I often use forms to select a parameter & date range for a subsequent report. Where I have chosen to use multiple combo boxes (two in this case)to select more than one parameter I have run into a problem. The report opens ok the first time but if I close it (report) and change my selection then the report refuses to open. Should I just requery the two combo boxes, is there something else or can't it be fixed?
I created the below query to come up with a new form. When I enter a single parameter, it works fine. When I modify the code and enter multiple patameters, it also works fine if I do not enter any information for the parameters. But once I enter one of the parameters information, then it does not come up with anything. I double checked and made sure it was typed in correctly. Is there a trick when entering multiple parameters on a query?
SELECT [JE 06 Log].[Operational Region Name], [JE 06 Log].[Period Name], [JE 06 Log].[Source System], [JE 06 Log].[Source Name], [JE 06 Log].[Category Name], [JE 06 Log].[Associated Category Name], [JE 06 Log].[JE Name], [JE 06 Log].[JE Base #], [JE 06 Log].Area, [JE 06 Log].[Line Description], [JE 06 Log].[Natural Account], [JE 06 Log].Description, [JE 06 Log].[JE Entry Date], [JE 06 Log].[Debit Amount], [JE 06 Log].[Credit Amount], [JE 06 Log].Amount FROM [JE 06 Log] WHERE ((([JE 06 Log].[Period Name])=[Enter Period]) AND (([JE 06 Log].[Source Name])=[Enter Path]) AND (([JE 06 Log].[JE Base #])=[Enter Base Number]) AND (([JE 06 Log].[Natural Account])=[Enter Natural Accnt])) OR ((([Enter Period]) Is Null) AND (([Enter Path]) Is Null) AND (([Enter Base Number]) Is Null) AND (([Enter Natural Accnt]) Is Null));
I am trying to strengthen an already developed database at my work. They had a form with five different text boxes, each one that would run a seperate query on the same table, and the results would open on a different page. I am trying to combine all these text search parameters from the form to a single query and have the result come up on the form. I have done every search I can thing of from a forum search, a google search, and just reading through query forum posts for about a day; but I still cannot tell what is wrong. If someone could look at my code, and see if I have a mistake, or if I'm even in the right direction. :confused:
The FLIGHTS is the main table, [KNOWN BURN TABLES] is the form that the parameters are entered. I want users to be able to enter any fields they want and leave others blank. Currently all I get is a blank query. Sorry if the answer seems obvious; I tried avoiding posting till I knew that I couldn't figure it out on my own.
I have this code of a command button, which would allow me to generate the result of the SQL. I think the code is wrong... Can someone help? I guess something wrong with the bracket...
Indeed, I try to modify the SQL that works in a test query (as I want to know what went wrong with my code): the changes would be replace OR to a toggle option.
SELECT NewsClips.IssueDate, NewsClips.Title_Eng, NewsClips.Titile_Chi, NewsClips.NewsSource, NewsClips.[1CategoryMain], NewsClips.[1Sub-Category], NewsClips.[2CategoryMain], NewsClips.[2Sub-Category], NewsClips.hyperlink, NewsClips.FirstTwoPara, NewsClips.Notes, NewsClips.attachment FROM NewsClips WHERE (((NewsClips.NewsSource)=[Which News Source]) OR ((NewsClips.[1CategoryMain])=[Which Category?])) OR (((NewsClips.NewsSource)=[Which News Source]) OR ((NewsClips.[2CategoryMain])=[Which Category?])) ORDER BY NewsClips.IssueDate DESC;
I'm trying to setup a parameter that has a multiple choice so to speak. Rather then the user being able to enter whatever data they want.. I would like them to have a choice between two items.
I am trying to run the below union query, but it keeps asking for FRGHT_BL!FB_CREAT_DTM as a parameter. I want it to only ask for the Start Date and End Date once.
SELECT * FROM qLOC_ID WHERE(((FRGHT_BL!FB_CREAT_DTM) Between [Enter Start Date] And [Enter End Date])) UNION SELECT * FROM qLOC_ID2 WHERE(((FRGHT_BL!FB_CREAT_DTM) Between [Enter Start Date] And [Enter End Date])) UNION Select * From qLOC_ID3 WHERE(((FRGHT_BL!FB_CREAT_DTM) Between [Enter Start Date] And [Enter End Date]));
I have set up a parameter query in Access 2003 that asks the user for the "Section", such as "Admin", "Accounting" etc.
I need them to be able to respond to the prompt with more than one section if they want- sometimes just one, sometimes two or three or four.
So they can get "Accounting" and "Admin" both in the records that are returned.
The code: SELECT T_ElainesMaster.Section, T_ElainesMaster.Login, T_ElainesMaster.Workstation, T_ElainesMaster.NT, T_ElainesMaster.Barcode, T_ElainesMaster.[PC model], T_ElainesMaster.[Emp Name], T_ElainesMaster.[swap or not], T_ElainesMaster.[Exp Date] FROM T_ElainesMaster WHERE (((T_ElainesMaster.Section) Like [What section would you like to include?])) ORDER BY T_ElainesMaster.Section;
I have created a database for my department to log all of our jobs to keep track of them and I want to create a simple search for them but I am having difficulties.
I am familiar with creating queries to search tables for matching records, but is it possible to get search criteria from the user (ideally from a search form they fill in) to form the query?
For example, I would like the user to be able to query the jobs by month and/or business area and/or supplier...is this possible?:confused:
what i have is a form (image attached) and i need to be able to select any combination of parameters (including state, zipcode from GENERAL, i.e. referring doctor last name from RefMD, Drugname from Drugs, Diagnosisname from Diagnosis, and VisitType from Encounters) and filter PatientForm where all the selected parameters are true..
I'm pretty new to Access, so if I'm doing this the hard way, that's why.
I work in a quality control position, and I'm trying to set up a single Access database for the QC staff to use instead of everyone having their own seperate Excel workbooks.
The issue I'm running into at the moment is on a report. Each record is graded on four seperate types of criteria, Error Type 1, Error Type 2, Error Type 3 and Error Type 4, all of which need to be reported on seperately. So I have at least four queries set up, all with the same parameters (right now, just review date.) I'm trying to pull through all four queries on the same report, and so far I've had success having the report ask for the parameters only once and then applying it to all four queries. However, I'm running into a problem where Access is now forcing the filters of each individual query on to each of the other three queries, so it's only pulling through records for all four queries that match the criteria of all four. Any record which only matches the criteria of one, two or three of the queries is being left off the report.
Sorry if this sounds confusing. Anyone have an idea as to what I'm doing wrong?
I have a query thats outputs my costs on a project divided into 50 categories. Additionally, each project can be divided into 3 stages, each with the same 50 cost categories. I have been using a query that prompts the user which stage they would like to look at, and it works great.
However, it would be useful to be able to see all stages at once, next to one another.
So, essentially, i want to be able to input the stage parameter in the criteria box for three fields in the query, so instead of showing the costs for one stage at a time, it will show all three(and a summation across all stages), without a prompt.
It works when i set the one field manually to the first stage, but when i add additional fields, it returns a blank query.
I really hope someone will be able to help me with this one as I am sure im just missing something simple.
I have an unbound form which has 20 yes/no unbound check boxes. The purpose of the form is to allow users to tick the various fields and a subform return the results. The subform, which does requery when a check box is ticked is based off a query. Initially, I wanted all the records to display before any check boxes are ticked so I have used the following criteria:
Like IIf([Forms]![Search]![Field1]=False,"*",[Forms]![Search]![Field1])
Which basically reads if field1 is no then display all records, else display all yes. Now that works fine but what I would like to have working is that if a client ticks field1, field2, and field3 it displays all records that have ‘yes’ in either field. Currently, if more than field is ticked the query treats it like:
Field1 And Field2 And Field3 And etc = true
I want to be able to select several check boxes and have the query return results for each check box that was checked. I would like to avoid doing this by having an append and delete query per checkbox.
I've got a table of associate directors "t_ADnames" and want to build separate tables for each AD name that pulls a pass through query from our data warehouse. I'm thinking it's got to be done with a macro somehow? So it would run pass_query where AD name = "John" and insert into t_john, then it would check the next name in t_ADnames and run the same query for say "Mark" and insert all his data into t_mark and so on until the list (of about 12 people) has been completed.
I created a query in Query Builder which contains a DCount with multiple parameters and it runs as it should. I am trying to convert it to VBA, but my inability to put in the quotations marks correctly is frustrating me terribly.
Here is the SQL version from Query Builder:
UPDATE [Daily Status Update Table] SET [Daily Status Update Table].NumberOfChases = DCount("[ChaseOtherID5]","[Chases_View_ALL - TX_Mbr 9 Digit]","[ChaseOtherID5] = 'U - Initial Contact' AND [ChaseStatus] = 'A'"), [Daily Status Update Table].ChaseStatus = "A", [Daily Status Update Table].NewStatus = "A", [Daily Status Update Table].ChaseAssignment2 = "Unscheduled" WHERE ((([Daily Status Update Table].ChaseOtherID5)="U - Initial Contact"));
I am trying to find a way to allow the user to enter multiple numbers in an unbound box that I will pass to a query as parameters. I already have it set up to pas the parameters from the form but if i try to do more than one number it doesn't work.
I have tried:
1306 or 1307 or 1308 1306, 1307, 1308 "1306 or 1307 or 1308"
I was reading somewhere that when the value is picked up from the form it is not like you are typing it right in the criteria box of the query.
So are there any other options here? Is there a way to enter all the number in a box and then use vba to create an array and then pass that to the query?
I have got an unbound multiple list box called List44 (Row Source: query based on table tblAircraftCategory, Multi Select - Extended) that needs to be passing parameters to my main query called AircraftSearch2. The multiple choice list box have the following fields:
1. Piston 2. Turbo Prop 3. Entry Level Jet 4. Light Jet 5. Super Light Jet 6. Midsize Jet 7. Super Midsize Jet 8. Heavy Jet 9. Ultra Long Range 10. Helicopter 11. Air Ambulance 12. Cargo 13. Vip Airliner 14. Airliner
The user will use the form for selecting search criteria (the form is called SearchForm2 and has 5 combo boxes, 3 text boxes and one multiple choice list box).
I'm very new to access and need to modify (or coding a separate module) my query to include my multiple choice list box in my query?
In our Student Administration database, we have a Student Evaluation Report which prints a 1 page per student report in memo like format. The instructor had previously input rating numbers (4=Best, 1=Worst) for 9 categories for each student via a database form into the Evaluations Table.
Two other elements of the rating are an Attendance based on number of days absent and a Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated from the student's test scores. The instructor then prints and reviews the report with each student.
There is an Evaluations Parameter table which has the following fields:
Field Description
ID The autonum key field.
Class eg., 2015-1
Evaluation Number A single digit (eg., 1, 2). There may be more than 1 evaluation for each class.
EffectiveDate The "as of" date of the evaluation.
There are then several other tables that are input to a query that will be the record source for the report:
Table Purpose/Data
Students Student Name, Class
Absence Has a record for each student's absence with date and a 1 or .5 indicating a whole or half day absent.
Test Grades Has a record with each student's test results with date and score.
Evaluations Holds the rating score for each of the 9 rating categories.
The Student Evaluation report is launched from an unbound Reports menu form via a button. On the Reports menu form I wish to have controls for the user to select which evaluation to report on. The Absence and Test Grade information needs to include records that are <= the EffectiveDate in the Evaluation Parameter table. The Evaluations records need to match the Class and Evaluation Number in the Evaluations Parameter table.
I would like the user to be able to select the Evaluation Parameter via a combo box vs. specifying the Class, Evaluation Number and Effective Date separately and then have the query record source for the report use those two fields as criteria. But my limited understanding of the Combo box indicates that only 1 field from the lookup query of the Evaluations Parameter table can be stored in the control whereas I need 3 (Class Evaluation Number and EffectiveDate).
How the user can select the desired Evaluation Parameter record on the Reports menu form and use the 3 fields from the selected record as criteria in the report's record source query.
I have a form that the user can add Work Order numbers to a text box and pass them to a listbox to collect 1 or more values. Each of which need a separate report with the labour hours for each Work Order.
I am having issues figuring out how to get it to pass them to a query or filter the reports.
I have tried many different examples and nothing seems to work.
So I run cash flow for a business, and we export data from Oracle and insert it into an access database. I have to run about 25 queries, entering in the same parameters for each. We number each week of the year. So for say the first week in January, I would run the first query and it asks: Beginning Week, I enter in 1, then another paramter value asks me the ending week. I have to enter in these parameters for each of the 25 or so queries, and it becomes quite irritating. Each query has a number of columns, but I am only interested in obtaining the sum of one of the columns, titled Distribution amount. So I am looking for something that will run each of my specified queries, then spit out the total of the distribution column for each in a table like.
Query 1: Total Distribution Query 2: Total Distribution etc....
Is there anything that would allow me to do this, with entering in the week parameter once, say week 1 start, week 1 end. and it use those same parameters for each query?
I have created a report from the results of a query. The query has 2 parameters.
SELECT Nonconformances.DateRaised, Nonconformances.Customer FROM Nonconformances WHERE (((Nonconformances.DateRaised) Between [Enter start date] And [Enter end date])) OR (((Nonconformances.Customer) Like [Enter customer name] & "*"));
Now the problem is that I have been asked to add the search criteria to the report header. If the search criteria came from a form, no problem, but the user enters the criteria into a parameter box generated by the query. So if the start date was 1/5/05 and end date was 31/12/05 and the customer search was F.C, how do I capture this and show it on the report?
I have a date field. I have Between [Please enter second begin date] And [Please enter second end date] as my criteria so that the user may enter two dates. But, I want the extreme dates to be included in my data.
For Example: If the user enters 1/1/2005 and 1/31/2005, I want the information for the 1st and 31st to be included. How can I do this using just about the same criteria statement?
Below is a query in SQL view that is driving me crazy.
When ran it ask for a StartDate, EndDate, StartDate, EndDate.
Can someone please look and see if they can determin where the criteria is coming in from. In design view there is no criteria set up to ask for dates. Also, there is no parameter set in the parameters box.
SELECT tblBooksAndContracts.intTrackingNumber, tblGroupInformation.strGroupName, tblGroupInformation.strGroupNumber, tblSystems.ysnSystemWork, tblSystems.dtmSystemWorkComplete, tblGroupInformation.dtmDateMembershipReceived, tblGroupInformation.strRegion, tblBooksAndContracts.ysnNeedBook, tblBooksAndContracts.ysnNeedContract, tblBooksAndContracts.intBookAndContractCarveOut, CompareDates([tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmBookShipped],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmASODraftsSent]) AS [Book Complete], tblBooksAndContracts.dtmContractDistributedToMarke ting AS [Contract Complete], CompareDates([tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmBookShipped],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmASODraftsSent],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmContractDistributedToMarketing]) AS [B/C Complete], ([tblGroupInformation.dtmDateMembershipReceived]+[tblBooksAndContracts].[intBookAndContractCarveOut]+30) AS ECD, CompareDates([tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmBookShipped],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmASODraftsSent],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmContractDistributedToMarketing],[tblSystems].[dtmSystemWorkComplete],[tblGroupInformation].[dtmDateMembershipReceived]) AS [Master Complete Date], tblGroupInformation.dtmEffectiveDate, tblGroupInformation.strRegion, tblGroupInformation.strNRC FROM (tblBooksAndContracts INNER JOIN tblSystems ON tblBooksAndContracts.intTrackingNumber = tblSystems.intTrackingNumber) INNER JOIN tblGroupInformation ON (tblSystems.intTrackingNumber = tblGroupInformation.intTrackingNumber) AND (tblBooksAndContracts.intTrackingNumber = tblGroupInformation.intTrackingNumber) WHERE (((EntryIsComplete([ysnSystemWork],[dtmSystemWorkComplete],[ysnNeedIDCard],[dtmMailIDCards],[ysnNeedBook],[ysnNeedContract],[ysnNeedDraft],[ysnNeedFlyer],[ysnBookAndContractComplete]))=Yes) AND ((IsBetween([startDate],[endDate],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmBookShipped],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmASODraftsSent],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmContractDistributedToMarketing],[tblSystems].[dtmSystemWorkComplete],[dtmMailIDCards],[tblGroupInformation].[dtmDateMembershipReceived]))=Yes));
As well as when it does run, and you enter the span dates, if the field is blank it inputs 12:00 am in the field and includes it in the query. I checked the tables and it is not set up to input 12:00 am as a default value, nor is it stored as 12:00 am in the tables.
I am at my wits end here and any help/advice would be helpful.
If this does't make sense let me know and I will try and explain further.
Thanks in advance!
*please disregard the grammer, I am typing this fast before I head out to get the kids..a mommies job is never done!*:eek:
Please look at this sql statement and tell me where the error is. When I try to open the recordset, I get a "Too few parameters. Expected 1" error. That kind of error usually goes with missing # on dates or ' on text
DateTime is a DateTime field that defaults to Now().
The problem appears to be in the dates because when I comment out all after the user parameter, it works, and taking out the "AND Used Is Null" doesn't help.
sqlstr = "SELECT * " & _ "FROM tbl_Usage " & _ "WHERE User = '" & UsrNm & "' " & _ "AND DateTime >= #" & Date & "# and DateTime < #" & DateAdd("d", Date, 1) & "# AND Used Is Null"
This is from the immediate window ?sqlstr SELECT * FROM tbl_Usage WHERE User = 's5ucba' AND DateTime >= #9/21/2006# and DateTime < #9/22/2006# AND Used Is Null
I am using 'Like "*" & [Forms]![Template]![Combo433] & "*"' in a query to a combo box on a form so if I have nothing selected in the combo all data is shown, except this does not show any null values!
Can any advise on how I can adapt this to allow for null values!