Need Help On Making An Expression (Simple)

Dec 28, 2006

OK, I have 3 fields in my table: First Name (FNAME), Middle Name (MNAME), and Last Name (LNAME). The table is named EMPLOYEES and I need to make an expression that will give me an employees full name (LNAME, FNAME MNAME) in that structure.

Now I created a new Query which included the three names, but I cannot figure out how to do the expression for the full name, it keeps giving me errors.

I tried using the builder and doing basically:
[LNAME] & ", " & [FNAME] & " " & [MNAME]

That gave me an error saying it contained incorrect expressions or something. I also substituted + for &, and "AND" for &, and still got those errors.

I only have one report where the name format needs to be like this, and thought I could use a simple query to collect the data and format the name. If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You!

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So Im Making A Simple Database....

Nov 14, 2006

Ive just started creating the table..and Ive put fields like name/address etc as text but there are a few fields that need you to select an i want to use the "lookup wizard" to create a listbox or combo box dont know which is best.. BUT the problem is when I select lookup wizard it says "unable to start lookup wizard. The lookup wizard doesnt apply to fields of this data type".

Why does it say that?

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Making A Form So Its Not A Whole Page. Must Be So Simple

May 5, 2005

i have created a form based on a query and basically the form comes up as a whole page spread and i would like it to just come up as a small form instead of a whole page. i think i go into properties and then choose the actual form but i just need to know how to make it so its small.

Hope this explanation is adequate



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Simple Expression, Need Help

Sep 29, 2006

Hi guys

I need to trim a section of text in a field in my DB. I'm currently using the following expression.


Which turns

D:BroadcastMusicA-CArtchaArtcha - Artcha - 1 - Hustle And Flow.mp3


Artcha - Artcha - 1 - Hustle And Flow.mp3

Now things have changed in the DB and and I need the query to return

ArtchaArtcha - Artcha - 1 - Hustle And Flow.mp3

But when I change the query I can't get the expression to return it.

What am I doing wrong?


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Forms :: Simple Input Mask Expression For No Duplicate Entries

Feb 14, 2015

I just need a quick, simple expression that I can copy and paste into the input mask for a control that I have on a couple of forms that prevents someone (me) to continue tabbing to the next control if the value entered is a duplicate.

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Making Specific Fields In A Current Record Copy Themselves When Making New Record

Mar 28, 2005

;) Hey everybody,

I am working on a database used in recording device characteristics/test information. The main table of information has dozens of columns for test/part detailed information. When inputing the data for each specific test, many of the info. details are repeated when testing say 20 devices of the same part all at once. Rather than retype every piece of detailed information in every field, everytime, is there an easier way? Does anyone know of a way to make specific fields copy/paste the previous record's information in the fields automatically when a new record is created? Please, if anyone could help or has ANY ideas, let me know...



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Writing An Expression In The Expression Builder

Jun 8, 2005

Good day all

Heres what im trying to do:

in one textfield i have =Count(*)

this returns all the records in my db.

now i want to split it up. i want to count all the records for each month.
my field name is datein_now but its just a normal textfield and not a date field.
example in field: 05/02/02 10:24:31 AM.
also got a datein textfield:05/02/02
i had
Count(*) where datein_now between 05/05/01 and 05/05/31

please help


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Simple Question For A Simple DB

Dec 29, 2006

Ok I am right now making a simple Vendor/Product database to create a line sheet for some sales folks. I have 3 tables: Vendors, Products, and an associate entity Vendors_Products to relate the two. I have a form currently that draws the Vendor Name (primary key) from the Vendor table and the Product Name from the associate entity. This allows me to create new vendors and select current product types from a drop down box. The problem is that the drop down box is too long and it is tiresome when 1 vendor has 10 product types.

Can anyone tell me how to resolve this? I thought it would be better to have option buttons and display all available products. Then you could just click all of the option buttons that apply to that Vendor and it would create the this possible?

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Making Me See Red!

Jan 25, 2005

On my database I have a text box that accepts a map grid that starts with two letters. If the letters arnt within certain perameters then the box turns red and a message box appears informing the user of this. My probem is that I am using a continuous form and if one box goes red, they all go red if the grids are OK. my code is below, can anyone help?

Private Sub Grid_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.Grid) Then Exit Sub
If Me.Text289 = "UK" Then
Select Case Left(Me.Grid, 2)
Case "ST", "SY", "SU", "SZ"
Me.Grid.BackColor = 16777215
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid Biagram for your chosen Database.", vbExclamation
Me.Grid.BackColor = 225
Cancel = True
End Select
End If
If Me.Text289 = "Germany" Then
Select Case Left(Me.Grid, 2)
Case "MB", "NB", "NC", "MC"
Me.Grid.BackColor = 16777215
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid Biagram for your chosen Database.", vbExclamation
Me.Grid.BackColor = 225
Cancel = True
End Select
End If
If Me.Text289 = "Desert" Then
Select Case Left(Me.Grid, 2)
Case "NJ", "NH", "NK"
Me.Grid.BackColor = 16777215
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid Biagram for your chosen Database.", vbExclamation
Me.Grid.BackColor = 225
Cancel = True
End Select
End If
End Sub

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Making An Exe

Sep 20, 2005

i developed a program and i used ms access for the database.
i compiled the program i made.
the question is, can i install the program i made into another computer eventhough it doesn't have a ms access? because i tried to install but it doesn't work at all. what do i need to do in order to make it work.

your response is greatly appreciated.

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Making Graphs

Apr 18, 2006

I am not sure where to post this so could someone please move it to the appropriate area thanks.

I want to make a graph that will show how many employees are in the company for each year (Going back 10 years and keeping up to date) I have never done this before and our teacher feels that its best if we learn on our own (basicaly he's an idiot).

How do I go about using the pivot chart?

I have made a query which adds up the total number of employees at the current time.. but apart from that I havent a clue. I want the graph to have the years on the bottom and numbers up the side (1,2,3,4,5 etc) and then the number of employees that were in the company during that year will be plotted.

I will use a table that is to be used for archiving to mke the query as it will have all the employees who were ever in the system record.

The table is thus:

(so on and including postcode)

I have no idea what to do other than to rename the axes and change the increments, but they are jsut numbers, no dates or anything.

Any help apreciated.

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Making A Dictionary

Dec 11, 2006

Does anybody know if its possible to export data from Access into a "filename.LEX" file for use in MS Word?

If so - Do you have any idea what the fieldnames/file structure looks like.
I have tried oipening a .LEX file to check this out, but with no success.


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Error In Making MDe

Nov 15, 2007

Hi guys,

I am having error message when I tried to make my mdb file to mde. The error message is "MS Access unable to create an MDE database". Reading through the help message it says that this problem always occurrs in trying to compile large db into MDE. So what can I do to solve this problem. Also what is MS access memory capacity. thanks

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Who Is Making My Backups

Apr 14, 2008

:mad:Is there anyway, I can tell who is making my backups. Is there any thing I can use to find out who is creating a backup. I have sent out emails to the users, but no one will confess who is doing yet. I have 200 users now. I have talk to our IT people, they mention it would take a lot of there time to track it down.

Does anyone know if there anything I can do?


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Making One Column The Sum Of Other Two

Jan 3, 2008


I have a table called "products"

One column is "Unitary Price", another one is "Quantity" and another one is "Tax"

And I want another column called "Total" that shows:
Unitary Price*Quantity+Tax*Price*Quantity

Is this possible to be made?? :( I'm a bit newbie to MS Access, so try to explain as most detailed as you can! For example, if I have to write [Unitary Price] between brackets... I tried doing this on the "Default Value" field of the column but I couldn't make it.

Thank you!!

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Making Totals Of All, Except For One

Sep 12, 2005

I'm trying to make totals in a query, but instead of using all, I need to leave one out, how to do that? for example the table looks like:
A 2 3
B 4 6
C 2 5
D 3 5
E 2 3
How can I leave row 1 out? So that the query will look like:
11 19

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Help Making A Form...

May 17, 2005

This is probably a stupid question but could you please tell me how i can set up a form in access to look similar to the one in the attached picture?

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Making A Mde File

Oct 12, 2005


Hello I have a small DataBase with 4 forms (Access 2002)

1. frmMainMenu
2. frmAddEmployee
3. frmAddEmployeeRegion
4. frmEmployeeStatistic

The MainMenu calls the other 3, when I execute the mde file the only form opened is the frmAddEmployee! it should open the frmMainMenu because this one calls the others....! I've tried several times....the same result!

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you

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Making Default Value From Last Value

Nov 17, 2004


i'm trying to create a form for data input. When creating a new record, I want to make a field, "Date," to read from the last record and use that value as the default value. This way, I don't have to input the same date in every time I make a new record. How would I do this? Thanks =)


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Making An OLE Come Up In The Report

Jan 17, 2007

How can I make an OLE come up in the report as a photo or drawing instead of a link?

Can anyone help?

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Making Reports

Jun 20, 2007

I need two reports made but I don't know the programming. The first report comes from a table that has contact numbers and their scan times. Their number comes from one column and their times come from another column in a table that i have. the time comes in this format 6/11/2007 3:46:40 AM. One report I need is those who just scaned in for that certain day. The second report is one to take their times and calculate how long they were scanned in per day, and per week. Is there any such way to do this and how would I.

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Making All Forms Available To VBA

Aug 21, 2007

Good evening,

I am trying to use VBA to address a field in three different subforms on a form. When I am in the VBA environment writing the code, I noticed that only two of the subforms are listed in the Project window on the upper left. I ignored that and wrote the code anyway, and when I execute the code, it works fine for the two subforms in the Project window, but when it gets to the third subform, it throws this error:

"MS Office Access can't find the field '|' referred to in your expression."

The code is this:
Private Sub Test_Number_AfterUpdate()
[Form_Consumables Entry].Test_Number.DefaultValue = [Form_Test Director Panel].Test_Number.Value
[Form_Squawk Entry].Test_Number.DefaultValue = [Form_Test Director Panel].Test_Number.Value
[Form_Event Log Entry].Test_Number.Value = [Form_Test Director Panel].Test_Number.Value
End Sub

Can anyone tell me how to make all of my forms available to VBA?


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Making A Project Unviewable

Oct 16, 2005


Any one has idea, how to make the project unviewable.

When you right click on any module, form or class in Project Explorer instead of menu, a message "Project is unviewable" should be displayed


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Making Stock Database HELP!

Nov 2, 2005

I am looking to design a simple stock database for work. This is just an idea at the moment, unless I can get my head round this problem.

I have throught that I can have 3 tables

NEW STOCK(this is where you enter all new and existing stock is)

USED STOCK(this is where all the stock that has been sold used for whatever reason is entered)

ACTUAL STOCK(this is where the items in NEW STOCK have the items sold in USED STOCK deducted from them to give you the ACTUAL STOCK)

PLEASE HELP ME, am I completely on the wrong line or can I do this?
Would be good if I didnt have to use SQL, VBA etc...

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Making A Form Read Only

Jun 26, 2007

I have a form which I need to make read only. On Access 98 it used to ask how I wanted to open and view the form in edit mode or view. I cant find this option in 2003 anyone got a quick answer? Many Thanks

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Yes/No Field Making Me Crazy

Nov 14, 2007

I posted this in the wrong thread yesterday

I just started learning Access and I have created a database with 53 records, 3 tables and 1 Split form. I creared a new yes/no field and I am attempting to display "Completed" in green for yes and "Not Completed" in red for no. I used the correct code in the format field:

"Not Completed "[Red];" Completed "[Green]

This worked for different field before I created the split form but now I cannot get the new field to display anything but check boxes regardless of what code I use. It won't even let me use the default yes/no, true/false or on/off options.

I've been studying this for about 2 weeks and I've figured out quite a bit but this one thing is really iritating me....

Any comments would be appreciated

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