Need Help Limiting Displayed Records In A Query
Apr 24, 2008
Hello again my forum o' saviours,
Current filter:
WHERE (Assignments.[AcademicYear]) Like ([Please Enter Academic Year])
AcademicYear is a field in the Assignments table (duh).
In this same query, I have a couple fields (equations and if/thens built on the assignments table) that will need to be used as further filters.
I thought something like
WHERE ((Assignments.[AcademicYear]) Like ([Please Enter Academic Year]) )& (len([groupwinterbox])+len([groupspringbox])+len([groupfallbox]) > 3)
would work, but I keep getting pop-ups asking what the values of the three query-based calculations are.
Where did this noob screw up?
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Apr 12, 2006
I'm trying to limit the number of text characters displayed in various fields on a form. I want it to appear so that after a certain number of characters it then displayed "..." indicating there is now information in a field.
Thanks for any help!
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Feb 11, 2008
i have tried to find an answer but can't seem to find any posts that apply.
I need to limit the records returned in a query to 3. Well, that is fine, i have set it to do the top 3, and it is working well, I am looking at the top percentages received in a number of criteria. However we have just discovered a situation where someone has 7 all with 100%, so all 7 records are being returned. I can see why, i just don't want them to be!
The report based on the query requires only three records, in this case we don't care which 3, seeing as they are all equally good, in fact randomness is a boon.
Any ideas out there - i 'm stumped!
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Nov 29, 2005
I have a continuous form based on a query with the criteria as all records where a certain field is null. From this form, the user can fill in values for the null field. I then want to click a button on the first form to open another continuous form showing the same records so the user can go on to do something else. The problem I have though, is that if I base the second form on the same query as the first form, any records where the user has filled in a value for the previously empty field will now not be included in the query results. Is there a simple way of doing this?
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Nov 17, 2005
Ladies / Gents !
I am writing a database for my work environment to enter sample numbers in a predefine batch. My Form contains information to identify batch ID. Attach to this form is a subform which I would like to limit the number of records to 24.
exsample: form : as unlimited records
subform: only limited to 24 records within the master form.
Now, everytime i create a new record in the master form , I should be allowed to enter only 24 records in the associated subform.
Does anyone have an idea on how to accomplish this !! Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
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Apr 25, 2005
Hey! I'm doing Computing AS level and the coursework is to create a system for "Terry's Turkey". This is basically my first introduction to Access, and our teacher is little to no use!
After alot of work working out things in access and reading alot of books, other than creating the switchboard, theres only a few things left to do!
The first is to limit the amount of "turkeys" that can be ordered. I have 2 tables that this envolves... Order and Customers, they have a one to many relationship (each customer may place one or more orders, each order must be placed by one and only one customer). They are linked by Customer ID. I need to set two limits, I guess by a validation rule of some kind. The first is that each Customer can place no more than 5 orders. The second is that their can be no more than 40 orders in total. A slight complication to this is that a customer can "cancel" an order, in this case its marked as cancelled (theres a yes/no field called Active to determine this), and ideally, these wouldnt be included in the counts.
So far I have the following as a query, though I have no idea how to put this into a validation rule
SELECT Count(Orders.OrderID) AS Var1
FROM Orders;
I guessed that to expand this to not including inactive orders something like
SELECT Count(Orders.OrderID) AS Var1
FROM Orders
WHERE active="yes";
Any help at all would be most appreciated! I have spent many hours pondering over this is and looking at as many access sources that I can! I think this is my last resort :(
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Jul 12, 2007
Hello all,
I am a buyer and I'm attempting to create a query in Access 2003 that will list all of my vendors (20 in total) and their top 10 selling sku's. Here are the fields I am using:
I have created one Query including all of the above fields as well as the following field, "XP1: GetTen([Supplier_Number])"
In this query I have set "Supplier_Number" to sort ascending and "C_Last12_SLS_QTY" to sort descending.
I then created a module, written as follows:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public wNum As Integer
Function GetTen(SUPPLIER_NUMBER) As Long
wNum = wNum + 1
wNum = 1
End If
If wNum > 10 Then
GetTen = 0
GetTen = wNum
End If
End Function
I then created a second query with all of the above fields, and the criteria for the XP1 field as ">0"
As far as I can tell, this should bring me back a list with the first 10 rows for each of my Supplier numbers... unfortunately it is for some and for others it's bringing back more than 10 rows. The other problem is that it seems to be picking random rows to bring back, and not just the first 10 (which because in query1 I set the C_LAST12_SLS_QTY field to sort descending, should be my top 10 selling sku's).
Does anyone have any idea as to what I've done wrong? I'm pretty new with Access so I may be missing something pretty simple.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Sep 9, 2014
I'm trying to create an Access database for my college so that our call centre can allocate students to a specific interview time/date. The problem I'm having is that each interview slot must only have a maximum of 10 students at a time.
I'm creating tables for the student details, address and for each interview slot available.
I'm using Access 2010.
How I can limit the number of records in a table to 10 so that when that interview slot is full it informs the user?
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Oct 29, 2007
Well boys and girls, its about that time in the week where I have once again come up with a brilliant application for my little Access project, but have no idea how to make it happen.
I will start with a little background info... In the course of the parts recoveries we have different reasons for recovering parts, different people (locations) that request them, and different priorities for recoveries. For example, when a new model comes out, we will recover 100% of the parts for investigation by the factory... however, we may want to take a look at failed water pumps first. In this case, our recovery, until it is complete, will have higher priority than the 100%, otherwise we would not receive any parts.
This is because of the way our warranty system works... It assignes a three digit number to each part number of a recovery (between 1-999). The lower the number, the higher the priority.
So if I am setting up a 100% recovery, I would want to put it in the, say, 200's. This would leave room for an overlapping recovery to be inserted in the 100's where it would divert a certain number of parts away from the normal recovery stream. Then, once a user-defined date or quantity of parts has been reached, the corresponding number goes dead, and any of those part numbers are reunited with the original recovery stream.
Sticking to the example above, typically 100% recoveries would go for say... 2-3 years, where as an in-house recovery might be for 20 parts... Another difference is that the longer term recoveries are managed by the end date, where shorter term recoveries are by number of parts recieved.
What I want to do is be able to auto assign these numbers based on criteria derived from user-inputted data... (i.e. destination, start/end date, recovery type, etc.). Then, when the recovery is complete, whether based on date or quantity recieved, to delete the information associated with the 3 digit number, block its use for 45 days, and then be able to reuse the number for a new recovery.
Thanks to anyone who can be bothered to read past the first paragraph, let alone offer any advice.
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Oct 19, 2011
Is it possible to hide previously added records which have been added to a subform? For example a user adds their selections and closes the database. They then re-open the database and rather than displaying their previous selection - its blank ready to start again?
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Nov 3, 2005
Hi there,
I have a form which displays data from a combo box in the header of my form.
Each row of the detail from the form contains two values from the database.. one is called case ref and the other is a checkbox for completed.
Here is what I want to do....
1) chose which rows I want to update by selecting the checkbox (I can do this)
2) I have put another text box in the header with a button.. this box captures the case ref (I have done this bit too)
3) When the button is clicked, I want to loop through all the records displayed on the form and update those with the checkbox ticked to the value of the text box header.... now I can update one row, but how do I update all of them????
Help would be much appreciated
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Feb 27, 2006
Hi everyone. I need help on this one
I have a form with a subform. The subform is basically the sale history of the item on the main form (The main form shows a record and then the subform reports its history). This all works fantastic, except that on the subform, every time a new record is entered, it goes to the bottom of the previous one, so after a while, if I want to enter more history into the subform, I have to scroll down through all the older ones to get to the more recent ones.
How can I do it so that in the subform the most recent entry is always at the top and each time a new record is entered, the older ones move down one. This way the most recent records are always on display and older ones move down as they become less important. Likewise, the empty record used to enter data is also at the top!
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Jul 18, 2015
How do I go about printing specific records displayed in a form? I basically just want to add a print button on my form to do this
I have a main form with a button that displays/opens a form
I then want to print the records displayed in the opened form
(See attached pictures)
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Apr 21, 2015
I've created a button on my ACCESS 2010 form that will send a PDF via email. However I only need to send the single record displayed on the form not all records.
The on click command of the button sends the PDF of the report. (I read that this is what should be sent; but still get the same results.)
I don't understand how and where to attach VBA code:
Me.Filter = "RequestsID=" & Forms![OD Reversal Requests]![RequestsID]
Me.FilterOn = True
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Oct 16, 2014
I'm trying to filter the options in a combo box based on two criteria. The first criterion is another combo box on the same form, for a cascading combo effect. This criterion works fine, no problems at all. The second criterion is a query. So the combo box should display only those values that match both the upstream combobox AND the results of the query. What's really frustrating is that this combobox works just fine in my development dbase. It only stops working when I move it into my active dbase. Anyway, here's the SQL for the combobox rowsource:
FROM (Shapes INNER JOIN (qrySignsInInventory INNER JOIN Size2 ON qrySignsInInventory.SizeID = Size2.SizeID) ON Shapes.ShapeID = Size2.ShapeID) INNER JOIN Signs ON Shapes.ShapeID = Signs.ShapeID
WHERE (((Size2.SizeID)=[qrySignsInInventory].[SizeID]) AND ((Size2.ShapeID)=(SELECT Signs.ShapeID FROM Signs WHERE Signs.SignID = [Forms]![frmUsedDropdown]![cmbSignID])));
I've hilighted the criterion that isn't working. Also, I'm not getting any errors or anything, it's just that the results aren't being filtered. I've triple-checked the references for the active dbase, and I've checked the results of the query. Everything should be working.
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Jun 2, 2013
In table1 students lectures data are stored as:
ID studentname lecturesubject lecturedate
1 steve politics 3/2/2013
2 jack politics 3/2/2013
3 steve math 5/2/2013
4 steve politics 7/2/2013
5 jack politics 8/2/2013
6 steve math 8/2/2013
7 jack politics 9/2/2013
8 steve politics 10/2/2013
9 steve math 11/2/2013
10 steve physics 13/2/2013
11 jack politics 15/2/2013
We need a query in which for each student is allowed to preset a limited number of lectures on a specific subject. For example each student can provide only two lectures on a subject and any more lectures on the same subject presented by him will not be counted. In the above example records 7 8 9 and 11 will not be shown in the query.
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Jul 17, 2014
I have a query that pulls the records by month and year this worked great
Query is set up as
Field: Month: Format([ErD],"mm/yyyy")
Criteria: [Enter Month and Year (mm/yyyy)]
But I need the Month that is pulled to display in the report header along side the report header text without the user needing to enter the Month again.
Example report header: January Things you need to know.
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Sep 5, 2014
I have a query that is linked to a data table. The values entered in the data table are fine and display as expected. When I run the query, the results of one of the columns show Chinese like characters instead of the actual value. But, when I filter that column by choosing 'does not contain...' the actual cell contents display. I have 2 other identical queries reading from the same table and they do not display funky.
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Aug 1, 2013
I have the following query which returns 2 columns, where 2 fields are summed :-
SELECT Sum(Stats.[No of Invoices Checked]) AS [SumOfNo of Invoices Checked], Sum(Stats.[No of Incorrect invoices]) AS [SumOfNo of Incorrect invoices]
FROM Stats
WHERE (((Stats.Period)=[Forms]![frmMain]![cboSingleMonth].[Value]));
This displays :-
345 - 988
How can I have the data displayed as
when I run the query.
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Jan 8, 2014
I am looking for displaying the totals from a query onto a form.
I have a query which has a total line showing a count of the number of entry's in each column. I would like to be able to display these totals on one of my forms in text boxes (or any other way). Is this possible and if so how do I do it ?
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Oct 10, 2013
I have a table that holds the SQL texts for ca. 1000 Select queries (mostly minor variants that are used to programmatically swap out RowSource strings for combo boxes). I'd like to have a quick and easy way to open/review/modify these queries.
One strategy would be to display the SQL strings in a field on a Datasheet form, then use an onClick event on a text box linked to the SQL-holding field (or perhaps an onClick event tied to an unbound text box on the form) to open the associated query. That would allow me to view the SQL of the query that I want to open, allow me to quickly scroll through the list of stored SQL texts, and give me options for sorting or limiting the SQL-texts displayed in the datasheet form.
But, I can't seem to get the onClick event to work. The problem seems to be that I can't figure out how to pass the SQL string contained in the field to a function that will use that string to open the query .
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May 13, 2005
First, I am a beginner with Access. I am a graphics designer that has been assigned to cover for a db programmer that quit!
Here is my problem:
I have a database that we use to hold customer information. There are 22 fields in each record, and we are now well over 3000 records.
Once upon a time, to find a specific customer, we would just go to the bottom of the page, and use the arrow buttons to scroll through them all. This is no longer possible as the size is too big to manually search.
What I would like to do:
Upon Access startup, display a form that has a single input field and a button titled "Search". The input field is titled [UserName], as this field is the unique key identifier for the record. When the user types in the UserName and clicks the SEARCH command button, another form appears to display JUST THAT RECORD in the easy to read form!
If this is really basic, I appologize. I have 20 years experience with commercial illustration and only 7 days experience with Access. I have purchased books, and hit the forums, but I am not a VB programmer, and my skills this area are REAL weak!
My resourse books include the following:
Wiley - Access 2003 Bible [Prague, Irwin & Reardon]
Osbourne - How to do Everything with Access 2002 [Anderson]
O'Reilly - Access Cookbook [Getz, Litwin & Baron]
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
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Oct 21, 2005
I'm trying to limit the amount a user can enter into a employee discount field in a table. I would like to set up a validation rule in the table to limit the discount to no greater than $0.20 or 20 cents. Anyone have any recomendations? Thanks..
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Feb 14, 2008
Hello, I need help. I have two tables.
ent_HorseName (PK)
inf_HorseName (PK)
It is a many-to-many relationship. When I open a table and enter a record there is a small + sign that allows me to open up the rows from the other table to enter directly into it. Can this be turned off? Also I can enter more than one record through this way. I only want one entry in inf_Ground, inf_Notes and inf_Entries for each HorseName. How would I do this? As you can tell I am completely new to Access and trying to learn. Thanks :)
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Nov 8, 2005
Im doing a database booking system and i need to limit the amount of people to 160 per night. At the moment i have a query that sums up the bookings per date but i dont know how to then limit this column to 160.
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Jan 31, 2006
Hello All,
I have a table “subdivisions”
With a daughter table “lot numbers”
I need to limit lot numbers to no duplicates in the LotNumber field, within a subdivision, without limiting it to no duplicates in the table.
Any clues?
LotNumber is a text field.
LotNumberID is autonumber, primary key
Preferably this would be accomplished in a query.
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