Need To Match Data In All Fields In 2 Tables

Apr 14, 2008


I need to match the data in all the fields between 2 tables.

Field 1 (Table 1) = Field 2 (Table 2)
Field 2 (Table 1) = Field 2 (Table 2)
so on......

Using the wizard, I'm only able to match 1 field at a time and this is very time consuming as I have 45 fields to match. Any advise? Can this be done via SQL?

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Tables :: Split Fields And Look For Updated Match?

Apr 20, 2013

I have done this in Excel before, but not Access. I do not know VBA. I figure this will have to be done in a query or a macro. I don't even know if all of this is possible in Access. I need to be able to split an Address field into:

Street Number
Street Name
Street Type
Street Direction

And the purpose of this is so that I can pull out the Street Type (Drive, Road, Lane, etc) and update the abbreviations (DR, RD, LN) to the Street Type spelled completely out.

I did this in Excel by creating a Named Range "Types" on a sheet that has the abbreviations in Column A and the spelled out versions in Column B so that I could convert the abbreviations to complete street types. I broke down the entire address into each part on another sheet. Then I did a VLOOKUP to look up the Street Type in Column B in the Types range. Works great! And the only way I knew at the time to do that.

But, by doing this, I have to get the data I need from a download into a spreadsheet, break the address fields down on a second sheet, do all kinds of field update conversions (to get the field names from the download to match the field names in my Access table). This takes extensive Excel programming. I just thought there might be a way to do it by simply importing the data from the download straight into Access. That is easily done, but the Street Types aren't consistent.

There may even be a better way to do this than splitting....something like if a field CONTAINS DR update it to Drive. This would be a long process to set up because there are so many different street types to consider.

This is basically for the purpose of finding duplicates. If there is one entry called 123 Main St and another called 123 Main Street, they are not going to show up as duplicates, rather as two separate records.

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General :: Two Tables With Data That Do Not Match?

Jun 15, 2014

There are 2 tables:

Table 1 has National Insurance Number, first name, last name, phone no, address.
Table 2: has National Insurance Number and email address.

Table 1 is the master table where it will link to table 2 containing the email addresses of the individuals.

However, there will be a lot of email addresses in table 2 which do not relate to any record in table 1 because I do not have the individual in my database yet.

BUT I want to keep their email address because in the future this person may enlist in my imaginary business and therefore - if they do I would have their email address!

1. Is this possible in Access?

In Excel, it would be the case of a simple vlookup from the email address field into another sheet containing the National Insurance Number and email address.

2. Would it be possible to establish a one-one relationship while enforcing referential integrity?

3. Is there a way I can establish a lookup which can be built into table 1 which can lookup the email address of a person in table 2, matching on National Insurance Numbers?

So in the future if new data is input into table 1 or 2 which results in a match of National Insurance ID numbers, the outcome would mean an email address is now paired to the corresponding individual it belongs to.

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Tables :: Set Up Validation Of Fields Unit And Size Based On Another Fields Data?

Nov 18, 2013

Basically in my order details table i have the following fields


At the moment i have the Product field with a dropdown that gives me all the products from my ProductT. But once i choose the correct product in the unit field it gives me all the possibilities of every product not just the units associated with that product. ie

Grasshopper Box1000 Adult
Grasshopper Box1000 Subadult
Worm 10pz Big

When I select the grasshopper product and move on to the unit field i also get "10pz" option but this is not a product available.

How do i set up validation of the fields Unit and size based on another fields data?

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I Need To Match 3 Fields For Duplicate

Sep 26, 2005

I am exporting an Oracle report to excel, and using an Access macro to import into a table.
The records contain some duplicate info that I do want to capture, but I don't want to import the same records. (I import the file on one day, and someone comes in and imports the same file later).
This would work if I could get the table to not duplicate if three of the fields are the same as an existing record. I tried using the index, but it reconizes any/all of the fields that duplicate.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Match Max Value In A Row Of Fields With Row Header

Feb 25, 2014

I am trying to setup a table that tracks the progress of an item from a cradle to grave process with 26 steps in between. I would like a calculated status column that is calculated by finding the max value (Date) in a row and returning the "header" that is associated with the max value.

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Tables :: Calculated Fields As Data Type In Tables - Calculating Total?

Apr 23, 2013

I am using calculated field as a data type in access 2010.

They are working fine.

However, I added a new field and now the final calc won't work.

I have Subtotal adding loads of fields together. Works fine.

Then I have a VATunit field which is a double integer, so enter 20 and my next field is VATTotal calculates the SubTotal + the VATunit by doing (Subtotal/100)*VATunit. This calculation is fine and gives me the correct amount.

The next field is a Total field. Which adds Subtotal and the VATTotal together. Howver, the Total is the same as Subtotal. It is not adding the VATTotal to it?

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Queries :: Two Fields Don't Match Query

Jan 24, 2015

Is there a way to have a query return only records where the text in two fields doesn't match?

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Display Records When Two OTHER Fields Match

May 20, 2015

I currently have a query that uses a function to get the current users email address. This is matched with a "Teacher Email" address in a table of students to only show students which match the logged in teacher. I'd like to modify this so the teacher can see any student in their department. Is there a way to do this without creating a separate "Teachers" table that would contain a department and email?

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General :: Find Records That Match Criteria Of Multiple Fields

Mar 12, 2013

Using sql or access query I would like to create an expression that aggregates the first field and I would like to see all records grouped by the relationship with another field. Let me show an example.

My query shows:

field1 field2
apple a
apple b
banana a
carrot a
carrot b
dog b
elephant b

I would like my query to now display a third field and group field :

field1 field3
apple both
banana a
carrot both
dog b
elephant b

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General :: Auto Resize Fields Width To Match Length Of Name

Dec 26, 2012

I would likw for my first and last name fields width to match the length of the name. So if the last name is Smith then the field width will resize itself to fit perfect fit the name. Then if I have a last name of Connor then it will grow to fit it perfect. I dont need this but it will be nice so everything looks a bit nicer an cleaner. I thought the following would have worked:

Code : Me.Lastname.width = Len(Me.Lastname]

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Performing A Match Query Between Two Tables

Oct 25, 2006


I recently got a new job and am trying to learn access for it. I have two tables. Both of them have client id numbers. They are both supposed to have the same client id numbers. However, Table 1 has more client id numbers than Table 2. I want to do a match query that selects the client id numbers in Table 1 that do not have a corresponding match in Table 2. How would I go about doing this?

Also, I want to do a simple select query where I select the client id numbers in Table 1 whose first two numbers are "88." How would I do this in the query or SQL form.

Do you have any recommendations about the best way to learn Access for practical applications like this? I'll also need to get good at making Forms which seem fairly complicated.

Thank you for your time.


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Modules & VBA :: Comparing Two Tables To See If There Is Any Match?

Jul 7, 2015

I have two access tables named as "DestructionTBL" and "AnnutiesTBL". Now I have to check each PolicyNumber of AnnutiesTBL with PolicyNumbers in "DestructionTBL". If match is found then add that PolicyNumber into "NODestructionTBL" and delete that PolicyNumber record from "DestructionTBL".

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Tables :: Limiting Values To Match Primary Key

Aug 29, 2013

I have a very basic three table structure.

ClientID (PK)

BoatReg (pk)
ClientID (FK)

QuoteID (Pk)
ClientID (fk)
BoatReg (fk)

What I would like to do is for the BoatReg field in the Quotes Table to only display the boats that have been registered to the Client that has been selected, currently it displays all the BoatRegs.

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Comparing 2 Tables And Listing Records That Dont Match

Jun 19, 2006

Very new to access, I need an easy way to compare 2 tables with a common field (the name field) and list just the records that appear in the second table but not the first (primary) table.

Please help, thanks.

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Queries :: Match Up Two Tables - Removing / Changing Numbers

Jul 12, 2013

Okay, this one should be simple and can be solved in one of two ways. I have two seperate tables with a 12 digit identifying number that is ALMOST exactly the same in each. I am trying to match up these two tables, which works amazingly well, except for the occasional case where the 12 digit ID (which is called API) ends in 01, instead of 00. The last two digits do not make a difference at all, but in one table it will end in 00 and the other it will end in 01, even though they are the same record.

Basically, it looks like this...
Table 1---------------Table 2

So basically, in my final query, the last entry will not show up since these two are not related by this API (ID) number. Any way to either replace the 01 on the end with 00... OR to remove the last two digits?

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Query To Display Data That Does Not Match

Jun 12, 2006

I have two tables of data, one is a customer information (membersdata) table and the other is information recived from a bank (bankdata). Each customer has a 'bank description' field in its membersdata table and the bankdata table also has field 'bank description'.
The query I have at the moment gives me back the data that both tables have a matching 'bank description'. The query I want is one that will give me the data from the bankdata table that does not exist in the membersdata table.
So simply put the query I want is the opposite of the one I made with the wizard.

I hope that makes sense?

Any help would be fantastic!


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Tables :: Copying Data From Fields To Another?

Dec 5, 2013

I have a field that has a description of the project I'm working on, which has client information on it. I want to take all 600 of those records and copy them to fields in the same table, so that I can remove the client information, which will allow me to pull whichever of those two I need when I run a query.

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Tables :: How To Receive Data From Two Fields

Feb 15, 2014

now i have two tables,

Table 1, containing Purchases Orders (P1,P2,P3,.......)
Table 2, containing Local Purchases (L1,L2,L3,L4,.....)

Now i want to make a thrid table that contains a field for all purchases in table 1 & 2, (P1,P2,P3,L1,L2,L3,L4,.....), if i make a lookup wizard that will retrieve only from one table but i want to retrieve data from the two tables.

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Populate Fields Using Data From Different Tables?

Feb 6, 2012

need to create a database for work. there would be a way to select an id based on a previous table and have parts of it populate in this new table.

For example:

Table A - Webinars (Webinar ID, Webinar Title and Client)
Table B - Sessions (Session ID, Date, Webinar Title, Time, Facilitator, Session Occurred, Reason, Conference Call) [Webinar Title I used a look up field and just select the corresponding Webinar Title and it works nicely]
Table C - Users (User ID, Status, Prefix, Last Name, First Name, Email Address, Component, Role and State)
Table D - Registrants (User ID, Session Date, Webinar Title, Attended).

So in Table D I would like to add Role and Component, so when I select User ID #1 the Role and Component Field populate with the info based on Table C.

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Queries :: Number Of Columns In Two Selected Tables Of Union Query Do Not Match

Dec 9, 2013

I'm new to Access. We have a database that was created years ago and has been working fine. Now suddendly we get the following error message on a query.

"The number of columns in the two selected tables or queries of a union query do not match"

This is the code

SELECT [TimeSheets All].[Job Number], [TimeSheets All].Date, [TimeSheets All].Details, [TimeSheets All].[Start Time], [TimeSheets All].[End Time], [TimeSheets All].[Unbillable hours], [TimeSheets All].Who, *
FROM [TimeSheets All]
WHERE ((([TimeSheets All].[Job Number]) Like [Forms]![Search]![Job Number]))
ORDER BY [TimeSheets All].[Job Number], [TimeSheets All].Date;

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Can't Add Data Into Fields In Joined Query/tables

Jan 17, 2006

I can not, or not allowed to enter data in fields in a query built from three tables that are jointed by a common field with the same name. The parent table is linked to another Access data base as is one child table the other is local data. Also, I am not able to view the child table data when viewing the parent table.

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Queries :: Pull Data From Fields In 2 Different Tables

May 6, 2013

I have a query that pulls data from the following fields in 2 different tables:

Area1FloorPrep (tblFloorPrep) ex. remove ceramic tile
Area1Size (tblInstallationAreas) ex. 20 s/f, or just 20
Area2FloorPrep (tblFloorPrep)
Area2Size (tblInstallationAreas)....

All the way to Area20 (Floorprep and InstallationAreas) for both tables. I have created an installer invoicing form that pulls the data from the workorder that these fields are located in, but the problem I'm having is that I don't know what kind of query to create to concatenate the data in the 20 fields and concatenate the size of the areas next to the appropriate concatenated floor prep description. Is there a way to do this without coding?

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Tables :: Accessing Data From Other Fields In Another Table

Sep 19, 2014

I have a database with a number of tables 2 of which are:

# Personal Members Table (with all their details and addresses and contact details)
# Organisation Table (including who are members of this Org)

My conundrum is this; In the Org table I have just created a 'Treasurer' Field and want to choose a name from the Members Table so that I do not have to put the data in twice (which is what has happened in the past.)

I have linked the tables and but within the Members table the Field names for the Personal Name are as follows <FirstName> <LastName> and there is another for the <Org> they are connected with...

In the Members table it would also be good to have the ability to hover the mouse over the <org> field (or click) on it and then underneath a box appears with everyone who is a member of that org. I have seen this working on another database but cannot seem to replicate it here for some reason?

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Tables :: Export Data To CSV Without Blank Fields

May 19, 2015

I have to import a table into a government database. I've got the data lined up in a table and exported to csv. The problem is that the government database doesn't allow empty fields, or the commas created by empty fields. The empty fields are create by criteria that changes with each employee. Is there a way to get rid of them without manually deleting them? I would imagine there is but can't find anything about it or maybe I don't see the forest for the trees? Sample csv below with surplus commas.

3010,702073771620150200000000000001,3015,IT3(a),3020,A,3025,2015,,,3030,Sabelo,3040,Nkosinathi ,3050,NE,3060,6012125391085,3070,,3075,,3080,19601212,3100,0000000000,3263,55103,3264,ZAR,3125,,3136,0437343012,3138,,3147,
Farm 1317,3149,Vincent,3150,5275,3160,1,3170,20140801,3180,20140925,3200,52.0000,3210,7.0000,3214,PO Box 13092,3216,Vincent,3217,5217,3218,,3247,N,3249,X,3253,,3254,,3262,,3240,0,,,,,,,,,,,

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Tables :: Getting Rid Of Lookup Fields Without Losing Data

Oct 15, 2012

What is the best way to do this without losing data? I have several FK that I made the mistake of setting up as lookup fields. I now want to correct this without losing data if possible.

DataType currently says "Number" under each of these. So I can't just change them to number. Is there another way to do this?

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