Newbie Question – Forms, Queries And Reports

Feb 15, 2006

Hi All,

I’m completely stumped … could be because its so late or my brain has just decided to give up on me!

Short of not going into too much detail, could someone advise … does one HAVE to create a query in order to create a report based on a form OR can one create a report based solely on a form?

Is there a right way and a wrong way ... ?!?!

Hope someone can help me ... thanks in advance.

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Reports :: Print Out Single Page Reports (or Forms) To Show Detail From Several Tables And Queries

Apr 21, 2014

I have a database of high-school football players, and I am looking to print out single page reports (or forms) that will show detail from several tables and queries. This will act as their resume when they visit schools on recruiting visits. The reason for needing query items, is that I have developed queries that return the most up to date height, weight, 40 time etc., and that single most up to date number is what should print, not the entire table. When I try to build a report it will let me bring in multiple tables, but not queries.

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Newbie Help With Pix In Reports

Nov 15, 2006

Sorry if you guys have covered this before but I am having no luck with this one. Trying to do a simple database with player information and a picture to go with that player, I can not get the picture to show up in the report, just the path shows up. The picture is stored on local drive. Any basic help is greatly appreciated

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Line Spacing In Reports - Newbie

Dec 24, 2005

I am very experienced in Word and Excel but completely new to Access.

I have constructed an Access database containing a list of volunteers and the times at which they have volunteered.

The Reports I have written are very basic but function as intended.

However the lines of data on the Report print outs are spaced too widely.

How can I specify the line spacing?

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Linking Queries To Reports From Forms

Sep 8, 2004

I KNOW I'm making this harder than it needs to be.... I have a union query that pulls from two sales tables. I'm setting up a report where a person can select a manager name, start date, and end date for those union'd sales. I can do all this no problem in the query, but I want to be able to have this information selected on a form, instead of through popups, to bring up the report. How do I link the form information to the query? I can't get the report to show information it "read" from the form. Does that make sense?

Please help!

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Forms, Queries And Reports (Searches)

Jul 16, 2007

HI folks

I have a db. I have created a search form which when you click the search button executes a query to find the required records.
The query is currently outputting to printpreview of the query.

What i want to be able to do is have the option to select the correct record and then print it. The search can either be exact and return 1 record or use a wildcard and return a few records.

I have the report setup and working I just can't for the life of me figure out how to link everything.

Maybe I've missed something I don't know.

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Forms Instead Of <Variable>: [Prompt] In Queries/reports

Mar 30, 2005

Ok, so now this is where it's getting more complicated... (though I guess this is where you guys usually start)

When you have a query, and you type in your inputbox thingy like so:

PeriodEnd: [Enter period end date dd/mm/yyyy: ]

And you can have multiple, then it will prompt you for several of them.

Now this is not very tidy, so I'd rather do it on a form. How can I display the form as the query/report runs, and insert the values entered into the form as the inputs into my variables? (This case PeriodEnd)


Grrr... I can't get the image to display.

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Copying Numerous Forms/queries/reports

Jan 10, 2005

I have a problem that is very tedious. I have 9 separate copies of the same databse (there is a copy of each database for every branch of my company. Each database has small custom features that show what company it belongs to) i was told to make a new feature, and in the making, i had to make 40 new queries, 12 new forms 8 new macros, 12 new macros and 6 new forms. this feature needs to go into all of the databases. As far as i know, im going to need to copy and paste each individual query,form, macro and form. Thats 72 different things i will have to copy and paste into 9 separate databases. Does access provide an easier way to go about this?
any help?

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Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports And Modules Have Disappeared

May 24, 2006

Good morning All.

I have a database which updates via a Function in a module every morning (i.e imports and exports data).

Yesterday the DB crashed and incurred a problem. The DB was closed down and re-opened.

When it was re-opened all the Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports and Modules were no longer showing in the DB window.

When I selected the Tables tab the following message appeared:

Operation Invalid Without Current Index

this was then followed by another message:

"Isn't an index in this table. Look in the indexes collection of the TableDef object to determine the valid index names

This also appears if I try selecting the other tabs i.e. Queries, Modules etc.

The strange thing is the DB still updates at its stipulated time, and still imports and exports data. I am running Access 97.

Does anybody have any idea of how I can sort this out?


Chathag :confused:

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Some Newbie Queries About Choice Dependant Fields

Aug 7, 2005

I have a database i am playing around with in Access 2003

I should state im new to Access

Anyway i have a field with a dropdown menu with the choice of Yes or No

I want another field to be populated from an entry in the table Extras called ElectricityCharge but only when the Yes is chosen above

Had a look around and cant see any sort of If then type function or anything of that ilk, how can i do this ?

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General :: Securing A Database / Can't Edit Forms / Reports / Queries

Jan 21, 2014

I'm trying to secure my database so users can't edit tables, forms, reports, queries, etc.I'm splitting the database, making an ACCDE for users:

1. I inserted code to disable the bypass key.
2. I inserted code to hide the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) in the On_Load sub of the form that opens with the DB.
3. Deselect Navigation Pane, Allow Full Menus and Allow Default Shortcut Menus are deselected
4. Then, I use the immediate window to show the QAT, I then create an ACCDE.

How do I link this ACCDE with the original ACCDB? Am I supposed to delete tables from the front end and link the forms/reports to the back end DB?

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General :: Naming Of Tables / Queries / Forms And Reports For Identification

Sep 22, 2013

Is there any systematic way of naming Tables, Queries, Forms, and Reports in order to identify easily which of them are connected to each other?

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Newbie To Searches Through Forms

Oct 13, 2005

I have a form with a search text field, inwhich i want the user to type in a value to the search text and then I want a query which would search two tables and return which table the results in. i.e

Search Text Field ----> ABC12345

Table 1
Container Number -----> No Record of that number

Table 2
Container Number ------> Number Found

Result of Search

Container Number ABC12345
Table 2

Can any one advise how to do this??

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Newbie Question About Forms

Nov 23, 2006

Hi how are you glad i found a forum especially for access i am about to top myself trying to sort this really stupid problem out! So i am trying to knock up a database for my mother to use at the school where she works. I have created the tables and even managed to create some drop down boxes to save her typing to much in (she is a teacher remember). However when i then go to form wizard, an select the table i have created there is absolutely nothing in the 'available fields' box to transfer over. This is the case for any of the tables and any database it would seem! The thing that really stumps me though is if i put it onto a different computer everything works how it should! I have reinstalled Office to still no avail! I am sure its just a simple setting or it could even be a security issue! Please help me, any would be much appreciated!


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Newbie Help W/ Forms And Tables

Apr 20, 2007

I'm having a problem with how my forms add data to my tables. I've been using the wizard to create 3 different tables and a form to update them. One of two things happens to me each time I finish the form, either it won't allow me to input any data or instead of updating a field each time I put something new it will write over the existing data for that field. I've tried using sub-forms too with the same problems. Is there something I can do to fix this or is there a past post that I can look at that may help me out.

Sorry if this isn't too clear like I said I'm new to Access and this is really only my second time using it.

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Reports :: Label Orientation In Reports (and Forms)

Jun 8, 2014

Can we change the orientation to 45 degrees in a label ?

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Queries :: Summary Reports Via Queries?

Jul 6, 2013

i have a db consist of order table of three basics no 1 is battery no 2 is parts and no 3 is i have made a query transaction based on that.

Now what i need is to get total monthly sale amount of above three category .. then same as for daily and also how can i show all these reports in one summary report.

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Forms :: Print Multiple Forms Or Reports From One Command?

Sep 23, 2014

I have forms that are printed based on a query parameter of [enter item number]. There are several of these forms that I would like to print at one time (with one command) making it easier for the user to gather their information at the beginning of the day. I also don't want to lose the ability to print them out individually as we do now.

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Queries And Reports

Aug 4, 2006

It's been a long time since I have worked with Access. Here is what I did and what I am trying to do. I'm basically at wits end.

I created a table which consists of fields that contain data pertaining to project management. The Engineering manager wants to be able to do reports on the different projects based on what steps of the project has been finished and who it was assigned to.

Here is an example.

Step 2

Heat Transfer complete? Yes/No drop down box
Step Assigned to: Employee drop down box
Date Completed? Date/time field
Commments: A field for text that pertains to the step if there was a promlem etc etc.

As it stands right now there is a total of 12 steps with each step ranging from 1 to 6 questions like the above example.

For the first report he wants me to create, I need to the following data (which I have the query pulling from my table) Project #, Customer, Engine Make, Engine Model, and the first step where any task is marked at No, and the person assigned to the task that is marked no, the step comments, and he wants is sorted by step.

I have all the data fields from the table included in the query as the way I understand it, the query needs to run through each record, and stop when it finds the first no answer for a step and report it for each record. My problem is, I have no idea on how to accomplish this. Anyone have any ideas?

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Queries & Reports

Dec 26, 2007


First I will enter info into TBL Radio Receipt, from there I want the information to jump to TBL Radio Info and prompt me to complete this table. Then it will jump to either TBL New Radio Information OR TBL Repair Information. This will need to be completed. How does this happen, I mean-- How do I create the relationships to reflect this path?

2. How do I attach a pics of my problem to this thread?

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Forms :: OLEs Not Showing Up In Forms And Reports

Sep 4, 2014

I am using Access 2010. I have a database with two OLE fields in the table.

Most of the images stores in the OLE fields show up in my form and report.

The ones that do not show up in the form have the name of the file (ex. 1234.bmp) with the icon for MS Paint (the painter's pallete) with the words "command line".

The ones that show up in the form look exactly correct. In the report, the ones that do not show up in the form are just a white blank square. Also in the report, the ones that show up in the form, show up correctly in the report.

All the graphics are BMP, have the same dimensions, are all 24 bit, etc.

All the graphics are linked to graphics in another table.

When I go to the table in my database, I can click on the field, and all the graphics show up in my graphics program (even the ones that do not show up in the form or report).

The Access database is about 66 MB.

What can I do to get all the graphics to show correctly on the screen for the form and the report?

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Users Want Ad Hoc Queries/reports

Jun 14, 2005


How can I separate my application so the users can still use queries and reports on a db? I don't want them touching the tables or application directly so it looks like I need a way to create a separate application or something along those lines that is linked to the tables that the users want to query. Any suggestions?



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Need Help To Secure My Queries And Reports

Jul 21, 2005

I have already used the option in the 'Startup...' menu so that the user only sees the database window with the tables, queries and reports etc. But the user can still press the 'Design button' in the database window. And especially for my queries and reports that would be a problem if they altered things in there by accident.

Is there a way to secure this? Can I hide the queries but still let the user access one table and the reports?

I have tried to search for answers and the runtime command removes everything so that nothing is visible :p

Hope You can help :)

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Creating New Queries And Reports

Aug 9, 2005

I am trying to create a new query and a new report in my database. The program will not let me. The "new" is grayed out. Can anyone help me? :confused:

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Disapearing Queries And Reports

Jul 11, 2007

I've got several access databases located on our file server. Numerous users throughout the office have access to open and view them as has been the case for several years. Since the beginning of the year we have started seeing a brand new issue occur every couple of months in a few of our databases. One day everything will work fine, come in the next day and all of the macros, tables and most of the queries are gone. I have noticed when this happens the queries vanish in ascending alphabetical order, the first 2-10 or so may still be there but everything after that and in reports and macros are gone. Recently we've also had another access mdb start doing this problem and only one user other than the system administrator has access to that file, it is also located on the server and in a secured folder.

The only fix I've found is to restore from a tape backup from a few days before to confirm it's a good copy but this gets annoying.

Any thoughts as to the cause or solution?

All databases effected are located on a central server, get a nightly backup, have a list of tables almost completely made up of linked tables from multiple ms sql server 2000 databases. The files are Access2000 format.

Thank you in advance for your expertise, I'll add any furhter details you may want/need.

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Updating Reports And Queries

Sep 27, 2006

I am updating an existing distributed access database.
I have made changes to an existing report (from my workstation - I have admin rights on the DB). The changes show up on the database. However when a client generates a report, the changes do not show up. What can I do??

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