Multiple Query Results Not Populating Report Properly

Sep 29, 2011

I currently have a combo box (combo121) on a form. I select the "Company" which is connected to "Company" in the query via [Forms]![courseinfo].[combo121]..That is working. When I press the "query" button on the form the selected company in the combo box is updated in the query and it updates the report templates.I also want to use the same system to populate a different report, using the same query. This works a bit differently.

Once the company is selected in the first combo box(combo121). I have other combo boxes which bring up students attached to that company. I have multiple combo boxes because I need select multiple students for the one report. These students are in fields "First Name" and "Last Name". So in the query I can only have those fields once. I have several links to the several combo boxes under "Last Name" as that is the "bound" selection for the combo box:


Problem I am finding is this is bringing up several lines in the query. So when I try to populate the report with all of the different Students I have selected for the query, it won't work properly because I can only put "First Name" & 'Last Name" fields on the report once.

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Query Not Populating Multiple Results?

Oct 15, 2014

I am using the query below

What I am trying to do is get 4 combinations

1) Department + source of Tag+ specific Date
2) Department + Specific Date
3) Source of Tag + Specific Date
4) All records

This query is meeting my 2nd and 3rd condition however if I delete the parameters for 2nd and 3rd 1st combination works fine. But I want all four conditions met in one query

SELECT [Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].*, [Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].Department,
[Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].Date, [Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].[Source Of Tag],
[Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].[Close Date]
FROM [Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition]
WHERE ((([Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].Department)=[Forms]![frmHighLevelReport]![cboDepartment])

[Code] .....

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Query Not Displaying Properly In Report

Apr 25, 2006

I run a Query based on some data in a "drop-down" box. It works in just datasheet view, but when I print it on a report, it displays the position that the data is in the drop-down box.
How do I display the data, not the position on the report? Here's an example:
My drop down box contains:

My query returns apples, but in the report view it displays the number "1" instead of my data "apples". If the query returned oranges, the report would display "2" instead of "oranges" and so on.

Any ideas?

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Why Doesn't RTF Text Display Properly In Report

May 2, 2012

I have a memo field with RTF that shows properly on forms. For example

"<strong>"&"my text: "&"</strong>"&"more text" displays my text: more text

However, on my report it looks like the characters (e.g., "<strong>"&"my text: "&"</strong>"&"more text").

The report control is RTF format. why it doesn't display as I'd like?

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Images Not Showing Properly In Form Or Report

May 6, 2013

In one of my databases, I have a form and a report where the images stored in my tables are not showing properly for all entries. They show as an icon with the file name rather than the image itself. This is not true for every entry, so I don't think it would be a problem with how the form and report are set-up.

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Combining Multiple Query Results

Dec 4, 2006


I'm putting together a (hopefully) highly automated database that will allow me to produce clear reports for various areas of responsibility in a new job.

I have 3 excel spreadsheets linked directly to access, containing work queue reports. I then run queries that copy new work items into a main table, followed by a query that looks for work items that no longer appear (i.e. work is finished and closed) and then automatically inputs the date.

For reporting purposes i initially want a basic output, i.e. work items raised, and work items closed, for each area of resposnibility. The only trouble i've found is that i have to do a different query for each output, then another query that pulls all the other queries together in order to maniuplate into a graph...

So at the moment i have two queries per responsibility, and one pulling those two together i.e.:

New Work Items:
SELECT Count( AS [DS New]
FROM TicketsDS
WHERE (((Format(ticketsds.[date received],"mmm"))=Forms!ReportingDate!comboMonth));
Closed Work Items:
SELECT Count( AS [DS Closed]
FROM TicketsDS
WHERE (((Format(ticketsds.[datefinished],"mmm"))=Forms!ReportingDate!comboMonth));

Then i have this query pulling the two results together:
SELECT DSClosed.[DS Closed], DSNew.[DS New]
FROM DSClosed, DSNew;

Is there anyway of combining the first two queries into one, rather than have 3??

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as if i could find out how to do this it woudl enable me to streamline other queries....

Many Thanks!

PS I've tried 'UNION' but that just tags the other results under the same field name which i can't use to create graphs...

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Queries :: Query With Multiple Results

Jun 20, 2013

I have an access database which is going to present a front end webpage form. The form has several drop down lists and I need one of those drop down list to display only certain results dependent on what the previous drop down list has selected e.g. if Box A is selected as Aces then I need the next drop down box to only display A building

1-A building
2 A building
3 and not the entire list.

How can i get this to work?

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Reports :: Run A Report From Query With Different Results

Jun 6, 2013

I am relatively new to writing databases in access, I did some a long time ago, but cant remember what on earth I used to do.

I have created a database with all the information I need it and have a query set up that gives different results depending on the information the user has entered

The user decides what the query will display though a form.

I want access to generate a report with the information in it that the query chucks out.

However the information the query gives changes every time depending on the user input.

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Looping Through Results Of A Query To Run A Report

May 29, 2013

I have a pretty complex database that uses several queries that all lead to a final query with a parameter (order number). I have a report linked to that query so every time I open the report it asks me for an order number. Once I enter the order number the query is run and I print the report. I am curious if I can create a query that pulls out order numbers (possibly for a date range) and then have a macro or something loop through that query and print a report for each order number. So if the query returned 50 order numbers then the report with the parameter (called Final results) would be printed 50 times.

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Query Results Multiple Records For One Person

Aug 3, 2005

I enter personnel data into a table through a form. The same person may have multiple records in the table. With each record there are yes/no boxes to be checked if that person is verified at a certain station. Let's say PERSON A has six records in the table. Let's say on one of those records he has StaPrimary yes/no box checked (or true).
I need a query to do the following: My query is to find out if any person listed in the table does not have any StaPrimary yes/no boxes checked. My dilemma is when I do the query if Person A has six records and one of the records has the StaPrimary yes/no box checked his name will still show up in the query because he has other recrods with the StaPrimary yes/no box not checked. I want to check all of each persons records in the table and if they have one StaPrimary yes/no box checked I do not want there name to show up in the query. How do I do that?

Thanks for your help

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Query To Get Summary Results For Multiple Queries

Feb 27, 2006

Hi All,

I have a approximately 70 queries in my database. I would like to be able to run a query which would run all of the queries and output the number of records for each query. Ideally, these would then be written to a table so that the user could then just read the values from the table for the latest results, rathe r than have to execute the whole thing again.

The user may wish to select which queries to run. I was thinking that I would need a table as follows called say tblQueryResults:

QueryToRun - Yes/No - DateRun - NumberOfRecords
Query1 - Yes - -
Query2 - Yes - -
Query70 - Yes - -

So my first dilema is to work out how to run all the chosen queries that the user wishes to run. The user will probably have all 70 ticked as Yes initially.

Should I run this from VB code with a whole lot of VB statements. I would like to loop through the whole table and collect a list of all the queries to run based on a positive Yes for some or all of the queries. The results must then go and be written into the same table under the date it was run and the number of records that was found for each query.

The whole reason for doing this is that queries which return no records need not be run by the user - saving the user time etc. I appreciate that this query will take a considerable amount of time - given that it could be as many as 70 being run one after another.



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Reports :: Query Results In Multiple Columns?

Jun 29, 2015

I have a simple report which shows data form a table through a basic query and displays it just as the table view. I was wondering if there is a way to get this information to display in two columns on a page rather than just one list which takes up multiple pages?

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Use Query Results From Report To Make Table

Aug 2, 2006


I have a query that prompts the user for input to generate a report.
I would like to in essence copy that same record set and append it to a different table (archive table).

Not quite sure how to go about it.

Thank you

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Counting With A Query To Give Results On Report

Dec 18, 2007

I have a query that pulls up information on employees when they receive warning notices. I would like the query to give me some type of warning (report, email, etc.) when an employee has three or more notices.

Can someone help me with this?

- Thanks in advance!

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General :: Report That Displays Results Of A Query

Mar 16, 2013

I have a report that displays the results of a query. The query and the report are both run from a submit button on a form. I use DoCmd.OpenQuery "name", followed by DoCmd.OpenReport "name". Due to slow network connection the query shows up before the form is displayed. I would like the query to be hidden or minimised. In other words, I do not want the user to see the results of the query, only the report.

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To Display Parameter Query Criteria On Report Even For Nil Results?

Nov 10, 2005


Need advise on how to display on my report the criteria that i had specified in the parameter query even if the result is nil.

How can this be done??


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Query Showing Different Results When Moved To Chart In Report

Dec 23, 2014

I am trying to use this query. It gives me correct results as query. However when I make chart with query on a report it doesn't show correct data and eventually stops making chart

SELECT qry.txtRC, Count(tbl.txtRC) AS CountOftxtRC
FROM tblMain AS tbl, qryRC AS qry
WHERE (((tbl.txtDepartment)=[Forms]![frmRC]![cboDepartment] Or [Forms]![frmRC]![cboDepartment] Is Null) AND ((tbl.txtZone)=[Forms]![frmRC]![cboZone] Or [Forms]![frmRC]![cboZone] Is Null) AND ((tbl.txtRC )=[qry].[atnRC ID]) AND (( Between [Forms]![frmRC]![startDate] And [Forms]![frmRC]![endDate]))
GROUP BY qry.txtRC , tbl.txtRC
HAVING (((Count(tbl.txtRC )) Is Not Null)) OR (((Count(tbl.txtRC )) Is Not Null))
ORDER BY Count(tbl.txtRC ) DESC;

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Multiple Fields Of Multiple Tables To One Table Query Or Report

Apr 12, 2013

I have 10 tables, 30+ fields on each table (every table has the same 'account number' field). I only need from 5 - 20 fields from each table. How do I get the certain fields from each table and put them in a table, query or report?

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Queries :: Multiple Tables In Database - Inverting Results Of Select Query

Feb 5, 2015

I have a question where I need to effectively invert the results of a select query.

I have multiple tables in the database, but the 2 I'm looking at are TBL.Trip and TBL.TripDiary

A trip is logged in the trip table, and then an operator logs a diary entry against the trip. One of the options that the operator selects is when they receive an email back from the traveller, this is logged as a diary entry.

I need the query to look at the DIARY_Action field and select all records in the TBL.Trip that DO NOT CONTAIN an entry for Diary Action "4".

I can produce a select query that gives me the results to see all trips that HAVE had a response, with a simple IS LIKE "4" query in the action field.

If I change this to IS NOT LIKE "4", I get the results that I need, but duplication due to the various other "diary" entries in the table".

I simply need the inverse of the IS LIKE query but cannot see how to remove the duplicates?

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Queries :: Utilization Report - Multiple Query Into One Report

Sep 2, 2014

I have a three-column query that tells me how many hours I have available per week for a given resource type (e.g. welders). I have a second three-column query that tells me how many hours of work I have planned per week for a given resource type.I'm hoping to produce a query (the source for a report) that will show resource types in rows and twelve months in 24 columns. the first column for each month will show how many hours I have available for all my resources, the second column for each month will show how many hours I have allocated.

How do I produce a query that will combine the other two queries, inserting zeroes where necessary considering that for any given week I might have allocated work to a resource that isn't available (because the inconsiderate buggers think they are entitled to holiday) or I might have a resource that has no work allocated (because I'm incompetent)?

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??Populating Multiple Textfields??

Sep 1, 2005

Is it possible to fill up multiple (say four or five) textfields from a combo box(or lookup) I looked in previous posts saw something about RecodSource, but couldnt figure it out?

Can anyone help??

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Reports :: Search Results Report Shows All Database Records / Not Just Search Results

Apr 29, 2014

I have built a custom search form in a MS Access 2010 database so that users can find specific records to edit. After entering the search criteria and hitting a Search button, another form opens up that shows the search results. This second form includes a command button for generating a report of the search results.

Right now, the custom search form and the search results form are both working properly, but the search results report is showing every record in the database instead of just the search results. This is true whether I access the report via the command button in the form or the navigation pane. I'm not sure if I need to correct my VBA code or the report's properties.

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Populating Multiple Tables With Data

Nov 8, 2004

I haven't used access for a long time so I am very rusty.

I have a few tables but I'll just use two for an example:

Table A
Ticket No
Part No
Defect Code
WorkCenter No
Clock No
(Ticket No is Primary Key)

Table B
Clock No
(Clock No is Primary Key)

Is there a way for me to create a form, that when Clock No is entered it will be placed in both tables?

Thanks in advance.

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Populating Textboxes, With Multiple Records

Feb 19, 2006

I have a customers form, on which i have a textbox to allow the user to search and show a record by surname. I have got it working, but i do not know how to accomodate the possibility that there might be two members with the same surname, e.g. Smith.(the PK is member ID)here is the code:Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() Dim strMemberRef As String Dim strSearch As String 'Check txtSearch for Null value or Nill Entry first. If IsNull(Me![txtSearch]) Or (Me![txtSearch]) = "" Then MsgBox "Please enter a value!", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Search Criterion!" Me![txtSearch].SetFocus Exit SubEnd If 'Performs the search using value entered into txtSearch'and checks this against values in strStudentID DoCmd.ShowAllRecords DoCmd.GoToControl ("Surname") DoCmd.FindRecord Me!txtSearch Surname.SetFocus strMemberRef = Surname.Text txtSearch.SetFocus strSearch = txtSearch.Text 'If matching record found sets focus in strStudentID and shows msgbox'and clears search control If strMemberRef = strSearch Then MsgBox "Match Found For: " & strSearch, , "Record Found" Surname.SetFocus txtSearch = "" 'If value not found sets focus back to txtSearch and shows msgbox Else MsgBox "Match Not Found For: " & strSearch & " - Please Try Again.", _ , "Invalid Search Criterion!" txtSearch.SetFocus End IfEnd SubCan anyone shed some light as to what I should do? Im looking to have a next button or something to show the rest of the records, or have the search button change to say next if there are more records.Thanks in advance

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Join In Query Not Working Properly?

Jan 15, 2006

I have a query where I'm selecting fields from two tables - Students and Attendance. I have selected option 2 in my Join Properties, i.e "Include ALL records from Students and only those from Attendance where the joined fields are equal". The tables are joined by StudentID. Either I'm misinterpreting what the join is supposed to be doing or it's not working.
I need to see every record in Students regardless of whether or not they have a record in Attendance. I need to calculate absences and tardies. If there's a matching record in Attendance, I subtract the date absent from the total days. If there's no matching record in Attendance, I still need to calculate total days and show it. As it is now, if there's no matching record in Attendance, it doesn't do anything. How can I get it to do what the join says, "Show ALL records in Students as well as those that match in Attendance?


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Query Won't Filter For Dates Properly?

Aug 20, 2007

I have a query which is filtering by date as criteria...but it won't filter right.There is a date field from a table in another query which has date/times in it.I have used Format([Field], "Short Date") in that query to display just the date.I am now doing another query which points to that query (It's a SQL Union query if that matters) and it has the following for the Criteria:Between "6/1/2007" And "6/30/2007"However, it is showing anything in the month of June for the years 2005, 2006 and 2007, instead of just 2007. Any ideas why it is doing this? It doesn't make sense to me that it will filter for the month/date but not the year.I also tried changing the format to Format([Field], "mm/dd/yyyy") and criteria of "06/01/2007", etc.

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