Need Help With Images In My Database (DB Attachjed)

Dec 30, 2006

I can not make the link thing work, and now I cannot even make it work with the images being stored in the database. My DB is very simple, and I am attaching it, along with my Images folder and a couple images. If ANYONE can figure out my problem and suggest how to fix it I would greatly appreciate it!

Thank You,

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Tying Images To A Database

Jun 5, 2006

How would you tie tiff images to an access database. for example. if I have a tiff image of an invoice, i would want the customer to be able to search for an invoice using information about the image, like invoice #, cutomer #, purchase price, etc.

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Adding Images To Database

Sep 6, 2007


First let me apologize if I am being stupid, quite new to Access. I am trying to create a database with some pictures in it; I want to design a form that changes the image with each record, (Its for work they want a database of our employees info with a photo of each employee) reading though the help file it seams I need to add a bound image control, I have tried 2 different ways and am still getting the same problem, the first way I tried was to create a text field with the address off the photos (there are .jpg’s) and then add a bound image control on the form and link it to the field. Problem is this just displays the name of the file not the picture (e.g. as you go though the records it shows Mark.jpg, Simon,jpg, Louise.jpg….) I then tried to add a OLE field and add the files that way, if I click on add from file when creating the object I get the same problem just displays the file name, If I click create new bitmap image it works and displays the picture, the problem is the data base file then becomes huge (it was 45 meg with 2 photos, I need to add about 150 in total!. Am I being totaly dumb, is there a way of getting Access to display Jpg’s and ideally have them linked to instead of embedded to keep the size of the database down.

Sorry for rambling! (oh yeh and I am using Access 2003)

Thanks in advance!


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General :: How To Get Images Out Of Database

Jan 2, 2014

I have been asked to develop a new application (not using Access).I have the original Access Database and while I can get the data out I was wondering how I can get the images out of the database.

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Database With Tags For Images

Feb 20, 2015

I produce visualisations for architecture companies and use a lot of 2d images of people, cars, trees, skies, etc. As it stands now, I have a folder that contains a huge amount of images that I flip through when I create a new image. I have seen that some websites, such as [URL] .... allow you to filter through an image database based on different tags.

I would like to create a similar database, but stored locally on my computer. I have actually never used Microsoft Access before, but I'm thinking that this might be the best program for me to use. Is this true?

Essentially I would like to organize my library of images of 2D people based on things like: 'staring', 'bicycle', 'looking up', 'back view', 'crowds', 'pointing', 'sitting' etc.

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Multiple Images Per Row In Database?

Jul 5, 2012

I am creating a database for vehicles in my town. I need to document multiple images per car. How can I do this? Ive tried Image and Bound Object frame in Design view but it seems that I can only add one picture per record...

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How To View Images In A Database

Apr 3, 2012

I am working on a computer task for school and i want to add a field to a database that displays pictures of different kinds of fish. I've been searching for a solution on the internet the whole morning, but i cant seem to get it right. Some sights recommend inserting an OLE object, while others say i should insert the paths in a textfield. The second option sounded the best, but how do i insert the path and how do i get the database to display the pictures? I know the images should be saved in the same file in the database. Can I only insert bitmap images or is it possible to use jpeg?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Embed Images To Database

Oct 23, 2014

I was curious if there is a way to embed images into a database, so that if I emailed it to someone, the images would still be able to open. I tried using a table and adding attachments, but that doesn't seem to work very well.

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Forms :: Database Images Into Form?

Jun 10, 2013

how to display images from a database in the form. The form looks approximately like Customerdetail from Northwind Access example database. Images in database I have stored as OLE object images. But how to link images with the form? Is it enough to give in properties control element source images column name? It seems like it is not.

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File Size Recalculated After Images Deleted From Database?

Aug 23, 2004

hi, everyone.
here is the situation - i have a database in which i originally imbedded a bunch of bmp images. then i figured out another way of presenting my data, and i deleted all those fields with images from my database. the database file size with the images was about 90MB, but after i deleted the images it was still 90MB. why??? at this point the database contains to tables, one 2 by 2 with some text, and the other is 20 by 3 with some text, and the file size is 90MB. i totally dont understand this. can anybody explain to me what's going on?

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Reports :: How To Print Images Saved In Database Records

Apr 14, 2014

I have created a database which has 2 images for record embedded, the method I have use for this is to link the address were the image is in order to avoid that the database gets slow, the images are displayed on the form but I cant find the way how to embed such images in a report neither how to print them with a button used for such purpose.

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Forms :: Display Images On A Form In A Split Database

Jan 2, 2015

Am trying to display images on a form in a split database. I add the attachment field to the associated form's table and add the attachment control to the form but cannot get the image(s) to display on the form (the control remains blank). I can add the image(s) in table view (and display them) but double clicking on the form control also does nothing.

I think I must be doing at least the basics correctly as if I try the same thing to an earlier, non-split version of the database, all works as expected.Are there additional steps required to do this thing in a split database?

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Path To Linked Images Breaks When Close Database

Jan 16, 2015

I have a report in Access 2010. The report contains some images in the main report area and in sub reports. I have The queries that feed the report and subreport contains the name of the pictures that are loaded into its image controls. I added the following code to my form in order to control what image is displayed for each record. Id like the form to work even if the database is moved as long as the subfolder and photos are moved along with it (thus using relative path).

Private Sub Report_(Current)
Dim ImagePath As String
Dim ImagePathInt As String
Dim ImagePathPlanV As String


The problem seems to be that the routine doesn't seem to initially recognize the path. I have a blank photo in the folder containing all the images called NO PHOTO.jpg. If I open the report in design view and browse to this image in the picture parameter of any one of the image controls and run the report, then everything works perfectly even if I close and reopen the report. The report shows the right pictures even in the subreports.

The problem is when I close the database and reopen it, then the link is lost again, forcing me to do the process of browsing for the NO PHOTO image again. I already try to do an open form procedure to automatically reset the picture property, but although it resets the picture to the picture I set (I verify this by setting a different picture instead of the NO PHOTO) it does not make things work correctly as it does when I manually browse for it in design view. I also try to run the code above under the Report (Open) instead of the Report (Current) but that didn't work either.

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General :: Extract Embedded Images From Database And Save In Folder

Nov 21, 2012

Many years ago I created a database that has one embedded image for each project.

I am now redoing this db in 2010 format and I want to extract these images and save them in a folder so I can link them to the new db based on the project ID number

The table is [Project main], the unique project ID is [R&D ID#] and the image file is stored in [Item image] as an OLE object. i would like to save them to C:db images

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Apr 16, 2008

I have a table that is linked to SQL server
In this table I have a field that has thepath to an image
What I want to do is have a dropdown that the user can select a Notice Number and then have its image pop up in the form.

I have a Notice Number field and a Path field.

Do I create a Query to query the two fields.
Create a Drop Down box and assign the query to the drop down box.

But then how do I get the image to popup...and in what and unbound object frame?

Any help would be apprecaited


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Images & MS Word

Apr 13, 2007

To queries here:

Database is the MS Contacts Template with minor adjustments.

1. Trying to insert a link to an image using a bound OLE object in my form. Now I've got it top work. However, the link appears normal size in the centre of the object box. Problem is when I resize the oject box so that llink text just fits fine. The text resizes with the box and you need a microscope to read it.

2. I want to be able to cerate merged letter but I cant select Tools>Merge it with MS word fro some reason (i've aslo tried with with DB's we use in work with same problem) but publish with Word is available.:confused:

I am by no means an expert with Access so please, please post replies in lamens terms.



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Images In Cells...

Feb 19, 2008


I did a cursory search of the forum and didn't find anything (probably more my search than the content). I also think I know the answer to this, but I want to clear it up once and for all.

Is it true that I cannot insert an image into an Access Table in a way that it treats the image like data (e.g., it comes up on reports as entered).

If so, and I suspect it is so, what would be the best way to associate a row with a certain image in Access? Here's what I'm hoping to do: I have a list of projects and all of them have a status. Right now the "status" column includes the text "Green," "Yellow," or "Red." I would rather have this text display as green, yellow, or red color rather than text. Is this possible?

Thank you!! :D

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Images + Tables

Jan 11, 2006

Hello there

I got a questions and maybe you prof. can help me out

I got a table with all employees in it


John Doil
Mina Lizo
Sholly Nopi


Its has 250 records.

I also got all the pictues of them
But the pictures have the following name


Also i still have pictues from ex employees.

I have all the filepaths of the jpg in a table.

Is there a way to link the 2 tables based on first name
Or make a extra cell and in a query take the names for the _ that takes out and put it in that cell.

Sorry for my bad english if you got question plz ask

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Buttons And Images

Mar 11, 2005

I need help combining both text and images on an Access button. Does anyone know how to do this? Bryant

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Images Not Showing Up

Mar 23, 2005

Hi there,

I have a "minor" problem which most of you will probably have a laugh about :eek:

I have set up my Table / Form to have an image for each "item".

Now...when I add the image, it does not show up as the thumbnail JPG. It only appears as the image name.

So instead of seeing a picture, I see 1.jopg (example)

Can anyone help me with a correct hint?

Much appreciated


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Record Images

Jul 20, 2005

Before you ask, yes I did search, but no it didn't help...

OK, database is storing members, so each member record needs to have a picture of them. I've made a field in the members table for the path of the image. I've followed the example here - , but I keep getting the error 'You can't reference a property or method for a control unless the control has the focus.' When I've tried to set the focus to it I get the error '# can't move the focus to the control MemberImage.'

What am I doing wrong?

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Getting External Images

Jul 13, 2006

I have a DB that has a table called tblproductList. In the table i have a field called Image. I have made this field a Text Field. I have entered product details and have entered ghd.jpg in the Image field. this reflects the image i have stored in the same directory as the DB. I have a form and i want to call the image into the form. How is this done?


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Images In A Report?

Mar 31, 2005

Dear All:

I have created a report in access 2000. What I wish to do is insert a signature on this report and as I scroll through the report, the signatures change. The fields on the report are name, major and dean.

The signatures reside on the "c" drive on the computer. This report is based on a query. I wish to link the signatures to a specific field(dean) so as I scroll through the report the signatures changes with the report.

I have searched the forums for a solution, but I am having difficulty.

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

Many thanks,



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Images In Access

Jun 9, 2005

Could some one tell me which type I should define in access db to have an image there, in the db.

After I want to export the data from acces including the image to a ms sql, In Ms SQL i have the field onf the image defined as Bynary.

PLS. give me some help.

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Reports And Images

Apr 17, 2008

I have a field in my table that has a path to an image.

I was wondering if there was a way to get the image to show up on a report...

I have all the other fields formated with some text...would be nice to put the image on the bottom of the form.



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Images In Access, Possible?

Oct 12, 2005

Is it possible to efficiently store images in an Access database without having to install custom COM files and the like on your server?

I know it's possible to store them using OLE objects but I've heard this adds a significant amount of data to the image when storing. Is this correct?

Does anyone know how I could get around this?
I'm interfacing the DB via the web, unfortunately I have to use an access DB for the task and can't tinker with the server.

Many Thanks,

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