Need Help On Sending Calculated Date To A Table.

Apr 18, 2008

I have a form with (3) Text Boxes. Text Box 1 & 2 requires integer input, which is automatically sent/stored in a table. Text Box 3 performs calculations on values in Text Box 1 & 2, but does not automatically update the table.

The following Control Source code is used in Text Box 3 to perform calculation: =([Forms]![Plate Cash]![1-Dollar Bills]*1)+([Forms]![Plate Cash]![5-Dollar Bills]*5)

Thanks in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Email Through Outlook By A Certain Date

Nov 26, 2013

I am a College Instructor and I would like to make a Database that will regularly email me a list of Students who are approaching the mid-point of their Program.Is it possible to program Access to email a list with Student Names, Registration Numbers, etc, etc. by a given date?

As of right now I have a Database with all of the students' pertinent information but I have to manually comb through the Database each week to see which students will require a Mid-Term interview that week.

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Sending Combo Autofills To Another Table

Jul 7, 2005

I have a table of customers with Account Numbers that I wish to autofill:

Account Number
Customer Name

Based off the customer Account Number, I call this table tblCustomers. I have the autofill working off of an unbound combobox querying the Account Number. Im doing this by "=combo2.column()" method. My problem is I need this data to populate another table, when the form is closed. Seems simple enough but my inexperienced access mind is stumped and I desperately need to move on with other aspects of this task.

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Sending A Copy Of A Record To Another Table

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to send a copy of a record to another table already created? if so what is the sql statements to do so or any other ideas that you might have.


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Calculated Date ....Help Please

Aug 13, 2006

Hi Folks

I have a simple table that has a date field.

This is called dateopened and is in the format ddmmyy hh:m

I have a query based on this table.

What I'm trying to do is workout the day that a case was opened from the date entered.

i.e I have an entry that was opened on 10/08/06

My calculated filed works out that this was raised on a Thursday ?

I can then do dcounts etc on how many cases were opened on a Thursday or a Friday etc

I cant really get my head around the syntax in the query fileld

Can anyone advise me how to do this ?

Many thanks


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Calculated Date..?

Mar 14, 2008

Here's the situation.
I'm creating a database for my county, keeping track of all the rabies vaccinations that our organization does. In the form that is used to enter the vaccination data (e.g. owner's name, address, animals name, date of vaccination, etc) The user inputs the Date of Vaccination and whether it is a "1 Year" or "3 Years" vaccine and then they have to fill in another field called Vaccination Expiration, which is the year in the Date of Vaccination plus either 1 or 3 years, depending on which option is chosen. I need to know how to make the Vaccination Expiration field fill in automatically so as to reduce error in the calculation process.

Name ------------------ Description
DATEVAC Date of Vaccination
LENGTH Vaccination Length (1 Year or 3 Years)
VACEXP Vaccination Expiration Date
ANIMAL_VACCINATION Name of the Table AND Form that the data is inputed into

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General :: Records Using A Select Query That Is Sending To A Make Table

Feb 25, 2015

I have records using a select query that I am sending to a make table. I would like to have those records excluded from being used again for 180 days, at which point they can be used again. Essentially, I have an ID and an email address which gets stored in the Make Table. I would need to ensure that if we send an email out in Week 1, we do not send an email again for another 180 days if there is activity from that same ID. On day 181, the ID/email address can then be resent.

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Calculated Date Problem

Jun 23, 2005

I use the following bit of code to find the difference in months between the Date of invoice of an item and the beginning of the next financial year.

DateDiff("m",[DepreciationInvoiceDate],IIf(Format$(Date(),"mm")>4,"01/04/" & Format$(Date(),"yy"),"01/04/" & Format$(Date(),"yyyy")

This works great, however now I have been asked to change it so that it says the difference in months between the first of the financial year (01 April) previous to the Date of invoice and the beginning of the next financial year. I have been given a deadline of the end of today to get this working.

Please help.

Thanks in advance


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Calculated Date In A Report

Feb 15, 2007

I am new and this is my first posting.
I have a simple database that tells me what jobs are waiting on material, and what/ how much that material is. I would like to add a field to a report that shows how many days late by calculating NOW - due date. I would also like to show in the same report total quantities required of each material type for all jobs requiring a specific material (grouped by material type). I am new to access and am a far cry from a programmer by see lots of uses that could make my job easier and would like to learn more. If anyone out there could help me with these two issues I would really appreciate it.


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Add A Calculated Date Field

Jul 3, 2014

I am trying to add a calculated date field in a query, I have 2 fields and 1 of them has a date and the other one i would like to to be 3 years from the date of the first field.

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Modules & VBA :: Selecting Recipients From A Table For Sending Emails? Access 2007

Jul 19, 2013

In an Access 2007 module, is there a way of sending an email to a list of people stored as a list in a table in the database, rather than having to put all the names into the function?

I have a function I'm using to generate and send out an email to certain people, but the list is constantly growing so I'm looking for a better way to manage it! The main issue is having to kick users out of the database every time I need to update the recipients list... because it's stored in the code.

If I create a simple table containing all the names, how could I then ask it to use that instead?

This is the function I'm using currently - found on here and adapted to my own purposes

Syntax to use for the function: SendNotesMail "recipients", "Body Message", "Additional Text", "Subject"

Public Function SendNotesMail(strSendTo As String, strBody As String, strExtraText As String, strSubject As String)
'This public sub will send a mail and attachment if neccessary to the recipient including the body text and additional comments from the Active record
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "REP09emailnotification", acFormatRTF, "x: endersgroup tendering databaseTenderUpdate.rtf", False
Dim Subject As String
Dim Attachment As String

[Code] ....

So I guess my question is: how do I get my recipients from a table into the strsendto?

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Sort On Calculated Date Field

Mar 16, 2008

I have an expression in a query

Expire: IIf([payterm]="X","",DateAdd([payterm],1,[orderdate]))

However when I sort it it does not sort in correct manner

it's goes like


I have the field properties set to Short Date.

What do I need to do for this to sort right?

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Sort By A Calculated Date In A Query

Apr 1, 2008

I have a calculated date field in a query...if I try and sort by this field I get a data type mismatch.

[CONTREFF] is a date field in a table, [TERM] is a number field in a table. I am trying to calculate the year the contract expires in the "EndTerm" field. The calculation works fine, but I can't sort it.

EndTerm: DateSerial(Year([CONTREFF])+[TERM],Month([CONTREFF]),Day([CONTREFF]))

Please Help!!! Thank you ...

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Queries :: Calculated Date In Query

Jun 4, 2014

I've been struggling with this for a while, and even though I understand the theory, I can't get my code to work correctly.

I have 2 fields:
CallbackFrequency & Last Contacted.

I want to use these fields to populate a third field (callBackOn) so that we can have a list of candidates that need to be called from a certain date.

CallbackFrequency is added from a combobox, so all values are either 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, or 12 Months.

I have tried creating a calculated field directly in the candidates table, but apparently this is not possible.I've therefore tried to create a query using IIF statement that will calculate this value.To get to grips with the code, I'm only dealing with 1 callbackFrequency at the moment. So far I have:

CallbackOn: IIf([Candidates].[CallbackFrequency]="1 Month", [LastContacted],)

I have not factored in the date manipulation yet, as the query does not display the LastContacted date of the record it finds, it only shows a blank cell,

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Queries :: Next 7 Days From Calculated Date Value

Aug 4, 2013

In a query i have setup, i work out when a tenant is next due to pay their rent.

Looks like this

Tenant Last Payment Date Payment Terms Next Payment Date
User1 01/07/13 Monthly 01/08/13
User2 01/07/13 Weekly 07/07/13

The next payment date is calculated using an IF statement and DateAdd in the query, so if it is weekly it adds 7 days, if it is monthly it adds 1 month.

What i am trying to do is write sub query of this one which shows which tenants are due to pay within the next 7 days.

But the access query seems to ignore the criteria I'm putting the next payment date criteria i have tried specifying >Now() + 7 or >Date() +7 but neither seem to work, it just shows up every record...

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Queries :: Calculated Date Field In Query

Sep 10, 2014

I am having a problem with calculating a date field in a query. Prior to this posting I've done some research and made several changes to my query. This only resulted in fixing one problem but then creating another problem. Original problem was I had 2 fields, arrived (23:36) and stemi (0:07). I use the following calculation AT_ST: DateDiff("n",[arrived],[stemi]) which resulted in -1409. So my research showed me I had a problem with the date whenever the time went past midnight and trying to calculate a zero hour number. I changed my calculation to

AT_ST: IIf([stemi]>=#11:59:00 PM#,(DateDiff("n",[arrived],[stemi])),(DateDiff("n",[arrived],[stemi]+1440) Mod 1440))

This works fine and gives me the result of 31 minutes which is what I want, however the problems comes in when I change to this calculation any where there was a negative time now has a 1400+ plus value. Such as arrived (7:37) and 1st_eck (7:18) = 1426 where as before it would report -14 (yes, negatives are acceptable for my reporting because sometimes a call to the hospital is placed before the patient arrives so we want to report on the negative splits). I've tried using a nested IIF to calculate for stemi time being less than arrived time, this didn't work when I tried to use it on the calculated query field. I was wondering if I could write something to check the value of the calculated field if it is greater than 1440 and if yes - subtract 1440 from it. So in the example above 1426-1440 = -14. Is it possible to do this within the query or do I need to do it using VBA

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Modules & VBA :: Calculated Date Fields In Tables

Jul 29, 2014

I want to use an expression to compare 2 dates and calculate the date of the last set of accounts for a company. The user will enter(DD/MM) of the company year end e.g. 31/12. I then want to compare this with todays date (in another field) to ascertain if the month has already passed in the current year and hence calculate the last year end. i.e. If (current month>company month end), year end date is DD/MM/YYYY (where YYYY is taken from today's date), year end date is DD/MM/(YYYY-1). I am not a programmer and although I understand database theory (from the teaching perspective) I am not expert in developing databases.

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Queries :: Exact Age Calculated On Date Of Birth

Jul 7, 2014

I don't seem to find any query formula in the forum where the age changes on the date of birth. I tried all the once I could find but all of them seem to calculate the age as of 1 January. I find it a bit strange that it doesn't work.

I got BirthDate and Date in the table I want to update the age column back in the history with an update query.


Int(DateDiff("d", [BirthDate], DateSerial(DatePart("yyyy,[Date]), 1, 1))/365.25)


All the above change the age on January 1. It's not a train smash but weird.

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Reports :: Calculated Date On A Report (Invoice)?

Jul 15, 2013

I have an invoice system, where the payment due date is the last working day of the month following the invoice.

For example, if I produce an invoice on 5th June, the payment will be due on the last day of July. What I can put in a text box to automatically calculate that date, based on the Order date?

This is the order date formula : =[Forms]![frmInvoiceMain]![txtOrderDate]

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General :: Type Birth Date And Age Will Be Automatically Calculated?

Jul 19, 2013

I am creating a database with over 500 entries. One thing that would speed up the process of entering all of this data manually would be if I could type in the birth date and the age would be automatically calculated. Is there any way this can be done? It is all in the same table.

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Forms :: Calculated Fields - Formatting Box As Date / Time

Jan 13, 2014

In my form I have a calculated field that works out the time elapsed for a job, worked out as the QTY/RUN RATE which gives me the time in hours. However I couldn't format the box as a date/time, as it is a calculation and the times may go over 24 Hours which results in the date/time giving me something like 31/12/1899 16:00 for example.

I've got around this now and I've formatted the results as HH:NN:SS using a public function in a module, but the problem is this is now stored as a text field. I've tried setting this to a number field but the formatting doesn't carry over. I've tried setting a custom format in the table as HH:NN:SS but then all I get is just a bunch of 0's, no calculation results.

So how to format this as a number field properly?

Also for any extra information:

- I know you're not supposed to store calculated results, but this is slightly different, the calculated field is a standalone text box and the bound field is a formatted text box.
- The reason I have to store the calculated results is because my boss wants to eventually see a chart of the total hours of jobs each day, hence why I'm asking if this can be done as a number field.

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Tables :: Make Calculated Field In One Table That Calculates Values From Another Table Linked By Order ID

May 13, 2015

I have what is probably a stupid question but I've been struggling with this one for a while. I have an ordering database which has an Orders table (containing Order ID, Date, Supplier etc) and an Order Line table within which I have a combo box for Product name, supplier, price, VAT rate, Line price etc. At the moment, I have the order line table as a subform within the Order form (run from the Orders table). The problem I'm having is the subtotal and total fields. At the moment these are in the Order Line table as I cannot figure out how to get these in the Orders table. In summary, can I make a calculated field in one table that calculates values from another table (linked by Order ID)?

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Reports :: Booking Database - Summarizing By Date Calculated Fields

May 31, 2014

I have created a simple booking DB, i am try to summarize the booking by centre and date so that when a user checks if there is availability the will be able to see how many have booked an activity and how many spaces are left, i have created a new field that calculates the spare places

Spaces: IIf([Totalbookings]=[MaxPeople]"Full"[MaxPeople]-[TotalBookings])

I have also added a link to the main file - [URL] .....

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Queries :: Calculated Field To Find Latest Date For Each Record

Jul 11, 2015

If I have four date Fields in a query, Astart, Bstart, Cstart, and Dstart and want to have a calculated field to find the latest date for each record how would I do that? I have tried things like:

LatestDate: MAX(Astart, Bstart, Cstart, Dstart).

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Forms :: Access 2010 Auto Update Calculated Date Field?

Jan 21, 2015

I have a database to track temporary decertification's. I have the expiration and max dates calculated out from the original dates at the top of each box. The temp expiration date is calculated by adding 267 days from the first date . When we enter an extension, the new expiration date is 30 days from the extension date. My question is, how can I make the expiration date update when a new extension is put in.

For ex.

Temp Decert Date: 05 Dec 2014
Temp Decert Extens 1:
Temp Decert Extens 2:
Temp Decert Extens 3:
Temp Experation Date: 31 Aug 2015
Max Temp Date: 04 Dec 2015

how can I make the expiration date update to go 30 days from what is in the extens field 1, 2, and 3 (respectively) instead of 267 days from the original date?

So I want it to look like this after updating a field

Temp Decert Date: 05 Dec 2014
Temp Decert Extens 1: 30 Aug 2015
Temp Decert Extens 2:
Temp Decert Extens 3:
Temp Experation Date: 29 Sep 2015
Max Temp Date: 04 Dec 2015

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Calculated Field To Extract 14 Day Period And Check If Today Date Falls Within?

Dec 3, 2012

I've got a members table where my members pay an annual fee. The fee is paid 12 months on from when they originally registered. So, for example, 12 months from today, i would expect to pay my next annual fee.

Now, with different members registering at different times of the year, it isn't so straightforward. I would like my calculated field to indicate to me if a payment is required.Furthermore, I would like to include a '' date range '' so that the calculated field entitled ''Payment Required?'' shows yes for a fortnight. Here is my attempt at the expression which partially works:

PaymentRequired?: IIf((Format(Date(),"dd/mm")>= [RenewalDate] And Format(Date(),"dd/mm")<=[RenewalDateAdd14])Or ([Subscription Paid?]=0),"Yes","No")

i used the Format Date method. But i've got a case where someone is due to pay at the end of November...and today being teh 3rd of December.they should have a good few days yet to pay the fee (before teh aforementioned 14 days is up)

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