Need Help Thinking This One Out...

Sep 10, 2006

Ok, I hope I can explain this so everyone can understand what I need. I know all the relationship stuff, linking and tying the records together.

I need a way to keep track of parts that go into machines, these parts can be changed frequently and interchanged from machine to machine, and I need to know what part is in it at the time and where parts have been.

So, each machine has a serial number as well as all the parts that could be installed into those machines. That is the simple part. But where I am getting confused is what is the best way to keep track of the part. As in where is the part right now (is it in a machine, on the shelf or being repaired).

Also, I would like to be able to have it so when the tech gets it on his bench for repair he can enter the SN and find what machne it was in before it was taken out and replaced with another part.

I want to be able to pull up a form with the machines info, what part SN's are in it and what part SN's have been in the machine. And the other way, pull up a form that shows a particular kind of part and which machines they are in.

Should I make it so each record is timestamped and when I pull up a machines form it only shows the most recent record of the parts in that machine. There is only 4 or 5 common parts that are changed, each kind of part having their own table.

I have sat a pondered this for a while and just can't come up with a great way to do this. I had it so when a part was replaced and it was entered in the form the old part was "tagged" as old with an append query and the machine form showed the current part in the machine by showing the record that wasn't "tagged". I am wanting to be able to use a PDA with a barcode scanner to get SN's, scan the machine SN and then the new part, then sometime during the day syncing them. So I need to keep it simple.

Whoa, I hope you are all still awake and followed me on that. Thanks in advance.


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Can Access Know What I'm Thinking?

Dec 16, 2005

I have tried searching the forum to no avail, although I know it must be on here somewhere. I wanted to know if it was possible to have suggested text in a form field. If I type in "B" I would like previous entries begining with B to come up as suggestions for the complete word. Could some one let me know if it is possible/ how to do it/ what keyword to search for.

Is a list box the only way OR even an option??


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Thinking Out Loud..and Thanks For The Opportunity

Nov 24, 2006

This is a thankyou to follow up on the other thankyous.

Sometimes just typing out a problem presents the answer without the need for follow through from the forum. Tonight is another example - I started entering a thread and realized I could solve the issue myself.

For us newbies sometimes just having a sounding board to think out loud can produce surprising results!

Your help is always appreciated by me .. whether you know you've helped me or not!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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How Do I Start Thinking About This Multiple Criteria Query?

May 29, 2007

Embarrassingly, I'm not even to the point where I can ask a specific question about the query(ies) I think I need.

Here's where I'm starting from and where I want to go... maybe it will make enough sense for somebody to point me in the right direction.

I have sales data that contains line items for every item sold over the past X number of years. For each line, there are six key attributes that I'm concerned with.

For simplicity here's a scaled down example of the data for each line.


For each attribute, there are at least five possibilities.

I have been asked to find monthly sales trends on about 20 unique combinations of these various attributes. An example might be, the monthly sales totals for:

TRANS_DATE = 1/1/06 to 1/31/06
FAM_GROUP = 01xx

Then a SUM for the TRANS_AMT.

I've set up a query that can give me the information I'm looking for one month at a time, but I want to believe there is a way to have Access do some of the grunt work, rather than me having to change the variables one by one and copy/paste each result into my new file.

Is there some reading or previous posts I could review that might get me thinking about this in the right way?

Thanks in advance!

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Having Trouble Thinking Of A Way To Approach This (to Do With Importing Access Data)

Feb 26, 2008

Edit:I just realised i had accidently writted the title as (to do with importing access data) it should read (to do with importing excel data)This is going to be a trick hard to understand question but I will try my best to explain itI have a database set out in the following way way it works is; Let's pretend Access Programmers is a company and working on different forums is a different jobSo on one record it would readJames.90| Access Programmers|Tables Forum| Wed=3= Mon=2Then the record below might readJames.90| Access programmers | Forms Forum| mon=5 tue=6So each record is one unique company,Project and CTR which the person has worked for that week meaning if you only work on one forum you would only write one record out each weekNow the data i am receiving is in an excel file where it's set out in a daily basis Where One Day Date|Name|Company|CTR|etcSo if a person works 5 days a week on 2 companies each day that is 10 records when it should only be 2 recordsSo to sum it up. My database is set out weekly and the excel data is set out dailyMy questionWhat would be the best way to convert this data into the database. Changing the database structure around is not an option and i can't change the format we recieve the excel data in. I can change it once i have the file thorough a converter but i can't change the raw source of the dataWhat would be a way to solve this problem because i am completly stummted and am open to any option of converting or anythingThankyou for your time. Also if you have trouble understanding what i mean Please say so and i will upload a copy of the database and a copy of the excel sheet!

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