My IIF Is My Syntax Even Correct?

Feb 2, 2006

This is what I'm trying to fit into the control box. Maybe there is a much better way to do it so suggestions are very welcome. I don't know if I can even use "!" in the IIF statement. And I think it's too long, so it's invalid.

What I'm trying to do is to check if all those fields are passing (or NOT failing). Then insert "Yes" or "No" into a textbox.


IIF(blackStartPlans!=”fail” and operatorTraining!=”fail” and telemetryAvailable!=”fail” and backupControlCenter!=”fail” and vegetationManagement!=”fail” and capacityEmergencies!=”fail” and cat_A_contingency!=”fail” and cat_B_contingency!=”fail” and cat_C_contingency!=”fail” and cat_D_contingency!=”fail” and electricityFacRating!=”fail” and relayMaintenance!=”fail” and UFLS!=”fail” and UVLS!=”fail” and Other!=”fail”, “Yes”, “No”)

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Correct Syntax

Oct 11, 2004

End result query example:

Between #10/15/04" And #10/15/04# - 6
Or the date range of 10/10/04 through 10/15/04

This would be in a query under the Date field

What is the correct syntax? Please include
() and # signs where they need to be.

Thank you.

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Queries :: Correct Syntax / Expression For Log Of Number

Mar 23, 2013

Correct syntax/expression for log of a number. The number i am getting in Access is twice as big as the correct number i get in excell

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Correct Syntax To Write Command Line Able To UPDATE More Than One Field In Table

Nov 24, 2014

what is the correct syntax to write a command line able to UPDATE more than one field in the table records having multiple WHERE criteria.

Here is my challenge:My TableI has the columns A, B, C and D which are populated, for example, as follows:

1 2
2 6 4 3

1 7 5 9
1 2
2 5 8 5

I also have a FormII which updates TableII. Among the existing fields of TableII there are the fields C and D (same as above). When saving data entry thru the save button of the FormII, fields C and D will be naturally saved on the TableII. Well, I also want C and D info updated into Table I as well, but only when field A=1 and B=2.So what I need (for the click event of the button save in the FormII) is to open TableI and either insert or update it with the values of the fields C and D in every record WHERE A=1 AND B=2.For instance, assuming C=& and D=%, the desired result should be as follows:

1 2 & %
2 6 4 3
1 7 5 9
1 2 & %
2 5 8 5

I did not find any examples in the net including multiple criteria..Here is what I wrote unsuccesfully:

Private Sub BtSalvarFrmII_Click()
CurrentDb.execute "UPDATE TableI"
Set FieldC = Forms!FrmII!FieldC.value AND Set FieldD = Forms!FrmII!FieldD.value WHERE FieldA = 1 AND FieldB = 2
End Sub

What would be the correct syntax?

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Subform Correct Answer Adds To Number Correct In Main Form

Mar 2, 2012

The code I have is.

Private Sub Command26_Click()
If Forms![test site]![prp test].Form.[A Right Answer] = -1 Then
Forms![test site]![number correct] = Forms![test site]![number correct] + 1
End If
End Sub

Then when clicked it checks a yes/no box to see if "A right Answer" is the correct yes. Then it should pop to the main form and take the number correct cell and add one to it. I am trying to get the record to go to the next record inside the sub-form but docmd.findnext seems to be wrong too.

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Not Sure I Have My Relationships Correct...

Nov 10, 2005

Hi everyone,

I am trying to build a little shopping cart. I think my major problem is the relationships. I can't seem to get them right.

My major problem is adding items to the shoping cart (basket).
I guess 1 item can go in many baskets and a basket can hold many items. Make sense?
so i have my tblItem & tblBasket, and then I made another table called tblConnectBasketItem, which holds the itemid & basketid.

In any rate, this is where I got confused.

If someone can look over my DB, and give me some pointers, that would be great and thankfull.

You can find my DB attached.

Thanks again,

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Many-to-many Structure Correct?

Jun 11, 2005

I’m struggling to fix a database for my state agency. Here’s what the social workers need:

The agency holds several Foster Parent training sessions a year. Each session consists of 9 classes. We need to track ‘student’ attendance at each class. We also need to track class dates for each student.

The fly-in-the-ointment: ‘Student’ foster parents must attend the 9 classes, but they can fulfill this requirement over several sessions. They can take classes 1, 2 and 5 in Session 1, classes 3, 4, 7 in Session 2, and so on.

Here’s what I’ve created:

SessionLocationkey ( to tblLocations; irrelevant to this post)




The Attendance table is the junction table for the many-to-many relationship between Students and Classes.

Is this the correct structure? Thanks in advance for any advice. And thanks to Pat Hartman, The Doc Man, and SJ McAbney for getting me this far with the advice I found in researching this topic.


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Is The Design Correct For What I Want?

Apr 26, 2006

FarNumID (PK)

FarParaID (PK)
FarNumID (fk from tblFAR)


ACNumID (fk from tblAC)

1.Each FAR contains Many FarParagraph 1 to Many
2.Each AC contains Many ACParagraph 1 to Many
3.Each FarRParagraph contains Many ACParagraph
Each ACParagraph contains Many FarParagraph Many to Many

What I’m trying to do:

Chapter 1
Paragraph a – Relates to AC Chapter 4 paragraph a1
Paragraph b – Relates to AC Chapter 4 paragraph a
Paragraph c – Relates to AC chapter 6 paragraph b

Chapter 4
Paragraph a – Relates to FAR Chapter 1 paragraph b
Paragraph a1 – Relates to FAR Chapter 1 paragraph a
Paragraph a2 – Relates to FAR Chapter 6 paragraph c
Paragraph b – Relates to FAR Chapter 8 paragraph d

I’m not sure if my design is correct for what I want.
BTW -- AN "AC" and "FAR" are just a type of document.

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Please Correct This Statement

Mar 31, 2005

Dear All

It may be a very dump question but I can't get my head around it.

I have a MainForm and then a subform Form1 on it.

There is a command button cmd1 on subform Form1. Now I want to access cmd1 through another command button cmd2 on a different form Form2. How would I design the statement?

I have tried the followings on OnClick event of cmd2 on Form2

Forms!MainForm.Form1.cmd1.visible = true




Nothing works. Any suggestions?

Thank you

:confused: :confused:

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Getting Correct Output

Jun 29, 2005

Hi guys,

Attached is a real simple database. What I want to be able to do is insert new payment details, and I have a couple of issues.

I have two clients and need to be able to select which client I want, select the payment details from the drop down list and enter in some appropriate amount.

Its been a while since I've created a db from scratch so this is obviously where I am having my difficulties. However I think I need to use a sub form.

How can I input the details as above, and how can I always get the combobox to default to the first entry in the list rather than defaulting to zero?

Thanks for the pointers.

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General :: Zero Value Is Not Correct?

Sep 2, 2014

I have a form that should give me all values below " 0" but I am getting zero

but when I click on that value I see this


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Selecting The Correct Table

Mar 10, 2006

I have an order table and depending on the the product grp it needs to then be able to select the appropriate size scale table.


I order suits, and select a size grade A ( there are 7 size grades ) I then then to enter the size scale for that product. I am not sure whether to create 7 differant tables with the different size grades and link that to the table, if so how do i get it select the correct table.

please help...


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Selecting The Correct Table

Mar 10, 2006

Selecting the correct table


I have an order table and depending on the the product grp it needs to then be able to select the appropriate size scale table.


I order suits, and select a size grade A ( there are 7 size grades ) I then then to enter the size scale for that product. I am not sure whether to create 7 differant tables with the different size grades and link that to the table, if so how do i get it select the correct table.

please help...


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Correct Relationship Setup?

Jun 14, 2006

Hi all..

I have a simple database setup...

When I do a test query on the tblMain.. all I get are numbers.. How do I change the numbers to text?

Thanks again

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Is Select Case The Correct Way To Do This

Mar 14, 2008

I wonder if any one can help with this one, shown below are 2 examples of strings in a field called PROCOM

Occurred: EnterMeterReadings; Reason: Reading greater than upper limit; Session: 0A52BE4293.worker1

MSPSubmitMeterReadings; Reason: CANNOT BILL LATER THAN 29/02/08, DATE AMENDED FROM 13/03/08

I ususally nest IIf statements to abbreviate these in another field (PROC), as PROC: IIf ([PROCOM] like Occurred: EnterMeterReadings; Reason: Reading greater than upper limitMRE-Upper limit",[PROCOM])

The problem I have is there now 30 permutations of the error and IIF can only nest 8 statements (and it looks very messy). I thought that Select Case would do the job but I cannot use

Select Case

Case Is Like "Occurred: EnterMeterReadings; Reason: Reading greater than upper limit*"

Hope someone can help with this one

Thanks in advance

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Correct Order In Combo Box

Mar 3, 2005

Very simple question:

How do I make the results of a query which I am displaying in a combo box appear in order.

e.g. 1 then below that 2 then below 3 then below 4 etc

even though I may have entered the details in a different order. I've tried doing it order by ascending and decending but this doesn't work.

Many thanks


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Dsum (Not Appear Correct Calculation)

Aug 16, 2006

first of all sorry to my poor English

I have subform of inventry Transaction there are field productId, UnitsSale, SalePrice

I am using combo box on productId and want to calculate When i change productId (Stock in hand to show on msgbox) for the productId which i choosen from combo box

if any one know about it please help


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Desperate - With Correct Attachment

Nov 14, 2006

Sorry...attached the wrong file. Here it is again.

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Selecting One Record To Correct

Mar 1, 2007

OK, my database is also complete, thanks to the help of this forum!!!

My next question is:

I have a switchboard that has a button for my data entry form. The lady that will use this form will, of course, enter all her records using the form into the database. Because of what she does, she will have to go back to records on a daily basis to make corrections to individual records. I would like a way to put a command button on my switchboard that will say something like "Correct Records". She will hit this button and it will ask her for the medical record number she wants to correct and then will take her to that record to correct.

Is there a way to do this or is there a better way? Currently I have a button that will ask for a day range and then will bring up a query of those records for her to correct but I would really like to be able to somehow bring up the individual record, by medical records number, for her to correct instead of going through a long list of records that were input on a single day. Thanks so much for all your help getting this thing up and running!!!!

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Query Not Returning Correct Results

Jul 3, 2006

Hi everyone,

I'm having an issue with a query I created. When run the query requests an Artist Name. I enter this and it returns one result. However in actual table ther are two results for that artist. The only difference is that for the record that doesnt appear the field labelled "Gallery" has a zero value.

I have checked the table and the gallery field is not set to a required field so I dont understand why it wont show it as a result of the query.

Any ideas?

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Display Form Correct With Different Resolutions

May 9, 2006

One of my probs with access is changing the form when a different resolution is being set.
Is there a visual basic module or something else to display the form properly dependent of the selected resolution?

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On Load Event Not Working - Is This Correct?

Jul 15, 2007

Hope I explain this clearly -

I have a combo box with four choices. I then have four labels.
If i select A in the combo box i want LabelA to show up, B in combo box Label B (but not Label A) and so on.

I have set the property for all labels to (not) visible.

Then on the combo box I have put
(On Click) event if cmboxx is "A" then
me. label A.visible = true else me.label A.visible = false end if.

This works fine if I am entering a new dataset but when I exit from the database and then go back in, the label is not visible.
I have tried entering the code in the OnLoad event of the form but that doesn't work. Any ideas?

Also - if the combo box also has its selection made before I enter this code then the label is not visible until i go back and re-enter (ie" click) it. Any ideas

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Modules & VBA :: Why Isn't Enum Returning Correct Value

Aug 7, 2014

I am using MS Access with SharePoint Lists and some Access Tables to generate reports in pre-formatted MS Excel Worksheets. My main module opens several classes. One of the classes receives a worksheet to keep in a historical book. This class can receive any one of several different types of pre-formatted worksheets. After all is said an done the class adds a cover sheet to the consolidated workbook and adds hyperlinks to the other sheets, kinda like a table of content.In the class I have the following in the general declaration.

Public Enum BookType
A = 1
B = 2
End Enum
Private pBookType As BookType

Later in the class I have the following:

Public Property Let LoadBookType(ByVal btNewValue As BookType)
pBookType = btNewValue
End Property

in the main modual I have the following

classConsolidated.LoadBookType = A

When assigning the above property it passes in "11"

if I change it to the following

classConsolidated.LoadBookType = BookType.A

it passes in "1" as I expect and use in a Select Case statement later in the class.So why does one pass in "11" but the other passes in "1"?

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Forms :: DLookup For Saving The Correct Value

Jun 4, 2013

I have an old Access 2000 database which needs some functionality update, and I can't get things working as they should.

The issue is related to frmOrderDetails form based on tblOrderDetails table, with following fields:


For entering ordered products there is a combo box for Product_ID which is displaying information about available products, their stock level, and price.

The Row source for Product_ID looks like this:

SELECT DISTINCTROW [qryStock4Orders].[Product_ID], [qryStock4Orders].[Product_name], [qryStock4Orders].[Available_quantity], [qryStock4Orders].[Selling_price] FROM qryStock4Orders ORDER BY [qryStock4Orders].[Product_name];

qryStock4Orders holds the calculated values of stock level (Available_quantity) for each product, grouped by Product_ID and Selling_Price. Selling_Price is from tblX.

Because I can buy one product from different suppliers (for different purchase prices) and purchase prices (so selling prices too) of the same product may vary over time, qryStock4Orders may list more then 1 available Selling_Price for that product, for example:

Product_ID Product_name Available_quantity Selling_Price
123 Product xyz 12 25$
123 Product xyz 42 29$
123 Product xyz 8 30$

What I want to achieve is to turn this code placed on After Update event of Product_ID combo box

Dim strFilter As String
strFilter = "Product_ID = " & Me!Product_ID
Me!Product_Price = DLookup("Selling_Price", "tblX", strFilter)

in something usable, in order to save into tblOrderDetails the selected Selling_Price and not one random Selling_Price from the 3 available above.

As the stock level is updated only after Ordered_Quantity and Product_Price are entered manually, what I'm trying to do with the code above is to automate the data input into Product_Price field of tblOrderDetails.

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Tables :: Correct Table Relationship?

Nov 13, 2013

I am in the beginning of setting up a database and have NOT messed with multiple tables. I just want to make sure that I am setting up the tables as well as the relationships correctly.Here is what I currently have, 4 tables and they are named. Employee, phone, radio and spotter. Employee table is where my primary key is located and I currently have a 1-to-many relationship between Employee and the others.

What I want to be able to do is to store information in the multiple tables from 1 form, which I don't think will be an issue and then at a later date be able to pull up information. EX.Thus being able to skip anything being put into the spotter table. Then at a later date be able to pull up only the select information I originally put it?

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Queries :: Nested IIF - Not Getting Correct Value When Add Second Condition

Oct 24, 2013

I am using the IIf function as follows

Exp1:IIf(field A = "a string value",1,0) this returns the correct value.

However when I try to add a second condition using the IIf function, or use the And Or condition, I do not get the correct value.

I am trying to get a value of 1 in the Exp:Col when field B has a value that is different from field A.

What is the correct syntax? What am I missing??

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