Multiple Expanding / Collapsing Sections

Mar 25, 2015

I found a post where it shows how to create a single collapsable/expandable section. I am needing to do this for 10 sections with a lot of information in between each section. The coding that this post provides does not seem doable for that many sections. How to create a collapsable/expandable subform?

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Add Multiple Record Quickly (details Inside, Void Where Prohibited)

Mar 27, 2008

My database stores course information for faculty in my department and prints out various reports based on that information.

The 2 mandatory fields in the form are [AcademicYear] and as they create the potential for classes to be added to the curriculum.

Is there a way to add multiple records to the db based on the which year and instructor combinations were use prior?

2007/2008, prof-a
2007/2008, prof-b
2007/2008, prof-c
2007/2008, prof-d

This represents the 2007/2008 school year where professors a through d taught courses. Is there a way to add records for another academic year so that:

2008/2009, prof-a
2008/2009, prof-b
2008/2009, prof-c
2008/2009, prof-d

appear with just the press of a button?

I don't know if I'm being clear enough. :p

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Collapsible Sections

Dec 2, 2004

I have a switchboard form with a left menu bar similar to windows explore wi
th three sections (Configure, Tasks, Print)
How can I have each section collapsible like in window explore?

Can it be done through the VBA scripting in MS Access? If so can someone pro
vided examples?

Basically I divided each section to three parts
one part is the header which is an image and a label (name of section)
the second part is the button to click to hide/show the context of the secti
the third part is the text (labels that open other forms) with a background

something like this

but that will work with an MS Access form

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Lock The Object Sections

Nov 8, 2005


In MS Access:



I want to lock the Objects section, because I made the Groups in the groups section. How can I lock the objects section.

Please let me know, thanks a lot.

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Conditional Form Sections?

Oct 10, 2005

Hi there,

I'm trying to do a new membership database for a local group who take monetary subscriptions.
Basically, there's a form for creating a new member, with a few tabs - Contact Info, Payment Info, and one other.

Basically, in the payment tab, i've got a dropo down box to select the individual package from a packages table, another to select the payment term (Monthly, Annually), and a final one to select the payment method.
Now in there i've got a list of possible payment methods: Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit Card, Direct Debit.
Now obviouslly, each payment method is going to have different requirememnts for what info the club actually needs. Cash simply needs amount of payment and date of payment. Cheque needs payment amount, payment date, cheque details. Card is obviously going to need the CC number, Valid & Expiry Date, Card Type, CCV Number, etc.

So basically, i want to be able to have the relevant section display when that payment method is selected from the Payment Method drop-down box.
What's the easiet way of doing this? Could i create another tab-set inside the payment tab, and then only display the one tab relevant to the selected method?


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Expandable Sections In A Form

Feb 17, 2006

Request from the higher ups to have several expandable sections in a form. Ideally only the title of the section would show, like when using a DAP, then the user could click and expand out the section and enter data. I tried the Tab option, but they are set on an expansion section.

Any tips on how to make this happen?

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Forms :: How To Add More Sections To Form

Jul 28, 2014

Any way I can add more sections to my form? For example right now I have a section named "Header", "Detail" and "Footer". Can I add my own?

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Reports :: Keep Two Sections Together On One Page

Mar 7, 2014

Is this possible? How?

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Tabular Forms And Detail Sections

Jul 20, 2005

I'm curious if anyone know's a way to access a specific data section on a tabular form. I'm attempting to have each section update a specific data item based on its position on the form, but am having problems since I do not know how to differentiate between one details section and another on the form. Any help would be appreciated.


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Move Controls Between Sections On A Form

Dec 19, 2004

Using Access XP

I have a continuous form that shows the main fields in my table. In the page footer of the form I have a tab control that has 4 additional fields for each record. I want to give the user the option of “Show Details”. When the user clicks on “show details” I want to move the tab control with the additional fields to the detail row so the user can see them.

I know how to move controls with VBA by setting the Top and Left properties and how to expand the detail size, but how do I move controls from one section on the form to another section on the form i.e. from the page footer to the detail section

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Reports :: Emailing From Report Sections?

Aug 30, 2013

I have many reports that are structured differently, many are grouped by semester.

What I do now, is put a button on each grouping of the report I want to email from and use the current semester (Sem) which is also a query parameter to filter the report.

Here is my current code which works fine:

Sub EmailFromReport(rpt As Report, Optional Sem As Variant)
Dim db As Database
Dim qry As QueryDef
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim Bcc As String
Dim Subject As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qry = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(rpt.RecordSource)
'set query parameters


The problem is, I need to be able to filter these queries on other criteria besides the semester.

My first idea was to use if statements to skip the records I don't want. This is messy and the report structures are different so I run into issues when using optional parameters because not all the reports are structured the same.

The best solution I have come up with so far is using a wherefilter parameter, stripping the semi colon off the querydef sql and surrounding the sql with a qrydef.SQL = "SELECT Email1, Email2 FROM (" qrydef.SQL ") WHERE " & wherefilter.

The problem is this, changes the original query, and I can't figure out how to copy a query with db.CreateQueryDef If i do db.CreateQueryDef("tempqry",qrydefSQL), I lose the query parameters.

Is there a better way to do this? If this is the best way, how do you take an existing query and make a copy of it?

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Grouping Data Into Sections From A Field?

Oct 10, 2014

I have a database with a list of clients. One field is for their date of birth.

I have to report on equality and need to know how many clients we have within the following age groups:

16 - 24
25 - 34

35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64

I have looked through the group and sort functions and cannot see anything obvious.

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General :: Add Result From Different Sections Into One Combined Stock?

Feb 3, 2013

i have a production database application in which there are many sections. every section's product stock is generated by running a complex query.

now when i want to add the result from different sections into a one combined stock , i could not design the query as it become too large and on running it produces the error "cannot open anymore database".

i think reason might be too many queries executing at same time .

so do i need to create a table from the stock queries of each section? and then add the tables to generate the combined stock query ?

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Forms :: Highlight Sections Of Continuous Form?

Feb 9, 2015

I have a continuous form that shows the results from a query like:


And I wanted to know if I can some how highlight in a white/yellow alternating color like for instance starting with the three reds being white then the three greens being yellow then the two yellows being white and so on. Maybe through conditional format?

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General :: Access 2003 Report - Purpose Of Having Sections?

Feb 10, 2015

I am redesigning an invoice format with access 2003 report.While coding in Microsoft Visual Basic, I realized that there are two drop down menus.

The right drop down menu has the sections as below:


The left drop down menu has options below.


May I know where can I read up the purpose and use of different sections in the right drop down menu, especially "Report" section?

Are these sections in-build in Access 2003 or created by user?

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Order Details

Nov 7, 2005

Hi Folks,

I'm working on an order management database for a small company and have an order details form which I hoped to list each product of the order. As each customer has a different price per product I have a combo (based on a query) to choose the product and display the unit price (working fine) - the quantity and product ID are also input on the form and stored in the order details table (un-tested). My problem is on the first line of the order you choose the product and it and relevant details are shown, however, on line two, three etc when you choose the product - the other lines change to this too. How do I fix this???

Many Thanks in advance for help given!!


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Need A Bit Of Help With The Final Details

Jul 6, 2005

I am almost finished this project. :p There are just a few things left that I would like to do and I need some help.

1. Add an email notification when data on the form has been edited
2. Filter the form for only OPEN orders, status not equal to 6 or 7
3. When an order is closed (status field) I would like to default the "Date Closed" to today, but allow the user to edit the date if need be.
4. Once the status is closed and the date closed is entered, ask the user if they would like to create a followup order.

I have most of #4 done. I added code on the After Update event on the Status field to set the Date Closed to today and then disable the control, then ask if they would like to create the followup order. The users would like to be able to modify the date closed if they don't happen to do the entry until the next day. I have tried adding my code to the After Update of the date (which is updated with a pop up calendar), but once I select the date from the calendar, the focus stays on the date and the user is not prompted to create the followup order.

Any help you can offer would be wonderful


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SQL Error Details

Oct 8, 2004

I have extensive experience of other SQL databases but, in Access I don't know how to access the SQLCODE (as it would be in other DBMSs) to see if my query worked and if it did then how many rows were updated.

Anyone speak my language?

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Details And Detail Groups

Nov 16, 2006


I have a problem figuring out a solution for following problem.

I have a database of details and their properties.
All the details have been described in one table.
As there is a need to describe groups of details I have found myself in a hard situation that needs to be resolved.
The structure of described detail groups is as follows:


Detail Group1

Detail groupx etc.


Detail groupx etc.
Detail groupx etc.


Detail Group2


Detail groupx etc.

Detail groupx etc.

Is there a way of decribing my products in access so that there are no limits of how many groups does a product have and how many levels of groups the product have.

Thank you

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Update A Table With Details From Another

Apr 15, 2008


I have not used Access for over 10 years! I am using Access 2000 to look at tracking cow weight over time!

There are 2 tables:
- main table
- weight table

I want to set the main table's January weight to a value from the Animal weight table (logical expression):

UPDATE [main table]
SET [main table].Jan07 = [Animal weight].[Kg]
WHERE [main table].[Line no])=[Animal Weight].[Line no] AND
[Animal weight].[weigh date]= 10/01/2007;

I have tried several times to get this working, but it tends to prompt for the weight to be given as an input.

Any ideas?

many thanks


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Handling Address Details

Apr 25, 2006

Hi All,
I am rather new to this and I must admit I am getting everything completely wrapped around my head!

I am developing a database that stores technical support requests received and their solutions. I have three main tables :

Problem - stores all the details of the problems received

Client - stores the address details of the client which is then associated with the 'Problem' table

Company - stores the name of the company which is then associated with the 'Client' table. This is a separate table as different clients can work for the same company.

At present, I have a 'problem data entry' form in which I enter all the details of the problem. At the top there is a section where I can do a search for a particular client and company and the details appear in the respective text boxs on the 'problem data entry' form. If the client does not exist, I have a button that I use to open another form which allows the entry of the new client's details ('New Client'). The user can choose which company this client works for by using a combobox. If the company is not already in the database, I have another button for opening a 'New Company' form!

Its all a little convoluted and it does not work particularly well to be honest. When I add a new company, I need to move forward a record and then back in the 'New Company' form in order that the new company information is saved correctly.

The company selection combobox in the form 'New Client' is then updated with the new company name BUT I need to actually open the combobox and select the company name myself for it to work properly! Once again I also need to move forward one record and then back again in order to properly save all the information before I can close the form.

What would be nice is to do a search for the the company in the combobox on the 'New Client' form, if the company is not found, it automatically adds the company to the database whilst updating all the necessary links. Hence getting rid of the 'New Company' form. I would also like to get rid of the problem of having to move forwards a record and then back again.

Any ideas? I find my method to be rather poor, there must be a simpler way of doing this!

Many Thanks,

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Details About The Girl Scout Database

Nov 22, 2005

Basically, our goal is to create a database that contains the information of previous girl scout info, just in case they decide to return, and also to have drop-down boxes in the form so when you select a returning girl scout, their info is already in the system and all the fields will be automatically filled with the info. i have thge link to the database once again

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Viewing A New Form With More Details Of A Record

Nov 27, 2006

I have got a form with summarised data (of records) on view for people to look at. (this is a continuous form). For each record I would like to have a button that displayed another form with more details on it. So by pressing the button opposite a particular record it would take the Id value of the record and open another form (with more details) at that particular record.

I would be very interested in seeing this done with a macro if possible but beggers can't be choosers!

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