Multiple Item Subform?

Nov 6, 2004

I am creating a form that will require entry of first names, last names, and ID's of either none, or any number up to 15 people involved in a particular project. I am trying to accomplish this with a subform that links to the main form using the main forms primary key.

When done, you will be able to enter data into the record (project name, date, etc), go to the subform and enter the Primary Key (an AutoNumber), then the 0-15 names & ID's into the subform one netry at a time, with all entries linked via the primary key to that particular record. One problem is that the subform always displays the info for the previous records. I also want to be able to "get out" of the subform and back to the main form saving all subform data along with that record. (am I making sense?) and have the subform reset back to blank for the next record. I am completely lost and don't even know if I am approaching this in the right way. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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Modules & VBA :: Invoice And Subform - Add Multiple Record (Item) At Once

Mar 23, 2014

I almost complete my mini project - Stock Inventory:

To track Items enter and exit from Videoshop or simply known as Stock Transaction (IN/OUT). This also include a Inventory Catalog which basically show all the Items in the Videoshop, each Items details including category, transaction type description and most importantly quantity on hand.

As mentioned above, I almost complete the database except the most important Form - New Stock Transaction where User enter all the necessary details to issue an IN or OUT Transaction. To make things easy to understand, it share many similarity with Invoice and New Order.

Main Form (Table: StockTrans)

SubForm (Table: StockTrans_Items)
Trans_ID fk
ItemID fk

When I finished records entry and enter Invoice completed button then it will auto update the Item Quantity on Hand.

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Populating A Subform Item To Another Subform Item.

Dec 21, 2006

Hey all.

I'm trying to get a combo box to populate the box next to it.

Basically pick a project number in the 1st box and have the project name show up in the second box.

I have it working, but the problem is that when it puts in the name of the project, it fills the whole column with that name, and not just the one box.

Here is what it's doing:

Here is the code im using.

Private Sub ProjectNumber_AfterUpdate()
On Error Resume Next

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String

If ProjectNumber.Value > 0 Then
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ProjectList WHERE ID = " & ProjectNumber.Value

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If Not rs.BOF Then
Me.ProjectName = rs("ProjectName")
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End If

End Sub

Let me know what I can do.


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Summing A Subform Item

Apr 14, 2005

I'm having trouble with a text box, which is trying to sum some date in a subform. All I get is #Error, yet I'm sure I'm referencing the item in the subform OK. I've attached the database as it's self explanatory (I stuck a label on it).

The form I'm having trouble with is frmPurchaseOrdersDataEntry and you'll see what I'm getting at from there.

Any help most appreciated.


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Customizing Multiple Item Forms

Apr 15, 2014

I am trying to create a form for a query so that I can filter on a chosen record and have the data presented in a more reader friendly format: the idea being that I have the common data show once in the form header and the rest show in the detail section (kind of like a form with subform type)

First I tried using the form wizard to create a Tabular layout form which I could have easily customised, but I am unable to use this because I get an error message telling me the wizard cannot create my form due to me choosing too many fields.

In my next attempt, I elected to use the Multiple Item form option, which seems to work OK but presents the following problems:

1) It has not included all of the data fields in my query... though it looks like I can add these manually
2) I am unable to reorganise the text boxes and labels the way I would like, as they all seem to be locked together Is there a setting somewhere that I can change to stop this from happening?

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Use Record Number For Item Numbering In Subform

Sep 22, 2004

I want to use the record number to automatically number items entered into a subform. Anybody know how to do this or if it can be done?

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Multiple Item Form From Query To Table?

Jan 14, 2013

I am trying to augment my database to have a price list. Because I wanted the price list to be of record and saved, I used a form with a subform. The main form taking the price list header info price list ID, price area, and date and putting into tblPricelist) and using the sub form to table to load the actual price list info (product, price) and putting into tblpricelistsub.

What I am trying to do is to be able to bring the entire price list as it is and be able to update (or not) the price of all or some of the items and then have it save as a new entry into the tables. I am trying to do this without having to use a sub form and lookup every product all over again (500 products).

Is there a way to do a query to bring up the entire price list, turn that into a form, and then be able to update the prices that would in turn create another entry into the price list and pricelistsub tables?

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Modules & VBA :: Button To Select First Item On Multiple Combobox

Feb 1, 2014

I have a contineous form with a combobox for each record and i have a button to select the first item in the combobox then to refresh the list in the combobox .I want to creat a one button to select the first item in the combobox then refresh the list then go to the next record and select the first item on the list

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Linking Multiple Items From A Table To One Item In Another In Forms

Mar 4, 2015

I have what should be a really simple database to build. In table tbl1PlanHdr is the header item. Many items in tbl2MaintItem will then be allocated to each header. MaintItems items will be allocated to more than one Header.

I want to set up a form that has the tbl1PlanHdr as the main part of the form and tbl2MaintItem as the subform. Possibly as a datasheet, or continuous form.

I need the ability to update items in the subform back to the orginal table.

I have a relationship of one to many from the tbl1PlanHdr to tbl2MaintItem using the primary key in tbl1PlanHdr.

But should this be a one to many from tbl2MaintItem to tbl1PlanHdr

The end result required is to be able to get a data dump of all the tbl1PlanHdr items with the corresponding tbl2MaintItems items.

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General :: Saving Invoice With Multiple Lines In The Item Section

Jun 17, 2014

I want to make an invoice with products and services and totals, the thing that has me wondering is how do I save an invoice with multiple lines in the item section of the invoice. I want to be able to choose a customer and then see the list of invoices connected to that customer, and when I click the invoice to open it as it was. What would be the best way to do this?

The invoice contains:Customer info, adress, name...etc

List - multiple lines of products sold / services completed
Totals, date & time...etc
Relationship goes like this: Customer -> Invoice <- Inventory / Services

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Forms :: Entering One Item To Create Multiple Entries In A Table?

Nov 7, 2014

Basically I am inputting stock into my database so I can have a record of what I have left and who it's gone too. Where I'm stuck though is when I want to add an item that I have more than one off but only enter it once and have it assigned a unique stock ID number (this is in the form of an autonumber) for however much quantity I choose to enter. So for example I have 5 keyboards, I type in 'Keyboard' into my item field (named txtItem) and then type '5' into my quantity field (named txtQuantity). When I then press Add Stock (named btnAddStock) I should then see in the table, 5 separate Keyboards listed each with a different Stock ID number.

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Queries :: Selecting Most Current Record For Item That Has Multiple Records In A Query

Oct 31, 2014

I have a query pulling data from two other queries (qry_Reports and qry_Surveys). Clients may have more than one ReportID, but only one ClientID. I need to query for only the most current ReportID (which is the larger value) for each client to find the surveys for the most recent report. How can I query for only the most recent report for each client based on the highest value of the ReportID per ClientID?

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Reports :: Creating A Report Based On Single Record In Multiple Item Form

Jan 8, 2014

I'm currently working on a database which requires invoicing as a part of it. The invoicing is done based on quarters, and I want the users to be able to use a multiple items form, listing all of their clients, to create the invoices. Each invoice must be created individually so they can be e-mailed to the client, and saved to the clients folder. So I was wondering if it would be possible to create individual invoices for clients using a multiple items form.

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Setfocus On Repeating Item/accessing A Specific Item

Aug 18, 2006

I have a form that simply lists the items:

In the table: DEPARTMENT_TBL

When I edit the field DEPARTMENT_NBR and it is in error (must be between 01 and 99) I want to put out a message in a MSGBOX and SetFocus back on the DEPARTMENT_NBR.

I coded the MSGBOX with vbokonly and then DEPARTMENT_NBR.SetFocus, but after the message displays and enter is hit for the ok the cursor jumps to the DEPARTMENT_NAME on the current line. Is there a way to get the SetFocus to work properly on repeating items like this? I can never seem to get them to perform the same as they do on non-repeating items.

Thanks for your help.

If IsNumeric(DEPARTMENT_NBR) = False Then
If DEPARTMENT_NBR <> "00" Then
MsgBox "DEPARTMENT NUMBER must between 01 and 99.", vbOKOnly
GoTo DEPARTMENT_NBR_EXIT (exits the paragraph skipping other checks)
End If
End If

Also, is there a way to look at a specific item in a list like that? IE. I want to reference the 3rd row's DEPARTMENT_NBR. Thanks.

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Forms :: Make A Multiple Item Form / Sign In Sign Out

Jan 8, 2015

My teacher instructs me to make a 'multiple item form' in regards to signing in and signing out of a dentist ( my scenario)...The fields i have are : Appointment ID, dentistID, Appointment time, Appointment Date and customerID..i have created have the multiple item form and i am now displayed with the fields.

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How To Transfer Multiple Select Item In List Box To Another List Box

Jun 2, 2012

How To Transfer MultipleSelect Item In Listbox to another Listbox ?

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Subform And Multiple Select

Jul 5, 2005

Hello there everyone

Forgive me for being a muppet: I have been searching through the forums over the past few days but am not quite sure exactly what I need. I am a newbie at access programming so any advice (preferably in language a 3 year old would understand!) would be a massive help.

Here is a little background - I am knocking up a parts database for a vehicle my company specialises in that contains suppliers along with prices for each part.

Here is my problem: I have a Parts table, a Suppliers table and an AvailableSuppliers table (because some parts are available from more than one supplier and suppliers offer more than one part - 'AvailableSuppliers' is my junction table with foreign keys to thePartID and the SupplierID).
I would like, in my 'Parts Entry' form, to have a subform where the user can choose the different Suppliers a certain part is available from (I'd hope to store the different prices as well), and to store it in the AvailableSuppliers junction table. (Is this right so far?). I'd envisage some kind of select box where I can tick from my list of Suppliers who offers the part for sale.

Am I barking up the right tree? Am I on the right track so far?

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Multiple Relationship Subform

May 7, 2006

Hi. can anyone help me. I've spent the last two hours getting no where.

I have a tbl_Enquiry,tbl_EnquiryType and tbl_Questions
On the main form (frm_Enquiry), depending on which enquiry type is chosen, will depend on which questions are displayed.
this is a many to many relationship so I have a junction table, called tbl_TypeQuestionJunction.

The questions are displayed in a sub from when the enquiry type is selected, and this all works fine.

However, I then need to add a field where the user can write thier answers to the questions.
for this I have a table tbl_QAJunction with the fields
QuestionID and

How can I get my subform to display the correct questions when the enquiry type is selected, with an answer box next to it and then pick up the EnquiryID, QuestionID and the answer and add them to the tbl_QAJunction.
I just can't get a query to work.

I hope this makes sense

This has really bugged me and is stopping me completing my database.
Am i going abotu this all wrong? If anyone can help, I'd be grateful
I've attached a cut down version of the DB so you can see what i'm on about


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Multiple Printing When Using Subform

Jan 8, 2008

While using a relational database in Access 2003, I am writing a letter to people, reminding them what resources they have been allocated. The short letter is in a form and a subform has been used to list the resources - between 1 and 5 lines.

If I isolate one person by filtering, I get x identical pages, where x = the number of resources that have been allocated to them. Therefore, some people get one page, others could get 5 identical pages.

Can anyone advise how I can just show and print one page per person, irrespective of the number of resources allocated to them? I can get the correct result in a report but need it in a form so that the users can edit and select the letters to be printed easily.

Many thanks.

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Preventing Multiple Entry In Subform

May 4, 2005

I have a form and sub form, the sub form is populated from a query and has a column of checkboxes. Basically these checkboxes get checked as part of the form, but only a maximum of five are allowed to be checked. Is there a way of achieving this?

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Update Multiple Records In Subform

Aug 11, 2005

Hoping that this is a simple problem :confused:

I have an orders form and subform, ie one order can have several product records with the following firlds
At the bottom I have a command button 'ReceiveOrder'
What I want is on click of this button that the received field (that is 0 by default) will equal Ordered.
ie If I had orderd 2 and I hit the button it would change the recieved to 2 as well.
This much I have done with the following code
Private Sub ReceiveButton_Click()
Me.frmReceivingSubform.Form!QtyReceived = Me.frmReceivingSubform.Form!QtyOrdered
End Sub

This work fine if there is only one product, but if I have more than one it will only update the selected record, is there an ammendment I can do that means all the product records on that particular order will update.

I've searched the forum for the answers but can't find the answer, can anyone help,

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Data From Multiple Tables In One Subform?

Oct 5, 2006


First of all, I'm kind of a newbie to all of this, but not entirely, bare this in mind please ;-) Also I'm from the Netherlands and my english might be a bit rusty, so bear with me if you please.... :-)

I'm having a problem for which I cannot seem to find a solution. Below I've outlined the situation:

I have a couple of tables up to now:


CustomerTable has got a primary key: Clientnumber
CaseDateTimeTable has primary key: Casenumber
CaseTechInfoTable has no primary keys.

CustomerTable only includes (apart from all adress info etc) the clientnumber field which is of importance in this case i think.
CaseDateTimeTable includes both Casenumber and clientnumber.
CaseTechInfoTable also includes both Casenumber and clientnumber. Only both other tables have Primary keys, and this one doesn't.

I've created a relation between CustomerTable - Clientnumber and CaseDateTimeTable - Clientnumber.
Another relation I've made is between CaseDateTimeTable - casenumber and CaseTechInfo - casenumber.

Now, I have made a form in which the name and adress data is fed into the database, in normal form view. Below these textboxes etc. I've created a SubForm in datasheet view in which the existing cases from the at that time selected/displayed customer should be displayed. At the moment only fields from the CaseDateTimeTable can be displayed, but I would also like to display some fields from, for example, CaseTechInfoTable in that same subform.

But how?

When I create a (sub)form via the wizard and for example select:
CaseDateTimeTable - clientnumber
CaseDateTimeTable - Casenumber
CaseTechInfoTable - Problem description

and display these fields in the subform as a datasheet, then the separate cases from each customer are not displayed. I have 5 clients in my test dbase, just about all of them have 2 or 3 cases associated with them. In the example above only the data from two clients is displayed and then only from 1 case each, not the actual amount of cases. So for example:

clientnumber 4 has casenumber 5 and casenumber 6. But only casenumber 5 is displayed. The same happens for clientnumber 2, he has casenumbers 9 and 3 but only casenumber 9 is displayed.

The strange thing is though, that when I create the same (sub)form in datasheet view, but only use fields from the CaseDateTimeTable all cases per client are nicely displayed in the subform.

Why? And how do I solve this problem? I need to solve it so that I can add data from other tables into the subform later on so a nice overview of certain important data can be given per customer per case, even before the case form(s) is/are opened.

I've tried making a query and base a form on that, but for some reason I can't get the query to display all my customers, let alone all cases associated per customer. In the past I have made another (smaller and simpler) database for which I also made a lot of queries. But now? Pff... I'm lost at the moment.


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Link Multiple Fields From A Subform

Dec 1, 2006

Good Afternoon to all...
I am looking to link more than one field from my subform to my main form. I have one field linked by properties (link child field/link master field). Is there a simple way to link another field from my subform to my main form?
Please Help??? Cori

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Multiple Records From A Form / Subform

Jun 1, 2012

I am currently building a database with the purpose of capturing data about various employees' skills. The idea is that a supervisor can fill out a questionnaire of sorts, with this employee, and give them a rating out of 5 for each skill. I have been working on this for a few days, and I am most certainly not an Access genius, so I have come to a bit of a wall. I know where I want to get, but I don't know how or if it is even possible, to get there.

I want to have a form that has all the questions on it, so each time the supervisor pulls it up they can just tab through and fill out the form. I have a main form with a subform, although this isn't ideal, it is the only way I can think of to even get close to what I am looking for. The main form portion, after a bit of testing, seems to be producing the desired results I am looking for in populating the specified table, but my subform (questionnaire) is just not doing what I had hoped. I know some of my formatting will change, but I just need a way to allow the supervisors to fill out the questionnaire, hit a button that adds all of the information in both the mainform and subform to their respective table(s) (which I know will require multiple records-1 for each question), and then be able to produce reports by employee.

I want various text boxes to autofill with the questionnaire info, and then have a box for the supervisor to input the ratings. I have used a Dlookup for the default property in each of the question and description text boxes in the subform, so they will reference info from a questionnaire table.

Attached Database...

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Add Multiple Records To Same Table From Subform

Feb 7, 2013

I've only started using Access 2010 since the beginning of January and have googled almost every problem to date.

My db is used to show the status of material through a manufacturing process. We start with one slab of material which gets cut up in to many parts.

The db works so far however I've come to the conclusion that the date was not normalized correctly. So I've created the following tables to fix this.

I have two tables the first of which holds data on the slab we start with and the second shows the status of the parts it has been cut up into.

Table 1 has the following fields

Cast Number
UST Status
UST Comment

Table 2 has the following fields

Cast Number
Blade ID (which will be 1 to 32)

I would like table one to be displayed on a form with all fields. Have table two as a subform on the main form. But here is where I get lost!

I need the subform to show 32 text boxes to represent each part. Have each box assigned a default blade ID (1 to 32). Then depending which of the 32 text boxes get used to update those multiple records within Table 2.

I did have 32 status fields for every part but realized that meany were left null. I'm using, Access 2010 with Win 7...

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Populate Subform/table With Multiple Records

Aug 5, 2005

I have the following tables:
ProjectsID (Primary key - exclusive)
ProjectsDetailsID (Primary key)
ClientProjectsDetails (Secondary key)
QuotesID (Primary key - exclusive)
QuotesDetailsID (Primary key)
ClientQuotes (Secondary key)

I have the following forms:
fmProjectsDetails (parent/child)
fmQuotesDetails (parent/child)

When I add a project I need to have data from the tblQuotes and tblQuotesDetails to populate tblProjects and tblProjectsDetails respectively.

It is very easy to populate tblProjects from tblQuotes since it is a single record. Therefore I use:
Me.ClientProjects = Me.ClientQuotes

The question is: how to match the data of the 2 subforms? Since there will be more than one record per subform?

Any help is really appreciated.

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