Not Pulling All The Records For Last 24 Hours

Jan 25, 2008

Here is my issue I am having, With the records we are pulling it is not pulling everything from the previous 24 hours. It is using the "D" to pull the information, however it is also using the default system time, so if i have a record that occured last night at 8:30 pm it is not showing up.

How do i get all of the records from the last 24 hours regardless of system time?

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Query Not Pulling Up Records

Sep 9, 2004


Apologies if this is really basic - I am trying to write a query to show all records from table A linked to table B so that if a field is blank in table B, it will show. At the moment, every time I run the query, it only shows me records which have entries in both tables. (They are linked by ID no).
ie there are 77 records in table A. Only 23 in table B but I want a query showing which ones in table A do not have something in field "x" on table B. Does that make any sense ? As ever, I'd be ever so grateful for help.

While I'm at it, does anyone know anything about getting a database to produce reminders ie based on date entered, highlight when 3 month review is due ?

Thank you thank you

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Pulling Most Recent Records For Each Company

Jul 10, 2007

Hello All,
I've searched and searched and can't find anything but it might be because I'm not sure what to search for.

Here is what I'm trying to do. (I'm simplifying this to make it easier to discuss)
I have a table that looks like this:
Company Date Sales
1 5/5/07 $1,200.00
1 6/5/07 $4,200.00
1 7/5/07 $2,200.00
1 8/5/07 $4,300.00
2 5/5/07 $1,200.00
2 6/5/07 $4,200.00
2 7/5/07 $2,200.00
2 8/5/07 $9,200.00
2 9/5/07 $1,200.00

I need to run a query that grabs the last 3 months for each company.

So the correct output from the above table would be:
Company Date Sales
1 6/5/07 $4,200.00
1 7/5/07 $2,200.00
1 8/5/07 $4,300.00
2 7/5/07 $2,200.00
2 8/5/07 $9,200.00
2 9/5/07 $1,200.00

Any help would be appreciated. I'm sure this has been asked in the past so even if you could help me with a keyword to search for, I would be greatful.

Thanks in advance,

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Queries :: Subtract 8 Hours Of Work From Result Hours

Nov 29, 2014

I want to subtract 8 hours of work of the Result of employee work hours/

There is attachment...

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Query / Pulling Out All Records That Contain Specific Text?

Nov 11, 2012

In the Owner Name field, I am looking for a way to pull out all estates. They are abbreviated with "EST" or "Estate". The problem is throughout the database, if you do a simple filter for "contains est" it will include names such as "Forester" or "LHB Investments".

How do I query, or filter this database such that it only returns the estates abbreviated with "EST" or "Estate"?

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Queries :: Not Display Any Records Older Than 3 Hours

Jun 26, 2014

How to build a query in Access 2010/13 that will not display any records that are older than 3 hours? See below for more specifics.

The criteria would be based on a field that houses the time (End Time) and also a field that houses a number (Status). So, only if the field in the record says 3 (based on the Status field) then it should not display the record after 3 hours (based on the End Time field) of being changed to a 3. Is it possible to do that?

I have attached a screenshot of what I am referring to.

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Queries :: Count Records Based On Hours

Jun 12, 2013

I did a calculation in a query that gives me how many minutes/hours it took to process records. Now what I need to do is show how many records took only 0-2 hours to process. 2-4 hours to process. 4-6 hours to process etc.

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Pulling A Value From A Form To Create New Records In Append Query

Feb 27, 2006

So, I've been searching through this forum and can't seem to find the answer to this one. I would like to capture a value from a main form and have it used as a value in an append query, in order to populate a subform based on the main form, like so:

INSERT INTO tblTakenSurveys ( VisitID, SurveyQuestionID, ResponseCodeID) SELECT Forms![frmMyFormName]!VisitID, tblSurveyQuestions.SurveyQuestionID, 66
FROM SurveyQuestions WHERE SurveyID = 3;

Might help to explain some of the terms in this statement:
tblTakenSurveys is where I need the new data to be entered via the subform.
Forms![frmMyFormName]!VisitID is a textbox control bound to a PK in another table that has a one-to-many relationship with tblTakenSurveys.
tblTakenSurveys.ResponseCodeID is a foreign key that represents respondents actual answers to questions.
66 is a value for a ResponseCodeID that stands for a dummy value meaning "data not yet entered"

As per advice I received from others on this forum, I have set a query like the above to run from a command button to populate the subform (in theory). But I'm sure I've done something wrong within the query because it will not return a value from the form "VisitID" control and therefore will not append the rows. Without the appended rows, my subform will not populate. And this has me running in circles...

I pasted the link to another thread below, where I originally received a lot of input as far as the table structure. I did not start this one, but my posts are the most recent (as of now anyway). Pat Hartman had given me a lot of the guidance here.

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Queries :: Pulling Records Based On Date Of Another Record?

Sep 29, 2014

I have a file of transaction history from the accounting system. All of the payroll cash payments are coded as ZG. Payroll accruals are coded as ZC. I need a sum of payroll accruals by department that have the same date or later than the last payroll cash payment. How do I write that query?

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Access 2010 - Pulling TOP / Max Number Of Records User Prompted For Value

Oct 23, 2013

I would like a user to specify the total number of records they need from a query result. The result must be random, therefore cannot filter on any field or data in the table.

On a form, the user enters the total # of records they need and selects a button that executes this:

WHERE DcountRDP.MaxRecords = [Forms]![Open_Frm]![IL]

This is not working at all.

How can I make it possible for the user to enter a total needed or be prompted to enter a total and then randomly produce the first top # of records that they specify?

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Forms :: Continuous Form With Textfields As Records - List Of Years With Totals Of Hours

Jul 1, 2015

I have a continious form with textfields as records. Its about total course hours that are calculated. There is a field in the records that holds and calculates the hourse that one have done and another field that holds the max hours they may follow for one year.

Every record has h different year.

When the amount of hours in the transmission textfield is negative, they can transmit the hours to te next year. Therefore i have to calculate the Max hours per Year + the transmission hours.

So the calculation is not a problem. Though i don't actually know where i can trigger the calculation. I have tried it with a button on the form, but then the user always have to click to see the right amount of hours for the next year. That's not handy. I am looking for a way to automatically calculate the field Max hours per year. Given that the Max hours per year is a bound field, its bound to a table where i stock the Max hours that i have calculated.

I also tried it with the button that's used for inserting new course hours, but then it calculates with the old values instead of the new ones.

How can i trigger the calculation automatically without using a button.

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Queries :: Pulling Records Based On Blank / Non-blank Criteria

Jul 18, 2013

I have a couple different reference files that get updated each week. Sometimes there are missing data elements, so I'd like to structure a select query to show me those records that have blank elements but I'd like the similar records to be pulled in as well, so I can make a determination as to how to populate the blank records..

See attached example: I have a client ID reference table that gets populated with forecast owner names (individuals responsible for the customer) from a couple of different sources. Sometimes there are names attached and sometimes the field is blank.

How can I structure a query to show me just those Client ID's that have multiple entries with blank AND non-blank forecast owners? I'd also like to exclude single/multiple records where there are only blank records...

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Pulling Field Data From Another Records Field?

Feb 3, 2012

I need filling in field information. I have all records of people in one table, and for all persons i have Fields A B C and D. For PersonA I want to have FieldA and FieldB be tailored to that person, but FieldD to be pulled from PersonB's FieldB when PersonB's FieldA Value is typed into PersonA's FieldC.
If it makes it easier, I want A Record to show

A:PersonA's FieldA,
B:PersonA's FieldB,
C:PersonB's FieldA,
D:PersonB's FieldB

when PersonB's FieldA is manually entered into PersonA's FieldC.

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Can I Add Some Hours To Now() ?

Jun 26, 2005

I am using the now() function in my date_added field.
My site is GMT based but my server is in the US and is returning the date added as 6 hours before which does not look good on the site ...

Is there a way to add 6 hours when the timestamp is being added ?( now() +6hrs ) for example...

Or can I add 6 hours to a time stamp on read back? If so how can I add this in clasic asp?

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Pulling Data Out

Nov 7, 2005

I have a member roster. I have members who have attended. How do I subtracta list of those who have attended from the roster to find those who havent attended. The only way I know those who have attended is by their sign in date.

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Pulling My Hair Out

Dec 28, 2006

I have created several Queries and I would like to have a column that numbered the results. I have looked all over saw a couple of samples but havent had any luck. Anyone have any suggestions. Thanks for your help and have a good New Year.

Just to clarify basically this is what I need. Loan Number is the Primary key.

# Column Borrower Loan Number
1 smith 123456
2 jones 023567
3 jang 102569

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Pulling No Data

Dec 28, 2006

How could I pull in someone when they do not have data?

There is a name table and data table. My goal is that when I run a parameter query if someone does not have data for that time period to have that name pulled in so that eventually a report could be generated stating there is no data for this person for the time period.

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Pulling Last Record

Aug 2, 2007

I'm trying to figure out how I can pull the most recent entry in a table for each of the properties in our database. Let me give you some background. This access database is used to format reports from an SQL database - all of the tables are linked and all of my other reports work great except for the one I'm trying to create from a table that gets updated every day by way of a stored procedure that runs every night on the SQL server. In my mind this shouldn't make a difference and I should be able to select whatever data I want from this table/query based upon whatevery criteria I want. The field in the table I'm trying to use is a "date stamp" of when it was updated via the stored procedure. I want the last entry made for each property so I selected "last" as the criteria which should get me approx. 20 lines - one for each property. But when I use this I still get back multiple entries for each property. This seems like it would be easy to do but everything I try doesn't seem to work.

That's why I've turned to the experts here for help.


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Pulling My Hair Out...

Feb 6, 2008

I'm certainly not new to Access, but this is the first time encountering a problem like this. I have a table with 3 Field Names, [Return], [Header] and [Date]. An example table looks like so..

Return Header Date
1 | 10 | 1/1/2007
2 | 10 | 3/1/2007
3 | 10 | 5/1/2007
13 | 20 | 6/1/2007
14 | 20 | 7/1/2007

I need to take to have group the Header's together, for instance 10, and have it return the [Date] for whichever line has the lowest [Return] value. I just can't figure out how to do it. Any help or insight would be GREATLY appreciated. I'm 90% done with the project, and this last part will seal the deal.

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=Date() Not Pulling Nothing!

Oct 31, 2006

I have a field that is updated with =Now()
now when I try to run a regular query with the criteria being

I get nothing
And the "=" is always disapearing out of the query.
I dont know what is going on. I got the field set up in the table section as a date field with short format.

Can somone please tell me what I am doin wrong when I have followed instructions up to this point....

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Pulling Up A Query With ASP

Mar 11, 2007

Hi, I was wondering if someone could check this code over. I am trying to pull a query (titled: Codes_+_Conduct:_General)which was already created in Access. Here's the code: (the red is where the error message I get is)

Set objCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objCon.Open connectionstring
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strQuery = "SELECT * from Codes_+_Conduct:_General order by subject asc"
objRS.Open strQuery, objCon
IF rs.EOF Then
Response.Write("<tr><td colspan = 3>No Tips</td></tr>")
Do While not rs.EOF
x = x + 1

<strong>Q</strong> <%=replace(rs("question"),vbcrlf,"<BR>")%>
<strong>A</strong> <%=replace(rs("answer"),vbcrlf,"<BR>")%>

End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set objCon = Nothing


The error message I receive is:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in FROM clause.

/faqs2.asp, line 13

If anyone could offer me any help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

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How To Keep Track Of Hours?

Feb 5, 2005

Hi, I am trying to figure out a way to keep record of store hours, and days open for lots of different restaurants. The only thing I could up with is the following. I'm not sure how to keep track of store hours, or even the best way to make a table for hours. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

RestaurantID (pk)




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Multiplying Hours Help

Sep 13, 2005

I've searched and searched to no avail to find the answer, hopefully you can help.

The story is:

At work, our holidays are now taken as hours off. For example...if I take a Monday off, its 8hrs and 5 min and a Monday morning would be 4hrs and 5 min...What I want to do is calculate how many hours I have taken off throughout the year.

The way I was going to do it was:

Create Table called Times,

Fields = Week, Day, Morning, Afternoon, Friday and 1hour all Data Type "Date/Time"

Week = 37hrs, Day = 8hrs 5min, Morning = 4hrs 5min, Afternoon = 4hrs, Friday = 4hrs 40min, and 1hour = 1hr.

Then create another table called Hol Booking

Similar field names Wk, Days, Morn etc. They would be Data Type "Number"

Now in my simple head, I thought I could simply record how many weeks or days off i had off. Then create a query (for example) Week*Wk to calculate the amount of hours I had off.
In simple terms if I had 2 weeks and 2 days off, the query would multiply Week (37) by Wk (2) and Day (8:05) by Days (2), giving a total of 90 hrs and 10 min.

I know there is a datatype mismatch, but is there a way round this.

Thanks for listening

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Figure Hours

Oct 21, 2005

I have a query in which I need to display just the data that was entered from 9:00 p.m. the previous day until now. There is a date/time field called "QtyTime".


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Check To See If 72 Hours

Nov 21, 2007

I have an access table, and there is a field called user_time. Once a user record has been inserted, it puts a timestamp on this field, to record the date/time the record was saved to the database.

Now I need to write a query to check if it has been 72 hours since the insertion of the user into the database. This will exclude weekends.
If a record was inserted on a Friday, on Monday it will not be 72 hours, as weekends are not taken into account only weekdays. So Monday will only be 24 hours since the user was added.

Please can you help me with this.

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Totalling The Hours

Aug 11, 2006

Hi, I have been looking for some answear, but haven't find the proper one!!
I have a form containing a number of records showing the hours worked in format HH.MM at the end of the form I have the sum of the hours, but the result is not correct.
To make it simple to understand, actualy the total of hous for 11.55 and 11.14 gives me the result of 22.69 but the correct result should be 23.09 (23h and 09m and not 22h and 59m)
How can I get the right total???

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