Newbie: Changing The Value Of A Field On Form

Dec 11, 2005


I am a newbie to Access or any database for that matter. So please be gentle.
I'm in the process of writing an automotive invoicing database and have gotten stuck early in the game.
On my form I have Qty1 - Mat1 - and Amt1 fields placed from my database.
In Amt1 I would like to typein an amount and have it multiplied by 15% (.015).
I fiddled with the "On Enter" in the Amt1 property box but got nowhere.
Can someone help???

Thanks for your time

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Automatically Changing Cell Content (newbie Question)

Jan 27, 2008

I wasn't sure which section this belonged to (tables/forms/visual basic?) so I posted it here. Keep in mind I'm a database and VB novice so please bare with me.

I'm trying to create a database based on an Excel document. In the Excel document different entries selected from a dropdownlist will automatically generate content in other columns (for example cell C1 might be generated by "=A1+B1" in Excel).

I created a main table and linked it to other tables using the wizard (sorry, don't know the name for it in English), which allowed me to select values in the main table using a dropdownlist. See the attached picture. Then I created a form using the wizard. To be able to automatically change the value on one cell depending on the value of another I used this bit of code:
Me!KlarTextboxName.Value = Me!DatumTextboxName.Value + 7
With the above example I could change the date in column "Klar" to seven days ahead of column "Datum", by setting this to be activated on the "Datum" update event.

But I have no idea how to change the value on one of the columns that are linked to another table! I tried using the same method, and changing the numerical value of the cell works (it will link to the numerical key value of the sub table) but that isn't very dynamic. If for some reason the key values of the sub table are changed then the script will link to the wrong entry.

I'm grateful for any help or advice you might have to offer me. If I'm not being clear enough on what the problem is please tell me so I can clarify. Thanks.

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Changing Value Of Another Form Field

Jun 30, 2006

I have a property form for keeping track of houses and buildings owned and then on that form i have a policy field for the policy number of the insurance called txtPolicy. Next to that field I have a little button which opens a form so it will show all the insurance policies associated with the housing group which the property is in. When i select the appropriate policy and double click it in the listbox I want it to close the form and set the value of the txtPolicy to the one just selected in the listbox. I know how to get the value of the item selected in the listbox but I just don't know how to set the value of a field on another form...

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Changing Data In A Field Using A Form

Dec 14, 2005

I have made attempts at this but none have worked, so I am looking for guidence.

What I creating is a database that I can track students and their community service hours.

I have made several versions but I figured the experts could point me in the right direction.

So far I created two tables:

HOURS_GIVEN - Long Integer

STUDENT_NAME - text Links to tblStudent

I created a form "frmStudent" with the following:

a drop box to chose a student name from "tblStudent"
a text box "txtSTUDENT_NAME"
another text box "txtHOURS_GIVEN"
another text box "HOURS_REMAINING"

Then I have a subform that has two text boxes "txtDATE_COMPLETED and "txtHOURS_COMPLETED"

I need a code that will enable me to chose a student from the combo box and then have that students name and hours given automatically enter into the respective text boxes in the main form. Then I would enter the date and hours completed into the respective text boxes of the subform, which in turn would update the fields in "tblHours" at the same time subtracting the new hours from the hours given and displaying the new total hours remaining in the respective in "txtHOURS_REMAINING" of the main form. Can anyone give me any help in coding that? Thanks in advance.

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Changing A Field In The Table And The Form Not Opening

Aug 20, 2005

I have made a table and quered that table. I have a form that I designed and is working well. It updates the table like it is supposed to. The problem I have is when I go in and change the master table. I decided that instead of havinga field titled "Unlisted/Listed" I just made it Listed and you put a yes or no. But when I do that and go back to the form a box pops up asking for some value. How do I fix this? Thank you.

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Forms :: Changing RecordSource Of A Form Based On Field Values?

Feb 16, 2014

I have a simple add form that will add an entry to one of two tables: Box 1-1, or Box 1-2.

They have the exact same fields. In the add form, I want the user to specify a Rack field and a Box field. Box 1-1 would be Rack 1, Box 1. Box 1-2 would be Rack 1, Box 2 (there will be more tables later, but just using two for now until I get it working).

But right now my form always adds to the table Box 1-1 - I can't get it to switch.

I've added the code I have so far below. The first part is what I'm having trouble with, the second part just uses a Submit button to add a new record - I'm just including it in case it's interfering in some way I'm not seeing. I'm running Access 2007.

Private Sub Switch_BeforeUpdate()
If Me.Rack.Value = "1" And Me.Box.Value = "1" Then
Form_Add.RecordSource = "Box 1-1"
ElseIf Me.Rack.Value = "1" And Me.Box.Value = "2" Then
Form_Add.RecordSource = "Box 1-2"

[Code] ...

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One Field Multiple Data (newbie)

Aug 3, 2007

i'm new to ms access please help, how do i set this up please suggest

ID Name
101 james,Jonathan, Paul (option to select 1)
102 milton, harry, george, (option to select 1)

each Id refers to a constant value but i need only to select 1 name for each ID
sorry for my poor english....

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Newbie- How To Attach Formula To Field In A Table.

Mar 9, 2008

I'm sure this is a simple issue, but so simple I can't find the answer.

I have a recipe DB and have calories and fat and fiber fields, I want to have another field which will display a point count for a formula (calories/50+Fat/2+fiber/5) but the catch is if the fiber number entered is over 4 I only want the calculation to use 4 max.

Not sure how or where to create this formula to populate a field in the DB.

As you can tell I'm new to all this and any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Newbie Question - Adding A Field To A Query

Sep 22, 2006

Hi there - i'm looking for a bit of help on something that is probably obvious to experienced Access users - i've checked the forum for about 25 min or so and couldn't find a related answer to this question.

I have a select query (QRY2) that reads another select qery (QRY1), and I need to (or rather, i'd like to) add a field to QRY1 - how do I get it so i can view this new field from QRY1 in QRY2?

thanks so much for anyone who could help me!

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Access Newbie Question - Field Validation

Apr 9, 2008

I’m trying to create a DB with some field validations. I have a field named ‘Value’ and a field named ‘Doubled’. Value is in a currency format. ‘Doubled’ is in a Y/N format. I want a to create a rule that prevents the value ‘Yes’ from being entered in the ‘Doubled’ field IF the value in the ‘Value’ field is greater than .60. How do I do that?

I entered "[Value]< .6" but that wouldn’t allow me to put any value in the ‘Value’ field – it popped an error every time.

Thanks for helping out a newbie!

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Queries :: Changing A Text Field Into A Number Field Using A Query

Jul 31, 2014

I currently import data into a table and it it has a text field which looks like this: 12,345.67 GBP...I need to use a query to make this a number field so that I can sum it's contents. I've managed to remove the 'GBP' part but can't seem to get rid of the comma?

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Complete Newbie.please Help With Enabling/disabling Field Based On Combobox Selection

Oct 24, 2006

Hi everyone,

Firstly apologies for posting what is likely to a really simple problem and probably has been explored before. I have been looking through other treads but nothing that I could identify really fits the bill.

Essentially based on choices made against a combo-box, I wish to lock or hide combinations of fields/combo box within the form. Realistically I want to lock rather than hide.

All the fields/combo boxes in the form I want to effect are bound.

I can effectively do this as long as the fields/combo-boxes are unbound, but it seem to fail when they are bound.

Any assistance would be really helpful so thanks in advance.

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Newbie Needs Some Form Help.......

May 9, 2006

Here it is...

I need to make my form prompt me for an account number and have the fields in the form populate with any data that the tables contain for that account number.

If there is no account number in the table like that, I need it to make a new record.

Any ideas?


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Newbie Needs Form Help

Sep 3, 2004

So I read through about 50 posts trying to find one that resembled mine, but unfortunately I couldn't.

What I am trying to accomplish is this:

I would like to set up a database for reservations of meeting rooms at my place of employment.
My experience with Access is very limited, and I find myself getting stuck. What is making things difficult
for me is the fact that I would like to set up the interface so that people with absolutely no Access
background could still use it. This means I am using the calendar tool for people to input the date
of their reservation and giving them a command button to submit. That part works just fine, however,
I am having difficulty in making a query that works through a form so that people can use the same
calendar set up to inquire what reservations have already been made. I also am having a hard time with
figuring out how to limit people from double booking rooms (i.e. i don't know how to limit just the time,
and not the date or room). I would appreciate any advice on how to get this project started, so that
I can move further along and be back on here to ask more questions when I get stuck again. Thanks
in advance for your help.

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Newbie Here...Form Question

Dec 14, 2005

I just found this forum and is exactly what i was looking for!:D

Anyway, i am a new access developer and i am currently starting to get around.
I have a question. I been working on this database for a few weeks and when i created any subforms, fields or buttons some sort of wizard would pop-up and and walk me through setting all the properties and so on. For some reason thats not happening any longer. It just creates the field or button and thats it. So i have to right click, properties and so on but the wizard thing(or whatever is called) was easier. The harder stuff that i dont know how to do was easy. Does anyone know what i am talking about?

thanks a lot!

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Help With Form Linking For Newbie

Nov 8, 2004

New to Access programing and need help please. I have a main form that requires the input of a building #, this takes the primary key spot for all records. On the main form is a monitors field which calls up a form titled Resource Monitors and allows me to input primary and mutiple alternates information. My questions is, how do I get the Resource Monitors form to automatically look at what record (building) is currently open in the main form and automatically adjust the Resource Monitors (building) field to match. I have created a 1-to-1 releationship between the building field in both forms, and created a subdatasheet in Resource Monitors that correlates the entries from both forms. What is my next logical step to make this work?

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Form Mapping Newbie

Jul 23, 2005

I have designed the database i wanted but now i want to link the fields from a access form to a pre designed template i designed in both microsoft word and pdf. When a user types the information in and clicks preview the information typed in access field will match the field in the template any ideas or software programs that do this.

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Newbie - Form Question

May 22, 2007


I'd like to display several rows of data (records) on
a Form. Each row has 4 fields. One of the fields (field name is Description) could contain up to 150 characters. So I would like to be able to display the first 40 characters of that field
and have a "scroll bar" for that field so the user can
scroll thru the remaining Description for that row (record) .

Can that be done in ACCESS?


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From Form To Query - Access Newbie

Aug 24, 2005

Hi all. I am fairly new to access and am trying to do something that shouldn't be that hard. I have a simple form with one text box and a command button on it. I have the command button set to run an update query.

My problem is that when I enter data and press the button, I don't know how to get the entered data into the query?

I know this is simple to do, but since I am new to access, I can't figure it out. Does anyone have a simple example or step by step details that they can share with me?



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Changing Name Of A Field

Jan 4, 2007

I have a table Client-Details,in which i have a record namely "bharti-chennai".this table is associated with aother table "release-details". bharti-chennai has records in relase details.i want to change the name of bharti-chennai to bharti -mumbai to do it.

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Newbie Question - File Extension For The Form?

Dec 11, 2006

Hello. I have a mdb access file. When I open it, I can see lots of tables. How on earth do I open a form? Do I need another file, if so, what extension should I look for on my computer?? I really dont want to create a new form, since a person who did it has told me that its all have been already done. I just need to open the form and enter the data in. Thanks for any help!!!:)

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Newbie Combo Box - Form/subform Dlookup ?

Jul 24, 2005

Here goes my problem, and how I am attempting to solve it, but I am open to advice.

I have a table that contains all of the bird species in the US; (fields: common name, scientific name, species ID) I want to be able to update another table, (birds to chase) with particular bird species that I have not yet seen, (fields: species ID, common name, scientific name) and link that to a sub form that links to another table (chase birds locations) which shows geographic location data as to where I might be able to see new/unseen birds; (fields: species ID, date, other geographic data).

My problem is this. I created a form for the unseen birds table that allows me to only select a bird using a combo box of birds from the larger table of US birds. I want to select a bird using the common name in this box, and have it automatically populate the scientific name and the species ID into the birds to chase table. I link this tables to the location table using species ID.

A workaround that I have used is to close the form, run two update queries that populate the proper fields for scientific name and species ID and to re-open the forms. Although this works, when I return to the form it does not return me to the proper record, so that I can enter data into the sub-form.

Obviously this is a workaround and will work for me in the short run, but I want to learn how to do it properly within Access 2003.

I'm not a programmer and hence do not have access to the .NET tools or Visual Basic. Any hints for me out there?


Victor, Montana

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Changing A Field Automatically

Dec 7, 2004

hiya... he's my problem........

i have 3 tables: tblVolunteer, tblMedicalCondition, tblVolunteerMedicalCondition.

in tblVolunteer i have: volunteerID, volunteerName, HEALTHY (yes/no)

If a volunteer doesn't have a record in tblvolunteerMedicalCondition, i would like the HEALTHY field in tblVolunteer to default to 'yes', and if they do get a related record in tblVolunteerMedicalCondition, i would like the HEALTHY field in tblVolunteer to change to 'No' automatically.

How do i achieve this please..????

many thanks for viewing!!

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Changing A Field Automatically

Dec 7, 2004

hiya... he's my problem........

i have 3 tables: tblVolunteer, tblMedicalCondition, tblVolunteerMedicalCondition.

in tblVolunteer i have: volunteerID, volunteerName, HEALTHY (yes/no)

If a volunteer doesn't have a record in tblvolunteerMedicalCondition, i would like the HEALTHY field in tblVolunteer to default to 'yes', and if they do get a related record in tblVolunteerMedicalCondition, i would like the HEALTHY field in tblVolunteer to change to 'No' automatically.

How do i achieve this please..????

many thanks for viewing!!

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Number Field Changing

Jan 17, 2005

This might be simple but I just can't figure it out.

I have a table that has a number field. Everytime I enter the number 1.50, it changes to 2. I would like to keep the 1.50. Somehow, I can't get this right. Is there a setting that I have to change? Would I need to make setting changes on the form portion also?

thanx for any help

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Changing To Field Value Instead Of Fields.

Dec 14, 2006

Help needed: Large Yes/no tables!

I have a form with names of employees, and different skills that employee has.

It is listed in a form as columns with the employee name in rows, and columns for the skills. The form is in fact really great, but I see that the solution might bring problems in the future because of maintainance issues, and field limitations. I add fields frequently, and the table is growing without me beeing able to control it.

I have organized this in only one table, and used the name of the skill as a field. There is many other tables in the DB, but none of them covers this area.


employeeID | auto
employeename | text
Hireddate | date/time
Fireddate | date/time
baking | yes/no
cooking | yes/no
driving | yes/no
juggling | yes/no

With this solution I get the skillname as a heading, and the name as a column with lots of yes/no values. I love the filter functions, and the form is quite nice...


Employee baking cooking driving juggling
employeeeID1 yes no no yes
employeeeID2 no yes yes yes
employeeeID3 no no yes yes
employeeeID4 yes yes yes no

and so on.

Is there a way to organize this so that the skill name comes in the top row, the results get listed as shown above when the skill is placed as a field value, not a field itself?

I have looked for a solution with many-to-many relations with 3 tables, but cant seem to make it work right. It is especially the form I have trouble creating with the new design.
I have also tried to make crosstab queries with minor success.

Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can make the relations work.
One employee can possess a great number of different skills, and the skill can be possessed by a great number of employees. This is not a difficult issue by itself, the problem is to make the form as shown over.

Thank you, in advance.

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