Number Of Records Found

Mar 23, 2006

A form i have gains its records from a query. I know that the number of records found is displayed down the bottom, but is it possible to have a text box displaying this, so i can choose where on the form i have it?


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Displaying Message If ID Number Is Not Found

Apr 11, 2005

Dear All:

I am using a combobox to search for students by their STUDENT_ID.

I wish to display a message "STUDENT NOT IN DATABASE" if the ID number is not in the database when it is typed in.

Here is the code I am using:

Private Sub Combo801_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Dim rs as object

Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[STUDENT_ID] = & Str(Nz(Me![Combo801], 0))
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub

Any ideas where to place this message?

Many thanks,


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Forms :: Getting Records On Start And End Date / Error - No Records Found

Jun 27, 2013

I am trying to get the records on start and end date, still showing error no records found.

My code is like this:

Private Sub Command90_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strReport As String
Const strcJetDate = "#dd/MM/yyyy#"


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Modules & VBA :: Finding Number In String - If Found Function Is True

Apr 17, 2015

Have a strings like this



Is there any possibilites to write a function which find number in string, even if some part (between ";" and ";") has number and text (like 762c)?

if there is number in string then function is true

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Output A Zero When No Records Are Found...?

Jun 15, 2005

Hey everyone,
Even though I'm going to feel like a moron for not knowing this I'm hoping there is a simple answer. I'm far from a master at access, and seem to be having a little trouble when it come to formatting the output of my query. I have a database made the keeps track of about 200 hundred crime reports. I want to be able to do a query that will output the 15 possible crimes as rows, and then have 4 columns which are the locations of where the crimes happened. And then for the results have how many of crime where commited there. Pretty much in an excel format (see below example). However there are some crimes that have never happened. So there are no records of them. Unfortunatly when i do my query since there are no records, they are not even listed. I need them to list the crime, and place zeros if there are none. Since this probably isn't to clear I'll put a little example below.


Robbery: 4 on campus, 5 off campus, 6 in city, 0 in apartments
Rape: 0 on cmpus, 3 off campus, 4 in city, 0 in apartments
murder: 0 on campus 0 off campus, o in city, 0 in apartments

When i do my query it looks like this

*********On Campus****Off Campus****In City

Rape********************3 ***********4

*Notice it doesn't even list the apartments since there are no records that match, the same with murder.

I need the output to look like this:

*****On Campus *****Off Campus ***In City****apartments

Robbery****4 ************ 5********6 ********0
murder *****0*************0 *******0********0

Any ideas? Thanks!

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No Records Found Popup

Feb 10, 2006

I have a database that holds hardware data. It's working fine, but there's a slight itch I'd like to scratch and I'm not sure how.

Very simply, I have a table listing printers. I have a search form with combo boxes called 'cboRoom' and 'cboDepartment'. The room and department fields in the printers table are lookups to a room table and a departments table respectivley.

The search form works fine by using the combo boxes to select a room and/or department, click search, and a query is run using the combo box selections as parameters. The query is also made to show all records if the combo boxes contain null. A form is then displayed with the query results.

Say for example, we have a room called B24. If B24 is selected in the combo box and the query run, I want a popup to appear that says 'No data with these search parameters' if there are no records containing 'B24'.

The search button (which is actually a label for design reasons) on the search form currently does nothing more than this;

Private Sub lblSearch_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPrinters", acNormal
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmPrinterSearch"
End Sub

'frmPrinters' is obviously using the query (qryPrinterSearch) as its recordsource. Obviously, the popup needs to appear as soon as the query has been run, but I'm not sure what code to use or where to put it...

I know I need some sort of (pseudo)

If frmPrinters.cboRooms Is Null
MsgBox "No Data"
Close frmPrinters
Open frmPrinterSearch
End If

Something like that. But obviously I need to do it for both cboRooms and cboDepartments, after the form has attempted to populate itself with data from the query (otherwise it return null values anyway I guess).

Any help with the code and where to put it much appreciated.


Steve Swallow

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Message Box When No Records Found

Jun 7, 2004

I am using a query to search for records and I'd like there to be a message box that pops up on the search page if there are no records found (so the query is empty).
I'm guessing there is a simple solution since I think I just need an "If" statement checking to see if a field in the query is null or not. However, I'm not familiar with Access code and what I've tried so far does not work. Any help is greatly appreciated!
p.s. I am using Microsoft Access 1997...old school...

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Queries :: Records Not Found

Aug 5, 2015

I've created a query with the following SQL:

SELECT Table1.[Material Key], Table1.[Material Name], Table1.[Info]
FROM Table1 INNER JOIN search_MaterialKeys ON [Material Key] = search_MaterialKeys.[MaterialKeySearch];

So at the moment, users paste material numbers in the search_materialKeys table and the query is created with the necessary information. If the number they paste into the search_materialKeys table is not found in Table1 then the query doesnt return anything. I need the query to list all the entered values in the temptable in the query so that users know which of their inputs were not found. Is there any way to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Generate A Msg If Zero Records Found?

Aug 7, 2015

The following is code to open a form and records with a specific date as input by the user:

Private Sub cmdDisplayCovers_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDisplayCovers_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "frmInventory"
stLinkCriteria = "[tblCovers].[Date] = [Forms]![frmCoversByDate]![txtDate]"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
etc. etc.

generate a message to user if no records match the input and then return to the input form. Currently, the form opens even with no records.

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Queries :: Return Result When No Records Are Found?

May 2, 2013

Any way to build something into a sub-query that says 'if no records are found, return '0' or some other string'?

Otherwise is there a way to make a master query ignore sub-queries if they return no records?

Allow me to explain in more detail: I have a series of sub-queries, most of these take the sum of several fields from a number of different tables, and I have a main query which combines all of these, to be used as the basis of a summary report.

These queries aren't a problem, but I have a few other essential queries which take the modal (most common....) entry for fields which aren't numerical. So I can't use the sum function.

Now, if all the sub-queries are working then so does the main query, however if one of them fails to find a result, then none of them show up in the main query. I don't know why.

The issue is that depending on the date range selected, some of the tables targeted by the sub-queries don't have any records at all, so when they are run they return nothing. The sum queries can handle this since they just return 0, but those searching for modal records just find nothing (not 0's and not null fields, just blank across all rows).

Here's an example of my sql statement for the modal queries.

SELECT TOP 1 Trends.Trend AS ModeTboxTalk, "1" AS [Key]
FROM Trends INNER JOIN [Toolbox Talks] ON Trends.TrendID = [Toolbox Talks].TrendID
GROUP BY Trends.Trend, [Toolbox Talks].TrendID, [Toolbox Talks].TalkDate

HAVING ((([Toolbox Talks].TalkDate)<=[Forms]![WeeklyReportSelect]![WeekBox] And ([Toolbox Talks].TalkDate)>[Forms]![WeeklyReportSelect]![WeekBox]-7) AND (([Toolbox Talks].SiteID)=[Forms]![WeeklyReportSelect]![SiteBox]))

ORDER BY Count([Toolbox Talks].TrendID) DESC;

- FYI the weekly select form is where users select the week and site they want to report against. So it would be really peachy if I could tell the above to say something like 'no trend this week' if indeed there were no records.

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SQL SP To Update 2 Records Using A Value Found In A Completly Seperate Table

Nov 9, 2005

OK this may be a bit of a weird one.

Here are my tables:

Table: Relationship
PK: RelationshipID int (Indexed No Dup)
FK: ContactID int (Indexed No Dup)

Table: Contact
PK: ContactID int (Indexed No Dup)
FK: RelationshipID int (Indexed Dup Allowed)

I also have following Local vars:
@Contact1 int
@Contact2 int

How do I create an UPDATE statement that will read RelationshipID in Relationship where Relationship.ContactID=@Contact1 and use it as the value to update the Contact.RelationshipID for all records in Contact where Contact.ContactID = @Contact1 or @Contact2

Hope this makes sense?

Also please let me know if I should post this in the SQL area instead.

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Forms :: DataType Mismatch Or No Records Found Error

Apr 28, 2014

Dim rs As Object
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[OwnerID] = '" & Me![lstUsers] & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark <---- error is here for the datatype mismatch or No record found

OwnerID is a string.

I have tried

rs.FindFirst "[OwnerID] = '" & Me.lstUsers & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

I have tried

Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[OwnerID] = " & Me![lstUsers]
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

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Reports :: Create Message When No Records Found From A Form To Query

Jul 28, 2014

How to create a message when no records are found from a form to a query in the report.

Example; Donations From Great Britain have no records

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Forms :: Total On Report - Count Of Records Found For Each Group

Sep 20, 2014

I have a report which gives me a count of records found for each group

group 1 - 10
group 2 - 13
group 4 - 82

what i want is a total below this - ive looked at calculated controls however cant seem to get it what soever - I've tried likes of =sum([counts])

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Queries :: Make Query Include All Records Even If No Data Found

Jul 10, 2014

I am setting up a database to hold staff details, and would like a query to show each member of staff's total hours and FTE.

Staff name etc is in tblStaff
Staff shift details are in tblShifts linked via staffID

tblShifts will contain details of the shift worked on each day of the week, but the majority of our staff work a standard shift - e.g 8-4, 9-5. Therefore what I wanted to do was in tblStaff set a field named shiftPattern to 1 2 3 or 4. 1 indicating a custom shift, and any other number indicating a set shift defined in a separate table.

The problem I have is that my query only returns people who have details in tblShifts - regardless of their shiftPattern value. If I enter a blank record in tblShifts it will do the above as intended.

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Forms :: Multiple Field Screen Search - MSG Box Not Coming Up If No Records Found

Aug 18, 2015

I have created a multiple field search screen. The script is attached.

I would like to add a MSG Box "No records found" when the user types in information in any field where no records are available.

Just cannot get this working.

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Modules & VBA :: Write A Procedure To Send A Separate Email To Each Store That Contains Records Found In Table 2

Feb 9, 2015

I have two tables

1) has email address, and Store ID
2) has multiple records per store

I need to write a procedure to send a separate email to each store that contains the records found in table 2 ( excel format).

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Modules & VBA :: Enter A Keyword Or Phrase And Search 3 Memo Fields And Filter Records Found

Nov 7, 2013

I am trying to provide the user a custom search feature. They want to enter a keyword or phrase and search 3 memo fields and filter the form base on the records found. they also want to be able to search the whole phrase or any part of the phrase.

I have a like expression for any part of the phrase but I when I set it up for whole phrase it doesn't work. Even if I run a simple query and use

For example: There's an acronym the user is looking for : ACA

If I set my query up like this: [field1] like "*ACA*" or [field2] like "*ACA*" or [field3] like "*ACA*"

it not only finds records with that acronym but it also finds records where that combination is found in a word, for instance vacate.

How can I set up my query to find the whole word?

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Forms :: Auto Generate File Number Based On Number Of Records In Year

Jan 21, 2014

I have a form [IUDATA]

I have a add record button.

I have a date field [DATEIN]

I have a text field [DRPNO]

If the [DPRNO] field is empty, I would like the user to have the [DPRNO] field be automatically populated after the user enters a date.

I'd like the format of [DPRNO] to be "dpr YY-XXX"

YY is the year of the [DATEIN] field and
XXX is number of records in that year.

So for example, if it was the 4th record with a 2013 date the [DPRNO] would be dpr 13-004.

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Report Prints The Same Number Of Times As The Number Of Records

Jul 10, 2006

I've created a report and report has the same number of pages as the number of records that it's displaying.

If there are two records, the report has 4 pages...the first 2 are the actual report and then the other 2 are a copy. If there are 3 records, the report would have 3 copies (...6 pages).

Any idea how to change this so that I have only one copy of the report?

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Records Existing In Main Table Not Found In Temp Table

Apr 11, 2007

Hoping someone can help me with this DELETE query. I have a Main table that's being updated by a Temp table that's an exact copy of the Main table but with a subset of records.

1) Insert records from Temp table NOT found in the Main table - this query I have worked out below - not tested, but the results look correct.

Need Help Here...
2) Delete Records from the Main that are not found in Temp table with an exception...only DELETE records where certain key fields are matching. i.e. If S.CAD_NAME, lngStoreNumber are a match to what's in the Main table. While
Temp table:
lngStoreNumber - CAD_NAME - lngcomponentSerial
1 - "CHK" - a
1 - "STK" - a
2 - "CHK" - a

Main table
lngStoreNumber - CAD_NAME - lngcomponentSerial
1 - "CHK" - a - LEAVE (EXISTS In Both Tables)
1 - "CHK" - b - DELETE (lngStoreNumber & CAD_NAME composite Found /lngcomponentSerial NOT Found in Temp)
1 - "STK" - a - LEAVE (EXISTS In Both Tables)
1 - "RMM" - a - LEAVE (lngStoreNumber & CAD_NAME NOT Found in Temp)
2 - "STK" - a - LEAVE (lngStoreNumber & CAD_NAME NOT Found in Temp)
2 - "CHK" - b - DELETE (lngStoreNumber & CAD_NAME composite Found/lngcomponentSerial NOT Found in Temp)
3 - "CHK" - a - LEAVE (lngStoreNumber = 3 Not in Temp table Subset)

Rule: Only delete the records for a particular CAD_NAME and lngStoreNumber from the Main table leaving all other CAD_NAME/lngStoreNumbers.

I'm running these updates in batches of lngStoreNumber. So the Temp table will only contain subsets of what's to be deleted from the Main table thus the need to link on the key fields only NOT to delete a Subset of lngStoreNumber/CAD_NAME. I think I've tried every possible query that doesn't work.

Here is query #1 to insert records missing from the Main table that exist in the Temp table. I think what I need is a variation of this???
FROM Main AS S RIGHT JOIN Temp AS D ON (S.CAD_NAME=D.CAD_NAME) AND (S.lngcomponentSerial=D.lngcomponentSerial) AND (S.lngStoreNumber=D.lngStoreNumber)
WHERE S.lngcomponentSerial is null AND S.CAD_NAME is null AND S.lngStoreNumber is null;


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Forms :: Limited Number Of Records In Continuous Form / But Now Can't Add Records

Mar 22, 2013

One shows my form with the Transporters Subform with 3 entries, and 1 entry.The three line items that say "Transporter" are in one subform. I used this code

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount >= 3 Then
Me.AllowAdditions = False
End If
End Sub

to limit the number of records I can add to 3 or less.My issue is that I lost the blank text box that allows you to add another record. So, if I only have one Transporter listed, there's no box to let me add a second or third.I have the following properties for the Transporters Subform set to "Yes":

Data Entry
Allow Additions
Allow Deletions
Allow Edits
Allow Filters

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Appending Records With A Desired Auto Number In A Table With Auto Number

Oct 26, 2005

Here is my issue. In a table with an Auto Number index some records have been deleted. I have been able to recreate them along with their original auto number. The problem is that I do not know how to append these records forcing the original auto number. I have tried changing the auto number field to a number field in the table, this works except I cannot change it back to auto number.

I am sure I’m not the first with this question or issue. I did search through a couple hundred entries about auto number before I posted this question.


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Maximum Number Of Records

May 3, 2006

hi all,

This is general question only. How many number of records that Access can handle as a maximum records?
Or it only depend on size limit (4GB)???

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Limit On Number Of Records?

Mar 10, 2008

Is there a limit on the number of records you can have in an access database? I've got one with 8500 records and it's been a PITA! I have a webpage on our intranet so users can go and enter their information to it, and they get a nasty error whenever they try to enter information. I'm trying to figure out why and i was just wondering... i know it's not the webpage because when i connect it to my test database it works fine? so i dunno :confused:

any help is greatly appreciated!!

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Limit Number Of Records....

Mar 29, 2005

Hi All.
Is it possible to limit the number of records in a form, to a number given in a linked form.

For Example.



I would only want the number of records in tblB to be the same as No_Of_Houses in tblA.
I have seen previous threads where you can limit it to a number, but do not know where to go from there.

Can anyone help?



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