New Field Properties In Form

Jul 14, 2005

I created and new field and made the source "Unbound" so that it is not connected to the field I copied it from. How do I now make that the information I enter in the new field does not duplicate in all of the similar fields in other entries.

Specifically, my database is a database of employees and the field Title is "Active". If I enter "Yes" by one employee entry, all employee entries will then state "Yes" by the Active field.

How can I change the properties so that by some employees I can write "Yes" and by others I can enter "No".

I am not so familiar with Access so if you can be specific I would greatly appreciate it.

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Forms :: True / False - Form Properties Based On Field Value

Sep 10, 2014

On my form ECOs

When my text box RELNUM is > 0 I want form properties AllowEdits set to FALSE.

When RELNUM is null I want form properties AllowEdits set to TRUE.

This must be possible, but not entirely sure where to start.

Since I can scroll through records in this form I'm thinking I have to put an event in ON LOAD, bbut beyond that I'm at a lost.

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Hotkey For Toggling Between Field Row In Table Design View And Its Field Properties?

Feb 15, 2013

I am making a new Record in the design view of a table (creating a new field in the table), and I am assigning it a date type, is there a hotkey that will select the field properties sheet so that I can select the format of the field without having to move my mouse?

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Table Column Name Properties/Combo Box Head Properties

Dec 8, 2006

Hi, I would like to change the properties of either the column heads in a combo-box or the column names for tables. I don't think there's any way to adjust the column head properties, and I'm doubtful there's a way to change the column caption properties.

Some of my column titles are long, and I'd like to be able to word wrap them essentially. Anyone know if this is possible? Thanks.

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Importing Table With Field Properties

Jul 11, 2006

is there is an easy way to create a table with defined field properties.

I have an excel file with over 300 column names and there field length.

I can import the name by transposing the list and then importing however the field length will have to manually edited which i don't fancy doing,

any ideas???

Field NameLength

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Setting Text Field Properties

Nov 11, 2006

Hi All,

I have only been playing with MS Access for a little while and I do not know all there is to know yet so I figured I come here to ask a question.

I use MS Access in web design and lately I have been experiencing a problem with my registration form which inserts new users into an MS Access database table.

Lately my registration form has become a target for spammers trying to inject spam in the form of html code into the password field of the online registration form.

I figured that I could deter this from happening by only allowing the letters A - Z and numbers 0 - 9 in the field and not allowing characters like < > and ? and ".

I assume I can do this with a validation rule but I'm unsure as to how I would go about setting this up. Limiting the field size to only 50 characters does not seem to work unfortunately.

Any help on how to set up a validation rule would be appreciated.


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How I Can Set A Text Field’s Properties Enabled = No

Jun 12, 2006

In a simple data retrieve/update form, how I can set a text field’s properties Enabled to No based on that particular record value?

For instance, there are 4 fields, employeeid, employeename, employeetitle, employeephone
I would like to set the employeephone text field’s properties Enabled = No, if the employeetitle is Manager

Can anyone help?

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General :: Change Field Properties Using VBA

Apr 2, 2014

VBA syntax for changing various "Field Properties" on an EXISTING table. Specifically, the field properties I'm trying to change are:

Field Size (I want to make this 'Double')
Format (I want this to be 'Standard') and
Decimal (I want this to be '2')
The Data Type is already set as 'Number'.

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Change Table Field Properties - Programmatically

Nov 27, 2005


I have a table that when imported from an external program (sage) has a number based property.

To achieve linkage with other tables, I have to manually change the field fom a number to text.

Is this possible to achieve programmatically.

Much appreciated on any advise.



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Modules & VBA :: Retrieve Field Properties DAO Recordset

Jan 25, 2014

Is it possible to retrieve the format of a field when looping through recordset.

e.g you can get the field type by using



But the type for decimal or percentage is the same. It is the format that is different

I need to be able to see what is formatted as a percentage and what is formatted as fixed.

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Modules & VBA :: Listing Field Properties Indexed In Each Table

Mar 17, 2015

Is there a way to gain access to the Field Properties using VBA?

I'm trying to loop thru the Tables in a database and find out the Fields that are indexed in each table.

I can loop through the table Defs to get each table name and a list of Fields but I can't seems to get to the Field Properties, namely "INDEXED".

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Table Field Properties - Bound Column Only Accept Numeric Value?

Oct 22, 2014

I try to put an expression for the property "bound column" so that my lookup values will be directly dependent on one of attribute's choice

I have got four options for my attribute. Each option will use a slightly different set of lookup values. I save all four sets in another table.

Then in my properties definition I refer directly to this table as lookup base. When I put bound column number equal to an expression so as to choose the right column of lookup values it refuses. It seems that it does notl ike anything other than a numeric value.

If that's a no-go, I am not sure how to achieve what I try to do then?

Essentially I have a table that 4 attributes: QID,itemID,CatType,Catchoice

CatType can have only 4 values. Each value will make Catchoice take on a different set of combo values

The problem I am having is that I am stuck at the Catchoice lookup definition because it is dependent on what kind of CatType the user picks.

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Sub Form Properties

Sep 13, 2006


I have created a sub form and wanted to make it's background transparent and also be able to enter new data and change it on the form. I sat Data entry = Yes, but I still can't enter any data. And I can't find the Back Style property at all.

Any help how to do that will be very much appreciated.

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Setting Form Properties...

Jul 6, 2006

I have a form that is intended to be used for both data entry and to edit/delete records.

The form properties are set to:
AllowFilters = YES
AllowEdits = YES
AllowAdditions = YES
AllowDeletions = NO
DataEntry = YES

When a user opens the form from a menu they are given the choice for NEW, EDIT or DELETE.

If the user chooses NEW, the properties remain as above

If the user chooses EDIT or DELETE the form should open to a specific record as chosen on an interim form.

I have been using the following code to open the form for EDIT:
stLinkCriteria = "[fldID] = " & Forms!frmsearchresults.fldID
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmJobInfo", acNormal, , stLinkCriteria, , acFormEdit

However, the form continues to open in Data Entry mode.

I have a public variable that is set to NEW, EDIT or DELETE that can be used to trigger code...

Where should the form properties be set to make sure that the form opens correctly?

Any help would be appreciated.


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Open The Same Form But Change Properties

Oct 28, 2005

I have a standard form but i would like it so that when a user clicks on the button from the main menu to open the form it changes the default view which i have set to data entry and change it to not data entry. Also another button to change its record source to a different query. Rather than make lots of different forms that have the same thing but for just different purposes.

I hope that makes sense?


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Forms :: Setting Form Properties From Another Form Gives Nothing?

Aug 23, 2013

So I have two forms: Af and Bf

In Af, when a button, Abtn, clicked, it'll run

Me.Visible = False
DoCmd.OpenForm "Bf", , , , acFormEdit
Forms![Bf].Form!Blabel.Caption = Me.Atxtbox
Forms![Bf].Form!Bcombox = Me.Atxtbox

Then Af lost from view and Bf appears in form view, with Blabel and Bcombox show the value of Atxtbox.

BUT if I try something like this in Bf when an event happens

Me.Bcombox2.RowSource = "SELECT xx FROM tablexx WHERE yy = '" & Nz(Me.Bcombox) & "'"

Nothing will be shown in Bcombox2, because Me.Bcombox return Null. I know this from doing

MsgBox Me.Bcombox

and the message box will shows nothing. The same thing also happen with the Blabel's caption. In form view, it shows Atxtbox value, but when I accessed its caption's value, it returns Null.

What I wanna do is:

1) Open Af, insert value to Atxtbox

2) clicked Abtn, pass the value of Atxtbox to Bcombox

3) Af is closed, and Bf is opened

Why the null...?

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Allow Changes To Form/control Properties To The Design Mode

Sep 20, 2005

Is there a way to allow edits to the properties of objects/controls only in Design view and not in the Form View?

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Properties Sheet Shows In Form View

Sep 20, 2007

A member of the Access User Group that I am associated with has asked a question that I can't answer.

In older versions of Access, when you went from Form Design View to Form View, if the Properties Sheet had been visible, it would be hidden in Form View. Since probably Access 2000, the Properties Sheet remains visible in Form View (if it was opened in Design View). Not a big problem, you say? Well, it is to this person, who is concerned about her users seeing the Properties Sheet and making changes in it.

Anyone know a way to defeat this behavior and hide the Properties Sheet in Form View?


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Modules & VBA :: Check Box To Alter Form Properties

Feb 3, 2015

I have a form called Orders.I need to lock this form once an invoice has been printed .

I have a check box on this form ,that if ticked should lock that specif order .

This is my Code:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.lockorder = True Then
Me.AllowEdits = False
End If
End Sub

The problem is it does nothing . I am using the open event of the form .The checkbox is called LockOrder.

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Quick Question Re:form Versus Table Properties

Jan 26, 2008


I know this is probably a silly question but I had a number of checkboxes in a table and had set their default value to be 0 however I did not do this in the table properties of these fields.

I can understand some things like formatting dates in a form but storing it differently in the table but why did access not automatically input 0s in all the fields where I did not check the box?

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Properties Sheet Window Does Not Appear In Design View Of A Form

Jul 13, 2012

I am working in the design view of a form, the controls properties sheet disappeared-gone and even clicking the properties sheet button it does not come back.

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Forms :: Updating Form Properties Dynamically - Command Button To Display Mode

Apr 16, 2014

I have a single form which becomes either readonly or editable or addnew using a circular toggle switch. The toggle switch is activated by a command button and the caption of the command button is used as the display of the mode.

The SetAddModeBt is a separate command button that initiates the add mode. The problem is that various form or field properties when defined on the fly are not stored and they get lost when you open the form again. Look at the code below:

Sub tglEditBt_Click()
' Circular toggle button to change display mode of the form
' ReadOnly - Edit - Add
' On Error GoTo NotFound
Dim ForName As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim FMode As String

[Code] ....

Here the first two cases fail when executing the last statement saying it is not supported.

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Forms :: Unable To View Object Properties In Form Design View (Access 2010)

May 16, 2014

Why the ability to view the properties of an object within a form is not available when you double click on it in design view?

I was happily working away double clicking on a command button to edit some code when for some reason the next time I tried to edit it did not open up for me.

I was unable to access it even by right clicking on the object & selecting properties as that also appears to be disabled, not greyed out or anything but just does nothing when selected.

Have I inadvertently changed a setting somewhere that prevents the properties from being displayed?

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Change "Form" Properties Depending On User

Feb 9, 2006

In a nutshell...I want to have a form open with the "form" properties set to "NO" on "AllowEdits","Allowdelete" and "AllowAdditions" and then those same properties set to "Yes" depending on who you are when you open the form.
I think I got a handle on the "who you are" part, I am just not sure about the form properties stuff.

Thank you

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Check The Properties

Mar 27, 2006

I was doing my assignment with the table in access, and my sister came up to me and ask me “why it is important to check the properties of each field in a table before developing a form based on that table.” Can anyone help me and answer this, because I don’t know how to answer her question.:confused: :confused::confused:

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Subform Properties

Feb 9, 2005

Am sure this is an easy question but I'm missing something:

How in the heck are you supposed to get to the subform properties box. The only way I know is to click on the very thin border area surrounding the form and then try and right click your way to properties. There has to be an easier way. Usually I have to fight my way to the properties box as the area loses focus by the time I right click and I have to reselect and try and right click again...ARGH!

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