Newby Needs Help

Jan 24, 2007

Hello all, I've been reading through threads and there is alott of very good information on here, and seems to be some very knowladgeable people. So my question will probably be easy to answer.

I have a database of part serial numbers. I have created a query and a form to pull out all serial numbers for an inputed part number.

What I need it to do now is highlight any repeated serial numbers. How do I go about this?

I am thinking it will be a conditional format in the form itself to change font color but I dont know how to make it compare the values.

Any help would be great.

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Newby-Help With Relationships

Nov 4, 2004


Seems like the more i get into reading the more confused I get in this basic
fundamental. I just need it explained really clear and basic, then hopefully it will enter the subconcious and I will be able to proceed :)

I am trying to build with Access XP in 2000 version a small program for a small medical office.

Patients are offerd various services and they have vists to take advnatage of them. They are charged for the services and run an account which is then paid, leaving a balance.

I want it all to be entered via forms for older non computer literate staff.

I have done the main table okay with all the info we will need and I have messed around with the other 3 tables I think I need.

1. To enter the Services offered a description and fee.
2. Enter when they visit and what services they have and fees with total
3. When they make a payment and balance owing.

They are one to many relationships, correct?

For a start am I on the right track ?

My confusion is setting up the relationships especially what field/s has to be linked to fields in the other tables to make it work.

Is there a rock solid rule where a certain field has to be in each table and has to be linked ?

These are the first fileds in my MAIN TABLE..

Patient ID Auto Number Primary
Medicare Number Can be blank
Last Name Text
First Name Text
Address Text


Service Type /Combo- Accuncture-Massage-Herbs-Vitamins-Other
Description of Service Text
Charge for Service Text

VISIT (Primary?)

Date and Time of Visit: In case 1+ visits in one day
Reason for Visit


Service Charges

I know it is basic but I need to get over this block..

Thanks in anticipation of help



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Newby Needs Help (desperately)

Jun 9, 2005

I have this form which shows the contents of a table... however, this table is linked to another table. How do I show the results of this linked table in the form?

- Table_personID
- PersonFirstName
- PersonLastName
- EmployerID (linked to table below)

- EmployerID
- FirmName
- ....

Now - the form should look like this:
First name: John
Last name: Doe
Firm: John Industries (selected in a dropdown box)

Table_Employer would contain
1 John Industries ...
2 Hank Industries ...

You catch my drift right?
How do I link these two tables in a form? How do I get the correct Firm to be selected in a dropdown box?

Any help is appreciated!!

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Can Anyone Help An Access Newby ?

Jun 4, 2007

Hi All,

I am a complete novice with MS Access and am trying to find my way through our website database. ((URL address blocked: See forum rules)).

What I am trying to do is set up a search form to use offline so that it easier for us to trace animals that we have rescued.

I have the form all set up and it seems fine except that two of the fields I have on the form show numbers instead of the full details.

I think that what I need to do in those fields, is "point" them to another table in the DB so that they can "lookup" the relevant data in those tables and display the text instead of just the numbers.

I have tried searching through the MS Access Manual but to me, most of it may as well be written in a foreign language !

Hopefully t is a simple task that can be easily explained !



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Yes My Sql Newby Nuss Is Annoying =(

Nov 14, 2006

Heya, I know this is probably something simple as I know I have done sql problems like this before. However, I am wanting to show cars which have the same name but are of different colours (without duplicates), I figured I could just use a SELECT DISTINCT? However, when I do this it just brings up one car name and one colour when there are multiple colours.

SELECT DISTINCT car.carname ,car.colour
FROM cars;

I am guessing its because the SELECT DISTINCT statement is applied to both the name and colour.

If somebody could just tell me what I am doing wrong because I am guessing its something simple yet I am too frustrated to see what it is now!

Thanks =)

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Newby Link Price Fields

Feb 20, 2006

So I have a table "InventoryTracker", with one field lookup set to list (drop down) and the source is another table "inventory", field "Item". This works good and all the items that I enter in the "inventory" table are available from the "InventoryTracker" table. Both "inventory" and "InventoryTracker" have a field called price.

Heres what I want to have happen.
When I select a item from the drop down list menue in "InventoryTracker" it automatically fills in the "InventoryTracker" price based on the price from the "inventory" table (for the item with the same name, the one I just selected). This has to be fairly straitforward, I can do it in excell, but not acess.

Can anyone help a newby out?:rolleyes:

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Another Newby Question - Linking Multiple Rows To One Form

Jun 9, 2005

I have this form which shows an order.... linked to this order are the client, the principal company, and the company that carries out the order. The information for these three companies are all stored in one table (since the information is very similar).

Tables look like:
- OrderID
- ClientID * linked to CompanyID
- PrincipalID * linked to CompanyID
- Contractor (company that carries out the order) * linked to CompanyID
- Date
- ...

- CompanyID
- CompanyName
- CompanyAddress
- ...

An example is for instance:
- 1, 1, 2, 3, 01-01-2005

- 1, Comp A, 200 A Lane, LA,
- 2, Comp B, 100 B Lane, NY
- 3, Comp C, 300 C Lane, SF

So, on the form it should read:

Date of contract: 01-01-2005
Client: Comp A - 200 A Lane, LA
Principal: Comp B - 100 B Lane, NY
Contractor: Comp C - 300 C Lane, SF

I understand how to make one link to a form... but how do I make three links from the same table?!?!?

Any help is appreciated!

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