I've been put in charge of setting up a database for work which stores statement and invoice information.
I'm just wondering how I can auto format a field.
I'm guessing it's in the "Validation" section.
A statement is a collective of invoices for each month.
So each March '05 Statement will contain all March '05 Invoices
Basically, what I would like it to be able to do (:)) is for the date inputed into the database, it creates it's own "statementnumber".
Eg. March '05 will create a number as 305 for example. 3 being the month, 05 being the year.
Because I need a common number to setup a relationship of One-to-Many.
Just wondering if this was possible.
I am writing an access database which has to store properties for an estate agent. They have a PropertyID field which is the primary key in this table. The ID is always in the following format PL219AD23 (postcode PL21 9AD and house number 23) Is there a way that once an address of a property is entered then the ID is generated from that? Or do they always have to enter the property ID themselfs.
I am really new to Access 2010 as I normally use SQL so im sure this is a very basic question. I have a form where I have linked some sql tables to a table in access so the data gets stored in SQL. The form consists of many fields the basic fields are Policy ID, Name, Office, Month, Dept etc. At the moment users have to fill this in using comboboxes and text boxes but I want to change this so when the user puts in the Policy ID all the other fields are populated ie in the office field it would have a sql query of or something that looksup the office from the policy id that is entered:
SELECT [Office] FROM DBO.DQ WHERE [Policy_ID]='what is entered into the Policy ID field' and so on.
Also not sure if this works but as I have now linked the tables to SQL does this mean that when a user fills in the information into the form it will then update the SQL table or is this another issue?
I have a problem with formating controls in a form. As a example, I inserted a tree view control and adobe reader control. After I've resized them manually in a design form, I switch into form view and they both resize automatically to their own size (don't know where it gets from).
In the result, I can't obtain the required width and height. How can I make them resizable to my own preference?
I understand right off the bat if you're reaction is "don't duplicate data!!" -- mine would be too (don't fret, I know my normalization).
I've linked a table in my db to my Global Address Book in Outlook 2007 and, upon entering an employee number as a new record, would like to verify that the number entered is listed in the GAL and then pull in the associated name and location info.
The key is that I don't want this info to rely on the GAL going forward. For example, if an employee leaves or is no longer listed in the GAL, I don't want to lose the employee info (past data is needed for audit purposes). Note: I will be creating a report later to show if there are discrepancies between the GAL and my table, but that's another story...
So, what would be the best auto-fill options in Access 2007?
I have a SSN field and i want it to have the dashed (I got this part down.) But when I click on the field to copy an paste it I want the dashes to disappear. I am thinking What ever the code (if any) would on in the fields onFocus event. I don't want it to copy the dashes.
In a table, I would like a particular field to look thusly:
My question is how do I format it so that the dashes (-) are automatically inserted when the data is keyed into the input screen. The dashes would also have to be displayed on the table.
In my Membership Database (Access 2010), I have a Table entitled [Foreigners] in which are stored the names of prospective members of the organisation and the name and ID of the Interest Group they are proposing to join. When a formal Application to join is received their personal details are recorded using an Entry Form related to the main [Mail List] Table.
The current procedure then is to manually delete the entry from the [Foreigner] Table and finally to record their Interest Group data using another Entry Form entitled [GroupMembers]. This relies on an operator remembering to do the necessary.
It occurs to me that this process could be automated. I wondered whether it could be entirely automated or would be best effected with a button on the main Entry Form, such that on completion of data entry of personal details the button would be activated to do the necessary deletion and addition.
The [Foreigner] Table is an entirely stand-alone table, having no relationship with the other concerned tables. The only common factor will be the Member Name, which in the main table is a concatenation of First Name & Surname..
I've now since moved everything into one table but i need formatting of my calculated field (I'm new to all this).
Below are the 3 expressions working independently of one another, I just need them combined in to one if possible. As I am getting an "invalid syntax" error or "too many arguments" when I try to get it working
PHP Code:
0.5*IIf([Type]="Offlist" And [APP_LINE_OFFA]>3,1,0)+0.2*IIf([Type]="Offlist" And [APP_LINE_OFFB]>2,1,0)+ IIf([Type]="Offlist",Abs([EP_DETAILS_OFF]*0.15+[REF_DETAILS_OFF]*0.15),0)
I have 2 tables tblworkdone and tbltests, both have a date field and are both subforms in a tabbed form on the main form. When I enter a date into the tbltests subform I would like the date to automatically be entered into the tblworkdone date field and create a new record so that when I move to the tblworkdone subform with the date already there.
I have been using Access for several years but always in a basic way. I have started work on an existing Members database where the Members Addresses have been pasted in from Notepad or been imported from csv or manual entry.The ones that have been manually entered are on one line. The ones that are imported from csv or pasted from Notepad are on multiple lines like you would naturally type on an envelope..In Notepad they look like this:
'Oakdale' 123 Expression Road Name of Town Name of County Postcode
Sometimes the addresses have 4 lines and sometime they also have the name of a village which makes it 5 or 6 lines. When imported into Access they also view (datasheet view) in the same way with the return at the end of each line. However, I cannot enter a new address in this manner directly into Access.How can I enter the address text into a text filed and be able to format it so that it looks like the above?
I have searched many times for an answer to this but cannot find a way of explaining it that search engines understand. I first came across this 12 years ago when I worked on a massive Members database for a radio station all the addresses where formatted in the same way and had been imported through csv. When I do this the csv file marks up the text as "'Oakdale' 123 Expression Road□Name of Town□Name of County□Postcode"
I have tried exporting to csv ad then importing it into GMAIL and this works fine I have also printed off labels and envelopes and all the addresses print fine too; I just don't know how to input it in that format other than pasting all addresses through a basic text file.
I am building a database to enter staff phone statistics. As an example my fields would be - Name, Date, Staffed time, Available time, Aux time and then calculated fields to show the percentage of time i.e %Aux, %Available etc.
My problem is the formatting of the times entered as they are duration not time. Say staffed time is entered as 08:00:00 for 8 hours and Aux time 03:57:21. The only format I can see to suit is date time but then Access takes these entries as 8am and 3:57am is there a way to change this to work as duration hh:mm:ss?
hi all, first time poster, with an awkward question.
i'll save you my life story but suffice to say i'm just 3 weeks into a 6mnt work placement from college and i could do with a bit of help.
the company i'm working with has to generate an xml document (preferably with access) corresponding to this schema (http://www.ros.ie/schemas/eusavings/v1/schema.xsd)
the problem so far as i can make out is that when i import this xsd into ms access - i'm presented with a rediculous number of tables and in turn these are not related, i.e. there is nothing to say that the e-mail address table is associated with the header table. (having them in one table makes more sense to me, but i'm not an expert, all i know is i have to comply with this xsd.)
when the data is exported to xml format, it's meant to look like this:
everyone in this company is completely new to xml and seeing as i have a little experience with it from college i've got quite a bit of pressure on me to try and make this work.
so, my question is: how would i go about exporting data from access into a xml document which conforms to the xtd, and looks like the xml code above?
is access capable of doing this?
they want this solved programatically, but nobody here knows how to do it.
can anyone offer guidelines on how to tackle this? any help would be really appreciated, i'm in over my head
Need to confirm whether the Default formatting option in the Conditional formatting Dialog won't work in datasheet view of a form. Please note that all conditional criteria are working fine but not the Default Formatting option - only in the Datasheet view (In Single Form view the default formatting is working fine)
My question is two fold. First, I have an Access Report that lists the training due dates of my people. What I need to do is have the cells highlight when they are due/comming due. My guess was with conditional formatting. I have tried the Excel version of that without success.
My second is for the same report. I need to find out percentage of how many people are still current for this training.
Thank you in advance, Military guy in need, Sarge_Rob
I have sort of a loaded question. I have some code that is taking a bunch of records returned from a text box value which is running a query. The results are placed in a List Box. I then have a button set that grabs the returned records and exports them to a Specific Excel File.
1. Can I set the text size so that the imported text is automatically set to size 9?
2. Can I set it up so that the imported records start at row 3? Leaving the first two rows blank.
3. And Finally, can I preset a few column widths?
I appreciate any help in advance.....thanks for all your help up to this point....it is very appreciated.
I hope someone can help me here because I'm pulling my hair out... Anyway... Basically I'm trying to save and retrieve a UK date (dd/mm/yyy) to an Access database using asp. The database resides on a server located in the US
Things I've tried so far:
-- Specifiying Session.LCID both in Global.asa and individual ASP pages
-- Using Custom formatting to format date before entering into database (using SPLIT function)
-- Using custom formatting to format date AFTER retreiveing from database
The problem is that the date seems to change how it's stored in the database. If I entered "16/02/1982", it would be saved in teh database as '02/16/1982".. but if I entered "03/04/2005" it would save it as this.. So fomatting after retreiveing the date from the DB just messes everything up!
Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this other than moving to a UK server?
I am looking to export a table to excel from access. I would like to order the transaction category column in a specific order(round trip air far, parking, lodging etc),. I have a button that runs a make query table and exports it to excel. I would like the rows to be in the order of transactions category. What code would I need in the button to make this order correct?
I have attached some code below.
Private Sub ExportDebitsButton_Click() Dim oApp As Excel.Application Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook Dim i As Integer Dim dbs As DAO.Database Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
I am making a planner in the access 2010 report. I am showing which activity finished when but I also want to highlight/ shade the cell to the corresponding month on the planner to the right. See picture above. I tried conditional formatting with date rage 1/1/2014 and 31/1/2014 but it does not gives me accurate result.
These days more and more of my databases are wanting to be accessed via the web as well as from MS Acess. I guess this is the norm these days but in most of our (office) dbs it's just 'web for web's sake' and there is no real need to access it outside of Ms Access.
Bu hey that's what they want...
Problem with one such db is that a lot of the fields are memo fields and hold a LOT of text and they want to create MS Access reports/PDFs as well as have nicely formatted html for the text on the web pages.
I seem to be able to cater for one or the other but not both.
1. I can leave the memo fields as raw text and the reports/PDFs look fine with the report formatting, but on the web page there is no formatting and the text ends up in one block paragraph with no formatting.
2. Use a html control for the hmemo fields and store all the html tags within it. The web page looks nicely formatted but the html tags will show up in the PDFs!
I've tried various tag stripping tools but they seem to give unpredictable results.
I also don't want to just dump the PDFs on the web, as they will be static and it's just plain lazy! (too many unnecessary PDFs on the web IMO)
When exporting from Acces to Excel numbers formatted to one decimal in Access are displayed with two decimals in Excel. How can I get them to export to one decimal? I know I can reformat them in Excel but I'd rather have it work automatically.
I have a button on a access database form that runs a query and exports the data to an excel sheet that remains open. I am ok with this. What I would like to do now is format the sheet and then save it as a file name that is the same as the query name but adding the date at the end. Here is what I have so far:
Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click Dim stDocName As String stDocName = "Qry_SentForProcessing" DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit DoCmd.RunSavedImportExport "Export-Qry_SentForProcessing"
I just want to add the code to this button. Or do I need to write a function as a module, then call the function after the export is run.
i have a script that creates an email for a booking when i click on the artist name which works great. i want to be able to subject the email with the week number of the month. ie in subject it would be WEEK 1 JULY WEEKEND CHECKOFF. with the date info coming from gigdate field
Code: Private Sub artist(Cancel As Integer) Dim msgTxt As Variant Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application Dim objMailItem As Outlook.MailItem Dim blnCreated As Boolean Dim act As String
Please confirm your upcoming weekend Booking NAME OF ACT Friday 20 July 2012 NAME OF VENUE ADDRESS OF VENUE 09:30 pm - 01:00 am Act Fee: $800.00 Less Commission: $80 Net Pay: $720.00 Payment Details: Invoice venue prior - EFT Please reply OK to confirm this booking