Need 2 Fields From Table 1 / Using Lookup Info From Table 2 And Put Into Table 3
Jun 28, 2013
I need to get x and y coordinates for each device, but the data has to get looked up from 2 other tables.
I have a table (called InstReclosers) that has device names. Each device is on a Section. I can go to another table (called InstSections) and look up what Node that particular section is tied to. Then I need to go to another table (called Nodes) to get the X and Y location for that particular node.
How I can go about getting this X and Y data into the InstReclosers table? summary, InstReclosers has device name and section name. InstSections has section name and node name. Nodes has node name and XY coords. Need XY coords for each device in InstReclosers.
I have a table "Product" and in this table I have two fields "StoragePlaceID1" and "StoragePlaceID2". Both these fields link to the look-up table "StoragePlace"
*Attached Image "Product_StoragePlace" from the Access Relationship Window"*
When I want to add a new Product from my inter face i get the error you can see in the Attached Image "Save_Error".I think the problem is that the Relationship is defined as One-to-Many,there a way to define the relationship as Zero-to-Many.
I a trying to list all fields from ALL tables in a certain DB.I am using the tableinfo function. However, because the output of the immediate window is limited to 200 lines, I can only see the last 200 fields. Is there a way to export this in another way than the debug.print procedure, so I can bypass this limitation?
Public Sub showtablefields() Dim db As Database Dim tdl As TableDef
I am developing a database for a school and I have a form for staff addresses where the city is a drop down box that auto fills the state and zip according to the data in the lkuptblCity. All is working fine EXCEPT we have an Address 1 and Address 2 field for the employees.
I have two separate fields in the Staff table to store the data, as needed for reports. I have two separate fields on the form but they will not work due to pulling from the same table.
I know experienced DB developers say never to use a lookup in a table for a foreign key and instead to use it on the form level. For this reason, I am going through my tables and removing lookups from the table level now.
But how do y'all feel about lookup value lists? (so the list is typed-in instead of looking up a table value)
If you think they shouldn't be used then what should I do instead? Should I make a table for the handful of values and link with a FK field?
Or is there a better way? I would rather not have to make a million tables for these short, stable value lists.
When you open the form, it asks for a tool # (which will be a drop-down box). There will be a command button that will bring up a sub-form. In the subform, there are 2 combo boxes. One picks the group that the tool falls under, and the other has the section of the group for the tool.
When the user picks the section, I need it to filter the questions that pertain to that section (which is listed in a list table), and pull those questions, and populate the master table with them. (i.e., Pulls "where is tool?" from tblQuestions, and puts it in the tblQuestionMaster when section is selected from combobox). :confused:
I have a database that has 2 tables. Table A and Table B. Table A is my primary table. On this table I have 2 fields. The first field is a LOOKUP Field that looks up information from Table B and displays my selection in the field on Table A. Then using DLOOKUP I automatically input the information in the Second Field on Table A based upon the selection from the First Field.
This is working mostly correctly. However, the problem is, when I click on the next record in the table, it automatically changes the Second Field on that record to the same value as the record before it and continues this trend each time I click on another record. This occurs without me making a selection in the first field. If I make a selection in the first field it does change the Second Field to the Correct Value, but then the next Record has the same issue.
How do I go about fixing this so it doesn't change the value with the change of the record. Only change if I change that particular field within that 1 record?is there a way to restrict the Value's in my lookup field to only include the Values from Table B that aren't already in Table A?
I'm a relative newbie to the more advanced features available to Access.
If someone could help me or point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.
I have one table that contains companies and associated contact info. Each company can have more than one unique number ID (3 digit alphanumeric).
I want to take this table and run a query to create a new table that will only have one instance of each company name, along with the other contact information. The unique ID's aren't needed in this table (but it would be great if I could somehow toss them in, too).
This new table would then be used to create a form with a combo box containing all of the names to quickly jump to their contact info.
Any and all help would be appreciated. If a query isn't the best avenue for this, then please point me in that direction, too.
I created a table in MS Access using a Lookup & Relationship data-type. This means that my record cells call upon a particular table for values. It creates a LIST of values for that cell.When I query a particular value in this table I get every possible combination of the value. My query and code are below:
SELECT MainT.Content.Value, MainT.Source, MainT.[Entities Impacted].Value, MainT.Update, MainT.[Divisions Impacted].Value, MainT.Announced, MainT.Effective, MainT.Stakeholders.Value, MainT.[Ref#ID], MainT.[Issuing Agencies].Value FROM MainT WHERE (((MainT.Content.Value) Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchF]![ContentCB] & "*" Or (MainT.Content.Value) Is Null)
[Code] .....
This means that if I query STATES: "California", I'll get back every possible combination that exists with the name California in that particular field.The issue with this is that I'll get MULTIPLE primary key values rather than just 1. So, if one record, under STATES has California in it, but the other fields in that record have the Lookup & Relationship data-type, then every possible combination of that record will query instead of the multiple field-values form that you'll see in the table I am querying.
notice that my primary key (REF#ID) is repeated numerous times! This obviously causes problems with generating records and forms concerning information for 1 particular primary key. Is there a way around this problem other than specifying search criteria down as much as possible?! Perhaps there is some SQL code.
My colleague has a multiple table database and uses lookups for some fields. The simple query was to extract 3 fields and display all records from those fields. The result of the query was that the selected fields were listed first followed by all other fields which are usually not displayed.
When I have a 3rd table looking at the row source of the 2nd table, which is looking at the row source of the 1st table. I only get numbers.
Everything I have read so far points to using a query as a solution. However, the query I made is not updating the information from the 2nd table.
I have attached a few examples.
Attachment 6247
this below shows. I changed "Bakersfield-test1" in the original table. However, the query I made does not update, still showing "Bakersfield-test". When you click on the drop down, it shows the updated "Bakersfield-test1", but it does not repopulate my column with the updated info from the table.
I am creating a database but I am having a problem with one little bit (so far!!)
I have form (and table) 1 and form/table 2. When I am in table 1 (which is company details) I want to be able to click a button which will open form 2 and allow me to enter a new record of incoming mail details regarding the Co. selected in form 1.
I have made a relationship between the Company ID on both tables.
I cannot seem to work out how to make Access take the Co ID no from form/table 1 and stick it into form/table 2 when I push the button.
I am trying to build a Form that will show an estimate (then eventually will be moved to a project if customer and employee aggree to price and project) in a Form F_Estimates is a M_Customers(Customer_ID) (Based on a Table) and thier info in a Subform. Also is the "projected costs" from parts out of the Parts(Part_ID) (Based on another Table) in a second Subform as a list that I need to calculate $$$ in (Dang that still sounds evil and definately NOT understandable even after edit... so)
Here's some basic info
EstimatesandParts - Table EstimatesandParts_ID : Autonumber Estimate_ID : Number Part_ID : Number
Parts - Table Part_ID : Autonumber PartNumber : Text (not a number due to some part#s have letters in them) PartName : Text Unit Price : Currency Description : Text
Estimates - Table Estimate_ID : Autonumber InvoiceNumber : Text (again can have letters in it) EstimateDate : Date/Time EstimateTime : Date/Time Employee_ID : Number Customer_ID : Number ProblemDescription : Memo
Customers - Table Customer_ID : Autonumber FirstName : Text LastName : Text CompanyName : Text Address : Text City : Text Province_State : Text Postal_ZIPCode : Text (CDN Postal codes are letter num letter...)
you can see the link table in the EstimatesandParts Table
Now I want to use that link to populate a subform in the F_Estimates form
SF_Customers - SubForm
(all boxes atm are text boxes on this form till I figure out the Parts section then will use same base for this so I can pick any customer in the database to be the customer for this estimate. Also will have ctrl button for making new customer with customer form and a refresh on Focus Gain bit of code)
FirstName LastName CompanyName Address City Province_State Postal_ZIPCode
SF_Parts - SubForm Default View -Continuous Forms
(want it to be a list of parts that I can grab prices and descriptions from then in a bit of code to calculate a cost of parts)
Part_ID : Combo Box Control Source - Part_ID Row Source Type - Table/Query Row Source - SELECT Parts.Part_ID, Parts.PartNumber, Parts.PartName, Parts.UnitPrice, Parts.Description FROM Parts ORDER BY Parts.Description;
(Pulls info from the table Parts for input into a list of parts to be used on that project)
PartName : Text Box UnitPrice : Text Box
(here's where I run into problems due to the fact that the form is not based on the parts table but rather the link table EstimatesandParts so I can't propogate the info to the 2 other text boxes, ps I dont care if they cant be text boxes and have to be linked or some other type I'm not "set" just need to find out how to make it work )
(have tried a couple things to complete this task)
(works AWSOME ... for ONE ROW then propogates the second selection to the first and second and third selection to first second and third and so on ...)
(tried to make control source for the txtPartName to)
(Doesnt exist .. akkk, cant use ActiveForm either as it doesn't focus on the SubForm but the MainForm ... cry)
(Combo Boxes Select Customer and Employee from list of present ones of each)
SF_Customers SF_Parts
(Both SubForms on the main form)
Now this is an Exerp from my entire Database I like to work on one small problem at a time and I have made this its own little database till I figure out the problem then I will bring the info I learn back into the rest of the database and go from there ...
Hope you can help I have a feeling I will need to make a recordset and go from there but I'm just not able to wrap my head around that for some reason
Thanks in advance for ANY and ALL help that I get from here
Anyway, I would call myself intermediate level at best with Access. I never expected to have to do so much with it, but when my bosses found out I could do Access basics, they began demanding more and more.
I manage an EMR from which a datapull occurs on discharge to various access databases.
They wanted me to add a triage patient data pull to track what procedures are being done to triage patients. So I built a database with the following 2 tables.
tblTriageVisits and tblTriageProcedures tblTriageVisits has the following fields -Patient ID -Export Time
The tblTriageVisits stores all the patients triage visits. The other table stores what was done to each patient on those visits
It should also be noted that this EMR exports times in number of seconds since 12/31/1975, so TimeProcFMS is the number of seconds since that date for example.
The pulls work great and the duplicate record elimination method works great.
I have to design a couple of different reports based on this data and one in particular has pretty much flumoxxed me.
I need to make a report that lists each patient by date they were there and then shows what was done to them. I have tried several different variations of this as both queries and reports. The report breaks down when I try to get it to show just those procedures that would be for that triage visit. I got to the point where it would group by day and then sort the patients alphabetically. Then I added in the visit fields. And it would put all triage procedures for that patient from all their visits in each visit.
So, I was like great, let me filter out those that don't occur between the two dates, admission and discharge
I used the following two formulas (the first one on the procedure name field the second on the procedure date field)
=Switch(DateAdd("s",[TimeProcFMS],#12/31/1975#)>=[Admission DateTime OB DateTime] And DateAdd("s",[TimeProcFMS],#12/31/1975#)<=[LD Discharge Date/Time DateTime],[Procedures FMS])
=Switch(DateAdd("s",[TimeProcFMS],#12/31/1975#)>=[Admission DateTime OB DateTime] And DateAdd("s",[TimeProcFMS],#12/31/1975#)<=[LD Discharge Date/Time DateTime],DateAdd("s",[TimeProcFMS],#12/31/1975#))
And they work, sort of. They do eliminate those procedures that occur outside of the date range I am looking for. However, the access report still leave spaces in the report where the filtered out items would be.
Did I approach this problem correctly? And if so, how do I get rid of those spaces?
Note, I can read and mostly understand SQL, but am not comfortable working in it yet. And the Access SQL box gives me a headache, it is so jumbled up.
I have a table that is basically a survey form. The same series of options was available for 35 questions, and the table used to have a text string written for each answer. Because of all the repetitive data, I created a second table that assigned a number value to each of the nine possible options in these 35 separate fields. What happened is that, instead of the same text strings repeated over and over (and taking up real estate), now each of the 35 columns had a single number in them.
Now comes the day of reckoning and TPTB want a query with the raw data and the original text strings back in instead of the numbers. I was thinking doing something along the lines of a DLookup, but I can't seem to make that work in a query correctly. Apart from calling the same table and linking it over and over to the different fields in the original data table (see photo for how insane that is).
I have a table called BID with the following fields
bidder, seller, iid, starttime, bidtime, and bidprice
bidder is an id number that is reference to uid of table USER
the USER table have the following fields,
uid, uname, city, and state
I created a BID form for the user to enter data into the BID table. What I am trying to do but is having trouble with is have the user search for their name that may already be store in the uname field in the user table, and what ever they choose base on their search, the uid of this uname gets store into the bidder field of the bid table.
I still have a second step where the user in the bid form can search the iid but shows the itemname from the item table, and the value of seller, iid, and starttime from the auction table gets populated into the bid table.
iid from the auction table is reference to the itemtype and the following fields exist in the itemtype table.
I am trying to take the content of two fields from one table and dump them into the other table, I created an Append Query pulling up just the main table and appending to the destination table but it doesn't copy the info when I run it. I also pulled in both the tables (and yes they are joined) doing the same as above and still it doesn't do anything when I run it.
Every quarter I run a report that pulls loans that meet specific criteria.I export this report into excel (the loans fall into column A)I add a file number and box number in columns B and C.I import the excel spreadsheet to table 2 (they're linked so I don't need to import, it's automatic)
Now that I have the updated information back into the database (table 2), how can I get this information back into table 1? The excel spreadsheet only contains a few loans that need to be updated in table 1. I have tried creating an update query with both tables linked and use the "update to" field. However, when I tried to run the query, it says I have 0 records updated.
My update query is as follows:
Field: Access Bar Code Table: Table 1 Update To: [Table 2].[Access Bar Code]
Field: Access Box Number Table: Table 1 Update To: [Table 2].[Access Box Number]
Basically I'm trying to have the query update specific fields in table 1 based on the information from table 2.
I'm not sure if I've picked the right forum topic for this... It's not a straightforward table question, and I think the only way I can do what I need is with a query of some sort. Apologies if it should have gone in 'Tables'...
The situation is: I'm creating a database (using Access 2003) in which our secretaries can enter exam marks for students. The difficulty is that there are ten papers (exams), each student's exam is marked by at least two examiners and there are at least 6 examiners per paper. Every examiner also marks more than one paper, but doesn't mark all papers.
So, I've got a table with all of the examiners and the papers they're marking and I've got a table with all the students and the papers they're taking. Because we have to enter the marks in such a way that we know both which mark an examiner gave and (obviously) which mark a student received (e.g. so we can look at statistics for each examiner), I thought the best way to do this would be to run a query that created a new table per paper in which the field names would be: Student_ID, <name of examiner 1 for the paper>, <name of examiner 2 for the paper>, <name of examiner 3 for the paper>, etc until the end of the list of examiners for that paper. The student's number would populate the Student_ID field and then the secretaries would enter each examiner's mark in their named field. Like this:
| Student_ID | A.N. Other | J. Blogs | J.Q. Public | Agreed_Mark | 1234A 72 74 73 2345B 65 68 67 3456C 71 73 72 4567D 52 51 52
Listing the name of every examiner (including those who aren't marking that particular paper) isn't an option (and would have to be hard coded into a table in any case, as far as I'm aware, either in a query or in a table design. This is something I'm loathe to do). Ideally, the secretary would be able to press a button on a form and have all the mark entry tables for all the papers created automagically.
The examiners for the different papers change every year, and not every academic marks exams every year, so this data will not remain static. Hard coding a table with examiner names would make more work for the secretaries. (I want to avoid this as all mark entering for all students is done in a single day. This means over 600 students at 3 marks per student [mark 1, mark 2, and final agreed mark] with time to contact examiners with questions... and only 2 secretaries, each of whom deals with a different section of students).
Because of the nature of the marking, it would also make quite a lot of work for the secretaries if we had to cross reference a generic Examiner_1 field with a different examiner for each paper, so the field name really must be the examiner's actual name.
Can anyone help me? I'm happy to do it with either VB or SQL; I'm not a programmer, but I can usually work out what code does even if I can't write it myself. I should be able to adapt anything presented as long as it's complete and doesn't assume that I know the basics. :) I've also got two reference books to hand: _Microsoft Access 2003 Forms, Reports and Queries_ by Paul McFedries and _How to Do Everything with Microsoft Office Access 2003_ by Virginia Anderson.
I have a table with 3 fields. The fields are down1, down2 and down3. . I would like to use this table to create a new table (downtime). What I need too do is loop through each record in the table and place the three fields independently in my new table. For example, I would like to go to the first record in my original table, than place down1 as my first record in my new table, down2 as my second record and down3 as my third. Than I will go to the second record in my original table and place down1 as my fourth record, down2 as my fifth record, down3 and my sixth record and so on. I want to make a toggle button that will do this.
I am attempting to append 2 fields from one table and one record to another table. I have been using DLast("field","table") in an append query to get this done. However, it blows up occasionally and points to the wrong record.
How does one easily and reliably select the right record to use for an append?
Guys i have tried to seach the Forum but can't find a solution to my need.
I would like to get a collection of table names from another DB, what i am trying to do is populate a table with a list of table names that the front end links to and their paths once a user has selected the data file location.
Instead of me having to force a user to place the DB files in a location of my choice when the database first loads it will prompt the user to select the location of the data file then (this is why i need the above) populate a table with a list of table names and their source, then establish a link to them for the front end to work.
Also if i ever send amended DB files or they move the location of the data files they can automatically re-establish the linked tables.
Please note that I am self taught (90% of what I have learnt has been off these boards!). I did make this form with info I found on this forum. I am having problems with a log in box for a database, the line of code is - If Me.txtpassword.Value = DLookup("password", "customers", "[customerID] =" & Me.EbayName.Value) Then This code is in a Form; "password" is the value in the table of "customers"; [customerID] is the primary key value I wish to remember; Me.EbayName.Value I assume is the value in the table that access is looking for.
Questions - A) It is not looking up the value for [customerID] - what have I done wrong?
B) In the line of Me.EbayName.Value what does the 'Me.' part tell Access to do? I assume it's a pointer to it's own form? What part of the line do I need to change to make it point to another form (or table)?
C) When this is finished how do I get the program to remember the 'customerID' while the customer is fillling out other forms?