Normalization For Creating Batch Process Records

Nov 28, 2011

I am just getting started creation a new database for batch process production records that will be filled completed in the field real time. I had started out creating a table that had fields for each step of the process. Such as:

[Batch number]
[Equipment] (lookup)
[Process] (lookup)
[Step 1 start time]
[Step 1 comments]
[Step 2 Start time]
[Step 2 comments]
[Step 3 start time]
[Step 3 comments]

I have seperate tables for listing equipment, Processes and standard times for each step of the process. I realize that another way of doing it would be to create another table with a list of the process steps and then my table would look somethink like this.

[Batch number]
[Equipment] (Lookup)
[Process] (lookup)
[Step] (Lookup)
[Start time]

The problem is, I want a form (batchsheet) that already has all of the steps listed for the data entry person and simply a blank for them to enter what time they completed each step. I dont want the client to have to select a [step].

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Batch Process To Open Password Protected Access Db

Jan 30, 2008

Hi All

I need to schedule the opening of a MS Access database which is password protected.

I think the best way to do this would be to use schedule a batch process to run, can anyone help with the script to create a batch proccess to only OPEN and CLOSE an MS Access database?


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Modules & VBA :: Process Records Without Dates First And Then Run Another Process To Split Those With Dates?

Aug 18, 2014

I'm not sure if I am biting off more than I can chew. I have a text field in each record in my database (Inherited) The db has nearly 5,000 records. I would like to split the field into records in a seperate table. An Example of the table as is now;

5882Opossum(78-80) (87-89) Otter(80-84) Opportune(91-93) Turbulent(97-00).
5883Astute Auriga Aeneas Affray Amphion
2407H34 O10 Porpoise Trenchant Tapir.

I want to create a table as follows;

5882Otter 19801984

Is this possible in one hit or do I need to process the records without dates first and then run another process to split those with Dates? I say dates but the field is a text field. About 15-20% of the records contain dates which are always enclosed in parenthesis.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Batch File To Open Up Another Database

Mar 11, 2015

I want to create a batch file that will be used in a RunApp macro command to open up another database.

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Creating Batch File Running Access Query?

Dec 20, 2012

I am creating a batch in an Access Query to decompress files that come in from an FTP site. When I right click on the query and export it to a TXT file I get all the line items of the that I want without the header of the query field name. When I run the following command;

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "Decompress2 Specification", "qry_FileNameChange2", "J:operationsDecompress2.txt", True

(Where "Decompress2 Specification" is the name of the Spec)

I get the name of the field as the first line item and then all the line items I am looking for. I use the same Spec when I manually run it or when I run it from the code. how I can get rid of the first line item when I run it from the code?

I run a batch file to change the txt extension to bat.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating EXE Or BATCH File That Executes Specific Excel Macro?

Jan 27, 2015

Is there a way to create some sort of an EXE or BATCH file in any Windows Explorer folder, that executes me a specific Excel Macro?

My problem is that I got several files split up by Departments, updated every day.

So far I have to open each file and update the format.

It would make my life much more easier if I could just run a file that opens each file and applies a format to them.

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Jun 5, 2005

ok im working on a database that a company sends its employee to school and tracks there training.what classes they take what not.. my tables were fine until i realized that supervisors were also employees so i need to add a supervisorID i dont know how to do it without screwing up all my foreign keys i assume it goes into my employee table and department table but then where do i put my departmentID foreign key?

tblemployee(employeeID,firstname,lastname,phone,hi redate,payrate,DepartmentID)


tblClasses(ClassID,name,Description,credits,sectio n,TrainingID)


tblClassEmployee(classID,EmployeeID,instructor,dat e)

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Jan 11, 2006

I currently have a database which I believe is in 3NF. It's completed as such, but I have recently come accross normalization methods. Because of this I would like to know how my 3NF tables could look in 0NF, 1NF and 2NF. For both the purpose of ensuring the database is correct now, and for future do a more professional job next time!!Here's how the tables currently look:CUSTOMERS(CustID, CustName, CustAddress)ORDERS(OrderID, CustID, OrderDate)ORDERDETAILS(OrderID, BookID, BookPrice, Quantity)BOOKS(BookID, AuthorID, BookName, BookUnitPrice)AUTHORS(AuthorID, AuthName, AuthAddress)It's just basically a simple book royalty system. I have looked around various sources for examples, but my database has a few more tables in 3NF than most examples show.Thanks guys.

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Normalization Help

Oct 21, 2006

For my job history entity should I just store my placement number and remove the candidate number? Since placement number already determines the candidate number in the placement table.:confused:

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Apr 27, 2007

Please could you experts assist me on normalizing my tbl structure below-

Spouse / Partner_FirstName
Spouse / Partner_Surname
Spouse / Partner_Sex
Spouse / Partner_DOB
Spouse / Partner_Coverage
Spouse / Partner_Health
Spouse / Partner_Dental
Spouse / Partner_Travel
Child 1_FirstName
Child 1_Surname
Child 1_Sex
Child 1_DOB
Child 1_Coverage
Child 1_Health
Child 1_Dental
Child 1_Travel
Child 2_FirstName
Child 2_Surname
Child 2_Sex
Child 2_DOB
Child 2_Coverage
Child 2_Health
Child 2_Dental
Child 2_Travel
Child 3_FirstName
Child 3_Surname
Child 3_Sex
Child 3_DOB
Child 3_Coverage
Child 3_Health
Child 3_Dental
Child 3_Travel
Child 4_FirstName
Child 4_Surname
Child 4_Sex
Child 4_DOB
Child 4_Health
Child 4_Dental
Child 4_Travel
Child 5_FirstName
Child 5_Surname
Child 5_Sex
Child 5_DOB
Child 5_Coverage
Child 5_Health
Child 5_Dental
Child 5_Travel
Child 6_FirstName
Child 6_Surname
Child 6_Sex
Child 6_DOB
Child 6_Coverage
Child 6_Health
Child 6_Dental
Child 6_Travel

Hope you can help me!

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Sep 10, 2007

I have decided to normalize further and now have brain freeze. I have a table 'tblComputers'. I have removed Computer Make + Computer Model to own tables and linked via ComputerMakeID & ComputerModelID, this is working OK.

I then decided to remove RAM to its own table. I created tblRAM. I added additional rows in tblComputers 'Memory Slot 1' Memory Slot 2' etc. tblRAM has 2 columns RamID & RAM so....RAMID 0 = 0 RAMID 1=128 RAMID2=256 etc..

My issues? What to link RAM to relationship wise then allow users to select multiple instances for different memory configurations to save values back to 'Memory Slot 1' 'Memory Slot 2' in tblComputers?

Hope that makes sense?

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How Do I Repeat A Process For Many Db's?

Jan 6, 2006

I have about 125 .mdb's I want to go through, and in each one, select a table and run a "find duplicates" query, creating a table of duplicate record info for research into why there are duplicates.. I am aware I can manually do this within each .mdb, but would be happy to be able to automate the process.

I wasn't sure what to search for, which is the reason for my posting. If anyone has an idea (and not questions on why I want to do this, or probs. I might encounter), I would be most appreciative.


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VPN - Process Are Too Slow!

May 30, 2007

I developed a sales database that contains around twenty forms, (in addition to tables, queries, reports and 2 modules). In these forms, I'm setting recordsets, select statements and filters. We recently hired a person to set up a Virtual Private Network. After spending a couple of thousands on a server and countless hours reprogramming the database to have multiple users access the database out in the field, (via Verizon broadband network card), we were unsuccessful to use the database since it was taking too long to download the data or perform any calculations. The database is split. The users have a front end.

The person setting the VPN has suggested that I get rid of all the queries that I have in the forms (which is impossible), or use Visual Basic for the front end instead of Access with VBA.

When I set up the recordsets I use the following setting:
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic

I don't know what to do. This program is very complicated and I don't want to have to reprogram the whole thing with Visual Basic, and I don't know how the front end is going to work if I eliminate all the queries, select statements and filtering.

Any ideas, comments or suggestions would be appreciated.


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Button Does More Than One Process

Mar 29, 2006

Hi all,

I need a button on a form to not only add a new record but also run a query. I can't see how to do this using a macro and my coding experience is limited. How can I get this button to do both of these actions?

I think that I should add that the add record action must happed first. However, I have noticed that this automatically increments the record number in the navigation section to the next number and blanks the firelds in the form (which is data entry mode). As the query relies on information given in the fields on the form, i don't want the field to be blanked. I'd like the the for to stay on the same record until the query has finished. Once this has happened, I'd like the form to reset itself so that it looks as if it's just been opened and the first record is the new record (just as if you'd opened a form in data entry mode).

Sorry, complex I know. :( :confused: I'm sure there's some one out there how's got the answer though. :cool:



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Creating New Records

May 24, 2005


I wonder if anyone can help. I attach a table that is a material list (27000 records). When I add a new material I want to be able to see the last part code I created for a particular supplier.

For example C001, C002 and C003 are for a supplier company called Chapters so I would scroll through the combo box search list in the form for the last one and create a new record called C004. The problem is that E00001, E00002 for a company called Edwards supplies 20,000 items so it's a long way to scroll through to create a new part code called E20001. How can I show in the form what the last part code is for each Supplier?

I attach the form and table as I'm not very good at explaining this, although I have had to delete approx 20000 records as the database was too big to be posted. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated, many thanks

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Creating A Set Of Records

Nov 23, 2005

I have a database in which i keep track of my books collection. Amongst my tables i three of them are:

tblBooks - main books table
tblKeywords - where i store keywords (such as "database", "programming", "web development" etc)
tblBooksKeywords - to create a many-to-many relationship between the above two tables.

Now in tblbooks i have about 270 records (1 per book). Now for each book in this table i would like to create a record in the tblBooksKeywords table to add a the keyword "Computers" to each book.


Book1 - Computers
Book2 - Computers
and so on till Book 270

Now rather than i do this manually for 270 records is there a way in which i can create these 270 records automatically ?


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Normalization Help Needed

Oct 8, 2006

I currently have three tables.

The first table contains Employee ID, and Name of Employee

Second table contains Employee ID, and an autonumber

The third table contains an autonumber and a unique PIN

The 1st/2nd table are connected by Employee ID, the 2nd/3rd table connected by the autonumber. Now not every Employee gets the unique pin and the 3rd table gets re-done every year. This structure works great for all "current" employees. Employees that leave get deleted out of the 1st table, thus causing them to get deleted out of the second table due to relationship. This becomes a problem because I need to keep a record of who had what unique PIN, regardless of who is still assigned one or not. Anybody have any ideas on how to do this.

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Normalization/table Set Up

Nov 20, 2007

I'm not a programmer and know very little about setting up access databases other than the very basics...however...due to my politics background, I'm setting them up for the local government....just my little disclaimer about why I'm asking stupid questions.

I am creating a database for multiple users who are of two sorts. The users deal with either the setting up of a contract, or with the payment of a contract. Both of these groups need to be able to access different information about the same contracts. What seems most logical to me is to create two tables in the same database, one for the contract, and one for the payment information and have both update when one or the other is worked on.

My basic set up for now is this:
Table One: contract information
Table Two: Payment information
Link Key: Serial Number from contracts
These are my questions:

1) is there a way to set this up so that the only way someone from the payments group can create a linked record is if a record with the same serial number already exists in the contracts table?
2)Is there a way I can set it up so that when someone in the payments group starts to input their information, they can find the serial number they want, and have certain fields show up? For example: I want them to be able to search for a serial number and have the contract name show up with all of the previously entered payment information, then have a new field each time they go into it for their next payment (if that makes sense).
3) When linking, hopefully in such a way as to do the above, do I need to have the same field name in both tables, or...? I'm a bit confused as to how this works as initially i created a field in both tables that would have the same serial number and tried to link those..and it didn't work.

Sorry if this is so confused...I'm sort of learning as I go along.

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Normalization Question

Dec 8, 2007

I am having some questions on a order entry DB I'm working on, (modifying an existing one). I've attached a shot of the current relationships to demonstrate. Basically to start this was an order entry db to place orders to one vendor, so this was not a problem then... But.. Now I am modifying it to order from more then one vendor. So, I have the order form. You first pick the Vendor the order is going to, then the Customer and delivery site. Next you move to a subform to pick your items from a dropdown. So the problem... I have a new table for the Vendors. This table is related to the "Order Table" on a one to many. But what I also need is the VendorID to be in the table "tblItem" Thus when the Vendor is picked in the main form ,it can be filtered in the subform to only show items from this vendor. Now this would work by placing the Vendor ID in the "tblItems" table and relating the two. But would this be proper normalization to have the VenforID as a FK in two tables???

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Normalization Question

Mar 13, 2008

Newbie Access user here. Using Access 2003.

I am putting 80 rows (personnel) of data with about 20 columns (training courses), to track training for my people. Is this enough that I would need to make several tables, or am I correct in thinking I can put it all in one table? From what I have been reading, this is a pretty small table, but I want to make sure.

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Design Help For Normalization

Jan 4, 2005

Hello all,
I have been tasked to create a database to track tooling information for my company. I have a solid idea on the process involved and would like some help getting my tables and relationships setup with normalization. I have noticed in the short time I have been learning access that normalization is the key to happiness.

Anyway here is what I have:





A short synopsis on how this should work:
A model is built from many different parts, these parts are sometimes (usually not always) associated with the tool that is used to build them. A tool could be used to make several different parts and some parts use several tools.
In addition to this, a model can use a different quantity of parts to build it and those parts can require different quantities of tools to produce them.

I have tried several different ways to relate these tables together, and would like to ask the braintrust that is this forums for any help they could give me.

Thanks again

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Table/Normalization Help Please

May 16, 2005

Hey buddays,

I have a contract-tracking database that has been in use for about a year. It used to be that every contract had the same number of periodical "applications" with it - the companies we worked with would send in 4 applications over time.

So, I had this set up:

tblCompanies (the companies with whom we work)
- CompanyID (Primary Key autonumber)
- CompanyName
- Address, contact info, etc.

tblContracts (the contracts we issue)
- ContractID (Primary Key autonumber)
- CompanyID (foreign Key)
- DateIssued

tblApplications (things companies send back to us over time)
- AppID (Primary Key autonumber)
- AppDesc (description of the application - something like "Application 1", "Application 2" , etc.

tblAppsRecvd (Join table/log of apps received)
- ContractID (foreign key to tblContracts, so we know which contract this applies to) (also a composite primary key, so we don't duplicate an app to a contract)
- AppID (foreign key to tblApplications, so we know which application we rcvd) (also a composite primary key, so we don't duplicate an app to a contract)
- DateRcvd

Pretty self explanatory. Everything was keen, and I was reaping the rewards of a job well done.

But now we've expanded out contract offerings. He have introduced 2 new types of contracts, and each contract has a different amount of applications associated with it.

Contract 1 has 4 apps.
Contract 2 has 2 apps.
Contract 3 can have 1 to 8 apps. (The last app before a contract closure is always considered "Final" - so if we get 5 apps, it would be apps 1, 2, 3, 4, and Final.)

I've tried implementing a couple different schemes, but none seem to be fitting the bill. The type of contract will dictate how many apps we receive - i.e. If we are using Contract 1, then we KNOW we'll recieve 4 apps over time. So, is this as simple as adding a "ContractTypeID" to the tblContracts with an appropriate tblContractType table, and expanding tblApplication to more apps, or is there a smarter scheme?

Thanks, buddays!

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Need Help With Table Normalization

Sep 15, 2006

Im setting up a database that contains information about printed circuit boards that are being developed for our current project. The information that i need includes the following:

Board # - 3 digit number
Board Name -
Module # - 9-digit number
Module Name -
Project Leader - engineer responsible for design
In/Out/Oem - inhouse, outsourced, or purchased OEM
Designer - engineer or outsource contractor who designed the board
MFG/Assembler - company responsible for building the boards
Directory - file on network drive the drawings are located in

There can be mutiple boards in a single module. So i have 3 tables right now.

pcb_tbl - this includes all the info above minus the module info.

Module_tbl - this table includes the module number and name and responsible engineer, with the module number being the key.

module_pcb_tbl - this table lists the module number in the first field linked to the module table, and the pcb number in the second field linked to the PCB table.

Am i doing this right?

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Normalization With No Duplicates

May 21, 2007

I have a PO DB that I'm trying to normalize. For the most part it is normalized but there are 2 fields that are not normalized because they repeat data. So I'm trying to restructure a bit and having some problems when it comes to data entry via forms.

There is also a PO table above this one but is not used in the subform for the details.
My old set up for my PODetailsTable

PODetailsID pk
PO fk

I want my new set up to be

PODetailsID pk
ItemID fk
AllocationID fk

ItemID pk

AllocationID pk

On my form I can't enter anything that is already on the ItemTable. I looked at some microsoft sample DB's and they have you enter the item from a different form then you can select it in from the combo box which would really slow down data entry peticularly early on.

Is there a way I can type the Item in and if its new, it will be put it on the ItemTable associate an ItemID to both tables?? But if its already in the Itemtable just apply the already existing PK on ItemTable to the FK ItemID on the PODetails Table for that record??

Here is a A2K format of it which is how it currently works. In the relationships window you can see an example of how I want it but can't get to work.


Thanks JOe K.

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Normalization Check

Jul 20, 2007

I have recently been blessed with an 80 column excel sheet and am in the process of producing a normalized db; however, I am not sure that I am following the rules correctly. If anyone is willing to check it over, below is a copy of my potential relationships.

Also, I am willing to learn. So feel free to harass and advise.

Many thanks in advance.

Name(StudentID, First, Last, Middle, Maiden, Spouse, Prefix, Suffix)

EmploymentHistory(StudentID, OrgID, Title, BeginDate, EndDate)

Organizations(OrgID, OrgName, OrgAddress, OrgCity, OrgState, OrgPostalCode, OrgCountry)

InitialEmploy(StudentID, OrgID, Title, BeginDate, EndDate)

HomeAddress(StudentID, Address, City, Sate, PostalCode, Country)

ParentRelation(StudentID, ParentID, ParentLast, ParentFirst, Spouse, Preffix, Suffix)

ParentAddress(ParentID, Address, City, State, PostalCode, Country)


WorkPhone(StudentID, W_Phone)

HomePhone(StudentID, H_Phone)

MobilePhone(StudentID, M_Phone)

Fax(StudentID, Fax)

Email(StudentID, Email)

EducationUnder(StudentID, UnderMajor, InstID, Emphasis, BSDate)

AdvisorRelation(StudentID, AdvisorID)

AdvisorName(AdvisorID, AdvisorLast, AdvisorFirst)

EducationCheck(StudentID, BS Degree, MS Degree, PhD Degree, Prof Degree)

BSHonors(StudentID, BS Honors Thesis Title)

EducationMS(StudentID, GradMajor, InstID, MS Honors Thesis Title, MS Date)

EducationPhD(StudentID, FieldofStudy, InstID, PhD Dissertation Title, PhD Date)

EducationLaw(StudentID, InstID, JD Date)

EducationMedical(StudentID, InstID, MD Date)

Institution(InstID, Institution Name, City, State, Country)

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Database Normalization

Mar 11, 2008


I'm designing a database for my place of work. I've created the tables and relationships, and would like to know if the design conforms to Normalization?

A .jpg is attached to this message showing the relationships.

Any help would be appreciated. :)

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