Need Ideas: Alert User When Record Hasnt Been Updated In Over An Hour

Jul 22, 2007

I have a form in continuous forms mode...
Each entry is something the user is supposed to check on once and hour and update.
I have a "Last updated" field.
Now() goes into that field every time the record is updated.
I have a querry that will show the users records that are over an hour old.

How can I get Access to pop-up a window or something to alert the user they need to look at something? It would be really nice if Aspect would start blinking in the task bar or something.


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Form Event To Alert Before User Moves Onto Another Record

Sep 20, 2005


I have a form with some bound fields and some unbound fields. If I make any change to the bound fields I can use the "Before update" event to perform some actions when a user tries to move onto a new record.

What I now need is if a user doesn't make any change to the bound fields but makes a change to an unbound field - how can I check this before the next record is displayed. Is there any event I can use? Each time a user tries to move to a new record I want to check first if they have added anything to an unbound field.

Users can move onto the next record using buttons or the record navigator at the end of the form.

Many Thanks,

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General :: Capturing And Saving User Name Who Created And Updated A Record

Jul 20, 2012

I have taken the Access Tasks template and modified a bit. It now captures and saves the time and date a record is modified. The database is on a network folder and is shared among our team users.What I would like to do next is make it,

1- capture and record on my Tasks table the user name of who created the record by using the fOSUserName() function. I have the table fields "Created by" and the VB code in a module. This would happen only once when the record is created.

I would also like to do this with the machine name for which I have the module too. fOSMachineName()


2- capture and record the user name of who modified a record. For this I also have a field in my task table "Last Modified By" and i hope i can use the same fOSUerNmae() function.

I got to the point where I put an unbounded text box with the =fOSUserName() in it and it does show the user name but how do i get to record to my task table?how the template removes the tasks that are completed from the task list as soon as it is updated to completed? how can I make this happen with a cancelled option after I add it to the drop down list?

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Multi-user Contact Manager, Any Ideas??

Jul 8, 2005

I'm in the process of recreating a contact manager for a group of salespeople at an office I work for... What I want to do is be able to consolidate all of the contacts in a single contact database on the back end. Then the records will have specific users specified to each record, and what I want to happen is that the users will open up their own database, and they will only see the records pertaining to them, and they can't change who gets the records.

Here's where it starts getting tricky. I want the manager to have access to all of the records, and I want him to select which user's contact list he wants, and it brings up those contacts. I want him to have a combo list on the screen where he can select who gets which contacts, and he can change them throughout the different users.

Related to each of these contacts is a subform, called CALLS... When this button is clicked, any information regarding past calls is brought up, and the user can add information about a call that is made. This checks the previous form that is open to find out the ContactID so that it can open up the corresponding CALLS entries in the CALLS table.

Here's what I did: I created a new contacts form for each salesperson (there are 5 salespeople). Then I had to create a new subform for each salesperson for the CALLS, and then the information will be gathered from the proper subform to the users contact form.

I can do all of the above, but it seems kind of redundant to do this for all of the users, and I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do this. Also, in the future if more salespeople are added and I'm not here for the company to set up the new users, I would like to see if there is an easy way for them to set it up (like adding a new value to a few different spots)...

BTW: One difficulty is that they are already using a previous contact manager (not designed by me) that has hundreds of contacts, but each user has their own separate copy of the contact manager which is just copied and pasted onto their local drive when a new salesperson arrives. I will also need to import all of their previous contacts, and I would like to maintain as much of the original structure as possible to avoid dealing with user compatibility problems.

If you need to see the contact managers, please let me know. Any questions, i will be glad to discuss. Thanks.

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General :: Prompt A Windows Alert To All User Who Using The Same Database File?

Dec 3, 2014

Im seeking for a solution to prompt all user with windows alert for Notification

Case 1:One staff applied leave and clicked "Submit" , after clicked I want the system will prompt his/her Supervisor for his/her leave approval or like a notification that the Supervisor need to go somewhere to approve (Selected Supervisor)(Maybe the Supervisor need to 7x24 Opening the access database).

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General :: User To Review Address Register - Auto Alert When Changes / Additions Made

Sep 27, 2012

I've got a database that allows all users to review an address register. If they find errors or mostly get updated information they have another form they can fill out to make the recommended changes. Only I have access to the main DB to make the change permanent.

The question I have is there a way for Access to send me a notification that someone has requested the change?

I know that sending an email is doable - in Access. However, that's not an option for our network here. I was thinking something along the command prompt "Net Send" command. However I've not been able to get that to work by itself - let alone within Access...

I have used VB code in the past to store what PC is using the database, I could modify that to alert me whenever I open the DB up from my PC. But I was trying to get away from having to open this particular DB up every day and check for changes.

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Updated By User Field

Feb 19, 2008

Access 2000:

There is probabily a simple function that can do this, but I'm stuck to find any explanation so I was hoping someone could help. I've tried the forum search but I guess I'm looking for the wrong thing.

I have managed access to the databse using the users/groups facility. So everyone who accesses the database has to effectively log in.

Users will be creating a record in only one table. When they save this record I need Access to automatically populate a designated field with the Users Log On name.

My question is how?

Thanks in advance for your time.

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Alert When New Record Is Saved!!!!

Jul 28, 2004

I need to know how to send an email to myself when someone adds a new record
to my database. If someone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.


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Creating A Message Alert On A Record

Feb 13, 2008


I am trying to create an alert function so that when a user open up a form and displays a record, it will also display any alerts that have been created for that record. e.g. missed payments etc.
I have created a table to store the alert data along with the job number to which the alert relates so in essence I can have more that one alert per job record. I amtrying get one of the alerts to display ok using the following code

alerts = DLookup("[Job _Number]", "Alerts", "[Job _Number]='" & Me.Job_Number & "'" And "[Start_Date]" >= Date)

You will see that I am trying to only display alerts that are within the valid date range (I have not yet included [End_Date] as I cannot get the code above to work.

Can anyone help me correct this code please?

The other thing is that because I am using a dlookup, I am assuming it will only display the first alert it finds in the table and that's it? If so, how do it get it to display all 'active' alerts with a matching job number. By active I mean where the Start date is >= Date() and End date is <= Date()

I would really appreciate any help on this..

Thank you all for reading.

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Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Values With Alert After User Enters Duplicate Value

Dec 30, 2013

We are working on an Access (2007) database that is on a SharePoint Site (2007).

Currently the form is operational, but there is one last thing that would be nice to have.

The table is "Updated Headcount" which contains "EMP_ID" which are unique numbers stored as text.

In the event a new employee is entered in the system by another user on this site we would like to prevent any duplicate "EMPID"s from being entered and saved on the SharePoint, we would also like to alert the user and prevent the data from being saved.

All data is currently bound, so once the user makes a change it is made, no submit button is required.

We are running into some difficulties in doing a dlookup from the value entered and comparing to a column in the table.

FORM CELL user will input an EMPID - newEMPID
FORM CELL used for a dlookup to compare what user has entered to what is already in the table - duplicateEMPID

So below is what we are trying to do, we are sure there are a few commands missing....

=IIF(newEMPID=dlookup([UPDATED HEADCOUNT]![EMPID]), newEMPID, "Error, EMPID already exists")

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Modules & VBA :: Running Update Query On Record And Have Form Show Updated Record

Jan 26, 2015

i want to be able to create an On Click Event when pushing a command button that will run an Update query to update a record and after it has been updated that specific record will pop up on a Form and be displayed. i know a different way is to run the Update query and then have it displayed in a Select query but i want it to be displayed on a Form instead. is it possible?

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Forms :: Alert Message If A Field In A Record Is Empty

Mar 22, 2013

I have a form in my db and i would like it to show me a warning message if a specific field in a record is empty or even better not to allow me to close the form. I would like to have this in order to avoid incomplete data.

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If Filed Hasnt Changed In 24hrs...flag It And Dcount The Results ?

Aug 3, 2006

Another question on how might be the best way to do things with dates ?

I have a simple database which is a fault database.

I get an email request to investigate something and I log it and give it a ticket number. If I email back , I put the comments that I sent in the email in the update field on the database.

When I create the ticket its in an open state with a date and time stamp of now()

When I close (drop down box with open and close as options) the ticket it automatically updates the time in the closed filed to Now()

What I want to do is when I updated my comments field , this sets a date value in a hidden field on the form of Now()

So then I need an expression that looks at the difference between the updated time and the now time

i.e. I update a call on 29/7/2006 at 10:00 am

Its now 30/7/2006 at 10:01

i.e 24hrs and 1 minute later

As its more than 24hrs this flags and output to a filed e.g. 1

I then total all the "1" and therefore I have a ticket count of how many calls have not been updated in 24hrs.

So Im assuming I will need an after update event on my comments field put today's date in this hidden field ,and then maybe some sort of code which is maybe on my switchboard which looks at the difference of these dates and if greater than (or equal too) 24hrs it will output a value of 1.

And If I can do this I can also have a flag if its more than 2 days , then clear the 24hr flag an increment a 24hr flag etc.

My tickets should all be closed with 24 hrs , so this is something to capture anything that is open and hasn't been updated in 24hrs

Id appreciate some guidance on the best way to do this ?



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Record Not Updated In Table

Jul 2, 2007

New member, so forgive me if this has been covered before:

Trying to build a Business database (more for the exercise than any desire to run a business) and have the following problem -

Have a Purchase Ordler Line table and an Item table - the item in the PO line is a lookup from the Item table - I want the PO line price to default in from the the item table.

Created the query and generated the form & subform - on screen, the substitution works, the PO line price does get picked up from the Item table, but the PO Line table does not update with this value.

Is there a soltion to this?

Any assistance gratefully accepted

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Updated Record Count

May 17, 2006

Cant find what I am looking for on the forum so if anyone can help me or tell me what to search for that would be great...

I need one of my forms to display a running total of updated records, but only those records that the user clicks a command button on. i.e if i have a recordset of n records each time I move to the next one (by clicking a command button) I want the control on the form to display the count of those records that have been updated only.

I am assuming I would need to add some code to the after update event of the form or on click event of the command button but cant really figure out what code to write.

Any pointers?

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Getting The Properties Of The Record Last Updated/inserted

Apr 27, 2006

New here, looks like a great resource.

I have a question about a form which has several fields on it. What I need to do is to capture the ALL the fields of the record I just entered(updated or inserted)

So, for example, if my form has fields for

RepID, RepName, Company

After I edit or insert a new record, when I click to the next line, is there a way I can use AfterUpdate event to capture ALL the fields that were just updated on the form, and do whatever it is I need to do with them? I hope I am amking myself clear. Thanks for taking the time to look.

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Forms :: Show Last Record Updated In Table

Jul 12, 2015

I have created a form with two subforms within it.

The TOP subform enables the user to view a specific record (not change it)

The BOTTOM subform enables users to view a datasheet form of all the records and amend them where necessary.

I want the TOP subform to automatically go to the last updated record, meaning that if the user changes the data of a record in the BOTTOM subform it will automatically display the last record on TOP that was updated in the table.

I've looked at the macros available and it only allows me to 'GoToRecord' to either Last, Previous, New etc... Is there any way to go to 'Last modified in the table'??

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Modules & VBA :: Form Not Updated After Adding A Record

Oct 31, 2013

In one form, I have to click on button that opens the other form. Each form is bound to its table and those two tables are linked by Primary [RaDAR_Id] and Foreign [radar_id] fields. I would like the code to:

* open the other form
* move to the first record that has [radar_id] = [RaDAR_Is] if exists

If there is no any record in the other form that contains [radar_id] = [RaDAR_Id] then I want to create such record. So I am using the code (below). The problem is that the other form is not being updated.


Private Sub cmd_edit_usage_Click()
' DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_edit_usage"
Dim lngRadarId As Long
Dim patientId As Long
Dim rsUsage As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsUsageWrite As DAO.Recordset


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Forms :: Adding New Record - Field Cannot Be Updated

Aug 31, 2013

I have a form based on a mysql table. There is a button in the footer to add a new record.

The pertinent vba code: DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

It adds the new record and properly places the cursor in the first field. Immediately after the first letter is typed, the error message "Field cannot be updated" pops up. I can click ok and the message goes away and I am able to continue filling in the fields. The same thing happens if I add the record by use of the record selectors.

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Forms :: Timestamp Record When Field In Subform Updated

Jun 16, 2014

I have a form and a subform based off a query, I am trying to run a SQL update statement from one of the fields in my subform. I know what fields in my table i want to update but the Where part of the statement is what i am having a issue with.

DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE [Daily Work] SET [Daily Work].QC_Start_Date = Date(),
[Daily Work].QC_Start_Time = Time() WHERE ((([Daily Work].CUS)=[Forms]![QC_Queue_Qry Subform]![CUS])
AND (([Daily Work].LN)=[Forms]![QC_Queue_Qry Subform]![LN]) AND (([Daily Work].Note_Date)=[Forms]!
[QC_Queue_Qry subform]![Note_Date])))"

What this is trying to do is once the the field is updated i want to set the date and time of that record in my table, basically I am trying to time stamp the record when the field in my subform in updated.

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Forms :: Second User Record Changes When First User Selects Record

Jul 31, 2014

I have a database for mutli users which is split. Front end is available separately for 3 users. These users make data entry in the same form from their front end form. This particular form has combo box that retrieves data based on selection in combo box and the use starts filling the data in the subform. Upto this, form is Ok, no problems seen.

But when the second user opens the same form from the split database front end stored in his computer, and once the second user selects another record from the combo box, first user's record also changes immediately to the record of Second user. Both users now have the same record even though the form is separately accessed from front end.

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Multi-User - Can You Assign Which User Created/amended A Record?

Aug 4, 2007

Hi guys,

I've seen different log in forms and tips on multi-user use but can't seem to find info on the following...

We have 6 people at work and I'd like to assign which user updated a form or created a new record...this would be particularly useful on the sales part of the database to track who made a call to a particular customer...

Best ideas anyone?


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Hi, Need Help With Subforms Within The Hour

Feb 11, 2008

Hi, I have a main form with a subform inside it. The subform contains two records but only one is shown during form view, is there any way to show both records at the same time?

I am using continuous forms view for my subforms as i have to.

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Group By More Than 1 Hour

Jul 25, 2005

i have a table of time and dates and a value after it inn which i want to do a query which groups these values by every 3 hours e.g

my table
12/02/2001 00:00 6
12/02/2001 01:00 4
12/02/2001 02:00 8
12/02/2001 03:00 12
12/02/2001 04:00 7
12/02/2001 05:00 6

i want the query to do this
12/02/2001 02:00 18
12/02/2001 05:00 25

i cant find anything anywahere and its use ids for a chart in which the chart wizard allows grouping by 1 hour and not by more than 1 hour any help will be much obliged


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DMax + 1 Hour

Jul 1, 2006

I've searched the forum and can't quite find what I need so I'm asking for further guidance form all you Access masters out there!

I have a field 'Time' in the format of 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm' which has a default value of =DMax("Time ","[Monitoring]")+1.

This increments 1 on the 'dd' bit when each new record is created, however what I want is for the hour (hh) bit to increment 1 on each new record.

Not sure if I'm being niave but I thought it was some sort of formatting issue, so I've dabbled with a few but to little effect unfortunately.

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Convert Number To Hour

Jan 2, 2006

Hello Everybody...

I have a Question.
How do I convert a number (26) to 26:00 Hours.

The thing is.
I have a database that calculates the hours of overtime.

for example.

I work from 7:00 to 19:00.
Then I get 12:00 hours of total time.

The above is no problem.

But no I want to deduct the number 2 from 12:00 hours.

I hope to hear from u guys soon

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