Multiple Users

May 9, 2005


I have database with user level security that works fine, but I have asked to place this database onto our secured network which means multiple users could have it open at any given time.

How can I setup this database to allow multiple users? I am very, very green at Access. Please don't say split the database...please! :eek:


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Forms :: Inventory - Allow Users To Update Multiple Fields For Multiple Assets

Sep 25, 2014

I want to create a form that allows users to update multiple fields for multiple assets. Below is what I came up with:

Ideally, I'd like the subform to be filled in by having the user select multiple Assets from the S/N combobox field which would then auto-populate the "Type" field. Then they would fill out the appropriate fields they want edited in the top part of the form. They hit save and magic happens. This would also be nice because only assets they want edited would be displayed (easier on the eyes) and no distinguishing would be necessary. To do it this way, I know I would need to use a temp table but I wanna avoid using temp tables.

I know I can do this by adding a Yes/No field in the "Asset" table, setting the "Asset" table as the subform's recordsource, and then putting a checkbox in the subform and allowing them to check the assets that they want to edit (which would also allow me to sort it instantly so that checked Assets are at the top of the datasheet for easy viewing), but I would like to know if there's a way of accomplishing this without the use of checkboxes.

I know I could also use a listbox and that allows them to multi-select items, but I'm not sure if that allows me to group all selected items at the top of the listbox for easy viewing of selected items. Plus it would involve a lot of scrolling (there are over 2k assets).

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Multiple Users

May 26, 2005

Please refresh my memory on how i can set up a database having about 10 users possibly making entrie at the same time. I am trying to make a small database for containing employee surveys.

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MDE And Multiple Users

Jun 29, 2005

I want to create and mde file in order for the users not to change any thing on my design, I will be uploading the file into my server and give them the path to access:

1.3 people (max) will be accessing the database, is that a problem or not?
2. I cant create an mde file I have to convert my db but I have read as well if I covert it to 2000 people who have lower or higher version wont be able to access it, how can I fix that?


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Multiple Users?

Aug 18, 2005


I am trying to create a database that MULTIPLE users can log on and view the data.

Eg. I have a client list and have employed 5 ppl to call each one of my clients and confirm their details.

I have imported all the details into a table and just want users to simulataneously log on and click a "next record" button that will bring up the next "new" record with the details displayed on a form. of course the database will flag this record as "old" and which user called them.

Main thing is 5+ computers can connect to this database simultaneously and no record gets displayed more than once.

Can MS Access do this?

if it cant, would a vb front end located on each computer help?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Jon Cheah

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Multiple Users

Mar 12, 2007

i have a database which is shared on the network. i have one problem right one. when one is using the database, another person cannot access it. what can i do to enable multer user access it at the same time.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

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Multiple Users

Mar 21, 2008

Hi all, o.k prior to a previous message i have been back to my manager and informed him that there is no way of updating effectivly via email.

o.k first i will tell you what we will have:
Three networked pc's running xp prof, and access 2003.
Now what i want is to be able to have my database running as a server on one machine and have the two other machines running the same database simultaniously all of them updating.

Now what i need, i dont want to have the work done for me, just if someone could point me in the right direction, maybe one or two tutorials, any pitfalls i may find etc.

thanks in advance..


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Multiple Users

Oct 10, 2006

I am building a database which will be used by around 30 people at the same time. When telephone calls come in they will log the details.
I dont need anything to explicit.
I have one table, around six queries and 3 reports.
I will be using one form with a save button and next record button and a switchboard.
The users will log on at the same time and will log all telephone calls thoughout the day.
Will the database work with so many people using it at the same time or do I have to change the properties.

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Multiple Users Over VPN

Oct 25, 2004

I'm a relatively new Access user who is remotely connecting over VPN to an Access DB on a "fileserver" on a peer-to-peer network. The VPN connection is "always on", and I have a drive mapped to the fileserver. When I originally load the Access file, it takes about 2-3 minutes to be able to start working. If no one else is updating records, my speed is fine. If someone else updates a record, my Access session "freezes" for 2-3 minutes... coincidentally the same amount of time needed to load the DB in the first place. I assume this is because the entire DB is resynchronizing everytime a record is updated. Is there anyway to speed this process up? My updating records does not have a similar effect on the local users.

Thanks for any help or suggestions,

My computer: Dell laptop, P3-500, 128Mb RAM
Operating system: Windows XP Pro at both ends
Access version: Access 2003 at both ends
My internet connection: Cable, download consistently over 1000kbps, not sure about upload
Their internet connection: DSL, download consistently over 1500kbps, upload 500kbps

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Multiple Users

Nov 29, 2004

How would I go about making my database so that more than one user could open it on the server and both be able to populate the tables. Is there any problems I should watch out for?

Also, what is a good way to create a "log in" type form, where the user would log in to the DB, so I can keep track of who entered in the information, at what time and so on. And then would that person have to log out some how? or just close the database


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Multiple Users

Jan 31, 2005

I've created a database and I'd like to allow multiple users to go in and edit the same table. I looked in the Tools - Options - Advanced tab and it's currently set to open in Shared mode. However, when I have the database open (as the creator) no one else can open it. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you.

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Multiple Users

May 6, 2008

I have a peer to peer network using XP. I have 5 people that need to share one MS Accss Data base. I have checked the security section and it is shared. The difficulty is that only two or three folks can be on at on any one time. I was hoping that all of us could be working at the same t ime.

Any thoughts on how to accomplish this?

Thanks in advance for your time

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Multiple Users

Jan 30, 2006

I am going to have a database on a shared folder. Only about a max of 5 people will be accessing the db at one time. Will it be enought to just create the Frontend and Backend portions of the database and not run in to any problems. For example, if 2 or more people happen to be in the same record at the same time trying to update a field. I have studied the, but it is a little confusing to me. So if i can get away with just using bound forms that would be great. Thanks in advance.

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Multiple Users Slowdown

May 13, 2005

Hi everyone,

This is my first post, hopefully you guys can help me out. I have set up an access database for my dept. stockroom. The stockroom previously was just 1 excel spreadsheet that had the shared setting enabled so multiple people could edit it and such. This became extremely tedious and saves started to take up to 15 minutes when about 5 people had them each open and did edits.

I managed to set up an access front end and backend for this situation. Basically the table was saved in an access database and the forms were in another that linked to the tables. So the table database is on the network shared folder, and the forms are on each individual computer.

It seems like this would work fine and such, but when just 3 to 4 of them open up the forms and start working, as soon as one person trys to make a change, the whole program slows down almost to a halt. what am i doing wrong? any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Multiple Users And Employee ID's

Jun 6, 2005

I am nearly ready to release my ACCESS 2000 database to 150 employees in our office (client/server network). However I have two problems, I have looked through countless posts and cant find exacly what Im looking for.

ACCESS automatically defaults to each individuals network ID when it is opened, so I have set that as UserName for each user, I have created a UserDetails table with this netowrk ID as a primary key, linking that as a foreign key to various OrderDetails tables. My question is how on earth can I get ACCESS to automatically enter this UserName onto each order a particular user makes? to be able to run queries for specific users etc? I dont want the user to be able to manually type in this because it can compromise the integrity of our data.

secondly, what is the best way to set up the FE, BE situation on our network? I tried the wizard and it gets a bit technical

Cheers for the help and congrats to a very helpful site,
Russ :)

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GIF89.DLL And Multiple Users

Sep 20, 2005

Does anyone have a good idea how to either 1.) add this library to the database file itself or 2.) automate a process to get it registered on multiple computers without having to goto each station individually? I have added animated gifs to my database but as you can imagine if i want my users to be able to see it i would need to register this file on EVERY machine i want it to work on.

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Multiple Users In One Database

Jul 19, 2006

Is Access set up to handle multiple people entering data into the same table?

We are processing returned mail and enter all the bad addresses into an Access table. The data is simply entered into the bare table. Can two people be doing this at once without the risk of compromising the data?

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Multiple Users Question

Nov 22, 2006


I have this database that I'm working on that wasn't designed specifically as a "multi-user" application. But it's now to be used by various people across a network, and I'm wondering what, if anything, I need to do to make this work. I don't really have any security concerns, I just want to end up with a system where more than one person can create new records at a time, and browse through existing records, edit them, and print reports off the record they are viewing.
Access help make it sound rather easy - just set "Open Mode" to "Shared", and "Default Record Locking" to "Edited Record". "Open Databases Using Record-Level Locking" is also checked. It sounds like that beyond that, all I have to do is make the application available on shared network drive, and that's it.
Could it really be that easy, or what else needs to be done?

Thank you for your advice.

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Multiple Users One Database

May 8, 2007

Hi Guys

I wonder if anyone could give me some advice on a problem i have with an access database.

I have designed a database and a data input form to collect data that is input by workers, the problem i have is that only one person can enter a record at a time.

I curently use 2 replicated database's on two seperate computers and run the synchronisation once one person has finished so that all the changes are replicated to the 2 different databases

If there is any other easier way to accomplish this i would be very greatful if anybody can shed some light on the subject.


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Multiple Users And Forms

Mar 17, 2008

Hi, very new to access and chucked in at the deep end.
we require a database which will be used by multiple users to place orders.
the users are at different locations although they all log on via terminal services so connection issues are minimal.
i understand that we require a fe/be database because of the users.
the users will only work with forms and reports. they should not be allowed to see the other users orders and the form needs to automatically put the users id into the order.
the only way i can see to achieve this is to make a custom form up for each location. would i be right in assuming this?
if so, how would i prevent one location from opening up another locations form? infact, i wouldn't want one location to know that there are other forms for other locations.
any help would be appreciated. thanks

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Multiple Users In Same Form

Jul 6, 2006

There will multiple users accessing the same database/forms at the same time. How do I ensure that all entries are saved and not overridden by each other entries?

Access 2003

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Preferences; Multiple Users

Apr 7, 2005

I have a database which is shared via a network drive.

Now certain users want to hide some colums in some query results of tables.

Problem is, when one user changes something it will only be temporarily, next time they open the table, it will be set with preferences of a different user, who might want to hide and show different records.

Is there a simple way to save these preferences seperately for every user?


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Table Used By Multiple Users?

Mar 5, 2008

Hi all,

I have a table tblLineItem contains materials/line item records assign to different buyers. Each buyer/user needs to access the same table tlbLineItem and choose certain line items and works with them to create PO (purchase order) .

How do I lock the table while whoever access first then after that person finish it release the table to avoid each process of one buyer's items overlap with other buyers' line items.
And if the table is being used have a message box alert to inform the buyers, so they can wait?

My problem with this database is right now I placed a check box on each line item on the form that have the data source is the tblLineItem. Each buyer filters only their line items, check the box of the line items they wish to create PO at a time and click the button "Create PO". However, if buyer A uses the same form and check the boxes on his/her own line items, while coincidently buyer B also work on the same form then when they click "Create PO", their line items cross with each other!!

If you have suggestions, please advise/help!!

Thanks so much.

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Using Multiple Users For A Database?

Jun 29, 2012

I created a database and a form on it that i enter myself right now. I am planning on using this database on several PCs with different users. Currently I have this database on the network, but when multiple people try to access it at the same time they cannot access without saving a separate copy or just having read access.

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Multiple Users In Same Database

Jul 8, 2015

I need to put my Database to work with multiple users.

1- I already have divide the database;
2- I already have made the file accde of the front-end file;
3- I already have put the two files: back-end and front-end on the network server.

My problem now is that if I open a Form to register data the other User can't open the same form to add data. What I must do to work in the same form with multiple user?

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How To Make DB Available To Multiple Users

Mar 26, 2012

1) Access Runtime gives you limited choices for your root install directory and they all involve your OS HDD which in most cases is C:. Well that's no good if you want to install this on a shared network drive somewhere for everyone to use. How does one get around this?

2) The DB I've built includes the ability to update the table via a form. What happens when more then one user tries to update the table at the same time?

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