Noob: Help With Form Label Names

Sep 12, 2005

I am creating a form utilizing all of the fields of my table (table1). I want the form label names to be from the description of the fields from table1. I have over 50 fields and was wondering if I could do this automatically.


Field: Description:
Policy_Date Date policy began

Label: Text Box:
Date policy began Policy_Date

Any help would be appreciated.

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Three Names On Mailing Label--need A Query

Aug 23, 2007

I am preparing mailing label for a political campaign. On my list of voters, many times two or more people are listed at a single address. By consolidating the labels (and postage) I am able to save a lot of money.

I have written a query to group these names into those with 1,2, or 3 or more/address. For labels I am able to print 2 names/label by using the FirstOfFirstname, FirstOfLastname, LastOfFirstName, LastOfLastName generated in my query. This works fine for 2 names per label.

My question concerns 3 names per label. Does anyone know how to include all 3 names? Suggestions have included using a label with "The {LastName} Family" etc. but many times there is more than one last name per residence. Other suggestions are to print individual labels for each individual and overlap the labels to show all the names but just one address. These does save postage of $.42/mailing, but seems wasteful of labels and looks a little crude besides.

What I think I need is a clever query or queries that will be the data source for the labels. I have room for up to 3 names/label. I have been thinking about printing 2 labels -- one with one name and address and another with the rest of the names but this brings up problems of getting everything on the right envelope.

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Queries :: Mail Label With No Duplicate Customer Names

May 6, 2014

I am working with an orders database and want to build a mailing label query that will not print duplicate labels.In the query I have the customer address book and the orders table. I know how to create the query to filter the year I want but how do I add the customer information as to not duplicate the customers and waste labels?


Order Date Year: ([Order Date]) Last Name
Orders Addressbook

I want to be able to bring up all sales for 2014 but have no duplicate last names.

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Field Names Don't Match Names On Form

Nov 7, 2006

I have a form with several data fields on it. I also have a button on the form that allows the user to duplicate a record . The reason for this duplication is so that if there will be an additional client record for the same customer, but only one piece of data will need to be changed, it's easier to copy the record and then change the one field.

However, I am getting the following message:

"some of the field names you tried to paste don't match fieldnames on the form"

and then not all data in all fields gets duplicated.

I need to figure this out, but am going nuts with it. If anyone has an idea or two they'd care to toss my way, I would be happy.

Thanks one more time, in advance!!

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Noob Question About Query By Form

Nov 13, 2006

Hi all, I'm pretty new to Access, but catch on quick. I have posted this question at another access forum, but have not received any input - maybe it's in the way the question was asked.:confused:

I have a developed a database to track patient ID, patient name, then several other fields of data such as therapies recieved, medications etc. The main form is used to input the data for each record.

The point I'm at now is the switchboard. I have created a command button that when pressed will open the main form at the first blank record for data entry on a new patient.

I want to add another command button that when pressed will open a pop-up/form/text field that will allow me to input a search criteria. The two criteria I would like to use are Patient ID or Patient Name. When the search criteria is entered, I would then like for the main form to appear at the record specified by the criteria for record editing.

Clear as mud? I'm pretty sure there's a fairly easy way to go about accomplishing this task, but I'm clueless. I have tried a couple of different routes, but wanted input from you guys about what would be the easiest way to address this.

Thanks in advance.

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Another Noob Question: Creating Search Form

Apr 25, 2006

I think I can achieve what my boss wants with just one table.

I work in a legal department and we track employee contract complaints/issues. Simple data entry is used and one table (Complaints Table) has been created with fields like: employee name, emp #, what union rep issues the complaint, who from our department responded, when the complaint was sent, when the response was sent, two memo fields to describe the problem and the resolution, and ... perhaps most importantly... contract section.

It is possible that one complaint could touch on multiple contract sections.

The data-entry form I've created has the following fields:
contract section 1:
contract section 2:
contract section 3:

Now I need to create a Search Form and I'm having all kinds of headaches trying to understand how to make this work... trouble with setting up the right macro, too.

I'd like the main form to contain the following search fields:
Rec # (which is set as an autonumber in the "Complaints Table")
Employee name
Employee #
Contract Section
...or perhaps just a "contract section" search form...

1. If a contract section # is entered, I want to push a button and have every record of that contract section # filtered from the database and show exactly as the data-entry form beneath the "search" portion of the main form.
(did that make any sense?). I know how to create a general form and subform, but the subform always shows up as a table object rather than a form object. How can I fix that?

2. Some contract sections might be numbered: 3.A.2. ....others might have a longer name like ....
Obviously, the filter/search needs to catch all records which include the contract section specifically, regardless of which of the three "contract section" fields from the main data-entry form contain data.
What's the easiest, non-VBA way of setting that up?

I just know nothing of VBA.

Any help is greatly appreciated...

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Total Noob Can't Update/append Form Field

Jan 14, 2004

Hi guys- totally in the frying pan here...I can't seem to get past this initial stumbling block with Access

i've made a simple form that "should" create a primary key from the first two digits of a clients last name and last four digits of their phone number...i've tried an update query button and a refresh data button...the key field gets filled in on the form, but it will not transfer to the underlying table...I keep getting a null value error for the key....any help would be greatly appreciated...


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How To Change The Label Caption Of A Variable Label Name?

Aug 4, 2006

I have n horizontal labels named Label_1 to Label_n. I'd like to assign values to the label captions by using a loop.
Something like:

For i = 1 To n
Set Label_i.Caption = i

However, this doesn't work. Message "Object required".

Any suggestions?

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Modules & VBA :: Unbound Form - Selecting Label OnClick Does Not Recognize Changed Form Field?

Feb 5, 2015

Access 2007
Unbound Form

I have a onclick tied to a label (for decoration purposes) that when clicked it launches VBA that essentially updates a form. All that part works except it will not recognize any changed value of the field I was last in?

Just to try to explain best as I can what happens.

- Form gets opened
- I change field (quantity field)
- I click the Label
- It reverts to pre-existing value.

if I click off of the text field first then do the onclick - it recognizes just fine.

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Reports :: Repeating Row Names And Column Names

Jan 17, 2014

How can I repeat column names and row names on multiple pages of the report ?

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List Label From Form

Jul 19, 2005

I want to display the all the labels for a form in an other form. Is this possible.
Basicly have a drop dow box that has all the forms in it and then based on the combo box list the label for that form.

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Opening A Form With A Label

Apr 20, 2006

Hi everybody, I am trying to personalised the way Access looks and in this specific case I am trying to open a form with a label:

I: I have added a "space" on the hyperlink address property which is changing the mouse pointer to a "pointing finger" when the pointer is moved over the label,

II: I have added the following code on the move event of the label to highlight the label when the pointer is on the label:
Private Sub Option2_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Me.Option2.FontBold = True
End Sub

III: I have also added the code below on the click event of the label in order to open the form and change the pointer to an hourglass on loading time as the form can take up to 10 sec to open.
Private Sub Option2_Click()
DoCmd.Hourglass True 'Changes pointer to an hourglass
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "FrmSearchAssembly"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
'DoCmd.Hourglass false 'Resets it to the arrow pointer
End Sub

Unfortunately the 3rd step is not working, the hourglass only appears after the form is loaded. Is anybody has any idea why and what should be done to get the hourglass to appear when the label is clicked until the form is fully loaded?

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Looking Up Label Values On A Form

Feb 7, 2008

I am using the following code in the open event to set the gloves label on my form frm_Delivery_2 equal to the gloves label on form frm_delivery_1. I receive the error that the form frm_delivery_1 cannot be found. When I set the gloves label equal to another label or frm_delivery_2 using the same synax it works.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.Gloves_Label.Caption = Forms!frm_Delivery_1.Gloves_Label.Caption
End Sub

What or where would I need to setup the code so that it sees the glove_label value on my form frm_delivery_1 and sets the glove label on my frm_delivery_2 equal to it.

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Information Label On Form

Aug 1, 2005

I am attempting to place a label on the top of a tabbed form and I am having a problem. Here are the important parts of my database:

InstructorID Autonumber PK
RankID FK to tbl Ranks

RankID Autonumber PK

I have a tabbed form with a combo box for RankID and text boxes for FirstName and LastName. Obviously there is more information than this on this form, it is tabbed and I would like a label on top of the form that shows the name and rank of the person's record that is being edited or viewed while the user is on another tab. Normally I would use =[RankID] & "" & [FirstName] & "" & [LastName], however this isn't working since the RankID control is passing the Autonumber from tblRanks instead of the actual rank (yes this is military rank abbreviation). For example I get the number six instead of TSGT. I need to find a way to show the text value instead of the autonumber that represents it.

I have searched to the best of my abilities to find anything on this forum about this as I am sure it has come up before but have been unable to find anything.

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Tabbed Form Label Blinking

Aug 12, 2006

I am trying to use a tabbed form, but the labels that are not associated with a text box or other control (like titles, etc) seem to aquire hyperlink properties which blink horribly when the cursor enter and leaves the label area. The two hyperlink properties are blank and I sure don't need them for anything. I tried associating the labels with a text box (which already had a label normally associated with it) and the hyperlinks and blinking goes away, but Access will only let me associate one label per control. When I have the same situation but not on a tabbed feature the hyperlink property is there, but no blinking occurs. I really - really would like to be able to use the tab style for these very busy forms. Can't imagine why a non-associated label must have hyperlink properties, or why this happens on tabbed pages and none others. GRRRR! HELP!!!

Thanks a billion!

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Forms :: Label And Field Being Displayed On Another Form

Jun 6, 2013

I've added a label and field to a page on an existing form. However these are now also displayed on other pages on the same form.

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Please Help A Noob

Jun 7, 2005

Hey everyone,

I currently have an Excel Spreadsheet w/ 20 columns and 800+ rows. The columns are such things as Product, Product Code, Description, etc. It has clearly grown to big for an Excel file so I created an Access table from the spreadsheet called All.

Goal - have employees open a form and select a product from a dropdown box and then place check marks next to the info they would like to see for the product they chose.

I created a seperate table called Product, and a query for table All, and a report for the query. I created a form w/ a combo box that lists table Product and has a submit button. I added a criteria in the query under the column product that looks at this combobox. When you run the form, select a product, and click submit it opens a report that shows the results of the query for that product.

The part I cannot get is the check boxes that determine what columns are show in the report. I added a checkbox to my form and then went to my query and unchecked show and added a criteria to look at the checkbox in my form. All that did was erase the column from the query permanently.

I'm sure I'm going about this is the wrong way, but this is my first hack at Access and I'm trying to learn as I go.

thanks for any suggestions,

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Help For A Noob!

Jan 29, 2006

a a aa a a a a a aa a a a

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Noob Needs Help

May 27, 2007

I'm a complete newbie to MS Access, and I'm working on my 2nd database.

Just a small and probably retarded issue: I have a table which includes a field, which contains four numbers. In a query I want my users to be able to enter a number, like 6, and the three numbers after that will have to be wildcards.

Example: The field has these entries:

When the user enters "8", it should show the first two records. When the user enters "6", it should show the third record.

How can I accomplish this?

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Noob Needs Help

Dec 1, 2007

Hi Guys

i have created a table and am trying to run a qry that counts specific data, i have been searching but cannot find the answer. I have a standard qry that has the criteria of "staff name" and dates between ## And ##. Now when that information is returned, how do i get a count figure for the results. So for example if there were 15 entries for september it would say september = 15 (ish). I have been told to assign a recordset but no other information was forth coming. Can anybody help with code or qrys for creating a recordset.

Please remember the noob status when it comes to access - lol

Cheers Guys


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Help A Noob

Feb 1, 2006

I have taken over the Access DB from Hell.....

Recently our system crashed and so I fixed compacted and repaired, and all seemed to be good to go. However, next day a bunch of random fields that our reps were once able to add information to are no longer able to add info to. They seemed to be locked out, however, I go into the various forms that were set up and enable is set to Yes, and Locked = No.

Any ideas?

This also effected a Check box field of 4 also.

Thnx for any help

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Print Mailing Label From Details Displayed On Form

Feb 23, 2005

Hi there,
I have created a form containing contact details for a 100 or so different people/companies. I want to have a button that will allow me to print an address label for the current displayed record (e.g. when I find the company I wish to contact in my form I wish to click [Print Label] and then get this company's address printed on my label).
Have some programming experience but not sure how to go about this in access?

Also as an aside question, is it possible for me to display a list in my form instead of individual records. What I mean is that I would have Name, Address, etc as titles accross the top and then would have a list of all records below these. Then I could click on a record to get more detail and also click on one of the titles to re-order the data by this field?......I know these are pretty big questions but a pointer to somewhere with this info or a sample app doing something similiar would be great. :)

Thanks for your time, regards,

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Changing A Label In One Record Of A Tabular/continous Form

Jul 28, 2006

I'm new here, mostly learning to do stuff by trial and error. I have a sneaking suspicion that I could easily search out the answer to my question if I had the right vocabulary, but I don't think I do...

Anyway, my question, hopefully you can help me with.

I've got a tabular form that has a couple of comboboxes, and then a text label:


What I'd like to do is change the label for each row based on the Combobox data...


The user changes some setting, so this happens...


That's what I want. How I'm currently doing this is having a Sub called whenever the Combo boxes are changed, to change Me.Label.Value to 3, in this example. Of course, what instead happens is I get...


Which is not what I want at all. Is there a way to change the value of the label in(for instance) the second row, without changing /all/ the labels in the continous form? I'd be really handy to know how to do that, but I just can't puzzle out a way.

If that's not possible... Any other way to get my labels to display the information? Part of the problem is that my function relies on information stored in variables in my form, and I'm not sure I can access those just from the source propery of the label... What I need, essentially, is to put in Label's value the result of MyFunc(ComboA.Value,ComboB.Value,formvariable1,for mvariable2).

Any help would be muchly appreciated!

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Form For Data Entry - Information For A Box Content Label

Apr 15, 2015

I am creating a database to house all the information for a box content label. For any given product it could have multiple items that go on the label.

For example:


1. Part_1
2. Electrical Assembly
3. Instructions
4. Warning Label

I imagine my database being setup as follows:

ID Model# Contents
1 Part_1 Part _1
2 Part_1 Electrical Assembly
3 Part_1 Instructions
4 Part_1 Warning Label
5 Part_2 Part_2
6 Part_2 Electrical Housing
7 Part_2 Housing instructions
8 Part_3 Part_3
9 Part_3 Instructions

I would like to setup my form so that I could type in the Model # once and then type in each item that would go in the box. I don't mind typing in each item individually and then pressing an "add" button. But I would like it to show everything that is currently on that box content label and be able to delete items out of the label.

Is this possible? What would be the best way to do this?

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Sorry, Noob Needing Help..

Nov 19, 2006

Hope nobody minds but I don't really know Access and I have a table that needs sorting pretty desperately.I have a table with 5 columns that I need to filter out so just the remaing records are left over. ( column 'fax' is the column with the records in it and the following columns need the record removing if the box is ticked.TimFPS, OurFPS, OnFPS, NeedsToBeFPS, however the column 'NumberWeHave' I'm not too sure about so I'll ignore it for now (I may need to take them out later)Sorry to be a complete noob and if anyone can help it will be muchos appreciated.

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Noob Question

Apr 10, 2007

I have this program that adds information to a ms database file in a very odd manner.i cant change the way the information comes in but is there a way to move it into the correct location in a new table. information is put in as a group of 19 records.

whats happening is this:
these are the colums
primary key,group id,info,info,info,group order,info,info,info

i need to information from 4 of the colums into a new table so i have 19 colums and 1 record.

is this even possible.

Frustrated net admin

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