Need Help With Basics

Jul 6, 2006

I have a little experience with Access. But thats only really the basics.

Basically my database is very simple. It holds data about customers, names, addresses, etc. Along with a review date. Plus it holds information regarding the location (in a filing system) of important papers for that customer. Basically the system is used to find out where the customers papers are located. As well as a query that can be ran on any review date, and the address taken from those records (that match) and shoved into word in a list.

My problems are these,

1) If a query returns back with no results. How can I make it so that a message box appears explaining so?

2) When editing a record in form view. Is there anyway of creating a 'cancel' button that will undo any changes that have been made to the record? It seems that as soon as you close the box it doesnt ask if you want to save the changes?

3) How do I create a delete button so that I can delete a record?

4) And lastly, what would be the best method of going about getting the address's out of records via their review date as mentioned above? I have a query that will allow you to enter in the review date you are looking for, but after that I am lost lol.

I know these might sound like very pathetic questions to ask lol, reading the forums you all seem so knowledgable on these things so I really hope you can help a newbie lol.

Thanks in advance.

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Archiving Basics ???

Jul 6, 2005

Hi Guys,

Im about to create a button on a form that will archive the current record to an archive table.....

The question is, Before I start to look into this, I would just like to clarify what I do.

I assume firstly I would need to make an exact copy of my current table, them remove all data, then change name to something like "tbl_archive_data"
( this would be to hold the archive info right ? )
Once I have done this, I`m assuming i`ll have to make some sort of query that will copy the data to the new table, then delete the record from my current table ?
Then I`ll have to create a button on my form, which can be cliocked on by the user to archive this particualr record...

In a nutshell, would this be sort of the correct way to do this ???

Any recommendations/advice will be much appreciated on this.

I know there is already some archive details in the forum, but none of them really made much sence, as they were answers to problems with this already half done....

Thanks in advance guys.


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Combo Box Basics

Feb 25, 2005

I am pretty new to Access and I have a lot of questions. The first, and probably most basic is this:
I have created a combobox with multiple names. I would like to be able to have the user select multiple names to enter into the form. I have created a background table with the list of names and that is where the combobox pulls the names from. When I go to the "Forms view", the combo box will not allow me to select multiple names and it only displays the first column of the table. What do I need to do to be have the user be able to select multiple names and to have more than just the first column visible? Thanks

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The Absolute Basics

Jul 4, 2006

I have no idea what i am doing... However I do concede that I am a hyper-intellect and I pick things up extremely fast.

I was assigned at work to create a MS Access Database. Usually these are very involved and costly as it requires someone with knowledge of the program and the business alike to be able to create one. I have all the necessary field headings and I know and understand the construction of database forms (layout, formatting etc.). My problem lies herein: I do not know how to make the data record into a table or set of forms, I dont know how to use macros or VBA, i am rusty at creating tables and queries anddddd.... not going to lie, the whole Access thing is not working out for me.

If ANYONE can help me, then please please please do so. I need to know only basic things im sure. I need to be able to create a table from my form (that was my groundwork) and I also want to know why i can't add records to my database...

again...i don't know any VBA so take it easy with the answers.

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