Multiple Record View

Sep 19, 2005

I'm new to Access and need some help. I'm trying to duplicate a Lotus Notes view using Access. That is, I want to display multiple records of the database, similar to the datasheet view, but only certain fields of the database and filtered. When the user clicks on the record they want to display or edit, the single document form will display for that record. Is this doable in MS Access? Any help is appreciated.

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Reports :: View One Record From Master Table And Many Record From Slave Tables

Dec 23, 2013

I have got problem with ms access report. I want to make a report which is based on

1) first master table
2) first slave table
3) second slave table

I have done some research and decided to do some form with subform. So I have got the view one record from master table and many record from slave tables in one view.

But it turned out that it has become duplicate records. (the relationship are ok - it duplicate master record as many as slave records)

1) how i can do ms access report from multiple tables - one master record with multiple records form slaves tables

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Be Able To View Multiple Tables In One Form Without Using Wizard !HELP!

Jul 14, 2005

Hello, New to the board. I need your help/advice.

I have a: Movie Form. Table Actor and Table Director in my database.

on my Movie Form I have a combo box, where users can click on any movie on the list and display both Actors and Director information according to the Movie Title they select.

To accomplish this I use Subform/Subreport Wizard to add each Table to the Movie Form. Because When I try to bound the Specific Data to a textbox I use, the Field List is EMPTY.

My question is how can I make my Movie Form have acouple TEXTBOX's that change accordingly to the Combobox without having to use the Subform Wizard to import the info from my 2 tables.

I hope this make some sense, im just learning. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank YOU

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Edit A Query In SQL View To Perform Multiple Actions

Aug 11, 2005


How can I edit a query in SQL view to run multiple lines of SQL?

For example I can use the GUI to create a query, then in SQL view enter the following:

FROM Employees_copy;

which clears the Employees_copy table. Perfect. But what if I want to do this for mulitple tables in the same query eg for a second table Employees_copy_2 as well? I've tried

FROM Employees_copy
FROM Employees_copy_2;

which gives a syntax error, as does

FROM Employees_copy,
FROM Employees_copy_2;

any suggestions?

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Filter Table By Multiple Values In Datasheet View?

Nov 1, 2011

Back in A2003, I could filter a table by the In() function with the table open in datasheet view. A2007 doesn't seem to want me to be able to do that. How do I filter a table by multiple values while in datasheet view to be able to delete some records.

Background: I get a datasheet in every month that, due to marketing to the same customers in different month, the YTD file I get has duplicate accounts. I have to delete one of the records, but the criteria for deletion aren't something I can query for. This is why I need it open in datasheet view.

My alternative is to make a table out of the duplicate entries, delete those from the original table, then append the cleaned accounts.

tHow do I filter a table in datasheet view?

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Deleting Multiple Records From Access In Datasheet View?

May 15, 2013

When I highlight multiple records and choose delete, it only deletes 1 record.

Is it possible to delete more than one record at a time?

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Modules & VBA :: View Cannot Be Updated Because Modification Affects Multiple Base Tables

Aug 26, 2014

I am trying to trap the database error "View cannot be updated because modification affects multiple base tables" in the Form OnError event to display a user-friendly message instead of the above.The above can happen in the scenario of inserting/updating several fields of different tables at one time, likewise what I am facing now is the scenario of the user copying an entire record and pasting it.

I tried
Case 4405
MsgBox "Can not update the record. it is related to base tables"
Response = acDataErrContinue

But it doesn't work. How can I know the case number and solve all the scenarios of multiple insert/update attempts?Also, are there any better solution than this? I first tried to detach the SQL statements out of the views and make it one select statement so that I can normally multiple update/insert(as this problem happens with views only) but since CTE is not supported in Access , I failed to do so.

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Prior Record In Datasheet View

Mar 1, 2007

In my db I am tracking different stages for an event. I have a subform that is in datasheet view. The last field (current) is a yes/no check box that says that this entry is the current stage of the process. In one of the fields I have a afterupdate event that says me.current = true. But what I need is to change the previous entry to show that stage's current to be false.Does that make sense?Date Event Location Current02/01/07 Drying Dryer X (when next event added this =false)02/05/07 Bagged Warehouse XUp until I enter the 02/05 entry the 02/01 entry was the current stage and I want a check in the current box. But when I enter the 02/05 entry that now becomes my current stage so on the 02/01 event then current = false and on the 02/05 event current = True. I can get the 02/05 event to show current = True but how do I make the 02/01 current =False?Thanks,Rick

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View Current Record On A Report

Apr 19, 2006

I have a report which shows all the records in my database. I have a command button on my form which brings up that report for preview.

How can I get the button to bring up that report showing only the current record being viewed on the form?

Do I need a separate report and what criteria/VB code is required?

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Modules & VBA :: Check For Duplicates When Importing Multiple Records Into Datasheet View Form

Aug 15, 2014

I am using the following code to check for duplicate tickets when importing multiple records into a datasheet view form by using the paste append function.

Private Sub Ticket_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If DLookup("Ticket_Number", "Record_Store", "Ticket_Number= '" & Me.Ticket_Number.Value & "'") > 0 Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "There were import errors, please open View Import Errors above."
End If
End Sub

The form is used to insert multiple records into the database at a single time.

That codes works to check for duplicates. And if there are none there are no popup messages.

If there are duplicates though it gives a popup for every single Ticket_Number that is a duplicate.

I am wondering if there is a way for it to give only a single popup once it completes checking all the records to be imported for duplicates.

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Jumping To Form View Record From A Query

Apr 10, 2007

Hi, new to the forum hoping someone can help :)

I'm half way through a project and want to have 3 queries to search personal information (Surname/DOB/Ref Number) is it possible to select the record in data view from the query search and jump to the record in form view? Would I have to display the query differently or is it possible to just click within the normal query view?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks Harry

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Record Navigating In The Form View Question

Oct 4, 2005

Hi, Sorry noob here with a noob question... I built my first database for my work, and I want buttons that can navigate through the records on the form view, but I want them to be like A,B,C,D etc... When I click the button I want it to go to the first last name in the record of that letter of alphabit.... I know it can be done because at my previous employment they had that feature. Please help... I can't figure this out... :confused: Also, how do I import IMT forms into an access database???

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Hide Record Selector In Datasheet View

May 25, 2006

Can anyone confirm (or otherwise) that you can't set the record selector property to 'no' in a datasheet view form? (well, you can set it to 'no' but it seems to have no effect)


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Query Opening In Report, Not Record View?

Feb 5, 2007

I have a query that searched thru records based on a person's last name. It runs fine and returns the results I want. However, the view of the results is in record-view. I'd like the results to be in a report format. Is this possible? The macro that calls the query is set to display in report view, but the query always come back showing the records. What am I missing here? Thanks a ton for your time!


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Forms :: Splitform View - No Record Selected

Mar 7, 2013

Access 2010

I have a bound form (splitform view) with the code

"DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast"

on the Form_Open event. When I open the form it does go to the last record and shows all the data that are in (some of the) fields. I cannot however manipulate the record until I click on the navigation buttons in the bottom of the form. It also doesn't show which record ("34 of 34" for example) is selected.

How I can get it to open the last record and let me manipulate it directly on open?

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Forms :: Setting New Record View As Default?

Oct 28, 2014

How to set a new record view as default in form view???

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Queries :: Return Record In Datasheet View

May 21, 2013

I have a query that returns records in datasheet view. I need a field to accept the user selection from a drop down, then save that to a table. The query is based on a couple queries and one of those queries is based on the table i need to save the user input into. When i make a selection from the drop down list it puts the selection in that field for all the records and then doesn't save.

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Starting Datasheet View At Selected Record

Oct 13, 2011

I have a simple form in datasheet view in Company Name sequence. By default it starts the list at the beginning. I would like to put a combo box in the form header that pulls down the companies to allow the user to select the starting company to list. I don't want to go directly to the selected company, I just want the list to populate starting with the selected company. I can create the combo box and I know I use the After Update event to get the selected value, but how do I restart the list. Ideally, I would still like the operator to be able to scroll up and down after the list is redisplayed starting with the selected company.

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Print Current Record - In Form View Not Report

Aug 14, 2006

i have 3 queries brought together in 1 form. i do not want a report to be printed out just the current record in form view. this is because i have a number of images per record.
if i print out the current record and it only has 1 photo in a sub-form attached to the main form record, then the main form will print on 1 page which is what i want [screenshot 1]. But if there are 2 or more photos attached to the main record then the print command button prints out 2 pages for 2 photos, 3 pages for 3 photos and so on [screenshot 2].
any ideas as to how to limit the print command button to print out only 1 page per record regardless of how many photos their are attached to each record??

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Showing User Who Modified Record On Form View

Dec 29, 2004

I used a macro to record the date and time the current record was modified and show that information on a form - the information on how I did that is here:

That works wonderfully, however I would like to add to this the user that modified the record.

Is there a macro code for this??

I tried setting the Item to read [UserModified] and the Expression to be User() however that did not work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


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Forms :: Datasheet View Textbox Fills With Same Value For Every Record?

Jun 13, 2014

Some background: I have a subform that is displayed in datasheet view, with an unbound textbox (field1) whose sole purpose is to pass the date and time entered into it to field2 (hidden, bound), and also display that info in this format: ddhhnn"Z" mm yy. The inputmask for field1 is 000000"Z ">LLL�0 which forces the user to enter the date/time using the ddhhnn"Z" mm yy format. I use field1's AfterUpdate event to convert its contents into a format (dd/MMM/yy hh:mm) that field2 can easily recognize as a date and time.

My problem: The only way I've figured out to get field1 to display field2's date and time is to use the subform's OnCurrent event:

Me.field1 = Format([Field2], "ddhhnn""Z ""mmm yy")

However, by doing that, whenever I click on a record's row the entire field1 column populates with the current record's field1 value. So, if I click on record 2's row, the entire field1 column populates with "101200Z JUN14" for every record. If I click on record 3's row, the entire field1 column populates with "111232Z JUN14" for every record. And so on and so forth.

How can I stop field1 from populating with the same value for every record?

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Filtering The Last Record Of Many From Many People Using Totals In Query Design View

Jul 1, 2005

I have made a couple of posts about this and had no response as yet. Maybe i didn't explain it well.

I have a form that logs emails. The emails are either "to" or "from" a person. I want to have two queries that pick out either to or from. Now each person i know sends me several emails over time obviously but i am only concerned with their last email or MY last email to THEM because that determines if i should email them back or if i am waiting for them to contact me. At the moment i am having problems filtering out the last record for each person which determines whether i need to email them or they need to email me. I also use the record to log when the last mobile text was sent, phone call etc so it is not just emails. The following is what my formsfields look like

Communication type
TO or From
Day (automatically taken from the date)

I cannot for the life of me get the filter to work properly. Currently i am either getting more than one record for each person or the results are jumbled up. I really need a better understanding of how to use the totals thingy in the querys design view. I'd really appreciate some help on this. Thanks....Ross
:confused: :confused: :confused:

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Modules & VBA :: Displays Three Bitmaps Pertaining To Record Being View At Time

Jan 6, 2014

I have cmdButton that opens a form (frmPics) that when it opens it displays three bitmaps pertaining to record being view at the time. Originally I had an embedded macro do this. This is what is listed in the embedded macro:


Form Name frmPics
View Form
Filter Name
Where Condition = [chid]=[Forms]![all churches F]![CHID]
Data Mode
Window Mode Normal

Wanting to switch to VBA I put in new cmdButton and wrote this code:

Private Sub cmdPics2_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPics"
End Sub

Expecting it to open just the form without the reference to the Id, and then I would study how to write code for a where statement.It still reference the record that I am on. Since I am switching from embedded macro to VBA for the sake of learning VBA I am perplexed by this happening.

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Queries :: Single Page View - Record Count Summary

Jul 30, 2014

I am basically looking for a way to display the total number of records for a selected number of tables and queries in my database on one screen or on one single page view. The problem with using reports or forms is that they tend to bind you to a single table as a record source. This summary would require multiple tables and queries. The summary data would look something like this with a total coming from a Count() or count type function:

# of records: 3000
# of records to insert: 500
# of records to delete: 400
# of records to update: 2100
# of records changing location: 100

and so on. One from each table or query.

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Forms :: Location Of New Record Line When In Data Sheet View

Aug 19, 2013

On a subform that records notes in datasheet view (columns: Date, Note; sorted in reverse chronological order with newest at the top), is there a way to get the blank new record line to appear at the top? Otherwise, you have to counter-intuitively scroll down below the oldest entry to enter a new line.

We could sort in chronological order, but then the most relevant notes would sometimes be scrolled off the bottom of the form and not seen.

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Matrix View Allowing Checkbox For New Record Creation / Deletion?

May 29, 2013

What I would like to do it take all 'RoleTitle' from RolesList, all 'CourseID' from courselist and show them as a pivot table/matrix with a checkbox that creates or deletes entries from the RoleRequirements table. So, if it exists in the RoleRequirements table then it should appear a checked, unchecking it would delete it from the table.

I am using access 2010 with a SQL server 2005 backend.

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