Multiple Field Query

Nov 4, 2007

My second post. Heres a link to an image of the database below

In the search section I want to be able to search multiple fields. The date from and to data will come from the same field, Coverage is a drop box and Organisation and keywords could be anything.

I know I will have to grab the text from the text boxes (curently named Textdateto, TextDateFrom, TextOrg, TextKey, and TextCoverage), (the fields are called Dt, Organisation, Keyword and Coverage) use a select query via the on click property of the search button. But I am bit lost on how to put this into practice.

Does that make sense?


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Can You Query Using Multiple Criteria From Same Field?

Mar 9, 2007

Hi all,I posted something similar to this before i didnt get it figured out.Is it possible to use the same field for multiple criteria in a query?the one i would like to base it on is taskID.i just want the total time to be called admin time if taskid=2 and investigative time if taskid<>2.Ive tried it with single and multiple queries in one and am recieving errors with both. help is always appreciated!Woohoo for 100 posts!

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Query Selection - Multiple Choices, One Field

May 19, 2005

I have a database which keeps track of a trucking business. Each truck has a trailer number. I have no problem having a query prompt the user to enter a single trailer number to query on. What can I do when the customer needs to select more than one trailer number to query on?

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Multiple Parameters [for The Same Field] For A Single Query?

Nov 23, 2005

I have set up a parameter query in Access 2003 that asks the user for the "Section", such as "Admin", "Accounting" etc.

I need them to be able to respond to the prompt with more than one section if they want- sometimes just one, sometimes two or three or four.

So they can get "Accounting" and "Admin" both in the records that are returned.

The code:
SELECT T_ElainesMaster.Section, T_ElainesMaster.Login, T_ElainesMaster.Workstation, T_ElainesMaster.NT, T_ElainesMaster.Barcode, T_ElainesMaster.[PC model], T_ElainesMaster.[Emp Name], T_ElainesMaster.[swap or not], T_ElainesMaster.[Exp Date]
FROM T_ElainesMaster
WHERE (((T_ElainesMaster.Section) Like [What section would you like to include?]))
ORDER BY T_ElainesMaster.Section;


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Update Query Same Field Multiple Criteria

Jan 12, 2007


Was wondering if there is a way without building individual update queries, to update info in one field that has multiple criteria ?

Basically I need to change/update daily multiple ID numbers to new ID numbers, long story on why this needs to be done but for now I need to do it this way.

Example: 12345 update to ABCDE, 6789 update to FGHI, etc. These ID's are all within the same field in the table.

It works fine running each ID one at a time but was wondering if it is possible to do all these updates within one query or code ?

Thanks for any assistance

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Queries :: Query With Field Containing Multiple Values?

Jun 21, 2014

modify the code below to Show the LocationName in the Schema Column instead of the MPID? I attached a pic showing the relationship between the two tables which contain the data I'm trying to query.

SELECT [Locations Query].LocID, Qry_MPLoc.MPID AS Qry_MPLoc_MPID, [Locations Query].Location, [Locations Query].Schema
FROM [Locations Query] INNER JOIN Qry_MPLoc ON [Locations Query].[LocID] = Qry_MPLoc.[LocID];

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Multiple Calculations For Single Field In One Query?

Feb 12, 2014

I am designing a database in Access 2010 to handle customer discounts. The problem I am facing is that the discount can vary by customer. One could be a straight percentage based on certain sales totals, even the percentages can vary by customer, and some customer discounts are tiered. I was hoping there was a way to handle all through one query, because there are so many variations, it would require several queries if I separate by each calculation available.

Is there a way to set up a table listing the customer and their corresponding calculation expression then running a query using that table and the sales data table to do all the calculations. Or is there another way to handle this level of complexity in Access? The end result I would like is one data set with each customer and their calculated discount.

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Queries :: Update Query Same Field Multiple Criteria?

Apr 21, 2013

I need to update the periodtype field in my table depending on different values in the field Formtype- I am looking to do this without having to use VBA. I have the following fields in a table - I want to update the value of the field Period_type as follows -

When Formtype is 10-Q, update Periodtype to "Quarterly"

When Formtype is 10-K, update Periodtype to "Annual"

The current value of Periodtype for both formtypes is "Semiannual"

Can I do this using only update query?

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Allow Multiple Values In Unbound Field For Query Parameters

Apr 30, 2014

I am trying to find a way to allow the user to enter multiple numbers in an unbound box that I will pass to a query as parameters. I already have it set up to pas the parameters from the form but if i try to do more than one number it doesn't work.

I have tried:

1306 or 1307 or 1308
1306, 1307, 1308
"1306 or 1307 or 1308"

I was reading somewhere that when the value is picked up from the form it is not like you are typing it right in the criteria box of the query.

So are there any other options here? Is there a way to enter all the number in a box and then use vba to create an array and then pass that to the query?

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Query Searching Multiple Tables' Field Names (not Values)

Jan 22, 2007

Hi. Please do not lecture me on database normalization, as this truly is not in my control.

I have 2 dozen tables, each with 13 fields. All of the field names exist in at least 12 of the tables. And all tables share a ssn field where values are common.(Confused yet? Sorry, if you are...)

If I design a query showing all 2 dozen tables and their fields...
Can I set up a query criteria where I enter the requested ssn and then the required field name and have the result show the values of all the fields with that name, among the ones of the 2 dozen tables where that field name exists? (for that specified ssn)

If I am only as clear as mud, please let me know, and I will try again.
Or, by asking if I can search for field values querying by field name, am I any clearer?


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Queries :: Run Multiple Expressions On The Same Data Field In A Single Query?

May 11, 2014

I am trying, and failing quite spectacularly to create a single query that will contain multiple expressions on the same field.

Please see attached jpg for example.

SQL: SELECT Count(StockData.status) AS FaultyPCs
FROM StockData
HAVING (([StockData].[Status] In ("Waiting Repair") And [StockData].[DeviceType] In ("Thick PC")));

What I want to be able to do is then add additional expressions to filter and count in the same way for "Thin PC" "Thin Laptops" "Thick Laptops" and so on.

But when I add one of these expressions to the next column in the builder, it seems to apply itself to the expression to it's left, causing that one to now give a result of 0.

Is there a way of separating one from another or do I have to create a separate query for each expression and then use another query to pull them all together (as I have done in another situations - but this will involve creating probably 20 separate queries.

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Queries :: Counting Multiple Dates In A Single Query Field

Feb 8, 2015

I'm creating a database for my wife to use in her work, one of the fields is dates visited and the user should enter "00/00/0000, 11/11/1111, 22/22/2222, 33/33/3333" in this format. The field is a large text format because there could be anything from 1 date to hundreds. What I need to be able to do is in my query I need to enter 2 dates and have access return a how many dates exist between those 2 date values. eg It will pop up a box asking for start date and then another asking for end date and then it has to return the count total of how many dates exist between those two date values. I don't know VB and have had only basic training in Java and C# none of which involved Access. The only way I can think of doing it is to have access count the number of commas within the date field required but I don't know the formula required assuming it can even be done.

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Tables :: Linking Multiple Field Values To A Field Selected From Combo Box

Feb 16, 2014

I'm pretty good with setting up a very simple database such as inventory, profiles, etc.. However I'm creating a database to keep track of a football (soccer) team's players and match statistics.What I have so farsample attached)

* Players - PlayerID, Fname, Lname, position, goals, assists, etc (all details regarding a player)
* Position - Positons (Table containing positions eg: defender. Data is selected in player's form as a combo-box)
* Competition - Competition types (Cup, League, Friendly. Data is selected in Match's form as a combo-box
* Venue - similar to Competition table
* Opponent - Similar to above two tables
* Match - MatchID, Competition, Venue, etc (form corresponding to table attached)

* Player form
* Match form

Now as shown in the sample, I choose players using the combo-box. Then whatever stats they had during the match are entered on the fields provided. How to link the player (selected using combo box) to the stat fields (goals, assist, YC, etc).

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Concatenating Multiple Field Values Into One Field Separated By Commas

Nov 18, 2014

I am trying to create a list of values in a field separated by commas. I have done this in a query as follows:

[Field1]&", "&[Field2]&", "&[Field3] and so on.

However, when Field2 is null, the result is two commas between Field1 and Field2, but I only need one. What function can I use to eliminate the extra commas when fields used in the concatenation are null?

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Multiple Fields Of Multiple Tables To One Table Query Or Report

Apr 12, 2013

I have 10 tables, 30+ fields on each table (every table has the same 'account number' field). I only need from 5 - 20 fields from each table. How do I get the certain fields from each table and put them in a table, query or report?

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Multiple Joins In Multiple Table Search Query

Sep 21, 2004

I am trying to create a simple Search form in Access where a user can select a desired record and query multiple tables using the inputs.

I would like them to be able to query Retailers, Distributors and Products.

The 6 tables are linked as follows:
Although some of these tables are not included in the query, they are required to ensure relationships.

Retailers -- Uses (RetailerID,DistributorID) -- Distributors
Retailers -- Orders (RetailerID,ProductID) -- Products

All retailers have at least one distributor BUT a retailer may or may not have ordered any products.

I have created my form but the query linked to the form is having some trouble. It is only selecting those records that have ordered products. For example, if I query a retailer name only and it does not have any ordered products, it will not display. Is there a problem with the table joins? The SQL for the query is displayed here:


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Combine Multiple Records' Field Value Into One Field?

Nov 7, 2006

Let's say I have two tables:

Item Description
A It's Red
B It's Blue
C It's Green
D You'll love it

Item Category_name
A Cat1
A Cat2
A Cat3
B Cat1
B Cat4
C Cat1
C Cat6

I want to create a query/table that takes all the possible values for Category.Item and mix them into one field seperated by say a comma, so it would look like this:

Item Desc Categories
A It's Red Cat1,Cat2,Cat3
B It's Blue Cat1,Cat4

How does one do that?!

What's it called when you try to do this so I can Google it?

I've looked through like 8 Access books at the book store and none of them address anything like this. Can someone recommend a book that would cover "weird" stuff like this?

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Way To Have Multiple Distribution On One Field Without Creating Multiple Distribution Fields?

Mar 1, 2012

I am creating a CAD Drawing database / Distribution list. I can only seem to distribute one drawing i.e single field to one person.Is there a way to have multiple distribtion on one field without creating multiple distribution fields?

What I have is a database which contains Drawing Numbers - I need to create a report that shows where the drawing has been distributed to, with it's current revision status and the date is was sent.I am having trouble trying to use multiple revisions and mutiple people in the distribution list with one drawing.

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Multiple Field Help

Dec 21, 2005

Good day everyone,
I am designing a database and came to a screeching halt :(

I have attached the db below for convenience.
form in question is frm_InputProductionBatching

What I have is: combo box Function, NumberOfItems, and Minutes in the detail section.

There are three links above that I am trying to make shortcuts in a sense. Those are the most used and would like to make it easier for the user to input instead of selecting from the drop down.

The table its bound to is tbl_InputProduction

I would appreciate any assistance.


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Multiple Values In One Field??

Feb 14, 2006

I have a list of Vehicles in which each have their own maintanance schedules. Most of the maintanance for the Vehicles overlap. Instead of entering the same information over and over I'm assigning each type of vehicle a code number (example '05 Cargo is a 1, '04 Cargo is a 2). Now what I want to do is assign each maintanance the vehicle code, for instance I have 13 different types of vehicles that all need oil changes, so I want to assign the Oil change maintanance 13 codes. Is there a way to assign that maintanance 13 codes without having to enter it 13 times??

Thanks, Joe

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Multiple Items In The Same Field

May 4, 2005

I am trying to enter multiple parts into the same field and using commas to separate them. Is there a way to create multiple records with the same information, but change the part numbers in them according to comma's?

Would look like this.

Primary Key Location Part number
789 bin89756 89756,87564,78965,12565,45896

I want it to do this in the end.

Key Location Part number
789 bin89756 89756
790 bin89756 87564
791 bin89756 78965
792 bin89756 12565
793 bin89756 45896

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Multiple Entries For The Same Field

Apr 22, 2006

I'm new to Access and databases so my question might seem dumb, but I need some help figuring something out. Well, I have this database where I'm storing information from different charities. So I created a table with their name, address, phone, contact person, and many othe things. Now I need to create a field with the services that they offer. Each charity could be able to offer more than one type of service. So for the services field, I cannot create a drop down list because that only allows me to choose one service. So what would be the best way to allow the user select more than one kind of service offered from a list and then be able to search that with a query? I have a list with over 50 different possible offered services and each charity usually offers 2 or 3 different services.Thanks

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Multiple Field Queries

Aug 18, 2006

Hey y'all, my question this morning is concerning doing a multiple field query in Access. I have a lot of experience with both SQL and Access, but have never had to do something like this.

I have a form with a text field for every row in a table (so there are 15 text boxes), and I want the user to be able to type in any data they know for any number of fields, from 0-15 rows. So I want each text box to be matched on (Like '*'&[data]&'*'). My problem is that if I say "where x=x AND y=y" and so on and so forth, it brings up all fields, because there are wildcards on each end of an empty string. I also have problems with just doing OR for each field, because it only matches on one field, even if they entered data into 4 fields. I'm so confused!!!! Did this make any sense? Any Ideas? :confused:

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Multiple Update To Same Field

Sep 6, 2006

Hi, I have created a field called age, where I have a formula that takes the date of birth out of the IDENTITY NUMBER and calculated the peoples age, I have then created a field where I would like to allocate groups depending on their age, i.e, 18-25 = Group1, 26-35 = Group 2,etc... I am having trouble with this, firstly, I cannot get the formulas to work individually and secondly, I get an error that says I have duplicate fields to update.


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Multiple Field Relationship

May 3, 2007

I am trying to conduct a query that is based on two separate queries. Is there a way to that the queries can be related based on multiple fields?

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Multiple Entries In One Field

Aug 30, 2004


I would like to know if there's any way of fitting multiple entires of data into one field in a table. For example, a field for addresses that might be able to hold two or more different addresses. Must I create another column/field to hold how many different addresses that that person might have? Thanks!


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