Multiple Table Merge

Sep 23, 2005

I have a database to handle both purchase orders and customer orders,

My problem is with the products.

there are six tables all with identical fields, but with different data in each, I need to be able to merge these six table into one and allow the original tables to be updated, inturn updating the merged table.

any help would be great.

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Need To Merge Multiple Tables.

Dec 15, 2005

I have several tables I have brought in from excel spreadsheets. Each one has one common column (lets call it serial number), but then all the rest have a variety of information (one has location info, one has network info, one has asset tracking info, one has sw load info, etc). What I want to do is a) collect all the records from each table into one, b) merge the records with common key field so I don't have multiple records for this one key field and can have just one record with the information from all the different tables in it, c) not lose any records that don't have a sister record in some other database.

Anyone have any idea the best way of attacking this problem is. Common joins cause problems because of records that are not in both tables get left behind. Union and append queries creae many multiple records with the same ser # but only the bits of info they brought in from their original spreadsheet, not the other info from the other speadsheets. I am an Access Newbie and trying to figure out if this is even possible without extensive coding.



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Need To Merge Multiple Tables

Dec 15, 2005

I have several tables I have brought in from excel spreadsheets. Each one has one common column (lets call it serial number), but then all the rest have a variety of information (one has location info, one has network info, one has asset tracking info, one has sw load info, etc). What I want to do is a) collect all the records from each table into one, b) merge the records with common key field so I don't have multiple records for this one key field and can have just one record with the information from all the different tables in it, c) not lose any records that don't have a sister record in some other database.

Anyone have any idea the best way of attacking this problem is. Common joins cause problems because of records that are not in both tables get left behind. Union and append queries creae many multiple records with the same ser # but only the bits of info they brought in from their original spreadsheet, not the other info from the other speadsheets. I am an Access Newbie and trying to figure out if this is even possible without extensive coding.



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Modules & VBA :: Mail Merge From Multiple Users?

Jun 11, 2014

I know this is possible (e.g. opendatasource) but search as I might I can't get the exact code.

Scenario: Multiple front ends, in different folders, linked to single back end.

When mail merging, a temp table is created in FE - thereby different source for each user.

The Word doct is linked to a source (via Mail Merge) and I want to change that source according to the logon of the user, which is held on an open form.

Ideally like:
Case Mary use C: Db1 emptable
Case Tom use C:Db2 emptable

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Tables :: Merge Data - Multiple Rows To One Row?

Aug 29, 2014

I am trying to merge data from multiple rows into one row for each unique ID. I can replicate on how to do this on a table, maybe a query or something like that. Attached img shows

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Reports :: Mail Merge - Multiple Value Fields

Jan 14, 2014

I am using mail merge to produce reports for lift inspections and it is all going well apart from the fields that are multi value do not quite transfer. For instance the "inspections completed" field has a list of the months Jan-Dec and therefore a visit may have been completed in Jan, Mar & Jul for example.In word the first two letter of the last month are transferred across followed by Chinese symbols.

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Queries :: Multiple Entries For Same Date - Merge Data Into One Entry

Oct 24, 2014

Right now i have a qry that takes ID - Name - Order - RepeatOrder - Month - Department.

Now when i run the qry what i want is a grand total of Order/Repeat Order by Name for the Month, what is happening is the qry is creating multiple entries for different departments. I even have Department "Group by" but still causing the issue, For example:

For APR:

4/1/14 Dep A 12 2
4/1/14 Dep B 10 2

However i do not want them separated, how to i merge the data into 1 entry? 4/1/14 22 4?

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To Merge 2 Tables In 1 Table

Jan 10, 2007

I have 2 tables which have the same variables:
1st is called "stockholm"
The other is "gothenburg"
I tried to query them but the query does not add everything, there are always missing records.

Any tips?

Thank you in advance & best regards

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Merge Two Field In A Table

Apr 5, 2008

I have a table with about 50,000 records. In the table I have a First Name and Middle Name field. I have created a third field called FULL NAMES.
PROBLEM: How do i combine the data from First Name and Middle Name fields into the FULL Names field in the same table.

Thanks for your help!

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Tables :: Merge Spreadsheet Into Already Created Table

Jul 10, 2013

I've been having problems merging a spreadsheet with data into an already created table..

The main things in common is the "MC", "First Name", "Last Name".

I'm trying to update dates etc that are on the spreadsheet exported from another database, and update my datebase with those new dates..

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Tables :: Update Or Merge Data Into Table

Aug 15, 2013

I have an Employee Records table with 29k records that I originally imported from an HRIS system. Lets call this table ORIGINAL table.Each week I export a new Employee Records table from the HRIS system as it contains the latest updated information. IE - New hires, terminations, rate changes, etc. Lets call this table NEW table. It likely contains new records as well as we hire 100+ people per week.

In the ORIGINAL table, I have added fields that are not included in the NEW table. I need to update the records / fields in the ORIGINAL table with the NEW table, but need to keep the ADDED fields.Originally my plan was just to overwrite the ORIGINAL table with the NEW table until I added the additional fields to the ORIGINAL table. I thought that I could export the added fields in the ORIGINAL table, import the NEW table, and run and update query based on the EE ID#.

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Merge Columns From Many Tables Into One Column In New Table

May 21, 2013

I have 4 tables that store information on guest charges (stayinfo/room rate, fuel charges, bar tab, merch charges) each linked to table carrying guest ID's. Is there a way to combine/merge all the tables into one in such a way that all of the guestID's are in one column, all of the charges are in another column etc? Basically adding one table to the bottom of another.

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Trying To Import / Merge / Update A Table From Xml File

Feb 23, 2012

I'm trying to import/merge/update a table from an xml file.To import I'm using the following code:

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Const acAppendData = 2
Set objAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase "DATABASE LOCATION"
objAccess.ImportXML "HTTP OF XML FILE", acAppendData
End Sub

This works perfectly to import new records, however what I also need it to do is merge/update the data. So the xml file will contain the correct data and any amendments need to be made to the Access table.

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Merge Information To New Table From Two Excel Files

Sep 5, 2012

I have linked to excel documents into access. They contain the same header rows but of course with different data.

Example: First name: Last name: Phone number:

How do i merge the information to a new table with the same header rows and the information from the two excel files.

Example new table with: First name: Last name: Phone number:

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Reports :: Table With Several Entries - Merge Non Blank Records

Jun 24, 2013

I have a report that is derived from a table (tblDocs) the structure of the table is:

EmpId docType docDate comments
(number) (number) (Date) (text)

This table will have several entries for each employee. There will only be a few times that a comment will be entered. On my report, I will have a field for the comments and I would like ALL of the comments for each employee combined into one text box in the report There will be blank entries in most of the records). I think the control source for this might be a query, but not sure. I set the properties of the text box to can grow.

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Problem With Make Table Query And Merge To Word Template

May 23, 2005

Hi guys!

I have my word template set up such that some data is copied from the open form into the document and some data is taken from a table which is created from a query based on the content of the form (the record number). This works well HOWEVER (there's always a however isn't there :rolleyes: ) where two users click on the button at exactly the same time or within a very short space of time the query only runs once and either the database crashes (bad) or the document is created for the second person with the wrong data (very bad).

How can I make it so that only one person can run the query at a time (ideally build in a delay in processing so that the query will run for them when the first person has finished...failing that a message to say please try again later)? They will always be working with a different record.

I'm a bit stuck as to what to search for in the forum for an answer to this so haven't really searched.....sorry :(

Many thanks

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Creating A List, From A LINK (Join) Table, For Use In Mail Merge

Oct 28, 2005

I am creating a mail-merge application.

The data stored will be dealing with Students and Qualifications that they have attained. The link table in the relationships shown/attached, allows a Student to have multiple qualifications.

When I merge the data, I will need to list all of the qualifications that each student has attained, which will need to be either in a item list, or in a comma-separated list.

The list will need to be pulled from the link table (StudentQualifications). For example:

StudentID #1 >> Qualification #1 Description
StudentID #1 >> Qualification #2 Description

So, when the data is merged, it will specify that:

StudentID #1 has acheived Qualification #1 and Qualification #2 and Etc, Etc.

How can I create this list in the first place, which can then be used in the source of the merge for the document.

Any ideas as to how I can pull multiple information into either a single string to pass to the merge or into a list in the document would be appreciated.


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General :: Export Access Table To Multiple Excel Workbooks With Multiple Tabs

Dec 13, 2012

I am using Access 2010 and Excel 2010. I need to have VB script to export the access table 502 records by 38 fields into Multiple Excel workbooks each having multiple tabs. In the Access table each record has two fields: Div and Tab that will be used to name each workbook and each tab (sheet). There are 6 unique "Div"'s to name the 6 workbooks and there are several "Tab" names for each Div (workbook).

Note: These 6 workbooks with multiple tabs were originally imported into Access from one common folder on my desktop by this routine:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim blnHasFieldNames As Boolean, blnEXCEL As Boolean, blnReadOnly As Boolean
Dim lngCount As Long

[Code] .....

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Export Access Table To Multiple Excel Workbooks With Multiple Tabs (sheets)?

Dec 13, 2012

I am using Access 2010 and Excel 2010. I need to have VB script to export the access table 502 records by 38 fields into Multiple Excel workbooks each having multiple tabs. In the Access table each record has two fields: Div and Tab that will be used to name each workbook and each tab (sheet). There are 6 unique "Div"'s to name the 6 workbooks and there are several "Tab" names for each Div (workbook).

Excel workbooks would take names from the "Div" field and the tab names would come from the "Tab" field in the Access table. First need to find workbook name (Div - Field) then the look for each sheet name (Tab - Field) to create 1st Excel workbook with all the sheets (Tab) and repeat the process. I think you need to approach of read the Access table one record at a time keying on the "Div" and "Tab" fields in creating each Excel workbook with the associated multiple tabs (sheets) that are written to a common folder.

Note: These 6 workbooks with multiple tabs were originally imported into Access from one common folder on my desktop by this routine.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim blnHasFieldNames As Boolean, blnEXCEL As Boolean, blnReadOnly As Boolean
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim objExcel As Object, objWorkbook As Object
Dim colWorksheets As Collection


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Nov 16, 2006


Booking ID, Customer ID, Date Booking Made, Pickup Point, Payment Made

The CSV data set attached



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Multiple Fields Of Multiple Tables To One Table Query Or Report

Apr 12, 2013

I have 10 tables, 30+ fields on each table (every table has the same 'account number' field). I only need from 5 - 20 fields from each table. How do I get the certain fields from each table and put them in a table, query or report?

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Multiple Joins In Multiple Table Search Query

Sep 21, 2004

I am trying to create a simple Search form in Access where a user can select a desired record and query multiple tables using the inputs.

I would like them to be able to query Retailers, Distributors and Products.

The 6 tables are linked as follows:
Although some of these tables are not included in the query, they are required to ensure relationships.

Retailers -- Uses (RetailerID,DistributorID) -- Distributors
Retailers -- Orders (RetailerID,ProductID) -- Products

All retailers have at least one distributor BUT a retailer may or may not have ordered any products.

I have created my form but the query linked to the form is having some trouble. It is only selecting those records that have ordered products. For example, if I query a retailer name only and it does not have any ordered products, it will not display. Is there a problem with the table joins? The SQL for the query is displayed here:


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Merge One Field From One Table With Another Field In Different Table

Nov 23, 2011

What is the best way to do this ..merge one field from one table with another field in a different table to a new field...

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Tables :: Multiple Parents Table Linked To Child Table - Primary Keys

May 28, 2015

I have a table for a multiple parents linked to a child table. I need to figure out a way to only allow 1 parent to be coded as primary, 1 as secondary, and then the rest as other... I thought about making Primary/Secondary/Other a primary key. But then I can only have 1 other. I would have to make a finite number of parents that could be entered and I want an infinite number.... My end goal is to have a report that only has a primary and second parent on it, but the rest of the parents still exist in the table...


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Modules & VBA :: Split Table Record Into Multiple Records / Rows In A New Table

Nov 10, 2014

In a situation where I imported an excel file with so many columns and split them into two temp tables and they are linked using a key.

the data has a fixed part lets say

Field1....Field2.....Filed3.....Field4...then Field5.....Field6.....Field7....Field8 is the same data range as Field9...Field10...Field11...Field12. I would want to split this data into multiple rows like this

Field 1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field5 Field6 Field7 Field8
Field 1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field9 field10 field11 field12 and so own...

What is the best approach?

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Forms :: Assigning Multiple Entries In One Table To A Single Entry In Another Table

Jul 24, 2013

I've got a table tblPatienten, a table tblRechnung and a form frmRechnung.

The primary key in tblPatienten is KundenNummer, the primary key in tblRechnung is RechnungsNummer. The relationship between tblPatienten and tblRechnung is one to many.

Now, every patient (stored in tblPatienten) is allowed to make multiple orders (stored in tblRechnung).

How can I assign each new order entry in frmRechnung to an existing patient in tblPatienten?

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