Newbie Import/Export Problems Please Help!!!!

Feb 21, 2008

I created a DB to track soldier information. Each month reports are due to Brigade. Each Company and Battalion has there own version of the DB. What I need to do is export data from the Company then import it to the Battalion. Then I need to export the info from the Battalion and import them into the Brigade. This information is either all new for a new soldier or updated info for an existing record for an existing soldier. I need to update all new changes to the info. What is the best method for doing this.

Also, when I try to export a .dbf, it pops up with an error saying there are duplicate field names. Im confused because ieach field name is unique.

Thanks for any help I can get.

Lt Butler

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Export The Export/import Specifications For Text Files

May 10, 2007

Does anyone knows how can I export the export/import specifications (which file/directory) and how can I import/export the specifications between different versions of Access. Thanks!

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Export / Import To And From Excel

May 5, 2005


I'm having a small but annoying problem exporting data to excel and then importing it back..

The problem is that when i export a table to Excel - it changes the date format from dd/mm/yy (which is what i have in Access) to DD-MMM-YY (automatically in Excel)

This proves to be a problem because when i import the spreadsheet back Access gives me a data type conversion error.

Its easily solved manually by changing the field in excel to dd/mm/yy format but annoying as the user will have to do this everytime they export and import!

Any suggestions??

Thanks in Advance..

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Import / Export Table

May 18, 2007

Who can help me out?? :confused:

I am looking for 2 scripts

1) for exporting an existing table with data to an seperate MDB file
(filename to be given by user using a dialogbox)
2) importing the MDB file (from question 1) back into the existing table in
the original database. Script does not have to worry for dublicate data.

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Automating Import And Export

Feb 11, 2013

I would like to automate this daily process: In this order import or link, (not sure which is the best option) a fixed width table, add an ascending number to the end of each of the records, reverse the order, and finally export to fixed width .txt documents depending on the quantities in one field. There would be 3 text files exported, max.

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Access Export AA Planner Import

Jun 24, 2006

I'm new to this forum so please excuss me if my question isn't in the right format.

I'm trying to export a database to a progam by the name of AA Planer.
I did a google on the phrase "access exprort AA Planner" and I got web page that said to "export the data in CVS format where Exel would acept it." So that brought me to the asumtion to export the data in CVS to import it to AA Plannner. Would I be right in making that asumtion.

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Importing Import/Export Specs

Dec 26, 2006

Is there a way to move import/export specifications from one database to another?

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Import/export Specification Editing?

Dec 16, 2004

I'm new to a particular access database that is having problems.
Basically, it is using transfertext to transfer a database to another file, at least as far as I know.
Unfortunately, it's hanging, and as best as I can guess, its because something in the export specification file is not quite right.
Can anyone offer me an explanation of how to edit an import or export specification file? The MS help seems to indicate that it stored in the database, but I haven't been able to locate the file that is specified in the vba code. Nor did I see it elsewhere in the folder where the database is stored.

Any help is appreciated.


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Access And Outlook Integration Without Import/export

Oct 18, 2005

Hi all,

I have an access Db that I use to manage contacts etc. I regularily send out newsletters and emails to the contacts in that Db.

I want to know if there is a way I can essentially track the emails from access in outlook.
eg. based on field "email" it can see the emails incoming and outgoing in Outlook and makes a new record in my table "communications" that also tracks phone calls and other comm's.

Tbls - Contacts, Communications, Company

It would be great if all email communications could just automatically be listed in the access table communications with a link to the email in outlook (not the actual email, only the subject line and a hyperlink to the email)

I have been scouring the web for something to do this and have found lots of kinda's or not quite's. I don't want to import my outlook email to a table if possible.

I run Outlook and Access 2003 (Office 2003) on XP SP2 box.

Thanks Heaps if you have any idea what I am after!


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How To Export Data And Then Import Into Word File

Oct 10, 2014

I have a database witch includes a continuous form (named frmExport). It could be very useful for me if i can find a way so to export data from access 2007 and then to import them into a word file.

Please note: The access data will be inserted into word table.

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Modules & VBA :: Export And Import Particular Cells From Excel Template

Jul 20, 2015

I have a few problems and I want them to be able to be done from switchboard:

1. Is there a way for me to export a particular report (after selecting it) to a closed excel template, that is formatted? It would open the excel template (that has a logo and column headings), export data to below the column headings, then save the file with a unique name?

2. Also, a way to import data from an excel file, after allowing the user to select file? Only data below the column headings mentioned above. Same data will be appended to existing table.

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Cannot Export, Import, Copy/paste, Rename Table With Data!

Feb 22, 2006

Hello everyone.

I've been in a new position for a new company for less than three weeks, and I need some help.

The Access database that we use has been in operation since 2002, and it has never been Compacted/Repaired (I asked my coworkers and supposed IT people, and they said "what's that?").

After adding *one* new field, I've reached the horrific "error 3190" (max 255 fields).

I've tried all of the following, allowing at least 12 hours for them to run, but I cannot:
export the data to Excel
import the data into a new database
copy/paste the records (because there are 12100+ and the max is 9500, I think; and because of the way the dd/mm/yy converted itself to dd/mm/yyyy)
or rename the table with the data.

Please, someone help me.

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Modules & VBA :: Password Parameter For Import / Export Data Macro

Jul 16, 2014

I am creating a ImportExportData macro that will link to my tables in the BE

However the BE has a password. I was told this would require coding.

I have even tried to 'convert macro to VB' and i get this:

DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "Microsoft Access", "c: est.accdb", acTable, "Table1", "Table1", False

I then tried to enter the password in the last segment (StoreLogin) ie:

DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "Microsoft Access", "c: est.accdb", acTable, "Table1", "Table1", False, "PASSWORD"

but that didn't work either, i got a "An expresiions you entered is the wrong data type for one of the arguments"...

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General :: Export And Import Data Using QIF - Quicken Interchangeable Format

Sep 9, 2013

How to Export and Import data into and from Access using a Quicken Interchangeable Format (QIF) ...

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Regularly Import / Export Different Records To Multiple Excel Worksheets

Mar 16, 2014

I'm building a data base for my company, which is composed of items we sell. I then need these records to populate our pricebooks, which are excel worksheets, under multiple workbooks.

So essentially, I would like to have all the fields separated by vendor, series and series items, then populate the proper Excel worksheet (within a supplier's workbook). I have the know how to build a query to narrow down a particular vendor/series/groupofitems, but I don't want to be creating an enormous list of queries which have to be run each time.

I also have the know how to create a joined table which pulls the item list into the proper group, creating one large table with every vendor, series, and items. But what I'm looking for is some type of hybrid, which will allow me to export all of the items to their corresponding worksheets in one fell swoop. This will be done regularly as prices from suppliers change, certain colors are discontinued, sizes added, etc.

I'm guessing when I use the query which creates the large table with all the product that it's indexed, and that I would be able to use this to then import the data into excel/export the data to excel. But I'm not sure about this.

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General :: Cannot Use ODBC To Import From / Export To / Or Link To External Microsoft Access

Mar 16, 2014

I am trying to create an ODBC link to a copy of the Northwind data base.I am running Win7 on a 64 bit operating system but am keeping office running as 32 bit for Access, Excel , Visio etc due to the fact that I have a lot of old apps tied to them.

When I attempted initially to create a new system DSN ODBC connection it only allowed me to use SQL drivers. (No plurry good) So after some searching I found out that I could use a file in C:WindowsSysWOW64 called "odbcad32.exe" which has allowed me to view /use the total list of drivers to import data.So I can set up a DNS ODBC named Northwind1 and I can access the database without problems using Excel.However if I try to use the same ODBC link in Access to connect to Northwind1 I get the following error message:"You cannot use ODBC to import from export to, or link an external ?Microsoft Access or ISAM database table to your database".

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Modules & VBA :: Import Csv Files And Rename Them After Import Into (imported) And (failed)

Jul 17, 2015

I have the following piece of code for importing the .csv files from a selected folder and then renaming them into 'imported & filename' if succesful and 'failed & filename' if import failes for whatever reason (bad formating, etc.).

The problem is that the first time it encounters a 'bad' file after another, instead of going again to the Error handler, the command

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , "Activitate", filename, True

gives me the default MS Access error, namely 2391. I would like it to go the the Error_handler again ang follow the course of actions and rename the files into 'failed' and 'imported'.

Here's the code:

Sub ImportActivitate()
Dim strFile As String 'Filename's
Dim strFileList() As String ' File Array
Dim intFile As Integer 'Number of files
Dim filename As String, sFullName As String, sFilename As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False


Also, how can I make the routine stop cycling through the files after I renamed them all?

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General :: Large Table Import / Way To Import Tables To Access

Sep 17, 2013

I want to make a database of diseases (need to learn them for school and would like a serchable database on my smart phone for future reference).
Unfortunately spent a lot of time making hundreds of pages of word tables before i realized a database would be better. See attached image or pdf. Is there a way to import the tables to Access?

I need to preserve the hierarchic info in the nested bullet point lists. E.g. under treatment i might have a point called Acute treatment, with sub-levels, Step 1, Step 2, etc. with their own sub-levels. I need to maintain this relational hierarchic info.

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Help The Newbie!

Jun 24, 2005

Great forum!! Hope I someone on here can help me!

Here's the situation. I have a Database in Excel (~3000 rows & 7 Columns)

The first Column has numbers like this (3-10-34 or 223-7-45) the other columns have names, addresses and other stuff.

What I'm trying to do is to eliminate the use of huge binders. I want to have a Blank screen with only one input box where I can type a number and retrieve a specific row from my Database. Time saving.

Now, when I'm searching, I usually only have the first numbers before the dash (such as the 3 or the 223) not the other numbers. So I cannot input 3-10-34 for instance. I can only put 3...:confused:

I've already imported it to Access and it works fine but have no idea how to do what I just described!

Thanks for the input!!

A very very green access user! :o

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Newbie Sorry

Oct 19, 2005


sorry if this question is answered somewhere else i did check through the forum a bit first

anyway to the question

is there a way in access 2003 so when i change a value in one table it creates a new record in another table


i have a table called tickets and one called fixes, when i change a value in a record in the tickets table i want a new record in the fixes table to be created for me

any help would be great


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Newbie - Need Help Please

Nov 3, 2005

Hi there,

I am not sure if i am supposed to post in this section......


Using Access 2003.

I am very new to Access and have started off very well building my first project..

My help is that i would like a macro button to delete a record once you have put in to the database if that is possible also i would like a save button if that is possible...

I have put a Tab Contol on and want to change the backgound but i can't see on the properties box to change this. Is there a piece of code that allow me to do so...

Hope some one can help


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Newbie - Need Some Help

Nov 3, 2005

Hi There All,

I am still very new to Access 2003 and have started off very well..

Just a few help please:

Help 1. I need a macro button that will allow me to delete a record from the database via a form.

Help 2. I need a macro button to save the database if that is possible via a form.

Help 3. I have a Tab Control on my form and i want to change the background of the Tab Control but can't find it on the properties is there a piece of code i can put in to VB which will do this for me or is there another way.

Hope someone can help


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Aug 17, 2006

hello guys i m very new to access and i need some help!
if i had a form that contains a field like salary and i need to add all the salaries from all the records into one total salary how can i do it?
plz take into consideration that i m totally new and dumb:p in access
thank you

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Newbie Looking For A Bit Of Help.

Feb 8, 2007

Alright here is what I am trying to accomplish. I have A, and B. Then I have 6 different tables that relate to the six different things B could be and contain all sorts of other information.

What I want is to make a form that lets you type in A, and B. Then the correct table/form for the respective B will pop in to the subform area. Then as soon as you select or type in a new A and B, the subform will change, or stay the same if the B has not changed, but a new record will have started.

"A" is just an ID... something like AA001, AA002, etc.
"B" is the stage each ID is at... like beginning, middle, end, etc.

Sorry if it is a bit confusing, I am willing to explain any details that could help. I consider myself a somewhat advanced Access user, but this just stumps me for some reason.

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Newbie Help

Aug 1, 2007

Hello all,

Im looking to create a frontend and backend for a Dojo (Martial arts center).
Basically, it will log in people(record their training time, by day not hour) either by Number or name.
Secondly, I want to be able to have all these fields seen by the admin:
Dojo Number
Date Joined
Last Name
First Name
Home Phone
Work Phone
Active/ Inactive status
Martial Art Exp.
Staff Y/N
ASNJ Dues Info
USAF Dues Info
USAF Membership Number
Misc. Notes

So the backend/ admin would be able to update this field and keep records up to date.

There would be around 800 entries/people, and only one admin accessing the db at any time. The frontend would be used to log in..

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Help For Newbie Please

Nov 21, 2007


Can some kind soul help with pointing me in the right direction to a problem below?

In my database (property database), I have some old properties which are now sold. There are relationships between property, rent received, billing, lessees, etc. I want to be able to keep the details of the 'sold' properties.(i.e., who owned it, what they paid in the past, when they paid etc. in case I need it, but don't want it shown any longer on the main working database). I want to be able to delete the properties that are sold from the main table. Any ideas how I go about this? Hope I've explained myself ok.



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