Need Help With Access, Code Is Inconsistent?

Sep 22, 2004

I dont get any errors with this code. Let me explain what im doing:
T1 = temparary table (not really temparary but the values just change so often it might as well be)
this table has field names: partname, order, maxorder, etc. stuff like that
pretty much its a table that has records for each part name.

T2 = main database
this table holds the order for all parts for a particular time and day

T1 is the one that people are familiar with, where as T2 's set up is something that they would not be, so for clarity we use T1 for displaying etc.

now my problem is, i try to transfer data from one table to another but it works sometimes and doesnt work others, i dont get any errors and i have option explicit on as well. if someone could look at this code and tell me if there are any problems that you see, the quicker the response the better.

technical specs:
Access 2000
Windows 2000

Private Sub insertRecMainDB(ByVal typeOfOrder As String)
'This sub will insert a new record of type O (Ordered) and put in all values from the table Order
'Also it will make a duplicate record of type R (Received) and put in same values so when later
'if there are no changes (meaning all product was received) no entry has to occur, however if you
'are missing a part then you can enter how many on the other form.

Dim yesOrNo As String
Dim tempSQL As String
Dim rec As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim orderAmountRec As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim partNameRec As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim numOfRecords As Integer
Dim cnt As Integer

'Checks the type of order and either checks or does not check it in the DB
If typeOfOrder = "O" Then
yesOrNo = "yes"
yesOrNo = "no"
End If

'Create the SQL statements to update MainDB
tempSQL = "INSERT INTO [MainDB] ([OrderNumber],[DateTime],[OrderedReceived],[TypeOfOrder]) VALUES (" + CStr(txtOrderNumber.Value) + ",'" + CStr(lblDateTime.Caption) + "'," + yesOrNo + ",'" + typeOfOrder + "')"
CurrentDb.Execute (tempSQL)

'Counts the number of parts we have to order, saves it in numOfRecords
rec.Open ("SELECT* FROM [Order]"), conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
numOfRecords = rec.RecordCount
'Loop to transfer data from the table Order to the table MainDB
For cnt = 1 To numOfRecords

'Gets the name of each part
tempSQL = "SELECT [Description] FROM [Order] WHERE [PartNumber]=" + CStr(cnt) + ";"
partNameRec.Open (tempSQL), conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

'Gets the amount ordered of that part
tempSQL = "SELECT [MaterialOrdered] FROM [Order] WHERE [PartNumber]=" + CStr(cnt) + ";"
orderAmountRec.Open (tempSQL), conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

'Updates that part name with the ordered amount
tempSQL = "UPDATE [MainDB] SET [" + CStr(partNameRec.Fields(0)) + "]=" + CStr(orderAmountRec.Fields(0)) + " WHERE [OrderNumber]=" + CStr(txtOrderNumber.Value) + " AND [DateTime]='" + CStr(lblDateTime.Caption) + "' AND [TypeOfOrder]='" + typeOfOrder + "';"
CurrentDb.Execute (tempSQL)

End Sub

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Inconsistent Query Results

Aug 3, 2006

I have a query and the works fine
The query is

Code:SELECT RawData.OutlineNumber, RawData.OutlineDescription, RawData.DeliverableDesc, IIf(subQuery1.TotalProgress=0,"",IIf(subQuery2.TotalDaysForDeliverable=0,"",FormatPercent((RawData.PercentComplete/subQuery1.TotalProgress)*(RawData.Finish-RawData.Start)/(subQuery2.TotalDaysForDeliverable)))) AS WeightedContributionFROM RawData, [SELECT DeliverableDesc, SUM(PercentComplete) AS TotalProgress FROM RawData GROUP BY DeliverableDesc]. AS subQuery1, [SELECT DeliverableDesc, SUM(RawData.Finish-RawData.Start) AS TotalDaysForDeliverable FROM RawData GROUP BY DeliverableDesc]. AS subQuery2WHERE ((RawData.DeliverableDesc)=(subQuery1.DeliverableD esc) And (RawData.DeliverableDesc)=(subQuery2.DeliverableDe sc) AND RawData.ReleasePeriod=ReleaseMonth);

I am now try to set that query as the record source in a sub form using VBA but it throws a syntax error, run time error ‘3075’

Code:strRowSource = "SELECT RawData.OutlineNumber, RawData.OutlineDescription, RawData.DeliverableDesc, IIf(subQuery1.TotalProgress=0,"",IIf(subQuery2.TotalDaysForDeliverable=0,"",FormatPercent((RawData.PercentComplete/subQuery1.TotalProgress)*(RawData.Finish-RawData.Start)/(subQuery2.TotalDaysForDeliverable)))) AS WeightedContribution " & _ "FROM RawData, [SELECT DeliverableDesc, SUM(PercentComplete) AS TotalProgress FROM RawData GROUP BY DeliverableDesc]. AS subQuery1, [SELECT DeliverableDesc, SUM(RawData.Finish-RawData.Start) AS TotalDaysForDeliverable FROM RawData GROUP BY DeliverableDesc]. AS subQuery2 " & _ "WHERE ((RawData.DeliverableDesc)=(subQuery1.DeliverableD esc) And (RawData.DeliverableDesc)=(subQuery2.DeliverableDe sc) And RawData.ReleasePeriod = '" & Me.Combo10.value & "' )" Me.DeliverableStatus_Contribution_Of_Tasks_subform .Form.RecordSource = strRowSource

How is it that the query works when I run it but when I try to apply it to a sub form it gives a syntax error, any ideas how to correct this

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Inconsistent Date Format Problem

Jun 28, 2007

I have a table with several date fields. All the fields are formatted to medium date, but the data is being saved in to different ways. Some records are yy-mmm-dd and some are dd-mmm-yy. Each field has at least a few inconsistent dates but not always in the same record. I can't figure out how to make them consistent again. Has anyone else ever had this problem?


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Adding Times With Inconsistent Formatting

Dec 22, 2013

I am making a race results database that is supposed to sum an entrant's two times together to obtain a total combined time.

Let's say that the two times I have are '41.43' (41 seconds and 43 milliseconds, there is no colon) and '1:48.17' (1 minute and 48 seconds and 17 milliseconds), and both are currently of the short text data type in my table. How would I go about obtaining the sum of these two times? I have already tried using queries to convert the strings to seconds with no success.

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Resulting Date Format In Datasheet Is Inconsistent

Jun 1, 2007

I am at a loss as to why my dates in my table datasheet are not consistent in the Date/Time format. In the table and specifically the Date/Time field it is formatted as the selection "Short Date". I am located in the U.S. using MS Access 2003. The database I'm using was a free download from the MS website called "Accounting Ledger" and it is for Access 2003.

While I have dabbled in databases some I am really at a loss as to why I am seeing two >>different<< Date/Time formats in the *same* table.

Below is the date range I've entered from January 2007 to May 2007 and below has been copied and pasted directly from the datasheet. Trying to do a date sort in any fashion is out of the question until I resolve this.

I am consistent in my date input... April 6, 2007 is entered as 4/6/07, January 18, 2007 is entered as 1/18/07, February 21, 2007 is entered as 2/21/07 and so on.

However, some dates are showing as mm/dd/yyyy format while others are showing as dd/mm/yyyy format.

Note: if I choose a general date or long date format Access reads these as July, September and October dates in some cases.

Here is January (as copied and pasted from the datasheet)

01/03/2007 (these first 7 show a mm/dd/yyyy format)

18/01/2007 (these last 6 show a dd/mm/yyyy format)

Here is February's


And March's... (the only month that appears correct...)






Any help would sure be appreciated!

Thanks in advance.


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Modules & VBA :: Time Calculations - Inconsistent Results?

Jul 9, 2014

I work for a bank and have build a few little DB's for differant groups but my current project is a work flow tool for a department. I have it 90% completed and i still have to build in the reporting side. Part of the reporting is caclulating times and this is where i am having problem.

I have some coding built but i am getting inconsistant results, as an example if i am trying to calculate the total amount of time between [start Time], [End Time] then minus any [Stop Time].

Me.Total_Time = Format(Int(Workhours(DateAdd("n", Nz([Total_Stop_Time]), [Processor_Date_Stamp]), [Date_Sent_to_RM])), "00") & ":" & Format(Int((Workhours(DateAdd("n", Nz([Total_Stop_Time]), [Processor_Date_Stamp]), [Date_Sent_to_RM]) * 3600 - (Int(Workhours(DateAdd("n", Nz([Total_Stop_Time]), [Processor_Date_Stamp]), [Date_Sent_to_RM])) * 3600)) / 60), "00") & ":" & Format(((Workhours(DateAdd("n", Nz([Total_Stop_Time]), [Processor_Date_Stamp]), [Date_Sent_to_RM]) * 3600 Mod 60)), "00")

I have this on a command button, i have this same code for a few other calculations and in some cases it seems to be working i have just changed my start and stop fields along with what stop time to take out in each case. I have attached some parts of my DB, one of the modules, my main table and the form where i am running the coding.

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General :: Split Database - Inconsistent Number Of Records

Nov 8, 2012

I have split the database, with the back-end residing on the server. Only 1 other person is working in Access right now; she's verifying the data. Today she's working directly in the back-end, could this be the problem. If it is, I'm going to have to create a front-end for her quickly.

My problem is this...I'm working on queries and forms so that the scientists who will ultimately be using this application, won't be able to go in and inadvertently change something in the tables set-up. When I'm in the back-end main data table, it says I have 2723 records.

When I create a front-end query to query all the records in that table, it says I have 2160 records.

The input form that I created with most of the same fields as the query (created BEFORE I created the query...I'll have it pull from the query now instead of directly from the table) also says we only have 2160 records.

Using Access 2010

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Forms :: Continuous Subform - Hyperlink Cursor Inconsistent

Dec 18, 2014

I have a continuous subform on my main form where one text box is a hyperlink that opens a form. All is well, except....

When the mouse hovers over the text box of the top record, the cursor does not change to the hyperlink pointed finger thing (it's I-beam), even though the text in the textbox displays in hyperlink format.

If I hover over the hyperlink/text boxes of records 2 thorough x, the hand-cursor appears.

More info:
1. The hyperlink functions normally (i.e., the appropriate form opens to the appropriate record)
2. When I then return to the main form, the hand-cursor magically appears when hovering the first record.
3. I have 2 other continuous subforms on the same main form that behave the same way.

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Queries :: SELECT Query Results Inconsistent - Not Getting All Records

Jun 20, 2013

I have a simple select query on a SQL table from Access. The query is:

SELECT tbl_Orders.OrderID, tbl_Orders.Approved
FROM tbl_Orders
WHERE (((tbl_Orders.Approved)=0) AND ((tbl_Orders.Completed)<>0))
ORDER BY tbl_Orders.OrderID;

The strange thing is that sometimes it pulls 34 results, and sometimes 38. From what I can tell, it should be pulling all 38.

What can I do to make sure it gets all the records?

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Forms :: Multi Select Listbox Access 2003 Code Gives Syntax Error In MS Access 2010

Oct 24, 2013

I've been using the following code successfully in Access 2003 & now I need to migrate to Access 2010. The purpose of the code is to use the items that the user selects in the list box to build the criteria of a query. Access 2010 keeps giving me a syntax error when I try to run the query & I don't know why:

My code is:

On Error GoTo Err_Command151_Click

' Declare variables
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] .....

The syntax error I get in Access 2010 is:

Syntax Error in query expression 'SELECT * FROM
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK WHERE
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK.Rep ortableName IN('Adbri
Masonry NSW');'

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Problem In Vba Code To Access The Records From Access Tables

Jul 23, 2007

Iam using the following code for inserting the values from access form in to the access database table ITEMS, but iam getting compile errors, may i know where iam going wrong in the code.

Also help me in updating, deleting and viewing of records from database table ITEMS to the form when i run the program.

Following is my code :

Private Sub ADD_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_ADD_Click

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Set cn = CurrentProject.AccessConnection

'Create an instance of the ADO Recordset class, and
'set its properties

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
Set .ActiveConnection = cn
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.CursorLocation = adUseServer
End With

'Set the form's Recordset property to the ADO recordset


Set Me.Recordset = rs
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_ADD_Click

End Sub

compile ERROR as follows:

you can't reference a property or method for a contro unless the control has the focus.

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VBA Code To Set The MS Access Startup

May 30, 2005

Hello to everyone!, Could I ask a help how could I possibly code MS Access Startup to set the MenuBar, ShortCut Menu, FormMenu, Special Keys to OFF to prevent user from using these keys when my application starts?

Thanks for your help...

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VB Code Help On An Access Form....

May 10, 2006

I've got 2 sub forms that I intend on using via a toggle button from my primary form to access them. Is there anyone that can give me a heads up on creating vb code that when OnOpen it will automatically advance to a new record for data entry? I want the form to keep anyone from accidentally changing existing info in that regard. I'm still really new with VB.

Thanks for any help,


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Code Keeps Crashing Access

Feb 15, 2005

on a small scale this code works, but when my inventory table has all of the 2000 records it crashes, any ideas.
I can ftp my database if needed

Code: Dim ColorDim StartPointDim RsItem As DAO.RecordsetDim RsNewItem As DAO.Recordset 'Grab the inventorySet RsItem = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select ItemId,Description1,description2,quantityonhand from item")'grab the table that will have the new item and description addedSet RsNewItem = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from newitems") With RsItem While Not .EOF StartPoint = 1Start:'find out if the last numbers is numeric or notIf IsNumeric(Mid(Right(.Fields!itemid, StartPoint), 1, 1)) = True Then'see if the start point is the last letter or notIf StartPoint = 1 Then 'meaning there is no colour indicated at the end of item Else'add the quantity and the color to the newItem tableColor = Right(.Fields!itemid, StartPoint - 1)RsNewItem.AddNewRsNewItem!Description = .Fields!quantityOnHand & ColorRsNewItem!itemid = .Fields!itemidRsNewItem.UpdateEnd If Else'move the startpoint to the next letter in itemStartPoint = StartPoint + 1GoTo StartEnd If .MoveNextWendEnd With

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Help In Access Form Code

Apr 5, 2007


I have a form in access database. On click of a button I want to perform update process for records in a table "abc" in the same database. I have written the following code in the onclick function,

Code: Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim rsCount As New ADODB.Recordset Dim CntVal As Integer Dim con As New ADODB.Connection con.Provider = "microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0" con.Mode = adModeShareExclusive con.Open ("C: est.mdb") rs.Open "Select * from abc" Do While Not rs.EOF rsCount.Open "select count(test) from abc where test = '" & rs.Fields("test") & "'" If Not rsCount.EOF Then CntVal = rsCount.Fields(0).Value Else CntVal = 0 End If rsCount.Close con.Execute "Update abc set testcount = '" & CntVal & "' where ID1 = '" & rs.Fields("ID1").value & "'" Loop

In the above code, I am not able to use the command,
con.Open (App.Path & " est.mdb"). It gives "Object Required Error". And while opening the con object I get the error "You attempted to open a database that is already opened exclusively by user 'Admin' on machine ''. Try again when the database is available."

Kindly advise how to solve this problem.

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Access Form With VB Code

Oct 18, 2007

I have a form that is created in Access but uses some VB code. Here is my problem..... I have one form that the users do money transactions on. Then I have created a form that will allow them to Void a transaction as well as Refund a transaction. On the Void/Refund forms it will query the user for the Receipt No. once that information is pulled in, there is a command button that says "Void Ticket Sale" on the Refund form it says "Refund Ticket Sale". What I'm trying to do is, once the user enters the receipt no and hit that Void/Refund Ticket Sale button - if it has already been voided/refunded, a message box will come up and say "This Ticket has already been voided/refunded". If it has not, the "Void Ticket Sale" command will carry on. Here is a snippet of my code, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Private Sub cmdRefund_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdRefund_Click
'this is a AddRec button, caption was changed to read Void

Dim Answer As Integer
Dim Result
Dim sqlstmt As String

sqlstmt = "Select Count( * ) from tbl_transactions where PaymentType = Void And VoidRefundID = Me.TransNumID"

Answer = sqlstmt

If Answer > 0 Then
MsgBox "This Receipt No. has already been voided."
Exit Sub

Result = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to Refund Receipt No " + Str$(Me.TransNumID) + "?", vbYesNo, "Refund Receipt")

If Result = VbMsgBoxResult.vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If

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How To Compact Ms Access 2000 In Vba Code

Sep 28, 2005


Does anyone know how to compact a ms access 2000 db in vba code. I want the database to compact evertime it is opened up.


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[ACCESS 2007] Use VBA Code Instead Of A Macro

Jul 26, 2007


When I add a butten using the wizard Access 2007 adds a macro instead of vba code.
How can I get the good old VBA code???

Thanks for your help in advance

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How To Conncet Access Be Tables Using Vb Code

Dec 28, 2004


I need to know is there any specific code that would establish link for tables from Access BE?

I know it using Get External Data...Link Tables. Even though they are in other db but it leads to increase heavy size of main db. I want no table objects (except system tables) to be displayed in main db and only link tables once main db activates and should no table remain exists in FE after closing.

There should be some way to establish connectivity of tables from Access BE at the time of opening main db . This will help a ton to reduce the size of main db and its zip file can be copied even in a 1.44 mb floppy.

I heard something about shell but exactly I don't know how to do it.

Any idea....

With kind regards,

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VB (.frm) Code To MS Access 2000 Form

Dec 14, 2005

I have the (.frm) code for the forms that were created with VB5. How do I use this code to create forms in MS Access 2000?

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Code Works In Excel But Not In Access

Sep 2, 2004

I have an Excel macro that formats a chart and I have tried copying and adapting it for Access.

The following line is executed OK in Excel :

Select Case ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(Counter).Name

I have changed it to the followig for Access

Select Case Me!DERVGraph.Object.Application.Chart.SeriesCollec tion(Counter).Name

but in Access I get an error 'Object does not support this property or method.

(The space shown in SeriesCollec tion above is a screen bug)

Any ideas?


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ASP Code To Connect To A MS Access Database

Apr 17, 2006

Hi there,
Thank you for this great site, and a special thanks to all persons here who are giving a big help to newbees as me.
here is my prob:
I have set up some few ASP pages using dreamweaver 8 in wich I put some forms to collect data from users (actually I'm recruting subjects for a scientific research) and teste them on my local host using IIS server and access 2000 database. all things work correctly. My strconnection in my local machin is as follow:
Code:<%' FileName="Connection_ado_conn_string.htm"' Type="ADO" ' DesigntimeType="ADO"' HTTP="true"' Catalog=""' Schema=""MM_connsujets_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:InetpubwwwrootSujetsRecdbRecruSujets .mdb; Persist Security Info=False"%>
I have found a site ( wich host free asp pages. I uploaded my pages but the connection to the data base is no longer working. the host site give this sample of code to get to connect to the data base:
Dim Conn
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConnection = "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb);DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("/USERNAME/db/yourdatabase.mdb")
I have follwed it and I have changed the username and the database name with mine but I can't figure out what to put to replace the .... after I git error this error when I have tryed to connect:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: 'oConn'

/kin2006/Connections/connsujets.asp, line 11

I deleted the oconn but it doesn't help I have tryed many other combination without any success.
Any clue!!
thanks in advance

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General :: Closing PDF Using Access Code?

Jul 15, 2015

How do I close a .pdf file using Access code? There has got to be some simple line of code that will do this.

I know the location of the .pdf. There has to be something like:


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Changing Access Code Page On Web Server

Oct 10, 2004

When I send a database to server it changes all of my special charters to unicod charterset, I suposed that server is on american charter set, I would like it to change to central europien windows - 1250 code page, is it posible and how? it is very importand to me.

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Code To Link From Access To Company System

Oct 21, 2004

Through word of mouth I hear that you can creat a link that can go from Access and link to the personal company system. Is this true? If it is, is there a standard code to use?

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Move Label In Access Report With Code

May 4, 2006

I am creating a report that has the variable address as usual.
City, State zipcode

If there is no value for address2, is it possible to shift the locatoin of city state zip up into the Address 2 location? I would like to shift the lable up with code, but can't find a way to do it.

I am using an unbound data source so i have full control over the variable data.

thank you

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